RA1MOND E. VATH, M.D., 2661 BELLEVIT'E-REDMOND P.S. ROAD SHER\rOOD FOREST OFFICE PARK, SUITE BELLE}ITE, !(/ASHINGTON 98008 Telephone 1O5 206 882-0700 10 August 1993 Dear Tania, The Mercy Corps committee has continued to attempt to explore the complaints which you have made about your father, and have maCe at least a little progress. As I stated in my last letter to you that verifiable ciata is essential in dealing with situations such as this. As ycu directed our attention to some of youi'faiher's unhealth,l' interpersonal skills, nranipulative i r:elieve you sari, 'rye have lcieriiifieci several instances of this in his relationship with lvlercy Coi'ps peopie an,J issues and therefcrre u/e are now ;n the process of therapeutically confronting this. This is enabling us tc stoD the inappropriateness while guiding him to appropriete cehaviors. While he has admitted with significant rernorse the fact that he cjid not provide protection for you in your very early years, when you were left in the care of persons that took advantage of your innocence, he is equally aiamani that some of the more severe behaviors that you accused him of did not occut'. As vre have not been able to obtain the cooperation of the home room teaciier that you first complained to, nor have we received pages cf the Ciarv urhich you ha're kept, w: do not have sufficient confirmed evidence to proceed as decisively as we woulc iike. I have enclosed an article from the Seattle Times about a sinrilar situation that illustrates the impartance of this kind of information, for in this instance an abusive ieacher would have gone free had the diary not been produced. This is the irnportance of your diary to us. You stated to us that one of your great frustrations was that no one would listen to you o:.believe you. As part of your story does check out, I hope you will realize that we are attempting to listen to you, but as we are bound by the rules of fairness to your father as well as to you, I hope you will help us fill in tlre gaps as we are requesting. We do 1oi neecj an eniii'e a= EEU 'doH oaP g. ::b0 H,t I 5H;AE;5EE: fiSH *E5E€EE';EEE Ei iEE* iHPesX n2? -B .EI* r s€ E.E $E i} tEfEEg sfs :E ar-rIlo",* -cF^9 qii E: * gE. H.* gTBEEA E€: IE:aEEE qBE iEE;BgiEEEE[E BE-EE:E€E:EEi* rI;?EEEAtFE* €-E HEEelt EsE gE IE ;: ;E; s H;r C,) a r-( J -o C( -{ c c F1 Fl-r U (n c {.J Ea Cg (') t-r CS -1 I-r CE EEE E n,€$-'.EHsE 'N - € *a.f H€ E sEEEE i:HE Ed;as; t*8 ?SBEef 3f,H€ EEEi^*TgrJEE >.S .qlEi .SoYP ca c€ o tr .H€clra a (n (.) C) a c) H o) o-' Eo 8E E3 trtr Pri a O q) =F ii 6) uIf oo-t-C) !6.V-A a -11 o bol I sI€ .o o trr ts--:0 o) !? e) '< E'E o aiJ q) E' ab8 .E o Qd (J -C'{5 *< C) o .!0.) gE o 6F ! O tu8 o d o € Oq; E I-E 6)t E'tr P'6 9 (J X E o -C fi Cd a E cHU 0.) a * 1a o tsa; '-:E o 'ca }{ !r o o .= co L (lJ a 0ii o F Po) -ci o -t O' d o a dio -c) "e o o,)