Atta?hmemA an JUNZS PH 5: 23 Whenever possible, decisions relating to facial recognition or surveillance technology should occur with strong consideration given to the impact such technologies may have on civil rights and civil liberties, including those rights guaranteed by the First, Fourth, and Fourteenth Arnendrnents to the United States Constitution as wells as Section 1,,6 and 8 of Article II, of the Arizona Constitution. While surveillance technology may threaten the privacy of all of us, surveillance efforts have historically been used to intimidate and oppress certain communities and groups more than others, including those that are de?ned by a common race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, income level, sexual orientation, or political perspective. The propensity for facial recognition technology to endanger civil rights and civil liberties may substantially outweigh its purported bene?ts. As such, it is incumbent upon us to ensure that technology will not exacerbate raCial injustice and threaten our ability to live free of continuous government monitoring, Whenever possible, decisions regarding if and how surveillance technologies should be funded, acquired, or used, and Whether data from such technologies should be shared, should be made only after meaningful public input has been solicited and given signi?cant weight. Legally enforceable safeguards, including robust transparency, oversight, and accountability measures, must be In place to protect civil rights and civil liberties before any surveillance technology is deployed, and If a surveillance technology is approved, data reporting measures must be adopted that empower the Council and the public to verify that mandated civil rights and civil liberties safeguards have been strictly adhered to. Pursuant to Chapter IV, Section 22 of the Phoenix City Charter, 1, Eric Brock Jr., a citizen and resident of the City of Phoenix, hereby petition the City Council to consider and enact within ?fteen (15) days a resolution directing city of Phoenix staff to research, outline, and de?ne acceptable uses of these technologies, measures to secure the data collected, and limitations of these technologies, for the purpose of formulating a city-wide policy to be considered by Council at a future date to be determined at the direction of Council Submitted this 19th day of June, 2019- 6 Eric Brock, Jr. Page 368