Terri L. Albertans: Director Brian Sandoval Governor WC '0 Department ofMotor Vehiciee 555 Wright Way Carson City, Nevada 89711-0900 Telephone {775) 68441549 April .11, 2016 To Whom it MoyCoriCem: The Department of Public: Safety, Nevada Threat Analysis Center is authorized, pursuant to NRS 481.063, to disseminate Nevada Driver?s License photographs to out of state law enforcement agencies and other criminal jostiCe agencies for law enforcement purposes oniy. The NTAC is required, pursuant to NRS keep "and maintain a record of eech person/few enforcement entity to whom the photogra?ph'is provided and the purpose foi' We the person/law enforcement entity will uSe the photograph. Pursuant to thesa'm'e statute, this record must be maintained fare period of fiveIS) years from the date of dissemination. The D'MV're'qoests the NTAC iabei each photograph with the foiiowing instruction: ?This Nevada Driver?s License photograph is to be used for few enforcemeo't'purposes oniy, Use ofa Nevada Driver's License photograph for any other purpose is prohibited and constitutes a criminal offense.? Sincerely, I (Qier WMAVSW Terri L.- Alberts'on Director Nevada DMV 112350 Privacy FR