. . m5! . swank?: .m-M . wra? . TAB of arm?3 AND 1. Do not use true names of agents or deep cover personnel. 2. Use or pseudos of above only if they add something essential to the history. If it-is essential to the understanding of an hiStorical study to name an individual in whom we have or had an operational interest, use his pseudo, or give it as IDEN A, B, etc. Then, in a separate paper, these and/or IDENS may be identified. In an instance where there have been changes of pseudonyms, etc., the separate paper would give all used for the same individual. 3. Ensure that histories contain no irrelevant or unnecessary mention of "embarrassing incidents." By this is meant that historical papers should contain no gratu? itous reference to incidents that would be personally embarrassing to CS officers, or officers of other government agencies, or unflattering statements about other USG agencies or personnel. The only exception to this provision is if the incident is essential to the understanding of the activities of a particular station or area division. If a Approved For Release 2000/08/17: CIA- RDP83- 0W 100015- 3 annraainun? 2900108] '7 .u . SECRET given incident is so adjudged, extreme care will be vexercised in ensuring that it is treated in the most objec? tive language possible. 4. CSHB 5-13il Chapter 111 paragraph 1 uses the language should be used to designate sensitive Operations, agents, and Of course, all operations, agents, and organizations are sensitive, so rthis wording may need clarification. To do this, let us put it this way: A. Never use the true name of an agent. This includes Contract Agents, Career Agents, and Staff Agents.. Use or pseudos. B. In following the caveat in A above, it is . obvious that you will have to use identifying verbiage. 25X1A I . occasionally, such as chief of the local security - 31 ;[Ja37, service," which, of course, compromises the If This is, and always has been, a perplexing problem, and in my experience there is no pat solution to the problem, but you are on safe ground if you follow the guidelines listed above. 5. Historical officers must consider themselves to g_ have the same responsibilities as releasing officers. In other words, when an HO has completed his work on the final - . 7 00/0811? 7 ?7 Approved For Release 20.7 r. ?sci-4a - ?we. - - For Ii?le game/051173 I as a: i? . ,P?Hm?.whw .. .. . draft of an historical paper, he should Sign the cover sheet. He will determine, and by his signature, certify that the paper is consistent with operational and security considerations pertinent to the subject matter. 3 . oApiproVed For Release 2000/0311? 7