9/3/2019 Gmail 7 cucneenAccess inquiry I I Gmail DylanTlger Mon. Jul 22, 2th at 5:59 PM To: Dylan Tiger Hi Dylan. Hi I'm in the Faroe islands right now with relatively spotty internet, so it you send a tollow-up and I'm not quite as prompt please don't hold that against me. Just happened to have very good timing with me having a tew moments with decent data speeds, I've only been on the board since this past December so obviously that means I wasn't around tor the commissioning (and receipt) ot those reports. Since I've been on the board. though, we've had a jail tour (not my first, but it was tor a tew board members) and discussion with the sheritt.-that was I think our tirst tacilities committee meeting back in December.- and more recently had a tacilities meeting where there was more ot a tocus on the jails. For that one. I tried very hard to rally people to come and participate during public comment via some social media postings like this one: (aoebook 00m/eleclthetngrarn/pholosla We certainly had more comment that night than I think any tacilities meeting in the past--and it beat basically every county board meeting I've attended outside ot a tew. (This telt like a win tor me because I pushed pretty hard to have the jail discussion right alter public comment and was told it wouldn't matter because no one would show up anyway.) Benjamin Beaupree was definitely there, though I don't know how much coverage he put up, So yes, discussions are being had, and I've been trying to push them in the direction ot what we can do to better serve the people who will have to stay there no matter how much we do in terms of new programs or cash bail retorm. There is a subset of people who will stay there no matter how much we can improve the system, and currently they have very little space at the satellite to let those people do anything, One all--purpose room that serves as classroom. religious service space. statt meeting locale. clientilawyer private room, and more. Dawnan has a library but the satellite doesn't, The rec space is open-ail, so rec time in the winter is limited. And generally, even the holding areas present some problems tor the sheritt and the otticers, since separation is needed for lots otditterent ieasans, The paper--taped--over. the--windows space tor women prisoners (to maintain the no--line-Dl--sight iequiremenls) is pretty iidiculaus, The board is Hiliail googie 1/2 9/3/2019 Gmail - CU-CitizenAccess Inquiry at least generally aware of these issues but has largely been punting on jail-related issues for years. Something has to be done. I'm hopeful that with the current board makeup (along with the current sheriff) we'll be able to make sensible changes that will have restorative justice in mind. I've not seen or heard a proposal that doesn't require some expansion of the satellite jail, but I think if that's for more office space and for more program and quality of life space (ie. not an increase in the current bed total between spaces), then I think we'd be doing the community (communities, really) a service. Obstacles would obviously be largely budgetary, but I would also have to look to see if measures like this would need simile majority or if we would need fifteen votes. 12 Dems, 9 Reps, and 1 board chair who refers to Dems as "them" means that if it's more of a simple majority we'd need to do more haggling, I guess? Hard to tell. The Reps on the facilities committee--chair Stan Harper in particular--seem to be of the same mind that we need to get the satellite ready ASAP to be the one place. Their own visions for how to achieve that I guess you'd have to ask them. But when I've been talking about this stuff in facilities meetings he has seemed to agree with my position. (That or he's just so sick of dealing with the jail that he's ready for whatever can fix it without a fight?) Kyle Patterson might be another good person to reach out to, as he has a couple more years under his belt and (I imagine) was expecting to have to deal with this as board chair when it seemed he'd be the chair. He's at kylepattersonccb@gmail.com Okay, back to puffin spotting! -Mike [Quoted text hidden] -Mike Ingram Champaign County Board, District 6 https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ik=a27a45e3fb&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-a%3Ar-5971645507996566776&simpl=msg-a%3Ar-69680933… 2/2