fl- I 7/1:/7 MEMORANDUMOF UNDERSTANDING betweenthe LINCOLN POLICEDEPARTMENT and the NEBRASKADEPARTMENTOF MOTOR.VEHICLES Parties I. This Memorandumof Understanding(MOU)is an agreementbetweenthe LincolnPolice Department(LPD), and the Departmentof Motor Vehicles(OMV), hereinafterthe Parties. The purposeof this MOU is to specifythe terms and conditionsfor LPD access to and use of the Facial Recognition System (FRS) to carry out functionsof the LPD. II. Purpose This MOU is intended to enhance law enforcementand the working relationshipbetween the LPD and the DMV Driver and VehicleRecords Divisionto assist those individualswho are victimsof identity theft and for investigationof criminalactivity using imagesand signatures stored in FRS. Authorized employeesof the LPD and the OMV will carry out the requirements oftheMOU. m. Legal Authority The statutes provided for in this MOUinclude, but are not limited to, the following: Nebraska Revised Statute § 60-484.02; Unifonn Motor Vehicle Records DisclosureAct, Nebraska Revised Statutes §60-2901through60-2912. This MOU shall be int.erpretedto incorpo~e any amendmentsto the above statutes by the Nebraska Legislatureas may be applicableduring the term of the MOU. m. Implementation A. TheLPD: 1. Agrees to restrict the acc~s to the DMV FRS imagesto two employeesof the LPD and to provide the OMV with the name, address,and contact informationfor these employees. Access to and use of imagesand signatures of individualsstored in DMV databases shall be used solely to carry out the purposes of this MOU as assigned by the DMV to LPD pursuant to the tenns and conditionsof this MOU. Any access, disclosure, or use of any image or signature for any other purpose beyondthe terms and conditions of this MOU is prohibitedand shall be considereda breach of the MOU. 2. Agrees to make no facial recognitioncomparisonrequest except for a case being investigatedand /or prosecutedin a criminalmanner. 3. Understandsthat the FRS results providedby the DMV are to assist in furthering an ongoing investigationor criminalmatter and cannot be used as the sole reason for arrest. 1 ------------------------------· . Nebraska DMV 103487 - -- - GULaw Privacy FR Jarvis, Kenny From: Sent Baylor, John Thursday, March 02, 2017 2:46 PM LPD1178@lincoln.ne.gov To: Cc: Subject: Jarvis,Kenny Attachments: 0531_001.pdf Facial Recognition MOU JJ, Here's the MOU extension. Let me (and Kenny} know what happens. John Baylor, Attorney Department of Motor Vehicles 402-471-3870 1 Nebraska DMV 103488 GULaw Privacy FR .....,\ 4. Agreesto adhere to the requirementsof Neb.Rev. Stat. §60-484.02and §60-2901through 60-2912and agrees that no employee,contractor,or agent ofLPD sha11allow disclosure of images and signaturesexcept to federal,stateor local law enforcementagencies or a certified law enforcementofficeremployedin an investigativepositionby a federal state, or local agency for the pwpose of carryingout the functions of the agency or assisting anotheragency in carrying out its functionsor as otherwise may be authorizedby action of the Nebraska Legislature. 5. Agreesto enforce all applicablelaws and securityprotocols for handlingand processing ofimages and signaturesaccessedpursuantto this MOU to prevent any access, use, or disclosureother than as provided in this MOU. · B. The DMV agrees to: I. Providetwo FRS and VPN user IDs and passwordsto be used to access images and signaturesin the FRS for the sole use of the two identified employeesof LPD referred to in paragraph Ill, A, 1 above. 2. ProvideLPD with access to FRS and the available DMV images and signatures subject to the conditionsof this MOU. 3. Provide LPD with the names, addresses,and telephone nwnbers of contact persons within the DMV regarding any questions or problemswhich may arise in connectionwith the FRS. 4. Provideto LPD training and assistancenecessaryto use FRS. IV. Effective Date and Term of the MOU This MOU is effective upon the date the aufu.orizedrepresentativesof both parties have signed the MOU. This MOU shall expire in four years from that date. This MOU may be extended in writing signed by the authoriz.edrepresentativesof both parties for two four-year teans. V. Modification. This MOU may be modified in writing signed by the authorizedrepresentativesof both parties. VI. Costs DMV and LPD will each be responsiblefor costs incurredby the respectiveagency in furtheranceof this MOU. VU. Termination This MOU may be terminatedby either party upon 30 days prior written notice to the other party. DMV may terminate this MOU withoutprior notice if deemed necessarybecause of a requirementofJaw or policy, upon a detenninationby DMV that there has been a breach of this MOU, upon a determinationby DMV that there has been a breach of system integrity or security 2 Nebraska DMV 103489 GULaw Privacy FR by LPD, upon a failure by LPD to complywith establishedproceduresor legal requirements,or for reasons of governmentnecessity. Nothing in this MOU is intended,or should be construed,to create any right or benefit, substantiveor procedural,enforceableat law by any third party against the State ofNebraska, its agencies,officers, or employeesor against OMVor LPD or employeesor officers of OMV or LPD. The foregoingconstitutesthe full agreementon this subjectbetweenthe LPD and the OMV. The undersignedrepresentthat they are authorizedto enter into this MOU on behalf of the Lincoln Police Departmentand the DMV,respectively. 2'.~,/4 Mayor Chris Beutler City of Lincoln Director NebraskaDept. of Motor Vehicles Date 3 Nebraska DMV 103490 GULaw Privacy FR ATTACHMENT ·A" MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Between the LINCOLN POLICE DEPARTMENT and the DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES EXTENSIONI INTRODUCTION This extensionof the above agreementis enteredinto by and betweenthe Nebruka Departmentof Mo1orVehicles(hereinafter..OMV")and the LincolnPoliceDepartment (hereinafter••tPDj. The purposeis to continuethe MOUbetweenthe partiesfirst effectiveon February7, 2013. ]ts purposeis to specify the termsand conditionsfor LPDaccessto and use of the DMVFacialRa:ognilionSyi;t~mlu CWT}' uut funcliunsof lh~LPD. ThiscXlenSion shalltake effectupon February7. 20 l 7 and remainin effect for fouryears or untilamendedor terminatedas providedin the originalMOU. SCOPEOF EXTENSION The MOU is extendedas specifiedin the TERMprovislonabove,pursuantto subsection IV of the originalMOU. All provisionsof the origin.IllMOUshall remainin full forceand effecL EXECUTEDby the duly 11uthorized repremua1ivesof 1hepartieson the dales indicatedbelow. BY: ~/r/2. RhondaLahm,Director State of Nebraska Departmentof MotorVehicles DATE: BY: c.k? Cicyof Lincoln I //144. ,Zol7 •J ~ REVIEWCOMPLEJED 'I Date 1 Nebraska DMV s;,.....-.~ MayorChrisBeutler 103491 ':dt2/,24l/ s~#lr GULaw Privacy FR '. " \l1llllllll Ill lllffl11111 AS0330 Introduce:3-20-17 17R-89 RESOLUTIONNO. A_903 30 1 BE ff RESOLVEDby the City Councilof the City of Lincoln, Nebraska: 2 That Extension 1 to the Memorandumof Understandingbetween the City of 3 Lincoln,on behalf of the Lincoln Police Department,and the Nebraska Departmentof 4 Motor Vehiclesfor the use of the Departmentof Motor Vehicles' Facial RecogniUon 5 System for a four-yearterm, upon lhe terms and conditionsset forth in said Extension1 6 to the Memorandumof Understanding,a copy of which is attached heretomarked as 7 Attachment·A" and made a part hereofby reference,is hereby acceptedand approved 8 and the Mayoris authorizedto execute said Memorandumof Understandingon behalf 9 of the City. 10 The City Clerk Is directed to send an executedcopy of Extension 1 to the 11 Memorandumof Understandingto Tonya Peters,Lincoln Police Department,for 12 transmittalto the NebraskaDepartmentof Motor Vehicles. ~ Introducedby: ~ a.Git AYES:Christensen,Eskridge, Approvedas to Form & Legality: Fellers,OaylorBaird,Lamm, Raybould;NAYS: None; ABSENT:Camp. Approvedthis • ADOPTED MAR 17 2017 BYcnvCOUNCIL Nebraska DMV 103492 GULaw Privacy FR ; . . CITY OF LINCOLN REQUEST FORM SUbmilone orlglnal to CityClerk REQUESTFOR (plesae checkone}: _ ORDINANCE.:!... RESOLUTION TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK DESIREDDOCKETDATE:3113117 BILLI: REQUEST MADE SY: MicheleSalvage DATE: INTRO: DEPARTMENT: Pollca P.H.: EMERGENCYMEASUREREQUIRED: I No Ves IF EMERGENCY, GIVEREASON(SeeArt. S, Sec.2 of Charter): DIRECTOR'SEST'DTIMEITESTIMDNY, plelN checkone: ..f_ o - No Hearing(ConsentAgenda) 1 • Shott _ 2 • Average _ 3 - long REASONSOR JUSTIFICATION FORPROPOSEDLEGISLATION: Approvalof extensionof Memorandumof Understandingbetweenthe State of Nebraska Depar1mentof Motor Vehicles and City of Lincoln,Police Department,for the use of OMV'sFacial RecognitionSystem.The extensionis for four years there is still one option to renew. Original MOU was approved under resolutionA87197 2/4113and signed by Mayor2/7/13. Send executedcopy back to Michele Selvageto get to NE OMV. FJteo MAR l 02011 DOESReQUESTORWISHTO REVIEWAND APPROVETHJSORDINANCEPRIORTO ITS INTROOUCTION? _ DOES _ DOESNOT ) ·8-1'4DATE TO BE USEDBY THEFJNANCEDEPARTMENT BUDGETREVIEW: DATE: ACCOUNTNUMBER AND APPROPRIATEBALANCES: DATE: FUND AVAILABILITY APPROVED DATE: 3-{Q~I~ DATE Nebraska DMV 103493 GULaw Privacy FR .. .. • BILL NUMBER: City CouncilIntroduction: I 'ZB'd''t PubDcHearing: DateFactshaetPrepared: 3/8117 FACTSHEET l!!!drucUons;If a questiondoes not apply,just put ·NA·. Pleasetry to keep It to ONE page only. Submitone original, with your RequestForm, to City Clerk. !ll.bii MOUextensionwith OMV BOARD/COMMITTEE: AfPIJCANT: UncornPolice Department RECOMMENDATION; iIAfE OTHER DEPARTMENTS NIA SPONSOR; Lincoln PoliceDepartment OPPONENTS; NIA AFFiCIEPi RECOMMENDATION: REASONFORLEGISLATlON Approvalof extensionof Memorandumof Understandingbetweenthe State of Nebraska Departmentof Motor Vehicles and City of Uncofn. Police Department,for the use or OMV'sFacial RecognitionSystem.The extension Is for four years there is still one option to renew. Original MOU was approved under resolutionA87197 2/4/13and signed by Mayor 2fl/13. OJSCUSSlONI FIHQINGSOF FACT! poucy OR PROGRAMCHANGE: _ Yes _LNo OPERATIONALIMPACT ASSESSMENTiNone COST OFTOTAL PROJECT: NJA RELATED ANNUAL OPERATING CQSJ§iNIA SOURCEOFFUNDS:N/A ~NIA ~ON CITY;NIA FACJ:SHiEJ PREPAR§D BY;MichaleSelvage REVIEWED BV; TonyaPeters Nebraska DMV DATE;318/17 ~318117 103494 GULaw Privacy FR