IN THE MAGISTRATE COURT OF MARSHALL COUNTY. WEST VIRGINIA State of West Virginia Case No. . Ewgm a 0/223 [Misdemeanor/ ElFelony MICHAEL JOSEPH MARONEY 0664 08 MAR 1968 DefEndant (Full Name) Social Security Number Date of Birth WV OLN: 5366438 509 WHEELING AVENUE Driver's Llcense Identification Number Address LAST KNOWN CELL NUMBER: (304) 281 - 2030 Phone Num beds) CRIMINAL COMPLAINT Criminal! Procedure Rule 3. 4: [8 US. C59 92Ifajf33) I. the undersigned complainant. upon my oath or affirmation state the following is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. On or about 14 MAY 20I9 . in Marshall County. West Virginia. in violation of West Virginia Code (Cite specific section. subsection. and/or subdivision. if applicable; . the defendant did (state statutory language ofthe offense) GLEN DALE. WV. 26038. USA City. State Zip Code - (vi-$5M} HOUSE OF REFER TO ATTACHMENT A. Further state that this complaint is based upon the following facts: REFER TO ATTACHMENT B. Continued on an attached sheet'.) EYCDNO ([f?rhis comp/aim involves misdemeanor assault battery [West barren [West Virginia Code 3? Check all that apply.) The defendant Bis/was the Victim's spouse. El is/was living with the victim as a spouse. parent. or guardian. Dis/was a parent or guardian ofthe victim. is a person who is like a spouse. parent.- or guardian ofthe victim. has a child in common with the victim. has none ofthe above connections to the victim. Complainant (who appears before Magistrate): On this complaint. sworn or affirmed before me and signed in my presence on this date by the. complainant. the item(s) i'rgim'a Code 35 61-2-9] or misdemeanor domestic assault/ PATROLMAN EZEKIEL GODDARD Lomplalnant :Vame (rull Name) checked below apply: AVENUE Mg 115% GILEM DALE. DNO probable cause found Summons issued City. State 8: Zip] Code BFrobable cause found warrant issued (304) 345-55? Warrantiess arrest Phone Number!? POLICE OFFICER 0m? WM 2W Complainant Signature Date Magistrate Signar??r?? MC RCRCO Rev. 06/20l2 (previously Criminal Complaint 1' A IAAIHAJAAJHH CASE NO tCnminal Complaint Centlnued) ATT ACHMENT A 6l-10?3 l: CONSPIRACY - conspiracy. Any person who violates the provisions of this section by conspiring to commit an offense against the state which is a misdemeanor shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and. upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by con?nement in the county jail for not more than one year or by a ?ne ot'not more than or. in the discretion of the coun. by both such con?nement and ?ne. HOUSE OF ILL FAME AND ASSIGNATION - or who shall own any place. house. hotel, tourist camp, other shall let. subleL or rent any such place. premises. or conveyance to another with knowledge or good reason to know of the intention of the lessee or rentee to use such place, premises. or conveyance for prostitution. lewdness, or assignation; or who shall offer, or offer to secure, another for the purpose of prostitution. or for any other lewd or indecent act; or who shall receive or offer or agree to receive any person into any house. place. building, hotel. tourist camp. or other structure. or vehicle. trailer, or other conveyance for the purpose of prostitution. lewdness. or assignation. or to permit any person to remain there for such purpose: or who for another or others shall direct. take, or transport. or offer or agree to take or transport. or ce. building. hotel. tourist camp. other structure. vehicle. trailer. or other conveyance. or to PROSTITUTION - Any person who shall engage in prostitution. lewdness. or assignation. or who shall solicit. induce. entice. or procure another to commit an act of prostitution. lewdness. or assignation; or who shall reside in. enter, or remain in any house. place. building, hotel, tourist camp. or other structure. 0r enter or remain in any vehicle. trailer. or other conveyance for the purpose of prostitution. lewdness. or assignation: or who shall aid, abet, or panicipate in the doing of any of the acts herein prohibited, shall, upon conviction for the ?rst offense under this section, be punished by imprisonment in the county jail for a period of not less than sixty days nor more than six months. and by a ?ne of not less than $50 and not to exceed $l00; and upon conviction for the second o?'ense under this section, be punished by imprisonment in the county jail for a period of not less than six months nor more than one year. and b} a ?ne of not less than SIOO and not to exceed $250. and upon conviction for any subsequent offense under this section shall be 1 punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary for not less than one year nor more than three years. CASE NO _omplainl Continued} RTTALH MEMT (E). HRS WITH THE GLEN DALE POLICE DEPARTMENT {402 AVENUE. GLEN DALE. MARSHALL COUNTY. WEST VIRGINIA (WV), 26038. USA) HAVE BEEN CONDUCTING A PROSTITUTION INVESTIGATION INTO CORTNIE ANN CLARK OF BIRTH 3I MARCH I989 I DRIVERS LICENSE NUMBER (OLNII F3069I3), A RESIDENT OF 630 GLEN HAVEN AVENUE. GLEN DALE MRS RESIDENCE ULTIIVIATELY DISCOVERED TO BE IN ABSOLUTELY DEPLORABLE CONDITIONS. WITH USED CONDOMS LAYING ABOUT THE FLOORS. USED AND UNCAPPED NEEDLES THROUGHOUT. AN UNIMAGTNABLE AMOUNT OF HUMAN FECES AND HUMAN URINE THROUGHOUT THE HOUSE. AND A VAST ARRAY OF TRASH EVERYWHERE MRS CLARK IS SUSPECTED OF ENGAGING IN PROSTITUTION THROUGH HER CELL PHONE - {304} 559-4856. SKIPTHEGAMES COM. EROTICMONKEYCOM, AND SEVERAL OTHER WEBSITES WHICH ARE KNOWN TO OFFER AND EXPLOIT PROSTITUTION. OFFICERS HAVE DETERMINED THAT MOST CONTACTING MRS CLARK ARE SOLICITING HER FOR SEX THROUGH THE AFOREMENTIONED WEBSITES. MRS CLARK PROVIDES HER PHOTOGRAPHS. CELL PHONE NUMBER. EMAIL ADDRESS. AND HER OF SIZODII FOR "30 AND 5190 00 FOR ?60 PHOTOGRAPHS ARE TYPICALLY EXCHANGED PRIOR TO MRS CLARK MEETING THESE GENTLEMEN FOR SEX-FOR-MONEY AS A RESULT OF THIS INVESTIGATION. MRS CLARK WAS ARRESTED ON l4 JUNE 2019, AND CHARGED WITH PROSTITUTION AND OPERATING A HOUSE OF PROSTITUTION SUBSEQUENTLY, MRS CLARK ADMITTED DURING SEVERAL INSTANCES THAT SHE IS A PROSTITUTE MRS CLARK HAS FURTHER CONFIRMED WHAT SHE CHARGES GENTLEMEN FOR HER SEXUAL SERVICES ?5 20.00 FOR A AND "$190.00 FOR AN MRS CLARK FURTHER ADMITTED TO BECOMING A PROSTITUTI: SO SHF. COULD PURCHASE NARCOTICS. SPECIFICALLY HEROIN, FURTHERMORE. TWOIEI INDIVIDUALS HAVE ALREADY PLED GUILTY TO SOLICITING MRS CLARK FOR PROSTITUTION VIA ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS THROUGHOUT THIS INVESTIGATION. PTLM GODDARD DISCOVERED AN INDIVIDUAL UTILIZING THE CELL PHONE NUMBER OF {304} - 2080 TO BE SOLICITING SEX FROM MRS CLARK IN EXCHANGE FOR MONEY. SPECIFICALLY, "l20hl1l90hr", AS MRS CLARK ADVISED THROUGH A TEXT MESSAGE ON I4 MAY 20I9. AT APPROXIMATELY 2200 HOURS (IIERFAFTFR. ALL TIMES WILL BE UNDERSTOOD TO BE A SEARCH OF CELL PHONE NUMBER (304) 2I8-2080 WAS CONDUCTED THROUGH RESOURCES AVAILABLE TO LAW ENFORCEMENT. WHICH INDICATED THIS NUMBER IS REGISTERED TO MICHAEL MARONEY. WITH AN ADDRESS OF 509 WHEELING AVENUE. GLEN DALE. WV IT WAS FURTHER DETERMINED THAT THE PROVIDER FOR THIS CELL PHONE 18 WAS THEN SERVED WITH A SEARCH WARRANT TO OBTAIN THE SUBSCRIBER INFORMATION THE INFORMATION PROVIDED FROM THE SEARCH WARRANT INDICATED THE OWNER OF THIS CELL PHONE NUMBER IS RADIOLOGY WITH A USER ADDRESS OF I MEDICAL PARK. WHEELING. WV. 26003 THE CONTACT NAME WAS RADIOLOGY OFFICERS ARE AWARE THAT MR MARONEY IS A RADIOLOGIST THE FIRST DOCUMENTED TEXT MESSAGE WAS OBSERVED ON I4 MAY ZOI 9, AT Ill] HOURS. WHEN MRS CLARK ASKED. call last nigh!" AT I413 HOURS. MRS CLARK RECEIVED THE FOLLOWING RESPONSE. "yes new call tomght 100 at about same nrne I work until 23m" MRS CLARK RESPONDED. "0k" AT 2200 HOURS. MRS CLARK WAS ASK ED, "15 ok" Around 2' 5 MRS CLARK ADVISED, "Yea It's 190!" I be a1 rental house a1 2 namng Fm u" AT THIS JUNCTURE. MRS CLARK AND THIS INDIVIDUAL ENGAGED CONVERSATION ABOUT THE MONETARY AMOUNT AND THE LENGTH OF TIME FOR HER SEXUAL SERVICES THROUGHOUT THIS INVESTIGATION. MRS CLARK HAS BEEN DISCOVERED TO REFER TO HER RESIDENCE AT 620 GLEN HAVEN AVENUE AS HER WHERE SHE CONDUCTS HER AND DRUG ACTIVITIES :Lu CASE NO Complaint Continued] B. MRS CLARK WAS ASKED. "what is the address". SHE ANSWERED- "Glen dale I will give addreSS when are headed this way". THROUGHOUT THEIR CONVERSATION. MRS CLARK REQUESTED A PHOTOGRAPH OF THE PERSON SOLICITING HER. AS SHE ROUTINELY DEMANDS. MRS CLARK RECEIVED THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT. "i cant send i am normal and nice". MRS CLARK REPLIED. cant meet out pic son-y. Have a good night babe". MRS CLARK THEN RECEIVED. "ok sorry i could be a regular". MRS CLARK THEN REPLIED. dont know and I need to see il'u someone I want to meet and to make sure I dont know u. I got robbed the other day from a guy using multiple numbers. Sony". THIS PERSON STATED. "but i hope understand i cant send pie". LATER. THIS PERSON CONTINUED. "ifu i hope you do text me i drive by GD on my way home and would like to have an occasional stop". UNDETERRED. MRS CLARK WROTE. dont meet anyone without a picture sorry I am very careful who I meef because ofrny job. have a good night babe". THIS PERSON REMAINED PERSISTENT AND STATED. "i want to send it a go?" MRS CLARK ANSWERED. "Yea". ON l6 MAY 20l9. AT 0108 HOURS. MRS CLARK RECEIVED A PHOTOGRAPH FROM THIS GENTLEMAN. WHO WAS LOOKING DIRECTLY INTO THE CAMERA LENS. SMILING. AND WEARING A LIGHT POLO-LIKE SHIRT. CLEARLY DISPLAYING HIS IDENTITY. AT 0 26 HOURS. MRS CLARK RECEIVED THE FOLLOWING MESSAGE FROM THIS GENTLEMAN. "now can i stop by". PTLM GODDARD COMPARED THIS PHOTOGRAPH WITH MICHAEL JOSEPH WV OLN PHOTOGRAPH AND BELIEVES BOTH PICTURES TO BE OF MR MARONEY. ON 05 JUNE 20l9. AT 2335 HOURS. MR MARONEY ASKED. "Can I stop by for a massage?" AT 2350. MR MARONEY CONTINUED. "quick in and out". AT 235I. MRS CLARK REPLIED. MR MARONEY THEN REQUESTED AN ADDRESS. TO WHICH MRS CLARK ADVISED. "It's IZO I can do a car date. Glen haven ave Glen Dale". MR MARONEY RESPONDED. "no prob with the l20 i can be there in IO min". MRS CLARK STATED. tell me when to come outsidejust park in drive was and we can mess around there". AT A LATER TIME. MRS CLARK WROTE. ?0k when are on street tell me to come outside. Ijust dont want to be a cop". ON 06 JUNE 20I9. AT 000] HOURS. MR MARONEY ADVISED. "i am not a cop". AT 0030 HOURS. MR MARONEY SAID. "i am not sure why my car alarm was going oft" but i think it is because ofa motion detector after being off for a certain amount oftime sorry". MR MARONEY STATED. "i was very nervous being in a car", WHICH IS AN ABRIDGED QUOTE. IN ANOTHER ABRIDGEI) QUOTE. MR MARONEY WROTE. "i am totally free tomorrow and a few days next week and can provide a place il?you cant it?you are interested . let me know". ALSO. ON 06 JUNE 2019. AT 2332 HOURS. MR MARONEY STATED. can be there in IS min Inside tonight?" SHORTLY THEREAFTER. MRS CLARK RESPONDED. "Yea babe that is a rental house though its a mess there in MR MARONEY REPLIED. in IS mini dont care about a mess". THE LAST DOCLTMENTED MESSAGE BETWEEN MRS CLARK AND MR MARONEY WAS OBSERVED ON l3 JUNE 20l9. AT 20? HOURS. AT WHICH TIME MRS CLARK SENT MR MARONEY A PHOTOGRAPH OF HERSELF. WITH THE FOLLOWING ATTACHED MESSAGE. "Comeime PURSUANT TO A SEARCH WARRANT. A CELL PHONE WAS SEIZED FROM A VEHICLE BELONGING TO MR MARONEY. OFFICERS CALLED THE NUMBER COMMUNICATING WITH MRS CLARK AND THE CELL PHONE SEIZED FROM MR VEHICLE ?1 RANG.