Ease Numhur: U5 Filing ?352 I r'lii I 9 PM IN THE mm:an mus? UP THE 11TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT. IN AND Fss. ss?wssn FLDRIDA DEBRA EEHRNE. EASE Plsinlifi', vs. THPAI IHE. dJ'hl's SHIP LLC a Gtu-Igis Eurpnraliun. and NIURKA I. an individual. LAINT CGMES HEW. the Plaintiff, DEBEA HFARHE. 1hmugh his and sums The Deimdsnis. IHFAK SHIPPING WC. WE SHIP LLC. and HILIREA l. PEHEE sud states as fulluws; GEN i. This is 3-11 sutiun far damagcs in excess sf Fifteen. ??ussn? Dnilsrs escIUsEs-s m" l1?: casts nflhis sctium wl'li-th is Li's: minimumjurisdictinn sf this Cum. 2- nil tirncs mam-is! herein. the FisinliiT. DEBRA KEARHS. and is a msidmt sf Browd Cnunly, Fina-ids, and is sm?juris. 3. At ail lim materini harem. INC. dflw's SHIP WPAK LLC [Inrsins?sr was and is a Far-sign mmumtiun with its principal lucsiisn 31144-4 Famst Park Rusd SE, (is. 353-15. and is ulh?wis: .Tidl'j?r?l'. 4. Al ail limcs mst-sn'ni her-sin, ll'us Defiaan awnE? a Nissan mm: which Wi?'l The pislc 931, which was ihvsi'rtci in subjecl EUEDmn-hils accident. "3 Fl- FIR IJ ELEM-J, 1J1 51in.? PM 5. Atall times material herete. the Defendant. NIURKA l- PEREZ {hereinafter "his. was and is a. resident ei' Miami?Dads Ill-aunt}; Flntida. and is tithct'wise saute-is. ti. At all times materiel hercte. the Defendant. MS- was the empleyee endler driver ei~ the afaremcntitincd sehiele hunted by the Defendant+ INPAK, at the time efthc subject enternehile aceident. and was within the cause and scape ef her with at the time n! said accident. That at all times material herein the subject accident Desert-ed in Westen. Ben-ward Ceunty, Fletida. ll RI Ell [Ht The Plaintilli DEBRA EEARNS. rsalleges and rcstates all ef the allegatiens centained tn the allcgatietts tin-eegh l" hereinaheveland further alleges: 3. [hi ?cleher I 5. E?l at 1am} EI.ITI.., the Defendant, INFMIE. ewned a 2m 5 Nissan meter that was aperated With its hy' the Defendant. M3. FEHEE. an Statute-n Dlivc in Westen. Hrnward Cetmty. Flnrida. [in at haihn: t'lctehes 15. the Defendant. lhlli'ltlt, pennitted and welded permissien and certsent fer the Defendant. Mi PEREZ. tn apt-rate. maintain, and central its vehicle. At that time and place are-resai-i the Defendant, MS. negligently ?pEI'al-cd. maintained. and'ercenlrellcd the Defendant. vehicle while drivingin a residential area, as that she was speeding dawn the street and while Plaintiff was el? her residence walking her deg, the Defendant, MS- PEREE. negligently hit and ran FlatntilTs deg and kneel-ted Flainti?? In the As a resell, Plaintiff sustained serieus hedin iniuries and emetienal trauma frees the less cf he: deg. Page? It'll-ti I. The Defemiant. is liable fer the injtu'ies sustained by the li'lainljl?f1 KEARNS, under the- daetrine dfdangel'aua instlumentaiily. I1 That as a result at? the Defendant means, negligent anti-ans mutter inaetjarta. the Plaintiff, DEE-M suffered severe hedily injury and resulting pain and suffering. disability, dis?gurement. rare-ital anguish, less uf eepeeity fer the enjayment ef lilter expense nf heapilalizatian. medical and nursing eare and u?eatment, lass nfeamings. less at" ability ta earn maney. and aggmyatian of a previeualy existing eenditlen. The lessee me either permanent or aantinuing and the Plaintiff will aul'l'er the leases in the fulwe. the Plaintiff. DEBRA demands judgment fer damages against the Defendant. WPAK SHIPPWG SGLUITDNS. INC. dtbta SHIP WEAK 1.1.13. plus interest and any other relief the Chart deems planer. reesanahle. and jusL NEGLIGENCE AGMEET ?ag ?lmm 1. PEREZ The Plaintiff, DEBRA HEARHE. realieges and restates all at' the ellegalinns aantained in the allegadarts I threugh T. hereina?aaye, and timber alleges: I3. ?it Deldber li Bill? at applet-timeter Ilium] am, the Defendant. IEPMIL awned meter 1tehit?e that wasaperated with its eartsent by the Defemianl. M5- PEREL an Stantan Drive in Westaa. Bra-ward Caunty, FItJrid-?. I4. Eln er hefare ?etaber IS. 2011', the Defendant. IHPAK. permitted and presided permi?iett and cease-at fer the Defendant. ME. FEREE ta aperate, maintain, and eantm] its yeisiele. I5. that time and place a?l?it-t?eaaid1 the Defendant. MS. FEHEE, negligently tape-rated. maintained. at'udtl'ereentt'nlled the Defendant. vehicle whiie drin rig in a residential area, an- lhat she was speeding dawn the street and while Plaintiff was dtaaide al? her residenee waiiting her dag, the Defendant. M5. PEREE. negligently hit and. ran dyer Plaintiff's deg Ithaeited Plaintiff ta Page 3 afll The granule. he a resulh Plainti?eusl?i?B-d eerie-tie bediiy injuries and emetinnet trauma frurn the Iem uf her deg. That as direet result ufll??: Defendant. I. negligenee. the Pleinti??. DEBRA suffered Severe buriin injury and resulting pain end enl'l?ering. die?hili?r. die?gumment. mental anguish lire-e ul' veep-Hell} tin-r The 111' like, expense {if hneuitelieeliun. medical and nursing care and treatment, less uferu-nings, ins: nfuhility tn e-am m?'l'lt'f. and aggrevelinn el' 3 existing eenditinn. The ere either pennment ear eentinuing end the Plaintiff 1..I.Ii1l suti?er 1111!: ?155:5 in Ihe future- the Pleimif? DEBRA KEARNS. dumnruls jLHEIEment I'nr damages against the Defendent. WHERE I. PEREE. pine interest end an}f enter relief the Cnu? elect-n5 prance. renetinrili-le1 end just. The Pinin?lTin [he Rhett-styled Bauer: herein}- dernende a trial by nf all lhe i?ure lrieIJ-Ie by n'ghl. Dated this if day nf March we. END Pit. httemeye fur Plaintiff Presidential Circle Hellwend Blvd, Suite TUE-E liullywuei Fl?n'lli? 3-3-31] Brewer-.1; {954} Danie: (El-Eli} 53 TH Fax: {954} 933*?330 E-meil: 51? Elli-7i? - um. Bil": . DD T. HDETUH Flu-rich Ber Ntl- Jill-#459 Pegednf-II