9/3/2019 Small 7 cucnizenAcoess Publishing Notice Gman Dylan "ger-- CU-CitizenAccess Publishing Notice 3 messages Dylan Tiger -- Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 12:03 PM To: oheuerman@co.champag . Hello Sherill Heuermani I am writing to inlorm you that our jail investigation story, which you were previously contacted about, will be published by the end of next week. I wanted to extend the courtesy to you and ask tor comment one last time, given the signiticant public interest sutrounding the story. If you recalli it is about the medical/facility conoitions ol the county jails and the lack ol major improvements alter them. Despite heing belore your time as Sherilt you indicated to WILL that you wanted to increase training because it had heen reduced over the years under Walsh. Have you made any eltorts to increase this training specifically in the Corrections Division? Are you familial with the jail assessments completed in 2015 and 2013 (costing the County oval $200000) and the resolutions made in those studies? Do you have any plans to implement the solutions tecomment'ied (24/7 medical stafi, inadequate holding iacililies, etc, . do you still want to close the Downtown Jail as indicated to WILL in 2018'? Thanks Dylan Tiger CUCitizenAccessorg nustln n. Heuorman Welt Jul 17,2019 at 1:24 PM To: Dylan Tiger Good alternoon, Dylan. Thanks tor reaching out again, Take a look at my responses below. From: Dylan 'l'lget Sent: Wednesday, July 17' 2019 12 09 PM To: Dustin D. Heuerman Subject: Publishing Notice Hello Sheri" Heuermany lam writing to intorm you that our iait investigation story, which you were previously contacted abouli will be published by the end oi nextweek, I wanted to extend the courtesy to you and ask for comment one last time given the Significant public interest surrounding the story. llyou recalli it is about the medical/lacitity conditions at the county iaits and the lack oi maior improvements alter them mips iimait google iiz Gmail 7 cucitizenAcoess Publishing Notice Despite being before your time as Sheriff. you indicated to WILL that you wanted to increase training because it had been reduced over the years under Walsh. Have you made any efforts to increase this training. spec'tically in the Corrections Division? i believe our correctional ofhcers are adequately trained during their correctional academy training, but my goal is to increase the ongoing training it is important to me that correctional officers remain proficient in the skills they need to successfully accomplish their assigned tasks Cultural diversity training is also imponant to me We have formulated a continuous training plan to address training that isn't mandatory, butthat plan has been difficult to execute because of some correctional officer vacancies that have occurred if is difficult to send officers to optional training when we are working With a minimum number of officers on a shift (I'm requesting an additional correctional officer position for FY20, but not sure if the county board will approve that). Are you familiar with the jail assessments completed in 2015 and 2013 (casting the County over $200,000) and the resolutions made in those studies? Do you have any plans to implement the solutions recommended (24/7 medical staff. inadequate holding facilities, etc)? As I'm finally getting my bearings with 9530 operations have been collaborating with the Jall Superintendent to evaluate if there is anything we can be doing in the tails to make our operations more effective and efficient I'm still in the process of reviewing some of the recommendations and forming a plan for the best way to approach them A lot ofthe recommendations have to do have to With money not currently budgeted though. I've been working With the county board to try to identify additional funding sources to help accomplish these recommendations While we are currently in compliance applicable laws and regulations renovating the Satellite Jail would give us the opportunity to create a space that better addresses our special population of inmates and would allow us to adapt to changing needs. Regarding our medical contract, we have one more year on that contract When we pursue a new medical contract, it is my intent at this point to explore the option of 24/7 medical coverage. We currently have coverage for 18 hours a day, and have been told that having 24/7 coverage is very expensive, however am willing to explore ll lf il sallsfies whal Is needed in our The ultimate factor, In my oplnion, came down to whether the County Board feels we have sufhcientfunding for this, as well as making the needed infrastructure changes to make the recommendations successful Lastty, do you still want to close the Downtown Jail as indicated to WILL in 2018? Yes -- I think this is imponant Maintenance of the lacllily has been neglected over the past decades which has Ilmlled our use of some areas of the downtown jail and unexpected issues coming up from time to time it was also built with a different correctional philosophy ln mlnd, so operations are no! as effictenl as Iwould like To me il doesn't make sense to have two Unfonunately, With the different classtficalions of inmates we currently have, it is impossible to simply move the inmates to the Satellite iail wllhoul addressing physical changes to the facility Thanks. Dylan Tiger cucttizenAccessorg Dylan Wed. Jul 17, 2019 at 1:50 PM louoted Iext hidden] intps Iltltail google 2/2