RAYMOND E. VATH, M.D., P.S. 2661 BELLEVUE-REDMOND ROAD SHERIJ/OOD FOREST OFFICE PAR]<, SUITE 105 BELLE\-IJE, $TASHINGTON 98OO8 Telephone 206 882-O7OO 15 June 1993 Dear Tania, We appreciated so much your ccurageous rneeting with us. ln my 27 yearsin psychiatry, I am always impressed how r,vomen like you can corne to sessions where you do not know others very well and reveal very troubling personal experiences. Yet without such revelations societY is immobilized in dealing r,vith so much of man's inhumanity to rnan because of the protectiorts buiit into our s)'Stem. 3ci*ulu i i,a,.; i+a:-;-;ec ii-rci..",,;;-.1j ri is irile io i;n;;'o;il comSona'riiti-i iheii'pasi preponderance of data sufficieni io break through the misdeeds, one must have a minimization and denial that most of us use to protect ourselves. This is especially cornmon in disfuntional families which yours sounds like. That's why it's hard to get the alcoholic to admit his alcoholism, for example. ln talking with some experts who have studied \?a:/s to get such data from the past Ivhen memories cannot always been trusted for therr accuracy, it lvas suggested ihat if we could have access to your eariiest diaries vre would have very strong data. Furthermore, if we could locate the home room teacher you fii'st revealed the abuse to, and if she would corroborate yc)iJr story we would have very strong data. We would need to know the gracle ano school anC witir your perrnission tc talk urith her we woui'-i make the effort to find her. We are concerned that one of the difficuities we may face as we pursue this is that teachers, counselors and therapists whom you contactei, may themselves minimize your story to protect themselves, for several did violate the law by not reporting your story of abuse. S/e are attempting to avoid any confrontational approach with thern to reduce the likelihood of this happening. After all vre are not out to get anyone, only io .rei to tha tr',-,ttn. It has been almost a year since we first learned of the continued nature of your accusations, and as you know it has been very difficult to obtain data from the hospitals, from Childrens' Protective Services and even to arrange a meeting with you. Because the records were not very precise in describing the abuse, it was not until we met with you, that were were aware of ihe seriousness of the problem. We had assumed that they were not toc serious as CPS had not pursued them. ln the State of Washingtcn where we have had a serial kiiter of women, as well as several children murdered by their parents, such cirarges are generally pursued wiih great effort. Apcarently this is not so in Oregcn. If you are willing to help us further in the ways i have requested, I would appreciate a note, and we can make arrangements to have a diary copied, and your teacher iocated if possible. Chairman of the Board