IN THE COURT OF COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA State of West Virginia (?arse No. 7a V- Misdemeanort? Cl Felony Michael L. Capnto 09 18 I 1957 Defendant (full name} Social Date ofBirth :39? Satter?eld Street - Addtess Drive-1?3, License I Identi?cation Number Rivebville. WV 26588 -, . City. State :51: Zip Coele Phone Humberto) CRIXUNAL ?ling. Ct. Gimmes? Procedure Rafe f3 U510 37 I. the naclersigned complainant. upon my oath or af?rmation. state the following is one and correct to the beat of my lotowledge and belief. On or about 03 01 z? 2019 .in Kanawlra County. West Virginia. in violation of West Virginia Code (cite speci?c section. subsection, anti/ot-subdivision, {Si?$983 the defendant (lid (state .stut?utwfr [ought-13c) of ens Any person who unlawfully and intentionally makes physical contact with force capable of causing physical pain or injury to the person ofanotlter or unlawfully and intentionally cause?: physical pain or injury to another person. I further state that this complaint IS based upon the following facto: 32161100? t'fronn'tmed on attarlmd S'll??i?l. On tlze above (late. the defendant walked. tmrard the steps leading. to the main door ol?tlre I-lonse of Delegates (HOD) Chamber, inside the State Capitol Building. Kanawlta County. in C?lzarlebton. WV. The det?midant was: making a commotion. talking loud. and saying: nasty things as he started up the steps. The defendant was; observed walling {{f'tfzis comp/mitt involves misdemeanor [?2193 Code 33 02' misdemeanor assault/"botany [ll-"est Vitgittirt Code 33 61~3~38]. check all that apply. The defendant: ist?was the victim's spouse. isfwae living will} the victim as a spouse, innent. or guardian. El iss?was a parent or guardian of the victim. is a person who is like a sponge parent. or guardian of the Vietim. has a child in common with the victim. has none of the above connections to the victim. Com tlainant {who a Heat's before Magistrate . . . [Cl 1 I 1 0n tins coniplanrt. sworn or affront-(l before me and e. tam tetpresence on this date by the complainant. {mu mum the itentta) citecl'ed below apply Kanawlta Boulevard Easte Bailtiing 1 Room ISLE-A Addie-?5 Finding; issuance Charleston. WV 13330) (r City. 5mm pair, agar No probable cause found Bl?limllm?? ??lled W. . {394} 553-9911 cause found Wanna: issued .?tone arrest Division ofProtectix-?e Services-{apart} Eoltce Office or Title. ifany f/K a 4% ?f 5/ I (:31 wilt?u. Date 1 C?oinplainant Signature Date Page 1 Criminalgomplaint (previews-{1? My.? Rex'ision Date: Approved: 018$th 20} 3. Docket 0151: 1111. IN THE COURT 017 . .. WI II. VIRGINIA CRIEIINAL COMPLAINT PAGE) up II1 110111 111111 {11151 6111131 1111511911 11.1I 01 kickid I111: (1001.21111I upI-Ii _d_0I11 and 1111: 1111!. T111: 1111111131: (1001 cuI1'111113I- 01 the 121111111bc1? 113d {1135's 11110111111111.1111111 111w: 3111111111 for1::1?y1j151111111y ?11111 52111113. 1111: 11613111111111 I111: {1130.1 111m 111111 mad; 1111: I101) 013111115111 1 110311 11511c13111?redrhc 121131131131: .s?Ier-r I116 incidczit Mr. '151c11111c ofpain 111111 511111-1111 111_I:IliIa_1 I111 51h: 11nd at a 11:11:111 11053111111. 0131:1231: 8111111721; Malcolm 11'115' 1111:? 1111: incidcm 111111 5111ch 5111: 11:15 111 the chamber. as session was 1112 61111111 {11111 1111411111 1.111.1111115-11 8111. 51:11:11 111:1 :111: 11:15 1'11? I111f1115 11:1} and 111111 1:1 1_11_111 11.1 come 11pm 11131111111'1Ic1' 111 1111 11131111111111- elbow $111: Maud 111111111': 11111110111111 10 5111111. 31:11:111111 111111 11111 1.1.215 51111: 111211 1.11:1 I111 C?apiIoI ?30119: 111111 5111: 111111 ?3111111111 1.. 1:151:11 :1111311111111 1111 1111111 111111 5111c 01 111:1 11111__ 15 I111: 1111.:1 111: 1111 1111111 13131141311: 211111151311 11:: 11 511:1 11:15 11111111 1111111111111111115512115 1:311: 1111' 111151111111? 1111211 12011111111111.1111 [11:11c13c5 111211 :1 {1:111:1'3'1. I11. _1':1111'1:1'1 1111 81131011 ?11111 1 c151 _1111 {?331131'1111: .1. . RCO: (311111111 :11 (01.11111: 11111 (1)111 :11 11.1._1' 0 If?) Iicxtasion Dam: 21133: 131.11 ?1 (If: 1"(11 3*33121130C1'u11: