5/ states under oath in English I am a senicr investigator at Independent Police lnvesligaflve Directorate Western Cape, 1" floor building clo mazuri and pelrosa re Bellville. Tel. 021 >941 4500. 2. i am the investigating officer of Plkelberg Cas- Inquest. lt l3 alleged that on 2015- 1208 at about 09:05 the deceased was detained at Pikamerg SAPS holding cells for domestic violerce when he was found hanging gainst a holding cell burglar bar gale. He was certified dead at the scene and was later la services as per--v en to Malmesbury furensio pathology Witness statements were obtained from SAPS cflicials who discovered death of the deceased and are filed in the docket. They allege that they found the deceased hanging himself inside a holding cell. 4. A PM report was obtained and filed as per A20, of hanging [shows that the deceased died as a result in light of the above evidence, there appears to be no criminal lransgressiun or misconduct against any SAPS or MP3 member The decea of foul play. committed suicide and there are no signs PIKETBERG a45-- _5tates further under oath in En iish Docket is hereby referred to DPP for a . i knuw and understand the content of this statement I have no objections into taking the prescribed oath, I have no objections into taking the prescribed certify that the depcnenl knows and undersia as the conients of this statement and that the deponent has acknowledged that he knows and understands the contents thereon This statement was sworn to befom me and [he deponent's signature was pieced thereon in my presence at on 2016-03--31 2:108:00 Commissioner of oath Full address: do Mazzur and Petrossa roads Beilviile IPID Rank: Senior investigator.