Sell-14.20% WSH-NRU "c.6565 F, 5/10 COMPETENCY EVALUATION SEPTEMBER it, 2018 -- PAGE 4 Merlin! Cedar records ML -was evalrreied anhe emergency depamnen: on 11/11/16 aflerhe round unresponsive wiih alcohol an his breath. He Was and ngiinred when cvaluamd in rho field by medics. but "somnaleni and unresponsive" when AMR arrived. He was mponsive on Arrival no the emergency deparn-nenr. He was nmed no he covered in bark and dried blood. A hisnary could not be nhminsd due no his nhered mental sums. Labm'ntury mulls wereposifivs for ninpliemmincs, and unnahinnidsr Results on brnirli CT werewiihin normal lirniis. Accordingm the Seattle Police Depamnem (whn halved secondary to the alleged inslant offense), he had elopedfmmavns days prior. Home medioally cleared um avail/1g and was mjnil. also were received for earners witth. - on 7/31/16. whan he we brought to die emergency '19me mar being found milling around an aidewnlk of full body win In are ermgency depmmenche Exhibiud bium: warning and becunu acutely ngimed, the wall. flown medicated mine with lnmzepnm and Hulda] for his Route Iginatian. Once in Enmgenay Services, he hog-n pafitioning for dischargeieviaily sorting he did not remember being mm and did not know why he was referred for evelnerion. When reminded onhe ciruummneos oflu's being to die amalgam he laughed, and said, "Yeah. [couldn't up!" He reported that although he twantly ntNavos. he did not believe that)>> had a mom! illness. He did [Ell social workerthat l1: planned in go to Sound Muml Henllh the nail: day in reenmll in survives: HI: was is disheveled and disireooed. with mild agiiafinn and expiruive and silly affect, impaired memory, and somewlm disorgpnized speech (yer goal-dilem regnrding meeting h'nsic needs). Iiwns med diet it was difficulm separate his mum from ongoing subsunee usa. A urine drug screen Wu poririve rer only. Following necrpr ofrnediceriens he was in behavioral comml. "ahnuph animated Ind expensive 7 ornmir/c (ride um) possibl: bipolar rpeoirnrn disorder but also cannot r/n substance induced mad Issuciuied with a drug um dfleetable an HMC tux scmn, is rpioe, Diagnoses mulled Cniinnbis Ahrrse wiih Inmxieazien. Unspmifind, and Fsycimsis. Ho disolimgedw sulfur: the same d-yr An addirinnai rsyohnnic Emergency Services rrnie lined 7/1/16 indie-red airman-wee oral-eh: in hyrirr Seems Police drier he was ubsexved throwing a. rock film/ugh roar- windshield of can thatqu driving puthim. ban-reported vim lie Llumghl the woman driving th: vehiol: inerar him. is was non'd thni ire hedno hirmry wirh thorview, inuhnd been seen in The emergoncy as minor nor issues rehcedcn rne, nleolwl ind herein, The pen morning he luva. He reluctantly in an inrerview, but "was quite sumac] end this history he did provide was in word-Am: with rarer Minds." He denied any eurrenrnr h'srory of use mnxijunnu, despire being rhe sacrum snriaerrsn'cicy screening was posidve for ncdrarnpherennine and eenmhinoidi, He was described as oehn but guarded, wirh illogiul ind pronouns, hhrried rnoed, haired insight. lie declined follow-lip healdr or chemical dzpewdenvy homers and was disehrrgedrn selreare. Diagnase: included Omar Stimulant Aims: with hmxiunzinn. Uncompliclbd, and Cannabis Abuse. lung County Jail medical reenrds' Mn nenspoded fi'om Huhorview to jail on 5/11/16. lie/wards roieremd his mantelupcment from aisn indicried dire he had been needed with Depehme and Bridal yi/liilra here Mr. _arrived at Lhajnil hr rounpninc remains and nspii mask The receiving nurse reported math: said ha was 1nd banging his hand against the member-.1: was noted that he was alrisk fur injury to severe almhni inmxicnfiun and impulsive behavior.