' Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 06/05/2019 1:12:34 AM .'A?/ WiA I atft gas rtf 1 r <* AMAZONAS % * GOVERNO DO ESTADO SB Ss "V r- £ ?>4fl is ir / 'sC. . I -s ft s S 1 • ' r : * 04*8 4 Challenges and Opportunities F \ \ X /Tv N K * / r * .A r ■ r i >» ✓ ❖ 8 4 I, ‘ * aI 4 k I ■ i(i n II 1-lXA Si lAS f *; *’ U ■" \r* \u It \ » ' 31 A- !l iv: ir, f4 rj CM Iff :TJ f MUiUgrwrKEar ap * A A fh 1 «0 _ 7L fm a Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 06/05/2019 1:12:34 AM ii Py. 5£ * % ✓ X Aa «* Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 06/05/2 19 12 34 AM f T, .* .5 ^ ■ TOE *- i! VENEZUELA K ' I, < iZ£, Ml / (Wu ** TJ ____ - * W. HDI:0.674 (2010) (Manaus 0.737) GDP: USD $ 29.2 Billion (Manaus USD $22.8 Billion) GDP Per Capita: USD $ 7,184 (Manaus USD $ 10,721) Gini Index: 0.67 (2010)................................................ (Manaus 0.61) rs * "T- ^ ..'A-A * -w W r ■ ' *>: *5. - • * *? * 50 **£A X V* va L, -.1 V. V Fresh Water: > 17% of world availability rjar ;■-*** j- ;k. ' t. > 10,000 miles of water ways "A * V V^v‘ * «r ;v ^ mi // . * / Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 06/05/2019 1:12:34 AM t Received by NSD/FARA Registration Uni Main Economic Activity w2SrT bL i U' y i • Manaus Free Zone • Incentivized area (Federal and State Government) • Over 400 Companies - multinational, national and local • Annual Gross Revenues: 2018: USD $ 25.35 Bi 2017: USD $ 25.69 Bi • Number of Job Positions: 88,000 • Main Segments: • Motorcycles • Electronics, mainly cellular phones, computers and high end TV Sets • Concentrates for soft drinks • Optical lenses • Supporting activities (metallurgical, plastic injection, etc.) \ These activities help to protect our forest! Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 06/05/2019 1:12:34 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 06/05/2019 1:12:34 AM Manaus Free Zone in Numbers -2018 Incentivized area (Federal and State Government) 5,26% 6,09% 28,27% 6,19% 6,93% 11,88% Job Positions: 87.795 Companies: 469 Segments: 21,39% 13,98% 25 Annual Gross Revenues LsH 2018: USD $ 25.35 Bi 2017: USD $ 25.69 Bi Eletro-eletronic Two Wheels Mechanical Thermoplastic Technology Chemical Metallurgical Other N & Source: COISE/CGPRO/SAP-SUFRAMA Available in: Indicadores de Desempenho do Polo Industrial de Manaus ft These activities help to protect our forest! Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 06/05/2019 1:12:34 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 3M Faber-Castell since 1761 ASS flex 1:12:34 AM ambev llll HARLEY-DAVIDSON TP (& LG Electronics SONY 06/05/2019 POSITIUO INFORM ATICA , J UNICOBA YAMAHA technicolor Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 06/05/2019 1:12:34 AM P&G eceived by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 06/05/2019 1:12:34 AM Economic activity concentration in the Capital Logistics and infrastructure r.f« r. Potable water and sewage r* f ti* f. Electrical Power Availability ft ft Internet availability for Remote Education and Health Programs L-J Border Protection 3 I Ensure Forest Conservation ■ A/. H v Ay--- r •: > * hu 4 iTV A A 'A a.i' Vv:V -- - & ffe m4 y i_ * ■fl w ^si!ks VJ x«* @r 7 " viiV m. 4' 4* ftC; . An, A A 3v Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 06/05/2019 1:12:34 AM * Investment Opportunities For All Se-■ * - A I Tourism * Pisciculture (Fish farming) • Bl MS Bio economy 4 V* Digital economy & m Gas Chemical Industry r-. Mining * Agribusiness 3- Naval Construction and Repair £ Creative Economy ^8 7 y- ...aligned with the 2030 Agenda and keeping our deforestation level to less than 4%! - * Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 06/05/2019 1:12:34 AM • i. - > Receive! Projects to be assessed Manaus Port Amazonian Biopolis Tech Park Iranduba Manaus Naval Hub Business, Arts and Cultural Center Downtown Manaus Retrofit Amazonas River and Forest Park ASr. 8 331 W. IbEr? Zi H by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 06/05/2019 1:12:34 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 06/05/2019 1:12:34 AM STATE GOVERNMENT RESPONSIBILITIES Social Assistance r Education (Middle School and Technical) a\w/n 6^71 o tr o TJ Science, Technology and Innovation Mining Development i r Justice & Public Security • Agribusiness t;=Uo) Development v Environmental Protection Health & Sanitary Surveillance State Road Transportation Tourism A UEA __________________ Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit State River Transportation 06/05/2019 1:12:34 AM * Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 06/05/2019 1:12:34 AM H V 1 MY v\Y ■' V. I. V. •l 'k -I V1 m n I l IV A' v.i Together we can create to a better future Thank you S■I ■L Pi I ■WS n.> H iv i 1 ■ ’-i '-A * ■=te * 1 :ri n - V L /05/ r » r by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 06/05/2019 1:12:34 AM '.q MN 3S5 Secretariat of Public Safety er Amazonas State Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 06/05/2019 1:12:34 AM SUMARIO / SUMMARY Objetivos....................................................................................................03 Goals...................................................................................................................... 03 Dimensao Amazonica............................................................................... 04 Amazonian Dimension..........................................................................................04 Dados da Violencia.................................................................................... 06 Violence Data.........................................................................................................06 Informagoes Adicionais............................................................................ 07 Additional Data...................................................................................................... 07 Sistema Prisional....................................................................................... 08 Correctional system.............................................................................................. 08 Diagnostico................................................................................................. 11 Diagnostic.............................................................................................................. U Realidade Atual...........................................................................................12 Reality Actual......................................................................................................... 12 Plano de Agio para Reestruturagao da Seguranga do Amazonas ... 14 Amazonas Security Restructuring Action Plan....................................................14 Polfcia Cientifica e Banco de Identificagao Biometrico................... 14 Scientific police and biometric identification database.............................14 Reestruturagao e Aparelhamento da Polfcia Cientifica ....................15 Restructuring and equipping of the scientific police................................. 15 Banco Digital Biometrico.................................................................... 16 Biometric Digital Database*......................................................................... 16 Avangos e Vantagens.......................................................................... 16 Advances and Vantages*..............................................................................16 Modelos a serem construfdos...........................................................16 Models to be Construction..................................................................... 16 Seguranga nas Fronteiras.........................................................................17 Security in Frontiers............................................................................................. 17 Dificuldade Atuais.......................................................................................18 Current difficulty....................................................................................................18 O que fazer e como fazer.......................................................................... 19 What to do and how to do..................................................................................... ig Delegacia de Combate a Corrupgao e Lavagem de Dinheiro ................20 Corruption and money laundering police station...............................................20 Capacitagao e Treinamento de Policiais do Amazonas ........................21 Professional training of police officers of Amazonas Conclusao...................................................................................................22 Conclusion..............................................................................................................22 21 m ir -• Received b Objetivos / Goals 01 Reestruturagao e Modernizagao da Policia Tecnico-Cientifica e Banco de Identificagao Biometrico. 01 Restructuring and modernization of the scientific police and biometric identification database. 02 Criagao de Delegacia Especializada no Combate a Corrupgao e Lavagem de dinheiro. 02 Creation of a Police Station specialized in combating corruption and money laundering. 03 Seguranga de Fronteira 03 Borders Security 04 Capacitagao e Treinamento para Policiais do Amazonas e Peritos da Polfcia Tecnico- Cientffica por agentes internacionais visando o aprimoramento no combate ao terrorismo, trafico international de drogas e lavagem de dinheiro. >> Criagao de Batalhao Especial no Policiamento de Fronteiras, a ser sediado/AM no municipio de Tabatinga, com uma Companhia Especial de Policiamento destacada, no municipio de Sao Gabriel >> Creation of a Special Battalion of Border Policing, headquartered in Tabatinga/AM, with a Special policing Company headquarted in Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira/AM. for police officers of Amazonas and forensics of the 04 Training Scientific Police by international agents in order to improve the fight against terrorism, international drug trafficking and money laundering. 04 Dimensao Amazonica / Amazon Dimension Localizado na Regiao Norte do Brasil. 1.559.146,876 km2 de extensao It's located in the North Region of Brazil. o o It has an area of 1,559,159.148 km2 Possui a maior floresta tropical do mundo. It has the largest tropical forest of the world. -a Grande parte desta extensao territorial e ocupada por floresta e rios. Most of its area is covered by rivers and forests 98% de area vegetal preservada. 98% of forest coverage is still preserved. Se o Amazonas fosse urn pais, o estado seria urn E o maior estado do Brasil. Supera em dos territorio as regioes Sul e Sudeste do pais. territorial. It is the largest State of Brazil by area. It's larger If Amazonas was a country, it would be one of the 20 largest in the world in territorial extension. than the South and Southwest region of Brazil. o Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 06/05/2019 1:12:34 AM 20 maiores do mundo em extensao 05 Dimensao Amazonica / Amazon Dimension Cerca de * 42.000 km2 " sao areas de conservagao, tutelado pelo governo federal. It has 42,000 km2 areas of conservation, protected by the federal government. Considerado o maior banco genetico do mundo. Considered the largest genetic database in the world. Possui 5 Estados lirmtrofes: Para (PA), Rondonia (RO), Acre (AC), Roraima (RR) e Mato Grosso (MT). It has 5 neighbouring states: Para (PA), Rondonia (RO), Acre (AC), Roraima (RR) and Mato Grosso (MT). 4k A* Manaus e a capital e possui uma extensao de 25.335 km2. Faz fronteira com 3 paises: Venezuela, Peru e Manaus, the capital has an extension of 25,335 km2 Colombia. It borders with 3 countries: Venezuela, Peru and Possui a maior bacia hidrografica do mundo com Colombia. lift A 7 milhoes de km2(20% da agua doce do mundo). Apenas 9% possui acesso por vias terrestres, limitando as alternativas de planejamento e operagoes. Possui mais de 4.080.611 de habitantes Only 9% of the state has access by land roads, limiting the It has more than 4,080,611 million inhabitants alternatives of planning and operations. 21 municfpios do estado estao localizados em faixa de fronteira: 21 counties are located at the borders: O Possui 62 municfpios. O E o mais populoso da regiao norte e o 11 ° do Brasil o o It has the largest hydrographic basin in the world with 7 million km2 (20% of the world's freshwater). It has 62 counties It is the most populous of the northern region and the 11th of Brazil Amatura Guajara Santa Isabel do Rio Negro Atalaia do Norte Ipixuna Santo Antonio do Iga Barcelos Japura Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira Benjamin Constant Jutai Sao Paulo de Olivenga Boca do Acre Labrea Tabatinga Canutama Nhamunda Tonantins Envira Pauini Urucara Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 06/05/2019 1:12:34 AM 06 Dados da Violencia / Data from violence 2006 a 2016 ill: 2000 1500 1000 1175 107,7% 900 650 500 2006 2010 2016 Os indices de homicidios aumentaram de Um crescimento significative de 699 para 1.452 107,7%. Homicide rates rised from 699 to 1,452. A significant growth of 107, 7% v- Colocagao em assassinatos no Brasil 7th place in murders in Brazil Homicidios no Amazonas Homicidios por cem habitantes Murders in Amazonas Murders per hundred inhabitants 10 trimestre de 2019 / 1st quarter from 2019 «E» -5,2% -4,4% -7% -28,5% Lugar em assassinatos na Regiao Norte 3rd place in murders northern region sfF* 1232 28,79 in the m 30,7 CRIMES VIOLENTOS LETAIS INTENCIONAIS HOMICIDIO LATROCINIO MURDER ROBBERY - HOMICIDE LESAO CORPORAL SEGUIDA DE MORTE INTENCIONAL LETHAL VIOLENT PHYSICAL INJURY FOLLOWED CRIMES BY DEATH Homicidios no Amazonas Homicidios por cem mil habitantes ■ 2018 Murders in Amazonas Murders per hundred thousand ■ 2019 inhabitants FONTE/SOURCE: FNSP IPEA FONTE/SOURCE: Secretaria de Seguranga Publica / Amazonas Public Security Secretariat Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 06/05/2019 1:12:34 AM InformaQoes adicionais / Additional Data Orgamento para Seguranga Publica - 2019 Public Safety Budget- 2019 R$ 1,8 BILHOES it/. R$ 1,8 BILLION RS 1,8 Pagamento e encargos / Payroll and charges BILLION. ] Contratos / Contract maintenance Investimento / Investment De todo o orgamento existente para 2019, apenas R$ 10.000,00 ou $ 2.500,00 sao para investimentos Of the entire budget of 2019, only R$10,000.00 or $2,500.00 are for investments pER\CtA I ?0UC1A MMINALI civil. £ ¥ Efetivo atual da Polfcia Militar Current effective of Military Police 7 mil policiais (cinco mil na capital e dois mil homens no interior) 7000 police officers (5000 in the capital and 2000 men inside) inner Cities Efetivo atual da Polfcia Civil Current effective of Civil Police 1.887(distribuidos entre as delegacias da capital e do interior) 1,887 (distributed between the capital and inland police stations) Segundo a Controladoria Geral da Uniao - CGU According to the Comptroller General of the Union-CGU 2,3% do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) brasileiro e consumido pela corrupgao 2,3% of the Brazilian gross domestic product (GDP) is consumed by corruption Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 06/05/2019 1:12:34 AM Dados do Sistema Prisional / 08 Prison System Data Como estao divididos os presos no sistema prisional How are the inmates divided into the prison system Por facgao e crime sexual. Se o preso declara ser integrante de alguma facgao, ele e alojado em um By criminal group and sexual crime. pavilhao onde estao os presos de determinada facgao. Se o preso se declarar nao pertencer a nenhuma facgao, ele e alojado em in a pavilion where the prisoners of his criminal group are. um pavilhao onde os presos nao pertencem a facgoes. a pavilion where the prisoners do not belong to criminal groups. Facgoes existentes no Amazonas If the prisoner declares to be a member of any criminal group, he is jailed If the prisoner declares not to belong to any criminal group, he is jailed in Existing criminal groups in the Amazon Tres facgoes criminosas estao presentes no Sistema Prisional Amazonense: Three criminal factions are present in the Amazonense prison system: • Familia do Norte (FDN) • Familia do Norte (FDN) • Comando Vermelho (CV) • Comando Vermelho (CV) • Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC). • Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC). Estima-se que uma media de 89% dos internos do sistema estao ligados It is estimated that an average of 89% of the system's interns are aos faccionados da FDN. 10% ligados ou convivendo com membros da connected to the FDN group. 10% linked with members of the CV group facgao CV e 1% ligados ou convivendo com internos do PCC. and 1 % linked with PCC group. Deficiencia do sistema System deficiency Superlotagao das unidades prisionais, tendo aproximadamente 7.700 presos Overcrowding of prison encarcerados em todo o Estado para uma capacidade de 3.508 vagas. incarcerated throughout the state for a capacity of 3,508 vacancies. units having approximately 7,700 prisoners Quantidade de presos existentes entre capital e interior e divisao por encarceramento / Number of inmates between capital and interior and division by incarceration CAPITAL Regime (•Vi I [•** U (»Vi Ki [• INTERIOR Masculino/Male 3.174 Feminino/Female 91 Masculino/Male Regime 3.625 (•vi i Feminino/Female 17 u (• vi ki • 472 Fechado/Closed 2.210 69 2.279 Fechado/Closed 260 Semiaberto / Semiopen 1.917 117 2.034 Semiaberto / Semiopen 345 40 385 Aberto / Open 1.109 102 1.211 Aberto / Open 192 54 246 Med. de Seguranga Delegacias do Interior 1345 22 1367 Med. of Security Precints of the interior 2.597 140 2.737 TOTAL 8.419 379 8.796 1. Os numeros de presos entre capital e interior somam 11.533 2.0s presos do regime semiaberto estao no monitoramento eletronico (tornozeleira). Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit TOTAL 267 1 The numbers of prisoners between capital and interior add up 11,533 2.The prisoners of the Semiopen regime are in electronic monitoring (anklet). 06/05/2019 1:12:34 AM Dados do Sistema Prisional / Prison 09 System Data Equipamentos necessarios que ajudariam no controle de presos Necessary equipment that would help in controlling prisoners • Reconhecimento facial • Facial recognition • Leitor Biometrico • Biometric reader • Bloqueador seletivo de telefone • Phone selective blocker • Travas automaticas • Automatic locks • Drones • Drones • CFTV inteligente • Smart CFTV --CCTV Este CFTV Inteligente tern como fungoes a contagem de pessoas, detecgao de movimento, rufdos e de sabotagem. Sua qualidade funcional consegue detectar pessoas atraves do Fleatmap, ou seja, atraves calor humano. Necessidade que o sistema considera urgente para impactar na polftica prisional Uma polftica de conscientizagao nas empresas privadas para aceitagao de presos e egressos no mercado de trabalho visando a ressocializagao. Presidios existentes no Estado do Amazonas Atualmente o Estado do Amazonas possui 11 presidios na capital e 8 no interior do estado. This smart CCTV has the functions of people counting, motion , noise and sabotage detection. Its functional quality can detect people through the Fleatmap, i.e. through human warmth. Necessity that the system considers urgent to impact on prison policy A policy of raising awareness in private companies for the acceptance of prisoners and graduates in the labor market in order to ressocialize. Existing prisons in the state of Amazonas Currently the state of Amazonas has 11 prisons in the capital and 8 in the interior of the state. a % n A I. M 1:12:34 AM'7 i Dados do Sistema Prisional / 10 Prison System Data Presos por Crime/ Prisoners by crime - Interior Presos por Crime/ Prisoners by crime - Capital Trafico de Entorpecentes Drug Dealing 23% Roubo Qualificado Qualified robbery 20% Homicidio Qualificado Qualified Murder Roubo Simples Simple robbery Furto Simples M 7% Simple theft Roubo Qualificado Qualified robbery 6% 5% Posse ou Porte llegal de Arma de Fogo de Uso Restrito illegal gun carrying of restricted use 4% Furto Qualificado Qualified theft 4% 41% Trafico Internacional de Entorpecentes M 7% International Drug Dealing 6% Homicidio Simples Murder Porte llegal de Arma de Fogo de Uso Permitido legal gun carrying of allowed use Trafico de Entorpecentes Drug Dealing Estupro Rape Homicidio Simples Murder ■ 5% Roubo Simples Simple robbery HI 3% Furto Qualificado Qualified theft 4% Robbery Homicide m 3% Homicidio Qualificado Qualified murder 4% Furto Simples Simple theft m 2% Porte llegal de Arma de Fogo de Uso Permitido illegal gun carrying of allowed use Latrocinio Quadrilha ou Bando Gang 2% Latrocinio Robbery - Homicide ■ 1% 1% Lei Maira da Penha - Violencia Contra a Mulher Violence Against Women ■ 1% Receptagao Possession of stolen goods I 1% Posse ou porte llegal de Arma de Fogo de Uso Restrito illegal gun carrying of restricted use ■ 1% Trafico Internacional de Entorpecentes International Drug Dealing I 1% Quadrilha ou Bando Gang ■ 1% Estupro Rape 2 ■ ■ Corrupgao de Menores Child grooming 1% Lei Maira da Penha - Violencia Contra a Mulher Violence Against Women 1% % Estatuto da Crianga e do Adolescente Child and Teenager By-LawAbuse a and sexual assult Receptagao Possession of stolen goods 0/ 0 1 1% Uso de Documento Falso Forgery 0,4% Corrupgao de Menores Child grooming Peculato Pecuniary 0,4% Atentado Violento ao pudor Indecent Assault Estelionato Fraud 0,3% Estelionato Fraud 0,3% Disparo de Arma Fogo Gun shot 0,3% Apropriagao Indebita Misappropiation _ u»1 0 Outros delitos Other crimes Outros delitos Other crimes 15% 500 1.000 1.500 2.000 Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit I 0,6% g 5% ' 6% 250 06/05/2019 1:12:34 AM 500 750 1.000 Diagnostico / Diagnostics Em 2018, o Estado do Amazonas contratou a empresa de Consultoria em Seguranga Publica, Giuliani Security and Safety - GSS, para realizar urn diagnostico de constatagoes e solugoes a fim de melhorar a seguranga e a protegao da populagao amazonense. In 2018, the state of Amazonas hired the company of consultancy in public safety, Giuliani Security and Safety - GSS, to carry out a diagnosis of findings and solutions in order to improve the safety and protection of the Amazonian population. Sua metodologia de analise e diagnostico atuou sobre tres eixos: justiga criminal, sistema prisional e fronteiras. A GSS na apresentagao do seu diagnostico constatou e verificou a necessidade de intensificar solugoes em pontos estrategicos para minimizar, de imediato, a violencia no estado. Assim, sugeriu que: It's methodology of analysis and diagnosis acted on three axes: criminal justice, prison system and borders. 1. Intensificar a Seguranga nas fronteiras, na repressao ao trafico internacional de drogas, por ser urn dos fatores de incidencia da violencia no estado; 2. Capacitar e aperfeigoar a Polfcia Cientffica e criar urn Banco de Identificagao Biometrico, para substanciar a produgao das provas criminais; 3. Combater a Corrupgao e a Lavagem de Dinheiro na regiao; 4. Capacitar e Treinar os Policiais do Amazonas. Diante do diagnostico, a Secretaria de Seguranga Publica resolve atuar conforme as recomendagoes sugeridas por entender que estas agoes vao minimizar os indices de criminalidade atraves de uma repressao qualificada, tecnica e efetiva. Com isto, queremos, ate 2022, chegar com os indices de violencia do estado abaixo da media nacional. The GSS diagnosis has found and verified the need to intensify solutions in strategic points to minimize, immediately, the violence in the state. It suggested that: 1. To intensify security at the Borders and repression of international drug trafficking, because it is one of the factors of the incidence of violence in the State; 2. Train and empower the Scientific Police. Create a Biometric Identification Database to improve the analyzes of criminal evidences. 3. Combat the corruption and money-laundering in the region. 4. Train and empower all the policemen of Amazonas; Given the recommendations suggested by the GSS, the secretariat of public Security understands that these actions will minimize the rates of violence and criminality in the state, through a qualified, technical and effective repression, with this we want, until 2022, We reach the state's violence rates below the national average. Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 06/05/2019 1:12:34 AM Realidade Atual / Current reality 0 Amazonas nao possui rodovias para ligar as fronteiras e a maioria dos municfpios nao possuem linhas aereas regulares, apenas taxi aereo e aeronaves particulares. The Amazonas does not have highways to connect to the borders and most counties do not have regular airlines, only air taxi and private aircraft. 0 Peru e a Colombia produzem cocaina e usam os rios da Amazonia para suas atividades transfronteiriga. Peru and Colombia produce cocaine and use the Amazon rivers for their cross-border activities. A ausencia de meios para acesso e enfrentamento, como lanchas blindadas, helicopteros, Aviao Anfibio ou Terrestre e armamento, alem de OVN, dificultam a operacionalidade para reprimir os narcotraficantes da regiao. The absence of means for access and confronting , such as armored boats, helicopters, amphibious or terrestrial aircraft and weaponry, in addition to OVN, hinder the operationality to repress narco-traffickers in the region. A Seguranga Publica nao possui equipamentos de tecnologias modernos para monitorar traficantes e acompanhar as embarcagoes usadas para o trafico. Public Safety lacks modern technology equipment to monitor drug dealers and accompany the vessels used for trafficking. Por causa da ausencia de urn efetivo permanente de policiais nas regioes de fronteiras e necessario a construgao de urn Batalhao Especial de Policiamento de Fronteira, na sede do municfpio de Tabatinga, e a construgao de urn Pelotao de Policiamento Especial de Fronteira, destacado na sede do municfpio de Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira, para manter uma fiscalizagao efetiva nessas regioes. Dados da Polfcia Civil confirmam que de 2014 a 2018 a quantidade de entorpecentes apreendida chegou a 24 toneladas. Estima-se que este montante apreendido nao representa 1/3 da quantidade de entorpecentes enviada para pafses da Europa e para os EUA. Varias operagoes deixam de ser realizadas, anualmente, devido a ausencia de urn aviao Anfibio ou Terrestre - para transportar a tropa, helicopteros e lanchas apropriadas, dificultando agoes de combate aos narcotraficantes. Para se ter nogao da dimensao do estado do Amazonas em quilometragem e hora voo, com quatro modalidades de aeronaves mais usadas para transporte aereo na regiao, tendo como referenda: Manaus-Tabatinga; Tabatinga-Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira e Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira Manaus. (Quadro 1) Because of the absence of an effective permanent police force in the border regions, it is necessary to build a Special Battalion of Border Policing, at Tabatinga/AM, and the construction of a Special Border Policing Squad, headquarted at Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira/AM, to maintain effective supervision in these regions. Between 2014and 2018,the Civil Police seized more than 24 tons of drugs. It is estimated that this amount seized does not represent 113 of the amount of narcotics sent to countries in Europe and the USA. Several operations are no longer performed annually due to the absence of an amphibious or terrestrial aircraft-to transport the troops, helicopters and appropriate speedboats, making it difficult to combat narco-traffickers. To be aware of the size of the state of Amazonas in mileage and flight time, with four modalities of aircraft most used for air transport in the region, having as reference: Manaus-Tabatinga; Tabatinga-Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira and Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira Manaus: (See Quadro 1) Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 06/05/2019 1:12:34 AM Realidade Atual / 13 Current reality Quadro 1 - Quilometragem entre municipios e modalidades de aeronaves / Mileage between counties and aircraft modalities Quilometragem / Mileage Modalidade / Modality Jato / Jet aircraft -lh30min 1.105,6 KM (NM 597) Manaus - Tabatinga King Air - 2h20min Embraer EMB 110 Bandeirante- 3h20min Caravan - 4h20min Jato / Jet aircraft- 45min Tabatinga - Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira 561,5 km (NM 302,2) King Air - IhlOmin Embraer EMB 110 Bandeirante -1 h45min Caravan - 2h20min Jato / Jet aircraft - 45min Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira - Manaus 825,8 Km (NM 541,3) King Air - IhlOmin Embraer EMB 110 Bandeirante -1 h45min Caravan - 2h20min Estima-se que o trafico de drogas no Amazonas gera urn ganho financeiro acima de R$ 3 bilhoes. It is estimated that drug dealing in the Amazonas generates a financial gain above R $3 billion. Dados da Inteligencia do Estado registram que ate o ano de 2018, para cada 10 homicfdios ocorridos na cidade de Manaus, 4 estavam relacionados ao trafico de drogas. Em 2019, a mesma fonte, registra que para cada 10 homicfdios ocorridos em Manaus, 7 estao relacionados ao trafico de drogas. De janeiro a abril de 2019, 3 toneladas de entorpecentes foram apreendidas pelas Polfcias do Amazonas. O valor estimado desta quantidade corresponde a R$ 150 milhoes, cerca de $ 37,5 milhoes. Data from state intelligence records that by the year 2018, for every 10 homicides occurring in the city of Manaus, 4 were related to drug dealing In 2019, the same source records that for every 10 homicides occurring in Manaus, 7 are related to drug dealing,. Dados o World Drug Report (Relatorio Mundial sobre Drogas) de 2017, relatorio produzido pelo brago da ONU para Drogas e Crime (UNODC) anunciam numeros preocupantes: ha mais cocaina circulando no pais. As areas de cultivo da folha de coca, materia-prima da cocaina, vem numa tendencia de crescimento, puxada pelos pafses vizinhos Peru, Bolivia e Colombia. A preocupagao vai alem dos dados, pois demonstra que as organizagoes criminosas brasileiras estao dominando o trafico e estao mais fortalecidas. Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit From January to April 2019, 3 tons of narcotics were seized by the police of the Amazonas. The estimated value of this quantity corresponds to R $150 million, about $37.5 million. Given the World Drug report of 2017, the report produced by the UN arm for drugs and Crime (UNODC) announces worrying numbers: "There is more cocaine circulating in the country. The cultivation areas of coca leaf, raw material of cocaine, come in a trend of growth, pulled by neighboring countries Peru, Bolivia and Colombia.The concern goes beyond the data, because it shows that Brazilian criminal organizations are dominating the drug dealing and are more strengthened." 06/05/2019 1:12:34 AM Plano de a$ao para restruturagao da Seguramja Publica do Amazonas 14 Amazonas Public Safety Restructuring action Plan Identificagao Biometrico Scientific Police and Biometric Identification Database Policia Tecnico Cientffica: Scientific Police Coordena o Instituto de Criminalistics (1C), Instituto Medico-Legal (IML) e do Instituto de Identificagao. Coordinates the Institute of Criminalistic (1C), Medical-Legal Institute (IML) and the Institute of identification. Instituto de Criminalfstica: Criminalistic Institute Responsavel pelo exame da materialidade do delito. Produz provas materiais a partir de vestigios encontrados no local de crime, por meio de tecnicas cientfficas. Busca informagoes a partir de vestigios, que tipifiquem os crimes, indiquem caracteristicas qualificadoras para chegar a autoria. Responsible for examining the materiality of the crime. It produces evidence from traces found at the crime scene, by means of scientific techniques. It seeks information from traces, which typify the crimes, indicate qualifying characteristics to reach the authorship. Instituto Medico Legal - IML: Instituto Medico Legal - IML E responsavel pelas pericias em seres humanos, vivos ou mortos. Realiza pericias medico-legais e odontologicas requisitadas pelas autoridades policiais, judiciarias, administrativas ou Orgaos do Ministerio Publico. Desenvolve pesquisas cientfficas relacionadas com a medicina legal. Possui as areas de pericias no vivo, no morto e de laboratorio. It is responsible for the expertise in human beings, living or dead. Conducts medical-legal and dental examinations requested by law enforcement, judicial, administrative or Public Prosecutor's Offices. Develops scientific research related to legal medicine. It has the areas of expertise in live, dead and laboratory. Institutos de Identificagao: Identification Institutes Compete utilizar a metodologia cientffica para fins de identificagao humana e determinagao de autoria em infragoes penais. Produzem identificagoes civis e criminais, as pericias papiloscopicas e necropapiloscopicas em locais de crime e laboratorio, bem como as pericias de representagao facial humana e prosopografica. It is Incumbent to use scientific methodology for human identification purposes and determination of authorship in criminal offences. They produce civilian and criminal identifications, Papiloscopic and necropapiloscopic examinations at crime and laboratory sites, as well, as the human and prosopographic facial representation examinations. Polfcia e OUUTfcWG-CBfflfoCA f ™UT0«W)»JAL[snGA lEBltO leg A Tecnico-Cientffica e Banco de Y” m. E1 •* _d Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 06/05/2019 1:12:34 AM Plano de a$ao para restruturagao da Seguranga Publica do Amazonas Amazonas Public Safety Restructuring action Plan Reestruturagao e Aparelhamento da Polfcia Cientffica Restructuring and rigging of the scientific police Quern atua nesta area da seguranga publica tende Those who work in this area of public security tend a pensa-la a partir das deficiencias existentes. As to think of it from the existing shortcomings. polfcias sao a face mais visivel do aparelho de Police are the most visible face of the state Estado As apparatus responsible for social control. The polfcias acabam sendo responsabilizadas quase police end up being blamed almost entirely for the que integralmente pela forma de atuagao estatal form of State action in social control, when they no controle social, quando sao parte de um are part of a complex dispute processing system. complexo sistema de processamento de litfgios. We need to evolve and restructure the actions of Precisamos evoluir e reestruturar as agoes da Public seguranga publica. Os projetos que a Secretaria de Secretariat of Public Safety possess do not Seguranga Publica possufmos nao compreendem understand the whole system, but those that will todo o sistema, mas os que gerarao maiores generate greater impacts on repression to combat impactos na repressao para combater o crime organized crime: drugs, weapons, corruption and organizado: drogas, armas, corrupgao e lavagem money laundering. de dinheiro. With the modernization of the scientific police and responsavel pelo controle social. Safety. The projects that the State Com a modernizagao da Polfcia Cientffica e na the construction of the complex of the experts, edificagao do Complexo das Perfcias, integrando integrating all the institutes, we will improve todos os institutos, avangaremos significativamente significantly in combating crime with efficiency no combate a criminalidade com eficiencia e and effectiveness. efetividade. We want to move forward with the support of Queremos avangar com o apoio de pafses que countries that have given and that work in the deram e que dao certo na defesa e protegao da defense and protection of their population. This sua populagao. Esta integragao e importante para integration is important for the communication of a comunicagao das polfcias, nao so do Brasil, mas, the police, not only from Brazil, but from the world. do mundo. A falta de modernidade prejudica a The lack of modernity impairs the functionality of funcionalidade das instituigoes policiais. police institutions. Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 06/05/2019 1:12:34 AM Plano de a$ao para restruturagao da Seguranga Publica do Amazonas 16 Amazonas Public Safety Restructuring action Plan Banco de Identificagao Biometrico Biometric Identification Database Sistemas Biometricos funcionam extraindo as caracteristicas de diversas partes do corpo humano, por exemplo: os olhos (iris); a palma da mao, as digitais dos dedos e reconhecimento facial e da voz. Este sistema e utilizado para identificar unicamente um indivfduo por meio de suas caracteristicas ffsicas ou comportamentais. Para a implantagao destes sistemas no ambito da seguranga para identificagao biometrica sao necessarios scanner ou leitor biometrico, computadores e softwares identificagao. Biometric systems work by extracting the characteristics of various parts of the human body, for example: the Eyes (Iris); palm, finger prints and facial and voice recognition. This system is used to uniquely identify an individual through their physical or behavioral characteristics. For the implementation of these systems in the scope of security for biometric identification are required scanner or biometric reader, computers and software identification. Avangos e Vantagens Advances and Advantages • Produgao de evidences ficam disponfveis mais rapido. • Production of evidence becomes available faster. • Identificagao Imediata online de pessoas. • Impacto direto na eficiencia das abordagens policiais e das torinas das delegacias. • Identificagao de desconhecidos. • Potitica de Estado na vanguarda da modernizagao de servigos publicos por meio de biometria. Bern como o combate aos crimes de fraude contra a identidade do cidadao. h. v • Online identification of people. • Direct impact on the efficiency of police approaches and the routines of police stations. • Identification of strangers. • Improved production of composite sketch. • Melhoria na produgao de retratos falados. Model to be built 6 • Identification of corpses. • Identificagao de de cadaveres Modelos a serem construidos • State policy at the forefront of the modernization of public services by means of biometrics. As well as combating fraud crimes against the identity of the citizen. Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 06/05/2019 1:12:34 AM ■ Seguranga nas Fronteiras / Border Security Pela sua extensao de 15.719km, as areas de fronteiras sao vistas como "problema de seguranga nacional", pela impossibilidade de se manter uma seguranga efetiva as faixas de fronteira. By its extension of 15.719 km, the border areas are seen as "National Security Problem", due to the impossibility of maintaining an effective security of border bands. As areas que constituem a Amazonia Legal sao consideradas pelo Estado Brasileiro como vulneraveis em relagao a seguranga e a criminalidade, tambem chamados de “ilfcitos transfronteirigos": The areas that constitute the Legal Amazon are considered by the Brazilian State to be vulnerable in relation to security and criminality, also called "cross-border illicit": • • • • • • • trafico de drogas, armas e munigoes; trafico de seres humanos; imigragao irregular; descaminho de bens e mercadorias; crimes ambientais; contrabando de vefculos; garimpo ilegal (outros) • • • • • • • illegal trade of drugs, weapons and ammunition; human trafficking; irregular immigration; smuggling; Environmental crimes; Vehicle smuggling; illegal mining (others) Na regiao do Alto Solimoes, extremo oeste do Amazonas, localiza-se a chamada Trfplice Fronteira Amazonica, formada pelas cidades de Tabatinga/Brasil, Santa Rosa/Peru e Leticia/Colombia. In the region of Alto Solimoes, far west of Amazonas, is located the so-called triple border Amazon, formed by the cities of Tabatinga/Brasil, Santa Rosa/Peru and Leticia/Colombia. Esta zona fronteiriga e identificada como uma das portas de entrada dos entorpecentes oriundos das zonas produtoras do Peru e Colombia no territorio brasileiro. This border area is identified as one of the entrance doors of narcotics from the producing areas of Peru and Colombia in the Brazilian territory. Na regiao, segundo dados da Polfcia Federal, a calha do Rio Solimoes e urn conhecido como "corredor" para o escoamento da produgao de cocafna do Vale do Javari. A chamada "rota do Solimoes", com mais de 20 anos de utilizagao, e uma das principais portas de entrada da cocafna e maconha produzida no Peru e na Colombia. In the region, according to data from the Federal police, the gutter of the Solimoes River is known as the "corridor" for the flow of cocaine production in the Javari Valley. The so-called "Solimoes Route", with more than 20 years of use, is one of the main entry doors of cocaine and marijuana produced in Peru and Colombia. Estatfsticas da instituigao dao conta de uma produgao aproximada de 300 toneladas de pasta base de cocafna por ano, o que nos remete a uma economia subterranea de US 1.500.000.000,00, dos quais US 300.000.000,00 constituem evasao de divisas. Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit Statistics from the institution account for an approximate production of 300 tonnes of cocaine base pulp per year, which leads us to an underground economy of US 1,500,000,000.00, of which US 300,000,000.00 constitute currency evasion. 06/05/2019 1:12:34 AM JT Dificuldade Atuais Current difficulty Ausencia de meios de transporte: lanchas blindadas, helicopteros e uma aeronave Anfibio, para o transporte de tropa, dificultam a locomogao e as agoes de enfrentamento ao combate Internacional de drogas. Lack of means of transport: armored boats, helicopters and an amphibious aircraft, for the transport of troops, hinder locomotion and the actions of coping with international drug combat. Ausencia de um Batalhao Especial de Policiamento de Fronteira, no municipio de Tabatinga/AM, e de um Pelotao Especial de Policiamento de Fronteira, destacado no municipio de Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira/AM, gerando a permanencia de policiais nestas areas, intimidariam as agoes dos narcotraficantes. Ausencia de uma Delegacia Especializada de Combate ao Trafico de Entorpecentes e de uma Polfcia Tecnico-Cientifica, dificultam os trabalhos de investigagao. Ausencia de capacidade operacional das unidades de Seguranga Publica no interior: recursos humanos, armamento, equipamento, tecnologia, infraestrutura etc., inclusive nos municipios fronteirigos, dificultam o embate operacional, limitando as agoes em pontos limitadosda regiao. Ausencia de armamentos, equipamentos de inteligencia e monitoramento, OVN (Oculos de visao noturna), VANT (Vefculo Aereo Nao Tripulavel) colocaria as polfcias em vantagens contra os narcotraficantes. Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 06/05/2019 1:12:34 AM Lack of a special battalion of border policing, in Tabatinga/AM, and a special platoon of border policing, in Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira/, generating the permanence of policemen in these areas, would intimidation the actions of narco-traffickers. Lack of a specialized police station to combat narcotics trafficking and a technical-scientific policeman makes research work difficult. Lack of operational capacity of the public safety units inside: human resources, armaments, equipment, technology, infrastructure, etc., including in the frontier municipalities, hinder operational impact, limiting actions in Limited points of the region. Lack of Armaments, intelligence and monitoring EQUIPMENT, OVN, VANT (unmanned aerial vehicle) would put the police in advantages against the drug dealers. Seguramja nas Fronteiras / Border Security 0 que fazer e como fazer What to do and how to do it. A realidade dos municfpios do Amazonas que circundam as zonas de fronteiras coloca frente a frente duas realidades: de um lado, a pobreza e o desemprego do homem do interior amazonico; do outro, o trafico de drogas e armas. The reality of the counties of the Amazonas that surround the border zones puts two realities face to face: On the one hand, the poverty and unemployment of man in the Amazonian countryside; on the other side, drug dealing and weapons. Romper esta realidade e o nosso objetivo. Nossa missao e combater os crimes caracterfsticos da fronteira, sufocando o trafico de entorpecentes que assolam vidas de jovens e mulheres que dao adeus a juventude em plena infancia. Breaking this reality is our goal. Our mission is to combat the characteristic crimes of the border, suffocating the trafficking of narcotics that harbors the lives of young people and women who gives good-bye to their youth. Nao podemos cruzar os bragos e fingir que nao temos problemas. Um problema que nao e so do estado do Amazonas, mas, do Brasil e de pafses afetados pelo trafico de drogas. We can't just cross our arms and pretend we don't have a problem. A problem that is not only from the state of Amazonas, but from Brazil and from countries affected by drug trafficking. 0 que fazer e como fazer nao sao perguntas diffceis de serem respondidas. 0 que fazer e como fazer nos sabemos. Precisamos de apoio para fazer o que deixou de ser feito por decadas, e tentar diminuir esta distancia de anos de inercia. E como fazer, vai depender dos meios que vao disponibilizar para enfrentarmos o poderio belico dos narcotraficantes. What to do and how to do are not difficult questions to be answered. We need support to do what has ceased to be done for decades, and try to diminish this distance of years of inertia. And how to do it will depend on the means that they will make available to face the war powers of narco-traffickers. BEM VINDOS AO BRASIL Tarnloflali B.519 7B7 In, Bopul«5*„; 201.031.714 Hah. Capital! OraalMa Capital do Amaaanaa, Mao.u. Lirtgua Oficiab Pp.tugupi Mooda. Real » y. Vi TABATINGA OS RtCEOO J Ol URACOS5>JUK,b AdtRIOSamJM BE PopulDvac. Em * I ' •• i —A Received bi Rftgisli Delegacia de Combate a Corrupgao e Lavagem de Dinheiro 20 Police Station to combat corruption and money laundering Combater a corrupgao e a lavagem de dinheiro, oriundos do trafico de entorpecentes e de agentes publico que se beneficiam das fungoes que exercem para obter vantagens ilegais, nao faz parte somente da polftica de seguranga publica, mas da polftica do atual Governo do Estado. Combating corruption and money laundering, arising from the trafficking of narcotics and public servants benefiting from the duties they have for illegal advantages, is not only part of the public security policy, but of the policy of Current state government. 0 objetivo e capacitar agentes e delegados de Poll'd a Civil na investigagao de crimes contra a corrupgao e a lavagem de dinheiro. Prender aqueles que comandam o crime organizado e fazem da lavagem de dinheiro a fonte que abastece o comercio de drogas e The goal is to empower Civil police officers and police commissioners in investigating crimes against corruption and money laundering. Arresting those who command organized crime and make money laundering the source that supplies the trade of drugs and weapons. armas. Neste processo de reorganizagao, o governo do estado pretende criar meios para que a populagao amazonense participe deste processo de combate denunciando, fiscalizando e acompanhando o emprego correto do dinheiro publico. In this reorganization process, the Government of the State intends to create means for the Amazonian population to participate in this process of combating by denating, supervising and accompanying the correct use of public money. Por isso a necessidade de fortalecermos e reestruturarmos a polfcia cientffica, o banco de identificagao biometrica, a seguranga nas fronteiras, a capacitagao e treinamento de policiais no combate ao trafico ilfcito de entorpecentes, terrorismo e lavagem de dinheiro para substanciar a Delegacia de Combate a Corrupgao e a Lavagem de Dinheiro. That is why the need to strengthen and restructure the scientific police, the biometric identification database, the security at the borders, the training and training of police officers in combating the illicit trafficking of narcotics, terrorism and the money laudering, to substantiate the corruption and money laundering police station. 53 * v- - 9 \S \ £2 S3 ( m 1^ ) O - O- c* 696 V L * -V fsdfir TV ./O -V a?. Wn l -R Re W Capacitagao e Treinamento para Poiiciais do Amazonas 21 Training for police officers of Amazonas A corrupgao e um problema de escala universal em proporgoes diferenciadas em cada pais, e neste caminho, segue a lavagem de dinheiro. Para combater essas modalidades criminosas, que sao danosas aos cidadaos, o estado do Amazonas quer reunir esforgos entre os diferentes organismos nacionais e internacionais para aprimorar conhecimentos e adquirir equipamentos modernos de identificagao, controle e monitoramento para reprimir e inibir possiveis agoes. Neste contexto, estamos estabelecendo estrategias para combater a corrupgao e a lavagem de dinheiro oriundo do trafico de drogas e da obtengao ilicita de dinheiro por agentes publicos. Nao pode ser visto como imperiosas as agoes a serem tomadas pelo Governo do Amazonas, mas, um dever e uma obrigagao, em respeito ao cidadao amazonense. E indispensavel que nossos agentes se alinhem com as melhores tecnicas e com os melhores equipamentos do mundo para alcangar excelentes resultados na recuperagao de ativos financeiros, desviados dos orgaos publicos e locupletados pelo trafico de entorpecentes. Corruption is a problem of universal scale in different proportions in each country, and in the same way follows money laundering. To combat these criminal modalities, which are harmful to citizens, the state of Amazonas wants to gather efforts between different national and international bodies to improve knowledge and acquire modern equipment for identification, control and monitoring to suppress and inhibit possible actions. In this context, we are establishing strategies to combat corruption and money laundering from drug trafficking and illicit money collection by public officials. The actions to be taken by the Government of Amazonas cannot be seen as imperative, but a duty and an obligation in respect to the Amazonian citizen. It is indispensable that our agents align themselves with the best techniques and the best equipment in the world to achieve excellent results in the recovery of financial assets, diverted from public agencies and enriched by drug dealing. r * h — * ceived by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 06/05/2019 1:12:34 AM Conclusao / 22 Conclusion As caracteristicas geograficas do estado do Amazonas sao fatores relevantes que se diferenciam dos demais estados brasileiros. Seus limites territorials com o Peru e a Colombia, grandes produtores de cocafna e maconha, nao podem deixar de ser inseridos em nenhum programa ou planejamento estrategico de seguranga publica, seja no ambito do estado ou do governo federal, pois, sao regioes que precisam de uma atengao maior, uma vez que produzem fatores desencadeante de violencia. A falta de uma polftica de estado voltada para o aprimoramento da seguranga publica ensejou o fortalecimento das organizagoes criminosas. A ausencia de estrategias e meios para operacionalizar agoes de combate ao trafico internacional de drogas, principalmente, nas areas de fronteiras, impactaram diretamente no aumento da criminalidade. A seguranga publica do Amazonas precisa e deve dispor de ferramentas e equipamentos que possam auxiliar no processo investigativo, pericial e operacional. 0 aparelhamento por meio da modernizagao e da utilizagao de lanchas blindadas, helicopteros, aviao anffbio ou terrestre, armamento e na criagao de urn Batalhao Especial de Policiamento de Fronteira, no municfpio de Tabatinga, e de urn Pelotao Especial de Policiamento, destacado no municfpio de Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira, darao resultados positivos e significativos no combate a criminalidade. The geographic characteristics of the state of Amazonas are relevant factors that differ from other Brazilian states.The territorial boundaries with Peru and Colombia, know as big producers of cocaine and marijuana,they can't be inserted in any program or Strategic Planning of public security, whether in the state or federal government, because they are regions that need greater attention since they produce factorstriggering violence. The lack of a State Policy aimed to improve public safety has been the strengthening of this criminal organizations.The lack of strategies and means to operationalize actions of combating international drug dealing, mainly in border areas, directly impacts in the rise of crime. The public safety of Amazonas needs and must have tools and equipment that can aid in the investigative, forensic and operational process. The rigging through the modernization and use of armored boats, helicopters, amphibious or terrestrial aircraft, armament and in the creation of a special battalion of border policing, in Tabatinga/AM, and a platoon of Special Policing in Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira/AM, will give positive and significant results in the fight against crimee. There are great uncertainties as to what may occur in the coming years, if we do not take providence now. Ha grandes incertezas quanto ao que pode ocorrer nos proximos anos, se nao tomarmos providencia hoje. Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 06/05/2019 1:12:34 AM