201912003415 .. 033 AU 1 115 111.3 116-119] 51111111113111: In 'l'?slify ?ct'orv .1 Gran-.1 1.115 1115111151) STATES DISTRICT C011 for {he 311111110111 District of inciiana "1?135'1?11311? BEFORE A GRAND .11 FRY 1?01 Indiana Virtual Schmi?ndiana ?31sz 1543 Acadenw do Bulroughs. registered agent 5111} 13 96111 Street. Suites 180 and 401'} Indianapolis. 1N 46240 YOU COMMANDED 10 appear in this 1 :11th States district court at 111':- Iim'c. dam, and place 311mm bdou 101c51115 be fore 111.: cuurt . 13311111115. \1 1m: 5011 mun until [11.2.111de or 11mm 011mm 1.1101155011101635?1?2. Indianapo?is Griz-13(1? 311R, 5 ~16 E2151 Ohio gDatc and 'E'imc: 1 Room 459 August 6.. 2019 9:00 am. Endianapolix 1351 46204 Mace: 3?01} MUST 3.150 bring 15111150111115-101101511113 documents alectronicaliy s1ored in1mmzziion 01 objects (blank 11 not applicabic}: Sac Subpoena 1n E1uuniac1uui .zppeurmuc 1: {3rn11d.1?1r5 5111111135 5'111113113r115'51.1111: 5.11.1.? right pas-1.11.1115 we? 11? 1 and; and reques: a Special 1111.11.53 CLhiiM} 11m 1.: present 10 the Grand Jun 1 .1..un wmpiu: 1111: 1 uni?cation mm. and 1.1mm: 111110.111 01'111195133111011 ANN: 1131111135 11835 K1211. eru-ay Indianapulis. 46251} .1 17?1145-2329 Fax: .11 1544-11105. Date; July 12. 2019 13%? 1: #ch-ER? 39'? 131111.131 131121. D1511ictC0ur1 515111111111' wk 0) 111,91?: (Mk i 1118 name. address. email, and nun?mr ?the ?nned States Attorney. {mired States Attorney. wim requests this subpoena. are: Cindy 1.010 5111162100 1nd1anapu?is. 1N 46211-1 3172366333 (1111151710111 usdojgm' ATTACHMENT TO SUBPOENA NUMBER 2019R0ll346~033 TE): Indiana. Virtual School! lndiana Virtual Pathways Academy o/o 'l?homas Burroughs, registered agent 500 96?" Street, Suites 180 and 400 Indianapolis, IN 46240 DOCUMENTS REQUESTED - Student tiles for all students currently and previously enrolled at lndiana Virtual School and Indiana Virtual Pathways Academy, including transcripts and diplomas; - Any and all records ofattendancc, course participation, or student presence at lndiana Virtual School and Indiana Virtual Pathways inc loding records submitted to and maintained on edincntumcom and agilixbuzzcom; List identifying all vendors who provided services to Indiana Virtual School and Indiana Virtual Pathways Academy to include businesses, nonprofits, and individuals; All contracts-between lindiana Virtual Scliool/lndiana Virtual Pathways Academy and vendors that provided services to include businesses, nonprofits, and individuals; All receiptsr'invoices provided by vendors who provided services to Indiana Virtual School and lndiana Virtual Pathways Academy; - Bank account information to include account number and bani; routing number for all payments to vendors who provided services to lndiana Virtual School and lndiana Virtual Pathways Academy; All school board meeting notes and school board meeting summaries for Indiana Virtual School and inclined Virtual Pathways Academy; - All forms/correspondence submitted to Daleville Community Schools, lndiana Department of liiducation and the United States Department of Education relating to the enrollment'of students, justi?cation of grants, and/or Special education funding; Any and all records from parents/guardians/students or other educational institutions relating to student emollment and attendance, and including communications and enrollment applications; Any and all records relating to recruitment ol?stndents? including the following; 0 Any documents relating to compensation tied to recruitment; Any completed or incomplete enrollment forms; 0 Any computer programs or docisments relating to enrolling, students; An 2' and all of the following items relating to lndiana Virtual School and Indiana Virtual Pathways Academy: 0 Any and all documents and records relating to incorporation and corporate governance, including but not limited to articles or certi?cates of incorporation or organization, by- laws} and organizational charts; 0 Any and all documents and records showing any and all ownersliip?intcrests of the business entities; Any'and all documents and records relating to current and former employees, including any and all personnel infonnation, names and identifying information, payroll records, and training records; .. Any and all communications with. the following individuals: (2 Thomas Stoughton Merle Bright 0 if'you have knowledge ofany documents that woufd be responsive to this Subpoena, but has been lost, destroyed, redacted, or discarded, you shail identify the document to-ihc extent possibie, and provide an expianation of?the Eoss, destruction, redaction, or discarding, including identi?cation ofeach person authorizing or having knowiedge of the loss. destination, redaction, or discarding. Please supply requested information in eiocironio format. You may cemply with this request by sending the documents to the following: Federal. Bureau of Investigation SA Matthew VanDevende-r 8825 Nelson B. Klein Parkway Indianapolis, IN 46250 Phone: 317~845?2329 Fax: 317w84S?4805 2019ROD346 - 033 INDIANAPOLIS TO REJLES 803(6) AM.) 9020 t) OF THE FEDERAL RULE-S 0F AND 28 1746 Pursuant to 803(6) and 902(1 1) of?the Federal Rulers and subject to the pcnaitics for perjury under 28 1746. I hereby certify. to the best .(tt?my knuwledgc information. and belictl that: I. My name is; I am a United States Citizen and am over'e?ghteen years of age. I am the custodian of records of the business named below or am otherwise quati?ed as a :?esuft ofmy position with the business to act in the capacity of a custodian t?'rccords. I t?eceivcd the aboxscweferenccd United States District Court Subpoena requesting speci?ed records of the business. Attached hereto an: the records responsive to subpoena. 3. Pursuant to Ruics.803(6) and 902(1 1) vt?the Federal Ruics Evidence, I hereby certify that the records attached hereto: A, Were made at ur near the time ot?the occurrence ot?the matters set age of thosc ?vu forth in the records, by or from transmitted by, a person with knowied matters; E3. Were kept in the course ofthe rcguiarty conducted business activity ot?the *Reccrd? inctudes a ?memotandum. report record. or data in any form, of acts. events. conditions, Quintana, or diagnoses." Fed??vtd. 8036)., ?Business? Includes ?bus?ness. institution, associahbn. profession. Docupation, and cafling; of every kind; whether or not conducted for profit?? Fed.R..Ev?dt 303(6). 2019R00346 - 033 business; and ?-3321: made by the rcguiariy conductu? buxincss activity :15; a r?cguhir practice ni'ihe bus?ncss i dcciarc under penalty of'pcrjury mat this: {bregoing is true. and correct. Executed this of 301 (signature of declaram) name and title of dcclarant} (name of business) (bun?iness address and tciephonc number) Subscribed and sworn to before me, a notary public. on this WW day Notary Public My Commission I-prircsz My County of Residence: