. City of uncensia .3705 rug-aways ?l CLAIM FOR DAMAGES \h 9 NOTE: A claim relating to a cause of action for death or for injury to person or to personal property or grown crops shall be presented not later than six (6) months after the accrual of the cause of action. A claim relating to any other cause of action shall be presented not later than one (1) year after the accrual of the cause oi action. (Refer to California Government Code Section 911.2) Deliver or mail the completed claim form to City of Fresno, Risk Management, 2600 Fresno Street, Floom 1030, Fresno, CA 93721-3612. Retain the pink copy for your records. Sign and date all attachments to the claim form. OFFICIAL USE ONLY Name of Claimant {Injured or Damaged Party) Birthdate of Claimant Central Valley Community Sports Foundation Home Address of Claimant Code Home Telephone Number Business Address of Claimant Code Business Telephone Number 2141 Tuoloumne Street, Suite Fresno CA 93721 559-486-1056 Social Security Number of Ciaimant CA Drivers License Number Name of Person to whom any Notices concerning Claim should be sent (It different from above) Relationship to Claimant Terance Frazier Director Address of Person to whom any Notices concerning Claim should be sent (If different from above) Teiephone Number When did Injury, Damage or Loss occur? (Date and Time) Police Fleport Number Approximately February 7, 2019 Where did Injury, Damage or Loss occur? (Location Name, Street Address. lntersecting Streets, etc.) At Fresno City Hall How did Injury, Damage or Loss occur? (Provide full detaits - Use separate sheets, if necessary) City manager and/or Mayor and others prematurely and knowlingly released a false and misleading audit report containing known errors. What did City or City Employeeis) do to cause the Injury, Damage or Loss? What are the name(s) of City Employeeis) who caused the Injury, Damage or Loss (If known)? The referenced audit report did not follow GAAP standards for audits, contained known errors and false and misleading information about the foundation's operations at Granite Park. City Manager Quan, Mayor Brand, and others. Describe the Injury, Damage or Less claimed. (Provide full details - Attach any medical records and use separate sheets, if necessary.) The premature release of the inaccurate audit report caused the company loss of reputation, portrayed the company in a false light, caused loss of sponsorships and other direct economic and consequential damages, and contract damages including breach of the covenant of good faith and fair dealing. What is the amount of Injury, Damage or Loss claimed, including the estimated amount of any future Injury, Damage or Loss. (ltemize and attach medical bills, property damage estimates, etc?Use separate sheets, if necessary). It the amount claimed exceeds $10,000.00, no dollar amount shall be included. However, you shall indicate whether the claim would be a limited civil case. (Refer to California Government Code Section 910[f]) Total estimated damages meet the qualifications for unlimited Superior Court jurisdiction. Name, Address Telephone Number of Witness(es), Doctor(s) andlor Hospitalts). (Use separate sheets, if necessary). Terance Frazier, TJ Cox, Chris Foxen, Tamara Ramos and personnel at City Hall currently unknown to claimant. Signatureof Clai/ or acting on Claim-ants behalf Date t? ?Ls/owe? Sv? .i'l PRESENTATION OFA Faces on FFIAUDULENT CLAIM Is A FELONY (Refer to California Penal Code Section 72) SF3164 (09,13)