INDEX NO. 519146/2019 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 08/29/2019 10:59 AM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/29/2019 SUPREME COURT OF THE COUNTY OF KINGS NEW YORK OF STATE Filed: CHRISTOPHER INDEX LYLES, NO: Plaintiff Plaintiff, designates as the County Kings place of trial. -against- THE OF NEW CITY YORK OF THE CORRECTIONS and THE OF NEW CITY S U M M O The basis YORK, of 1352 Far the YOU a copy of HEREBY ARE your answer exclusive summons, of is complete summons the on the SUMMONED attorneys of of service summons this is Dickens Street Rockaway, NY 11692 Defendant: to answer plaintiffs day if this above-named venue residence: PlaintifTs Defendants. To N S OF DEPARTMENT the 20 within in this complaint days after the or within summons, is not personally delivered to you this summons, a judgment by default the costs after within and of service days 30 action the to serve this service State York. In case against Dated: you New August for of the York, 29, your relief New failure to answer demanded in the together complaint, with York 2019 THE LEVY A IRM, By: Ja for Attorney 233 New (212) 1 of 14 Broa York. Le iÈ4. Pla way, New 227-1222 y tiff Suite York 2200 10279 P.C. will of this be taken action. of this of New INDEX NO. 519146/2019 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 08/29/2019 10:59 AM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 THE RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/29/2019 CITY OF NEW Corporation Counsel 100 Church Street New York. New Church New York, 10007 OF CORRECTIONS DEPARTMENT 100 York YORK OF THE Street New York 10007 2 of 14 CITY OF NEW YORK INDEX NO. 519146/2019 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 08/29/2019 10:59 AM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/29/2019 SUPREME COURT OF THE COUNTY OF KINGS OF NEW STATE YORK INDEX CHRISTOPHER NO: LYLES, VERIFIED COMPLAINT Plaintiff, -against- THE OF NEW CITY CORRECTIONS YORK OF THE DEPARTMENT and OF NEW CITY OF YORK. Defendants. Plaintiff, Complaint, his by resident of the of County Queens was and laws of still Notice State 3. Within prior of FOR commenced with the days of action. YORK year information with after all has for the of the the duly days said cause cause of this action, ninety days and belief. that conditions such herein, served of cases and and damages 3 of 14 OF of action accrued herein, still is a and more than thirty a Notice by of the and days Claim plaintiff than and served, of this provided more action this of the thirty filed was a so herein. commencement of YORK, virtue by and and YORK, accrued brining and presented, duly action made sustained and OF NEW CITY under OF NEW to the filed was ACTION existing plaintiff to the Verified mentioned THE and said prior herein defendant, CITY after precedent in presented, an adjustment THE his York. organized the and accrued the after with New times CAUSE duly claim statute of mentioned, commencement one provisions ninety NEW (90) regarding 4. Upon this ninety State for belief: at all A.FIRST Corporation, York. within complied hereinafter of New to the Claim duly times is a Municipal the days (30) at all the as and P.C.. FIRM, and LYLES, and AS AND 2. That information CHRISTOPHER plaintiff, LAW LEVY upon alleges, respectfully 1. The THE attorneys. this action, and in a particular, prior herein herein, plaintiff action. to the with upon has complied and within commencement THE which CITY this OF INDEX NO. 519146/2019 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 08/29/2019 10:59 AM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/29/2019 cause of days action is based, refused remains to and unpaid and that neglected and after to make OF NEW CITY an adjustment although unadjusted, THE said or payment plaintiff has YORK for on claim. said demanded duly that more than said the same thirty claim be paid and adjusted. the 5. That all 6. That at all Brooklyn and House State New of 7. That operated Kings, the and maintained Kings, the the Kings, 10. That the managed times and 11. That That the located times been held. THE defendant at 275 Atlantic Avenue, CITY OF NEW in the County CITY OF NEW YORK of owned Kings, City times of Detention hereinafter New York. times located THE at 275 the of County OF NEW CITY Atlantic THE defendant located at 275 Atlantic Avenue. OF CITY YORK in the of County NEW YORK in Avenue, to work Kings, City hereinafter officers who located mentioned, at the and mentioned, work at 275 the of County at the 2 4 of 14 of New the Brooklyn Avenue. THE House of OF NEW CITY Atlantic defendant, Brooklyn State THE defendant mentioned, Detention hereinafter officers of in Avenue, York. of times Atlantic defendant mentioned. Detention House at all at 275 YORK York. New of correction of House State located mentioned, hereinafter times THE defendant York. New at all at all Detention House of mentioned. hereinafter of County of New of State correction in the have mentioned, hereinafter House Brooklyn City 12. Detention Brooklyn and employed Avenue, State at all City law by hereinafter Brooklyn and City controlled of State at all 9. That managed times Brooklyn City required York. at all 8. That Kings, hearings CITY Detention YORK in the OF NEW located of County YORK at 275 Atlantic York. defendant, House THE of CITY Detention OF NEW located YORK at 275 INDEX NO. 519146/2019 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 08/29/2019 10:59 AM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/29/2019 Atlantic Avenue. in the 13. That supervised 275 the Atlantic the at all 15. That Avenue, at all in the at all Kings, times hereinafter incarcerated in the County of controlled the in the at all times inmates of County Kings, set forth Plaintiff CHRISTOPHER without with Brooklyn and FOR of House or about February 20, realleges at 275 located OF NEW CITY at 275 located THE YORK Atlantic NEW YORK OF CITY Detention at 275 located THE defendant, of Atlantic OF NEW CITY Detention at 275 located YORK Atlantic York. paragraphs and Detention YORK York. CAUSE reiterates of THE defendant, A SECOND repeats. OF NEW CITY York. of New State at OF ACTION "1" through as if more "17", fully herein. 19. That Atlantic the located York. Detention House mentioned, City of Detention York. defendant, of New State at the incarcerated the New of NEW YORK OF CITY THE House of of New Brooklyn and hereinafter AS AND 18. City defendant, House mentioned, at the Kings, the State of New State State Brooklyn and City House Brooklyn mentioned, THE Brooklyn and and York. defendant. the at the City at the inmates 17. That Avenue, hereinafter the supervised Avenue, of at the City work Kings, incarcerated County 16. That of the mentioned, who County times inmates Kings, hereinatter officers in the of work of New State mentioned, County times correction Avenue, the the and City to who officers in Kings, hereinafter correction That controlled managed times Avenue. I4. Atlantic at all of County on LYLES Avenue in 20. or knife That like incarcerated of County cause justification, a knife the was 2019 Kings, at the City or provocation, sharp on or about at or about Brooklyn and State negligently I1:00 House of New assaulted, a.m., of York, while the Detention was, battered. by plaintiff, located at 275 a fellow inmate, lacerated and/or cut object. February 20, 2019, 3 5 of 14 at or about 11:00 a.m., while the plaintiff was INDEX NO. 519146/2019 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 08/29/2019 10:59 AM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/29/2019 incarcerated of at the Kings, or knife like direction of the time one of the House of New State object sharp 21. or more a result has damaged have That of damage without inmate of THE the has to their property of and the lacerated battered, and/or under the were acting in the scope on of Constitutions OF NEW in the County with a knife cut supervision, and control, of their aforesaid employment at guard security physical permanent the jurisdictional and limits of psychological all lower courts 20, the United in the the custody just cause was and New its or servants, of and/or just others cut and/or agents, without fact, or more on their plaintiff, correction without cause, by fear and property a fellow officers in the laws. statutes. employ or notice. of the State herein. lacerate one in contained plaintiff, of New York, York, were under the the United violated States by the cut while rules Government defendant, THE respects: assaulted, of or rights and States following Plaintiff of allegation every or persons warning the York in law batter, without and YORK, property direction 2019, of New City basis or the ACTION set forth OF NEW assault, all YORK, each fully without and CAUSE_OF realleges CITY plaintiff, February YORK a. THE this of the by serious, as more "21", control, the battery exceeding or persons, OF NEW That regulations Avenue, acting and suffered and authority, supervision, CITY and Atlantic was FOR A THIRD reiterates through lawful at the who assault in a sum defendant. provocation 24. CITY "1" without employees, who at 275 jurisdiction. repeats, number 23. inmate foregoing LYLES, been Plaintiff paragraphs assaulted, officers AS AND 22. located was York correction of the otherwise would Detention incident. As and injuries, of a fellow by CHRISTOPHER plaintiff, that and City Brooklyn the defendant, provocation. 4 6 of 14 lacerated battered, its agents, and/or servants and/or detained employees and without in INDEX NO. 519146/2019 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 08/29/2019 10:59 AM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/29/2019 b. Plaintiff deprived was Constitution Rights 25. OF NEW serious That physical and 26. costs That incurred 27. of of reason reason by a sum together jurisdiction, 28. Plaintiff paragraphs "1" at all CORRECTIONS and 30. thirty (30) days filed a Notice THE CITY days after duly of said complied Upon NEW action with all under and fees of of rights all and realleges as more his to lower costs Civil THE defendant, to severe secured the commencement said and accrued herein. and conditions the of claim this belief. of CITY and the by that precedent 5 7 of 14 the laws of this action, of action to the to the has that fees and been would otherwise in prosecuting this action. ACTION allegation contained DEPARTMENT still the in State of duly Corporation, New herein, York. and presented, within one of this year of this action, and than more and served, OF CORRECTIONS commencement brining OF is a Municipal accrued plaintiff so commenced prior attorney's LYLES, every DEPARTMENT was of herein. and cause with action and defendant, was YORK, after days cost incurred set forth fully virtue by full courts OF each mentioned, and YORK, the the by subject CHRISTOPHER limits OF NEW regarding information was is entitled plaintiff, attorney's "27", (90) the by plaintiff FOR A FOURTH_CAUSE CITY to the Claim said hereinafter ninety prior OF 31. times rights deprived plaintiff foregoing, reiterates existing Within employees, the jurisdictional OF THE organized action. through as provided States the by States. this AND secured et seq.) of the in being foregoing, with United 1983 §§ and/or the the repeats, number That of exceeding AS duly of the violation harm United of or immunities privileges rights, laws U.S.C. servants, the the aforesaid psychological laws by That 29. the in prosecuting in damaged have and (42 Act its agents, YORK, Constitution reason by and of and action, has OF ninety plaintiff complied INDEX NO. 519146/2019 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 08/29/2019 10:59 AM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/29/2019 with the provisions ninety days of action, this of after the has DEPARTMENT damages said duly remains in such accrued by served presented, and and plaintiff and neglected and more than filed which OF THE and days thirty of has prior Claim this of cause on demanded commencement is based, for and more said claim. that within an adjustment YORK said and with for action OF NEW duly to the herein YORK or payment plaintiff in a particular, OF NEW CITY an adjustment although provided a Notice CITY upon herein, to make unadjusted. made OF THE OF CORRECTIONS to and unpaid the cases herein, OF CORRECTIONS sustained refused statute cause DEPARTMENT days the the of that than after thirty claim same be paid and adjusted, 32. That all 33. That at all CORRECTIONS located at 275 34. That CORRECTIONS located at 275 35. That CORRECTIONS located at 275 36. That CORRECTIONS located at 275 37. That CORRECTIONS located at 275 hearings times OF THE Atlantic at all times at all OF THE Atlantic at all OF THE Atlantic at all Avenue. times OF THE Atlantic the Avenue, Kings, of in the OF in the of County City operated Kings, City defendant Kings, City defendant NEW YORK managed of OF NEW Kings, 6 8 of 14 of City defendant YORK County Brooklyn controlled Kings, City State and OF House of of New DEPARTMENT the Brooklyn and State the and Brooklyn State of Brooklyn and State and House New of of Detention York. OF of House Brooklyn State York. OF New DEPARTMENT the of Detention New DEPARTMENT the York. House of Detention OF DEPARTMENT maintained mentioned. in the the mentioned, County DEPARTMENT defendant NEW YORK OF hereinafter CITY owned YORK County held. defendant mentioned, hereinafter CITY of County OF NEW in been mentioned, hereinafter Avenue, times in the CITY have NEW YORK hereinafter CITY law mentioned, OF CITY Avenue. times by hereinafter Avenue, OF THE Atlantic required Detention York. OF House of New York. of Detention INDEX NO. 519146/2019 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 08/29/2019 10:59 AM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/29/2019 38. That at all CORRECTIONS Brooklyn 39. of That Brooklyn and State at all of New That at the Kings. and Detention times and State of New 41. That at all times Brooklyn House New of That of New officers County of to work Kings, at the and City managed Atlantic mentioned, the DEPARTMENT defendant, the correction in Avenue, the OF officers who of County work Kings, at City YORK located DEPARTMENT defendant, supervised the Atlantic at 275 correction OF officers in the Avenue, to who of County York. mentioned, OF NEW Detention located YORK at 275 the DEPARTMENT defendant, the controlled Atlantic correction officers in the Avenue, OF County who of work Kings, City at all times of Detention hereinafter CITY mentioned, OF NEW located at 275 YORK the managed Atlantic DEPARTMENT defendant, the Avenue, inmates in the OF incarcerated at the of City County Kings, and York. at all times OF THE House 44. in the Avenue, at 275 Detention CITY OF THE That of New correction OF York. CORRECTIONS Brooklyn of of hereinafter OF THE House 43. employed the YORK OF NEW CITY City Brooklyn located hereinafter House State DEPARTMENT Atlantic mentioned, OF NEW CITY OF THE CORRECTIONS State hereinafter Brooklyn 42. State of at all CORRECTIONS at the defendant, York. CORRECTIONS work YORK at 275 located times OF THE House 40. OF NEW CITY Detention mentioned, York. CORRECTIONS the hereinafter OF THE House of New State times of Detention hereinafter CITY mentioned, OF NEW located at 275 YORK the supervised Atlantic DEPARTMENT defendant, Avenue, the inmates in the County OF at the incarcerated of Kings, York. That at all times hereinafter mentioned, 7 9 of 14 the defendant, DEPARTMENT OF City and INDEX NO. 519146/2019 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 08/29/2019 10:59 AM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/29/2019 CORRECTIONS Brooklyn OF THE House of New State of OF NEW CITY Detention set forth Atlantic That on reiterates and or about February 20, in the a knife inmates in the Avenue, CAUSE realleges incarcerated of County at the Kings. City and ACTION OF "I" paragraphs incarcerated at the Kings, and City or knife like direction of time on through as if more "44", fully of 48. the As House of New by and injuries. would 50. a result has of a fellow York, was, by located at 275 a fellow inmate, lacerated battered, assaulted, inmate who who while a.m., at 275 located was officers the Plaintiff and/or cut the Atlantic was in the Avenue, and/or lacerated battered, plaintiff was acting under the were acting in the scope cut with a knife control. supervision, of County their employment security guard and "1" and suffered battery serious, by aforesaid the permanent the jurisdictional exceeding physical limits and of all psychological lower courts jurisdiction. repeats, the has in a sum damaged have assault foregoing LYLES, been otherwise That plaintiff. Detention of assaulted, the incident. number paragraphs of New at or about 2019, Detention York AS AND 49. while a.m., House State negligently of correction CHRISTOPHER plaintiff. Brooklyn and City 20, February Brooklyn or more one Kings, 11:00 object. sharp or about State at the or provocation, object sharp of at or about 2019 incarcerated County like or knife That was cause justification. 47. that FOR A FIFTH repeats. LYLES Avenue without the Atlantic the herein. CHRISTOPHER of controlled York. Plaintiff 46. with at 275 located AS AND 45. YORK reiterates through defendant, FOR "48", A SIXTH and CAUSE each realleges as more DEPARTMENT 8 10 of 14 fully OF and set forth ACTION every allegation contained in herein. OF CORRECTIONS OF THE CITY OF NEW at INDEX NO. 519146/2019 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 08/29/2019 10:59 AM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/29/2019 its servants, YORK, fact, without just persons of lacerate and/or or more correction others on cut 51. regulations and the their plaintiff, all 20, Constitutions of the inmate York OF CORRECTIONS DEPARTMENT at the or persons, property of this plaintiff, supervision, basis law or the property assault, batter, and control, in direction OF CORRECTIONS or or of one OF THE or notice. rights and States their without authority. DEPARTMENT of the 2019, lawful provocation warning United to without employ of New City damage a fellow without February of the of and in the YORK, on fear by without employees, property officers That and and/or without cause, OF NEW CITY agents. of State the New and OF THE New of under plaintiff, the York, were York, States the by YORK statutes. laws, United violated OF NEW CITY the rules Government defendant, in the following respects: a. Plaintiff b. was the custody just cause Plaintiff of Constitution 52. That by DEPARTMENT and/or deprived 53. costs That incurred 54. plaintiff damaged the on by her was rights (42 reason of by in a sum reason exceeding of the the U.S.C. of and/or cut servants agents, laws of the while and/or detained and employees in without by the this action. the foregoing, plaintiff, the jurisdictional 9 11 of 14 limits rights by OF NEW secured as provided the the by by the Civil and of laws is entitled all lower its agents, and the to full CHRISTOPHER of defendant. YORK, physical serious Constitution plaintiff foregoing, the CITY and States immunities et seq.) of to severe subject or United 1983 §§ OF THE privileges rights, violation aforesaid secured in prosecuting That and Act of its defendant, deprived OF CORRECTIONS employees, being reason the lacerated battered, or provocation. was Rights assaulted, courts psychological United cost servants, of LYLES, that harm in States. attorney's has would fees been otherwise and INDEX NO. 519146/2019 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 08/29/2019 10:59 AM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/29/2019 have together jurisdiction, the WHEREFORE, Defendant have all lower sum on in a sum jurisdiction that Third Cause would otherwise limits Cause Action; and have jurisdiction otherwise disbursements Dated: New August of York, 29, this of otherwise have of fees have and in a sum on Sixth that would otherwise the jurisdictional limits of have limits together of all with lower TH§ the New (212) 10 12 of 14 for Suite Broadway, York, New 227-1222 FIRM, Plaintiff York 2200 10279 on costs evy AW LEVY Attdrneys 233 B. all courts 2019 Ipmil of jurisdiction York By: have P.C. and the otherwise limits of Action; action. New would in a sum and Action; otherwise Action; Cause action. against the jurisdictional exceeding that the jurisdictional of courts Second Cause would Cause lower this judgment the courts Fourth in prosecuting demands all on exceeding that incurred in a sum lower the courts exceeding on the all in a sum jurisdiction lower and of jurisdiction of costs LYLES, limits Action; limits all and CHRISTOPHER Cause Action; the jurisdictional of First would of attorney's the jurisdictional the jurisdictional exceeding the that said Plaintiff, exceeding on the courts with and in a jurisdiction lower courts exceeding the that of Fifth would INDEX NO. 519146/2019 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 08/29/2019 10:59 AM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/29/2019 SUPREME COURT OF THE COUNTY OF KINGS OF NEW STATE YORK INDEX CHRISTOPHER NO: LYLES. Plaintiff, ATTORNEY'S -against- THE VERIFICATION OF NEW CITY CORRECTIONS YORK OF THE and CITY DEPARTMENT OF NEW OF YORK, Defendants. Jamie makes the B. a member the under of the admitted duly in the State of New York, of perjury: penalty of THE firm law to practice LAW LEVY attorneys the P.C., FIRM, of record for plaintiff. I have read my own knowledge and as to those that This of New which grounds correspondence is in affirmant's Dated: New York, 29, Complaint foregoing except as to the matters, I believe them is made is the of County affirmant's with the possession. New therein where belief said and your contents stated as to all other not the thereof; on to be alleged plaintiff by affirmant maintains matters not pertinent data York 2019 JAM 13 of 14 stated contained information plaintiff, and the same is true information and to belief to be true. affimiant by know and matters had which August the verification York. The are affirmation following I am the an attorney Levy, - B. LEV relating because he is not in the County offices. upon affirmant's in the thereto. said knowledge plaintiffs file, INDEX NO. 519146/2019 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 08/29/2019 10:59 AM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/29/2019 COURT SUPREME COUNTY OF THE YORK OF KINGS Index ____ OF NFW STATE ____ __ - - . . . __- CHRISTOPHER No: - - - - - - - - - . - - - . - - - ________ ____ _ ___________ ______ LYLES. Plaintiff, -against- THE OF NEW CITY NEW YORK and DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS OF THE CITY OF YORK. Defendants. __ _________ ______ ____ _ _ __ __ ___ ___ __ _- - - - - - - - - - __ - __ - - - - - . _ _ ______ ____ _______________- SUMMONS _______________ __ ____ and _ LEVY THE 233 for Broadway. York, (212) 14 of 14 New _____ _______ _ _ _ _ ___ P.C. FIRM, Plaintiff Suite 2200 York 10279 227-1222 - - - ______ COMPLAINT __________ LAW Attorneys New _ _ _ VERIFIED _____- _______ _ _ _______