FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET 1338052-0 Total Deleted Page(s) 2 28 Page 35 Referral/Consult; Page 36 Referral/Direct; Page 37 Referral/Direct; Page 38 Referral/Direct; Page 39 Referral/Direct; Page 40 Referral/Direct; Page 41 Referral/Direct; Page 42 Referral/Direct; Page 43 Referral/Direct; Page 44 Referral/Direct; Page 45 Referral/Direct; Page 46 Referral/Direct; Page 47 Referral/Direct; Page 48 Referral/Direct; Page 49 Referral/Direct; Page 75 Duplicate; Page 76 Duplicate; Page 77 Duplicate; Page 78 Duplicate; Page 79 Duplicate; Page 80 Duplicate; Page 91 Duplicate; Page 92 Duplicate; Page 94 Duplicate; Page 95 Duplicate; Page 130 Referral/Consult; Page 133 Referral/Direct; Page 135 Referral/Consult; Deleted Page(s) No Duplication Fee For this Page Complaint Form (Rev. 2-13-86) Indices: l:l Negative KI See below NOTE: Hand print names legibly; handwriting satisfactory for remainder. Subject?s name and aliases PAUL EUGENE PRUDHOMME Character of case VCMO Complainant El Protect Source JOPISIO. Complaint received DPersonal Telephonic Date 9/29/93 Time Address of subject 527 Mandeville Street New Orleans, Louisiana 70117 Complainant?s address and telephone number Airport 464? -2693 Race Sex Height \t Hair Build Birth date and 7/13/40 Age Weight Eyes Complexion Social Security Number l:lFemale (/00 7f? Scars, marks or other data 46w fax Facts of complaint On September 29, J.P.S.O., Item I-26534 document. 4/50?} tr at cowl, ?f @rW? Cg" Jm dc?l?rc??; F437 194%" 1993 PAUL EUGENE PRUDHOMME, born 7/13/40, a $9 1144/ war 91% North American Arms Derringer, stainless steel with wood grips. (Complaint received b? ticketed passenger on Delta Flight 220 from New Orleans Intrn. Airport to Cincinatti found to possess a loaded five shot 22 caliber magnum Serial Number W13481, four inch The gun was spotted in black carry on hand bag through Concourse x-ray machine. PRUDHOMME stated that he carries the weapon for personal protection and that he forgot that it was in the bag. PRUDHOMME was ticketed and released by NCIC revealed an arrest on 10/6/60 by New Orleans Police Department for auto theft and on 9/15/92 was arrested by Maryland State Police for "carrying wearing a handgun and bOarding an aircraft with a firearm." The NCIC printout is attached and made part of this New Orleans FOIMS was negative regarding PRUDHOMME however, General Indices reflected a 194- 92- -254 which was indexed in 1985. 61% [Lama/1W? J/p?g [lye [lawyer/?1? org/awe we 5? 75? imam; nun mwreanmmamnrasipa BLOCK STAMP b6 b7C b6 b7C rr"? zax?axaa :Hi . UIHM 31?! 9?1 if}: ii S'r} El. 5? '10 I: :21 15:1} ill] 1: I HTS UH 5? 5?05: (3311f? in! 31.33?? Hit?? 111-5}. '3 {1.1.7231}: in 3&3 yaxaaxau ixKOLu?? Hmam?awwnnu?wd aiva "mm 1u4 Hmw? f?ir?CWE-l HHEM :35} IBHJ. {31' 1213?"! TEN-LI. 3.451 I 3151 Sq $0 @Q"W?ahif E13: a. X520 3 TE i ELCI I 31?? .55 55 $331 ci??ii? 35.; UN 3115-1 3151 {Effig? :1?ng mi.? J: 3151 I DLCI Sq [403,391] {?1933} (21: .K I :31 EHEE EXFLEMETIUN BF 1212!: EUHNUMIEFTE THE iE i?i UR EIEPUSITKUN NEEDEIL WEE l)?f71 i FEE BIHWH HEX RQEE MEIR 8R0 ETES 133 i} HETUHT f:3i:i() EIETH DETE HEIGHT MUTE I QFXEFKFE . 0.3133! KMEF FFH3.HT FLESH FWFERESTED 0E RFEETUED NEE ?w ENFHREETEU UR RECEIVEQ HEY- i1?? EHEE FUNNIEE FEKEEUILLE THIS . 911153? BE MENE311HED EIRCRAFT EXPIREQRW FKEELEFZFEIB 32$; HEED UNLY THE EEIE 55i.'553V .3 END UE 1.3315252? 0333.15.32? hf?) GFXZ3FXFE RECDED REGULQTEU IT F3tjfii3ilf?i? El?jiz NE 13 HUE b7E b6 b7C b7E b7E b'7E b7E b6 b7C b7E 1&3 ?3:25? {113% [tr-3333" h'ifll?lf?i 1?1. ?12? E-Eiaf?j?j F-iifik?lr! 2315:: A ?15m HiFir?,135323??b?mi?i??im?3m HHUA I431 HFIFMHH II :1 QEEHL A 'ii??l'i 527' ?33:111. Mi? 515M {all} 5'55"; 3 $153. ?2 I 2%??377?3 (11? 13' S: 3: $231 ?xnw 3(M. (EH {Hit-11:! {"10 iris! 112W (F?'i'if?ir?z? I $3.35 12173.2! HFTEIA. .21? 1:331:12: 3H1. 3?32 325333.213 ?2,333 H1311: $1312}. if?x??uriz?efri} .. i) '12: $.34 3?3 1:131"! 3% 51241. 1533211131?! (1.: 7341? #513331?: ZEHJ .L 153:5 323:} 5i ?W?v?mfl'iv??'v? CHEW f2; "Il'?i?xijihkiil?j? 'r?fltl? lUi'iIi. HEM). "a MIJUEM :33 (QT lit-1y: i ?i?livi HJHIH H?uxn . . a - 1 Kw?i?L4d MEL, J. L. . NU MLJIC H??nN'i 135313 EEIHEI mum 1 :34? 31:3? I I 33?n 15waaxau MU Milli: (M12330 M?if?VPi?ilii?iu??i?l?ii;. NEE: Huxu - 0vs3?xv3 am?1 1394g20? o9xu ka 5% . ?$55.11 55351356? Wok? 111$ .- - 4W 111%? WkwagciLw d231mn . 53.0 mmawg quQ? co?vaHL?Qv: . Q) hi: ??5551ka 0:553, ?95 . \Sz?Ef \vx)1\ 6 c. 1.11:: J. moth? . kwTitTm i 22%:qu "7:13 T555. .1 1.. 55:5: . - 55: ?5:15:11 155:5 55:55 :5555555 $9562 mog?nn C53 memg Lil: 377% -55 - 256:: chz?xh cave-1Q \rxx _551599 150:5 6539p 53? $59. {scamsl meL RR) . 115201.23, :gqgf q<1ktqu11?355 6x, -- 1. 22.. 21:5) \rxq $506115. .11: porsg?wg . $2599.53 1 5 V?n Ummcm 5 4:15:41; - - 3' (1,00%th Q1 ?2 .. . 5 1112551123 51?555 FD-340 - 9 Universal File Case Number 1 0 56475 Field Office Acquiring Evidence Gama/alas, Serial of Originating Document Date Received I 4; 1993) From Rut. EUGENE (Name of Contributor) 527 ST. (Address of Contributor) NEW ORLEANS: Low SIAM (Citv and State) By mammal-AUG nt) To Be Returned Yes No Receipt Given El Yes El No Grand Jury Material - Disseminate Only Pursuant to Rule 6 (9) Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure El Yes No Title: Reference: (Communication Enclosing Material) Descriptionf?l? Original notes re interview of "pl-\UL $12013 HOME b6 b7C QC. 14,1993 Mm: Her.- 51% .Eyg? 5.5M. .3305: JULY 9 L16 Pia-fog 7 a MM Mm Mi bead, i . ca? EVENT r1, 1933, . ?(gawk Hag-M Mew ORLEANS ?7&2 79915;. 136 __b7C x, Wriaa ?(0.91 r2, >420 HAD YHE .9 MO WEACPQM .5414?fo 1904? \Doa ,prokc?raouGB i YOU EVEQ .wm-z 7m: Mom-:5? 55570123.? ?1-11: vas. gay/222%! 9L a? RE 41277472 3m .?atgw 3m w? (0.01111 017.11 - C1090: .11 1 9010/1 0115111111111 1 1111 11 -11100.7 1,710? r7U- 1 1:11 1.111 101%;ka 11%01M10111W0110ivm?p111r5 1 11111 1. big/If -1 ?Vw nu 1 114/. 8.11 11111111110711.0101; 1.1 10f Milo/Z/ 111103101110/ 3 1 ..1 101111011001? (111.15 11.011 11 1W1. 1 /7 1 W1 01.11.11 1(11y/1/171110711Cl/ 1111111111. 111 111. 11 111.111 111% W1wa411f1171mM11./. 31.71an 11/1/11 ?11,141?. 1 1 . 1 {Va (/0111 .6 1W1in111/1/7/v/ {(10%le 1. 11.1 1/J/v. 1.1 11m1 1 111 1600.0 1. 111 .V/711/1mJ1/1w1 90917n1W/l/Uhun110. .. 1.711111111111111 111111 1- 1111 11 1 7_ 7 97 77 7999.99.9?: 961-}: W999 m9. 5:9 i N3 ?3793:5999h .9779. ?7%wfkm9__7 7 ,9 79979999955959 9 99 9, 999., ,9 9 3? 92,919 07995239?7? Record Request . . FD-125 (Rev. 7-6-90) NOV. 15, 1993 Birth Credit Criminal El Death INS El Marriage* Motor Vehicle Mower Buded 4557?- _l Return to F1 nurn er b6 5A 1645 - MO 4Z5 we Name and aliases of subject, appl? or employee, and spouse RUL EUGENE 12o DHO MME, AKA, QENZ Addresses Residence . [70177 Business Former *Date and place of marriage (if applicable) Race Sex Age Height Weight Hair Eyes 'Male .- I) Female Bow/U Birth date (JULV 13,1940 lad/leuA Fingerprint classification Criminal specialty Social Security Number Drivers License Number cific information desired Itoz 1/5752? 5123.1 ECTAND Epoc'?? H7320 2-0 5) .594 5ew75?2m gmgn?m'?m NOV16 1993 FBI NEW ORLEANS indices Search Slip . 60 (Rev. 7-28-89) a 9 it i (ill. Cf ?93 Requested by To: Office Services Manager Ext. squad: File No. 782 5 184 (1- Subjecl? Social Security Account Aux. Eu?ajg? Aliases Address Birth Date Birth Place Race Sex nMale P143 ?'30 ElFemale El Exact Spelling El Main Criminal Case Files Only Ci Restrict Locality of El All References El Criminal References Only Main Security Case Files Only Main Security (If no Main, list all Security References) Security References Only Main Criminal (if no Main, list all Criminal References) NEG E?P'os (i3 ISIS: El NEG El POS Searched by Date Searched by Date El Confidential lndices: El NEG El POS El OCIS: NEG El POS Searched by Date Searched by Date El ELSUR EIPOS Ell I NEG POS Searched by Date Searched by Date FOIMS: ErFos 3 El MICRO: NEG me I HM Searched by Date Searched by Date GLWL: El POS El NEG PCS it? Searched by Date Searched by Date Place an by the Field Office(s) to Query for Regional Searches. Northeast Mid-Atlantic Central Western Albuquerque El Albany El Atlanta New Orleans El Buffalo El Little Rock El Anchorage l2] Bern Switzerland Baltimore El Norfolk El Chicago El Louisville El Butte Bonn Germany Birmingham El Quantico El Cincinnati El Milwaukee El Honolulu Ell Boston El Charlotte Richmond Cleveland El Minneapolis El Las Vegas El London England El Jackson San Juan El Dallas El Oklahoma City El Los Angeles El Mexico City Mexico Jacksonville El Savannah El Denver El Omaha El Phoenix New York City Knoxville Tampa El Detroit El Pittsburgh [Ii Portland El Newark Memphis Washington Field El El Paso El San Antonio El Sacramento Paris France Miami All above El Houston El Springfield El Salt Lake City El Philadelphia El Mobile El Indianapolis l1 St. Louis El San Diego DRome Italy El Kansas City All above El San Francisco All above I: Seattle Ali above File Serial Number Remarks File 8! Serial Number Remarks Paul Prat} ?0m ME 01120.. 570973 {lid Plea hommE 42 esv - 7n 22%; ?lam-64W rILtu JAN 11, B?i FBI NEW ORLEANS Consolidated by Date Reviewed by Date ., I - identical "New Not identifiable Nl-Not identical U- Unavailable reference 136 b7C b7E b6 Nil/We 6 MICRO COMPUTER (Continued) MICRO: NEG El POS El MICRO: El NEG UPOS Date Base Date Base Searched by Date Searched by Date MICRO: NEG POS MICRO: El NEG El POS Date Base Date Base Searched by Date Searched by Date MICRO: El NEG P03 MICRO: NEG POS Date Base Date Base Searched by Date Searched by Date MICRO: NEG POS MICRO: [j NEG P08 Date Base Searched by Date Searched by Date MICRO: NEG El POS MICRO: El NEG POS Date Base Date Base Searched by Date Searched by Date MICRO: NEG POS MICRO: El NEG El POS Date Base Date Base Searched by Date Searched by Date mode: NEG :1 P08 MICRO: NEG P08 Date Base Date Base Searched by Date Searched by Date MICRO: NEG POS MICRO: POS Date Base Date Base Searched by Date Searched by Date Government Printing Office: [(REvis?? 12/92) RECORD REQUEST FORM FOR ?k N1, LLETS, MOTION MW 15' 1993 CASE FILE: 164 TO: INVESTIGATIVE COMM. ASSISTANT IMMEDIATE (PUT SPECIAL TAG PRIORITY (SAME DAY) EXT 251 ROUTINE DAYS) 1' b6 b7C RETURN SUBJECT: SEX RACE UV DOB 743- 40 OLN: . SECURITY FBI FPC: STATE ID BofI ADDRESS: NUMBER CITY STATE VEHICLE: LICENSE PLATE STATE EXP VIN MARE ARTICLE: TYPE SERIAL OAN BOAT: REGISTRATION OR DOCUMENT . BOAT HULL GUN: SERIAL MAKE CALIBER SECURITY: TYPE: I SERIAL PLEASE CHECK THE FOLLOWING RECORDS: REESRD g: LICENSE - WITHIN LOUISIANA :z?h - LICENSE OUT OF STATE (PLS LIST STATE) VEHICLE REGISTRATION - LOUISIANA VEHICLE OUT OF STATE (LIST STATE) VEHICLES REGISTERED BY NAME - IN LOUISIANA NCIC - STOLEN ARTICLES, BOAT, GUN, SECURITY, VEHICLES NCIC WANTED OR MISSING PERSONS NCIC (INTERSTATE IDENT. INDEX) LOUISIANA COMPUTERIZED CRIM. OUT OF STATE CRIM. STATE) MOTION METROPOLITAN ORLEANS CRIM. HISTO NTS MOTION RAP ASSOCIATES, 312%430/ Eafi??I??Z ADDITIONAL 1 i?93 n: ruuLEh. 3 INITIAL OF OPERATOR COMPLETING INQUIRIES: f? i mnxu uv:3::3? 11x1?x%3 - ??331:?3 42a? ilxlaxv? 533' 12?: 4153.534135? i .l mm E: #1 F.- 1:11 HEM Iii-U (1"??1133?19?48 Fi?-?iil?il EXP (W51 Ir IE kail?gil :3 II Hu?r?w?l $?:3:233 jif??f?? ?gaa misl?xwx mm: 124.13! {"3412} I I 9?:333a2 ilfl?fy? 99:31:31 11x1ax?3 E?ilfikiffb7C b?7E b7E b6 b7C b7E b?7E b6 b?7C b7E b7E . 0 5:7 {1'3 I If Ii 1 Ii"? THE: EH37 INQUIRY UH EEKXW H5321: M3 .3 Uzi-5'! 1?52 9 rt: 42"}2533433? II. 1 I 612? Rama BIRTH HEIGHT WEIGHT EVES H?l? BIRTH ?ua 33a HRH wan FINHERPHINT Pm $9 15 19 20 [11' 1111'?! II 2? 1? KUUHNE b7E 09:31:53 mixiax$3 b6 b7C UWHER b7E HIRTH nyu?x4? n?T? 12x?3?92 THE HIEWNRT H?mumm 1$ ?Mh mem wna FULLQHIMG: {if?3H RES: (213 Illi?ITFi'Plifi UFIH '12 IE KEN Ifi??l'li'i?i lii?f '1 1?31"! if) Ntl? I b7E ?933?x?? 11x1a3?3 Ilfl?f?3 b6 b7C b7E b7E '1 5-H rlh'I'E-I F'Il?Ih??lTIiElix! II 53; THE I . . 11% IIE IEI.HI I I IJII I I FII) Id II EHO MI. II b7E .I. .I. z?I 632?9933 PEPE ?f"??330 V3 b6 b7C b7E EHEE IL UNLT UN THE NUMBER 3H THUR EFHUEHW 13:3?ffi UR BE HPHE AT IIHI. HEM CHFY EHHULD HF. IIHHIEIIH HHEH HID IUII EHBEEHUFHT FEE IEEHTIFIEPTEUN HEEURD HHFH HE EHHEGE HR 13 HEEHEHF EIREETLT WITH THE PEENCY THQI IHEE DEEP THE MEHF EEHHERTEU EFE HERE BIPIH HEIGHT HEIHHT ETEH HPIH BIRTH PI.PFE 0?f13f3Le" 'pIPP235EMEHHEETEH UR REEFIUEB HEM b7E ?wkmuv THEFT UR EHEMET $6 IWI UEE BI TATE RIIHRU PULIEE NEE END HEY IW MCIC {1'51? #391 ENE HF PHUEHUMME 1? I I EVER NEE BIRTH HEI EEK w? MEI REE II .. {If (335?35 .JSIHK (NIEEUQE EEIJMED In? ID :Inxnaxvx IIXIEXEE REEURD h: If GED IUH 13 ?Lh?f I53 NE. If (r313: INNS PIHEE RELIIULETED BY II HENI ?11} "II?I??hii PEUUHDMNE PHUHHUWWE I. .IHI WI HI 55;; II. 1'3? UILLE MENE NEED HHLY FER THEI 35E BEE {"13 if QQE PEEL I Illir- I II I3I9I IUR 1 IENE L- ESTATES I 1? 15 II PEUL EE u. u! DR LIE RED EEHC LE LE ?Hng? 15: if! :f 111b7C '31- 3.17%" wl?l??3 THEFT .31. .35. 2% 2 a" (EPEE EFFICIHR) 2% {ti-1211' ii'm'ii'l?15.5 ?2 n9 TEXTEE '2 {Eif?f'nx QGHHEYWPD NEH LA H?m? BATBH RUUEE Fi?zPiE RUUHE (SHUNT ~"Wkl?lJF3fiijPIPiE" 13FELIL. RUUBE 0 N?m? RUUGE DISP NHTE MUTE ?l?P MUTE 13:: NUTE ?l?p MUTIUN STQTUE 35?4?36@ 19:93:29 k?E NU FOUND MN @?fi3f?? $99 463 EYEXBRU ?if?i/G? EPEC UFF: 35i#?3?? 599% 493? ??fi4f83 G?fiif?? 52? MAHDEVILLE ST 8 HEM i?f?9f93 @?X??f88 HG KNUMN HISTUHT: HG KNUMN INDICQTURE BYXE7M88 9&9 Qif?if?? 355?: HHIS MUTIUN HISTORY FQUNE ETEKBRU EXPIRED 59%9 3 N0 PRUDHUMHE 599 46% BPEC OFF: QRRESTS: CUNVE: HISTURY: ST 8 Sig MUSS ET 103 MISDEHEQNURXGQ FELUNYEQG NU NU KNUMN HIETHRY INDIHHTURS EHEF HEM URLEMNS UECPTN: CDUK GUUKING SGUL MQRR MUTIUH mama: HYEIBRU ?xahEMEaNUH/ww FELqu/aa NU HNUNN Nu KNUNN @9893 AIRLINE HM @9399 HS 14 $89 $69 EGNVS: HISTURT: QRREST: ?5 (E) MM 492? NEW NEMURLEHNS 35i??3@0 NH KENNHR ?r 93:95 PM ??f13f4@ ??f1$i$3 LE E3 EINT I ?9 8 939 ??f13l$@ $69 MEQPUN FIRST STPETER 828M?$38w145 eexeexae NU DISPUSITIQN NU ifPfN NEH NU 9 if/1?/W3 ??!2?f88 i0fi?f93 @Efi?f?? G?f?if?? i1f??!?3 Qif?if?? @?f2?f88 ?i/G1f?? 19:63:32 1 UNKNOWN 1ax19xw3 69909669 I2":i (if b7E b'7E i UNKNUMH E4195 9 HERE MQTIUH ARREST 35i4?$?? FBIT 11f1?f?3 b7E SAFETY NU DISPUEITIUN NU GIVEN E?i?f NU SENTENCE PIC 35i@?360 164C-NO-56474 RDC:jsj Agent (SA) Louisiana: delivered The followin investigation was conducted by Special Ion November 24, 1993, at New Orleans, 0n the noted date, the investigating Agent was photocopies of two (2) police reports from Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office (JPSO) for PAUL E. and K. H. PRUDHOMME. Copies of the police reports are attached hereto and also are maintained in the l-A Section for investigative assistance. Wx W3 ?lial/W b6 b7C IH 164C-NO-56475 RDC:lac - investigation was conducted by Special Agent on December 3, 1993, at New Orleans, LouiSiana: On the noted date, the investigating agent attempted to contact PAUL EUGENE PRUDHOMME, 527 Mandeville Street, New Orleans, Louisiana, telephone number (504)947-5505, regarding a September 29, 1993, incident in which he (PRUDHOMME) was arrested at the NEW ORLEANS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT for attempting to carry a handgun on board an aircraft. I I advised the investigating agent that PRUDHOMME was out of town on business and was not expected back in New Orleans until sometime Sunday, December 5, 1993. that she would deliver the message to PRUDHOMME to telephone the investigating agent at the New Orleans Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. b6 b7C b6 b7C 164CHNO-56475 RDC/rrf The following investigation was conducted by Special Agent (SA) on December 6,1993, at New Orleans, Louisiana. On the noted date, P.O. BOX 20241, NEW ORLEANS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, New Orleans, Louisiana, telephone pager provided a photocopy of the security incident report for :he incident involving PAUL PRUDHOMME in which he was cited for attempting to carry a weapon on board an aircraft. A photocopy of the referenced security report is attached hereto for investigative assistance. b6 b7C b6 b7C . . . FD-302 (Rev. 3-10-82) FEDERALJHHUMHJOFINVESHGATHMQ Date of transcription 12 1?3 9 3 IHUNTLEIGH, b6 CORPORATION, Post Office Box 20241, NEW ORLEANS INTERNATIONAL b7C AIRPORT, New Orleans, Louisiana 70141, was advised of the identity of the interviewing agent and the nature of the interview. thereafter provided the following information: On September 29, she arrived at Security Checkpoint at approximately 12:00. On the noted date, was assigned to review the x-ray screen. her responsibilities included inspecting luggage through an x?ray b6 machine. the x-ray machine allowed her to see b7C inside of the passengers? luggage. one item, a small, zippered carr -on bag, approximately 9"x11", passed across the screen an unidentified dark object. advised she stopped the machine and called for her superVisor, MARY M. PALMER. Once PALMER arrived she viewed the screen and removed the bag from the belt and took the bag to a nearby counter to be searched. not present when the bag was searched but advised PALMER searched the bag and later infor her that a handgun had been found inside of the luggage. could not recall any other similar incidents involving PRUDHOMME in the past at the NEW ORLEANS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT. I Iprovided the following biographical and descriptive information: b6 b7C Sex: Female Race: White Date of Birth: Hair: Height: Weight: Social Security Account Number: Address: Telephone: 12/10/93 New Orleans, LouisianaFm# . . by? SAI Ilac Ihm?wmd 12/10/93 b6 b7C This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. -1- FD-302 (Rev. 3-10-82) 2" FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 12/10/93 Date of transcription MARY M. PALMER, Supervisor, HUNTLEIGH CORPORATION, P.O. Box 20241, New Orleans International Airport, New Orleans, Louisiana was advised of the identity of the interviewing agent and the nature of the interview. She thereafter provided the following information: PALMER advised on September 29, 1993, she arrived at the Concourse Of the New Orleans International Airport at a ro 'mately 12:00 o?clock. Once there, PALMER b6 her to the X?ray machine and asked that she reView b7C the screen. PALMER advised she arrived at the screen and Observed what appeared to be a small handgun. She said she saw an Object which had the outline of what appeared to be a gun. PALMER advised she removed the bag from the machine and placed it on a nearby table which was used to check luggage. PALMER advised she, PAUL PRUDHOMME and an unidentified female accompanying PRUDHOMME followed PALMER to the table and Observed her as she Opened the luggage and inspected it. PALMER advised once the luggage was opened, she observed a small weapon sitting on top Of the bag?s contents in plain View. PALMER advised the weapon was not hidden. Next, PALMER called the Officer on duty at the Concourse Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office (JPSO). removed the weapon and called the airport b6 communications department (AVCOM). After AVCOM was notified, b7C issued PRUDHOMME a summons arrest and he (PRUDHOMME) was thereafter allowed to continue with his travel plans. PRUDHOMME left the New Orleans International Airport on the 2:30 p.m. 2200 to Cincinnati. PALMER advised the Jefferson Parish Sheriff?s Office Item Number for the incident is #26534-93. PALMER advised she could not recall any other incidents of this nature involving PRUDHOMME at the New Orleans International Airport, but she did recall one other incident in 12/10/93 New Orleans, LouisianaFmr lg) erf mmamww 12/10/93 b6 b7C This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. (Rev. 11-15-83) vf? 164C-N0-56475 Continuation of of MARY PALMER On 12 9 9 3 Page which his wife, KAY PRUDHOMME, was stopped at the same terminal on May 12, 1993. KAY PRUDHOMME was stopped for carrying a .22 caliber handgun in her purse. She was also issued a summons arrest and allowed to continue with her travels. PALMER advised at the time, PAUL PRUDHOMME was not accompanying his wife, but PALMER did recall PAUL PRUDHOMME being telephoned from the airport and informed of the event. The Jefferson Parish Sheriff?s Office Item Number for KAY PRUDHOMME is #11488. 164C-NO-56475 RDC:lac The followin investigation was conducted by Special Agent (SA) Ion December 9, 1993, at New Orleans, b6 Louisiana: b7C On the noted date, the investigating agent attempted to contact PAUL H. PRUDHOMME, telephone number (504)947-5505. The investigating agent again requested PRUDHOMME to telephone the New Orleans Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) at (504)595-5782 regarding an interview. The instructions were left on PRUDHOMME's telephone answering machine. It is also noted that this is the second attempt to contact PRUDHOMME and both attempts have, to date, been negative. Mt in.? mm (H (Rev. 3-10?82) . . -1 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 1/7/94 Date 0} transcription PAUL EUGENE PRUDHOMME, 527 Mandeville Street, New Orleans, Louisiana, 70117, telephone 504/595?5782, was contacted at his business, LOUISIANA KITCHEN, 416 Chartres Street, New Orleans, Louisiana. PRUDHOMME was advised of the identity of the interviewing agents and the nature of the interview. He thereafter provided the following information: PRUDHOMME advised ?gmetime in the latter part of September, he and were travelling from the NEW ORLEANS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT to Philadelphia, to be a guest on the QVC Network. PRUDHOMME advised on the noted morning, he left his 527 Mandeville Street address to go to another nearby property of his, located at 2420 Chartres Street. PRUDHOMME advised his property is in an L?shaped construction and when he leaves the back door of one property he can go around through the back yard to the back door of the second property. PRUDHOMME advised he has a small room at the second house where he maintains his uniforms for work. PRUDHOMME advised when he left his Mandeville address he exited the back door and because of the reputation of the neighborhood, he did not want to go outside without some kind of protection, so he placed his .22 caliber handgun in his small wallet?like pouch. PRUDHOMME advised he could not carry the weapon on his persons, while going to the other address because he was wearing longjohns and a t? shirt. PRUDHOMME went to the second address, showered and changed into his work uniform for the day and later left the address to go to the airport to travel to Philadelphia. PRUDHOMME advised he arrived at the airport and went to Concourse and placed the bag on the airport security x?ray machine. PRUDHOMME advised he forgot to remove the weapon before going to the airport. PRUDHOMME also advised that this was not his first time being stopped at an airport for attempting to board an aircraft with a weapon. He advised he was stopped once before at the BALTIMORE-WASHINGTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT on September 15 1992 . 12/14/93 a New Orleans, Louisianaime# ??dgzh Align?r WFSA land by? SA Date dictated 12/14/94 This document contains neither recommendations no: conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents arenot to be distributed outside you agency. b6 b?7C b6 b?7C (Rev. 11?15?83) . . Ar Continuation of 1:13-302 of PAUL EUGENE PRUDHOMME 0n 1 2/ 4/ 9 3 age PRUDHOMME also advised that his wife, KAY H. PRUDHOMME (deceased) was stopped in 1992 at the NEW ORLEANS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT when a weapon was found in her possession inside of her purse. PRUDHOMME provided the following biographical and descriptive information: Name PAUL EUGENE PRUDHOMME Race White Sex Male Height 5'9" Weight Approximately 350 pounds Social Security Account Number Date of Birth July 13, 1940 Place of Birth Opelousas, Louisiana Hair Black/grey with beard and moustache Eyes Brown Address 527 Mandeville Street, New Orleans, Louisiana 70117 Telephone 504/947?5505 .2. t? =RDC:vjw vestigation was conducted by Special b6 Agent (SA) on November 18, 1993, at New Orleans, b7C Louisiana. SpeCial Agent, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TION, FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION (FAA), Civil Aviation Security Division, Suite 220, St. Rose, Louisiana, telephone provided a computer print~out b6 from the BALTIMORE SUN newspaper dated "September 1990 23 Oct b7C 1993". The computer printout detailed the events surrounding PAUL arrest at the BALTIMORE-WASHINGTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT on September 17, 1992, for possession of a handgun and attempting to carry the firearm onto an aircraft. A photocopy of the referenced article is attached hereto for investigative assistance. . . October 25, .3 12:08am Page 1 i? i File SUN Sep 1990 23 Oct 1993 1993 The Baltimore Sun 4/9/5 06761054 CHEF SAYS HIS LED TO BNI GUN INCIDENT BALTIMORE MORNING SUN (88) - Thursday, September 17, 1992 By: Peter Hermann Staff writer Edition: Final Section: News (Local) Page: 18 word Count: 632 TEXT: - world famous chef Paul Prudhomme didn?t hesitate when he slid his briefcase into the X~ray machine at Baltimorewwashington International Airport. He didn?t even think about the loaded handgun. So imagine ?Mr. Prudhomme?s surprise when the guard looked at the X~ray screen, then back at Mr. Prudhomme, who did for Cajun food what Bob Marley did for reggae. ?The guard looked real funny,? Mr. Prudhomme said in a telephone interview recounting his arrest Tuesday morning. said it must be the portable telephone. ?He came over and asked me if it was my bag. I said ?yes,? and he reached in and pulled out the gun. I couldn?t believe it.? Mr. Prudhomme was in Baltimore to help cook at a $200wa~plate funduraiser for preserving the Chesapeake Bay. The proceeds of the event, held Monday night at. the National Aquarium in Baltimore and attended by nearly 400 people, raised money for the Chesapeake Bay Trust, a state~managed non?profit organization. The chef said he has two briefcases at home in New Orleans, one for traveling, the other for carrying handguns. He said he took the handgun satchel because it contained some magazines he wanted to read. He said he removed the weapons, including a .357 magnum and a .38vcaliber handgun, but forgot about the .22~caliber, fivewshot revolver stuffed in a side pocket. State police charged Mr. Prudhomme with possession of a handgun and attempting to carrying a firearm onto a plane, a felony. He was released on an unsecured $1,000 bond. No court date has been set. It is legal for airplane passengers to take guns with them on trips, as long as they .V) =?,zhx9P3rom airline to airline. Mr. Prudhomme was flying on Delta Air Lines. Delta spokesman Robert B. Harper said passengers who have guns must tell the ticket agent when they check in ww before going through security. He said the gun must be unloaded and sealed in a container that is marked to show what is inside. The airline then stores the gun in the cargo - . October 25, 1993. 12:08am Page 2 Day for the duration of the flight and returns it to its owner in the baggageuclaim area. "Not many people attempt to bring a gun onto an airplane," Mr. Harper said. ?That?s pretty stupid. People know it is against the law.? But he said Mr. Prudhomme?s explanation ?sounds reasonable." The chef said he checked the briefcase containing the gun on his flight from New Orleans to Baltimore. ?It is legal to do that," he said. Not acScording to Mr. Harper, who said that even in that case. the gun still must be turned in to airline personnel. Even checked8d baggage goes through pray machines. But the Delta spokesman could not explain why workers operating the pray machines at the New Orleans airport didn?t pick up on the weapon. Mr. Prudhomme said guns are his hobby. He said he is a member of an indoor shooting range and that he shoots target practice. But hunting is not on Mr. Prudhomme?s hobby list. "My dad always told me you should only hunt when you need food," the chef said. don?t need any more food.? Mr. Prudhomme said he does not travel with his guns and called Tuesday?s incident a mistake. felt that I was taking the time up of four or five officers for nothing," he said. "Everybody makes a mistake." In a statement apologizing to the staff at BNI, the chef said, applaud the airport security for their efficiency in detecting the gun. They were polite but firm in explaining that I had violated a federal law. regret this incident. Believe me, the only ?heat? I wanted to bring to Baltimore was my seasoning line.? Copyright The Baltimore Sun 1992 06760243 LOADED GUN COOKS UP TROUBLE FOR CHEF PRUDHOMME AT BNI BALTIMORE MORNING SUN (88) wednesday, September 16, 1992 By: Peter Hermann Staff writer ?Edition2 Final Section: News (Local) Page: 18 word Count: 650 3MEMO: CORRECTION ?An article in yesterday?s editions of The Sun incorrectly identified The 1Baltim?rm International Culinary College by its former title, the Culinary :Arts Institute. The Sun regrets the error. The chef whose name is virtually synonymous with Cajun cooking was arrested at Airport yesterday as he allegedly tried to carry a gun onto his flight to New Orleans. . . - . . October 25, 1993. 12:09am Page :3 Paul E. Prudhomme was in town to help prepare the food for a $Zoosa~plate fund~raiser in Baltimore on Monday night. He was stopped as he passed through a security checkpoint on his way to board his plane for home. - State police at Baltimore~washington International Airport said Mr.Prudhomme, 52, was carrying a fully loaded, fivewshot, .22wcaliber revolver in a small carry-on bag. A private security guard saw the weapon as the bag passed through an X~ray machine at Pier B, which serves America west and Delta airlines, about 8:30 police said. The chef was charged with possession of a handgun and attempting to carry a firearm onto a plane, which is a felony. He was released on an unsecured $1,000 bond and was on his way home last night. State police ?Sgt. Vernon L. Farro said the weapon was registered in iLouisiana but not in Maryland. "There are a lot of misconceptions of what lyou can do with a permit," Sergeant Farro said. 1 Police said Mr. Prudhomme did not explain to them why the gun was in his bag. Mr. Prudhomme arrived in Baltimore over the weekend and took part in a variety of activities, including a cooking seminar at the Culinary Arts Institute. Monday night, he and nine colleagues from around the country teamed up with 10 local chefs to create a 10~course feast for 400 people at the ~National Aquarium in Baltimore. The fundwraiser benefited the Chesapeake Bay Trust, a non~profit, state-managed organization that promotes bay preservation. Mr. Prudhomme could not be reached for comment. The sponsor of the fundwraiser said the chef, who owns K~Paul?s Louisiana Kitchen in the French Quarter of New Orleans, took another flight home after he posted bail.? Mr. Prudhomme originated blackened redfish, a dish that made him famous, and helped introduce the spicy style of cooking to the world. He has_ written many cookbooks and has made frequent appearances on national television. His visit to Baltimore was sponsored by Nancy R. Longo, chef and owner of the Pierpoint Restaurant in Fells Point. Ms. Longo said she and other sponsors of the fund?raiser are worried that negative publicity about the incident could be harmful to the successful event. "we asked (state officials) for personal~dignity reasons, because Paul is a nice man and our friend, to see if they can keep it from being public,? she said. "Police said they wouldn?t give that information out to anyone unless it . October 25, 199?. 12:09am Page 4 y- I was requested." Ms. Longo said that she accompanied Mr. Prudhomme and his wife to the airport yesterday morning but would not describe the events of the arrest. After Mr. Prudhomme was taken into custody, Ms. Longo called Thomas w. Burke, the direct02 )of the state Bay Communications Office, who said he called the court commissioner in Glen Burnie to find out what had happened. Mr. Burke said he did not suggest to anyone that the information on Mr. Prudhomme?s arrest be kept quiet. "It was personal interest on my part," he said. "Here is 'this world~famous chef who I had just met the night before. The next thing I know, he was arrested by police. ?The only reason we were concerned is that we did a lot of work through my office to help raise money. i ?we are concerned with any kind of negative publicity that would reflect lon the trust.? No court date has been set. CAPTION: PHOTO PHOTO Chef Paul Prudhomme is charged with two firearms violations. Copyright The Baltimore Sun 1992 4/9/7 06760059 LOADED GUN COOKS UP TROUBLE FOR CHEF PRUDHOMME AT BNI BALTIMORE MORNING SUN (BS) Wednesday, September 16, 1992 By: Peter Hermann Staff Writer Edition: Final Section: News (Local) Page: 18 word Count: 620 TEXT: The chef whose name is virtually synonymous with Cajun cooking was arrested at BN1 Airport yesterday as he allegedly tried to carry a gun onto his flight to New Orleans. Paul E. Prudhomme was in town to help prepare the food for a $200~a~plate fund-raiser in Baltimore on Monday night. He was stopped as he passed through a security checkpoint on his way to board his plane for home. State police .at Baltimoremwashington International Airport said Mr.Prudhomme, 52, was carrying a fully loaded, five~shot, .22~caliber revolver in a small carrywon bag. A private security guard saw the weapon as the bag passed through an X~ray machine at Pier B, which serves America west and Delta airlines, about 8:30 police said. . . October 25, 199. 12:09am Page 5 The chef was charged with possession of a handgun and attempting to carry a firearm onto a plane, which is a felony. He was released on an unsecured $1,000 bond and was on his way home last night. State police Sgt. Vernon L. Farro said the weapon was registered in Louisiana but not in Maryland. "There are a lot of misconceptions of what you can do with a permit," Sergeant Farro said. bolice said Mr. Prudhomme did not explain to them why the gun was in his bag. Mr. Prudhomme arrived in Baltimore over the weekend and took part in a variety of activities, including a cooking seminar at the Culinary Arts Institute. Monday night, he and nine colleagues from around the country teamed up with 10 local chefs to create a 10~course feast for 400 people at the lNational Aquarium in Baltimore. The fund-raiser benefited the Chesapeake ?Bay Trust, a non~profit, state~managed organization that promotes bay preservation. Mr. Prudhomme could not be reached for comment. The sponsor of the fundwraiser said the chef, who owns K~Paul?s Louisiana Kitchen in the French Quarter of New Orleans, took another flight home after he posted bail. Mr. Prudhomme originated blackened redfish, a dish that made him famous, and helped introduce the spicy style of cooking to the world. He has written many ,cookbocks and has made frequent appearances on national television. His visit to Baltimore was sponsored by Nancy R. Longo, chef and owner of the Pierpoint Restaurant in Fells Point. Ms. Longo said she and other sponsors of the fund~raiser are worried that negative publicity about the incident could be harmful to the successful event. "we asked (state officials) for personal~dignity reasons, because Paul is a nice man and our friend, to see if they can keep it from being public," she said. "Police said they wouldn?t give that information out to anyone unless it was requested." Ms. Longo said that she accompanied Mr. Prudhomme and his wife to the airport yesterday morning but would not describe the events of the arrest. After Mr. Prudhomme was taken into custody, Ms. Longo called Thomas w. Burke, the director of the state Bay Communications Office, who said he called the court commissioner in Glen Burnie to find out what had happened. Mr. Burke said he did not suggest to anyone that the information on Mr. Prudhomme?s arrest be kept quiet. . .. . October 25, 1.99. 12:10am Page 6 "It was personal interest on my part,? he said. "Here is othie world~famoue chef who I had just met the night before. The next thing I know, he wae arrested by police. ?The only reaeon we were concerned is that we did a lot of work through my office to help raise money. "we are concerned with any kind of negative publicity that would reflect on the trust." No court date has been set. CAPTION: PHOTO PHOTO . . Chef Paul Prudhomme is charged with two firearms violations. Copyright The Baltimore Sun 1992 U.S. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation In Reply, Please Refer to New Orleans, Louisiana 70113 File No. January 20, 1994 AUL EUGENE PRUDHOMME, also kno '"as aul Prudhomme CRIME ABOARD AN AIRCRAEE CARRYING A CONCEALED WEAPON On September 29, 1993, BAUL EUGENE PRUDHOMME was arrested by the JEFFERSON PARISH OFFICE at the NEW ORLEANS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT after a loaded handgun .described as a five-shot .22 cariber Magnum North American Arms derringer, Serial Number W1348 four-inch stainless steel with wood grips, was detected in is luggage. PRUDHOMME was a ticketed passenger on Fligh 220 from New Orleans, Louisiana, to Cincinnati, Ohio. RUDHOMME ks described as follows: Ken Race: White Sex: Male Date of th: July 13, 1940 Height 5'9" Weight 400 pounds Eyes: Brown Hair; Black Social Security Account Number: 527 Mandeville Street *?\kNew Orleans, Louisiana ddress: Bureau FAA, St. Rose, LA New Orleans New Orleans (1?66?2404) (9) We: Indexed 5 ]er I This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is toaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. I - FD-376 (Rev. 8-6-82) . U.S. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation New Orleans, Louisiana January 20, 1994 Director United States Secret Service Department of the Treasury Washington. [10- 20223 RE: PAUL EUGENE PRUDHOMME, also known as Paul Prudhomme; CAA CARRYING A CONCEALED WEAPON The information furnished herewith concerns an individual or organization believed to be covered by the agreement between the FBI and Secret. Service concerning protective responsibilities, and to fall within the category or categories checked. 1 . El Threats or actions against persons protected by Secret Service. 2. El Attempts or threats to redress grievances. 3. El Threatening or abusive statement about U.S. or foreign official. 4. El Participation in civil disturbances, anti-U.S. demonstrations or hostile incidents against foreign diplomatic establishments. 5. El Illegal bombing, bomb-making or other terrorist activity. 6. Ci Detector from U.S. or indicates desire to detect. 7. El Potentially dangerous because of background, emotional instability or activity in groups engaged in activities inimical to U.S. Photograph has been furnished El enclosed is not available. Director Federal Bureau of Investigation For information. 2 Bureau 1 - Special Agent in Charge (Enclosure(s)) U.S. Secret Servioe: New Orleans 3 New Orleans (1?66?2404) 475? l5 Enclosure(s) I LO ff. 0 5526 (6) 8 had r5? stifled ?trim Filed (Rev. 5-15-89) . ll' FBI TRANSMIT VIA: PRECEDENCE: CLASSIFICATION: Teletype Immediate I: TOP-SECRET- EI Facsimile Priority Routine UNCLAS 'r 0 UNCLAS Date 3 (29424 To: Director, FBI Attention: Criminal Investigative Division From: SAC, NEW ORLEANS CTS/Counterterrorism Section VCMOS/Violent Crimes and Major Offenders Section Subject: PAUL EUGENE PRUDHOMME aka Paul Prudhomme: CRIME ABOARD AN AIRCRAFT - CARRYING A CONCEALED WEAPON 00: NEW ORLEANS DAMV .CAA DEID El Bomb Threats AP El IWFC CWAA EIFI Summary of Complaint: On 9/29/93, the subject, a ticketed passenger on Flight 220 from NEW ORLEANS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT to Cincinnati, Ohio, was found to possess a loaded five-shot .22 caliber Magnum North 1 American Arms derringer in his luggage. Subject was arrested by 1 the JEFFERSON PARISH OFFICE and later released on a 1 summons arrest. INDICES: El Negative See Summary ACTION: UACB: No further action being taken and 2 Bureau (Eng-521E LHM enclosed Copy to: CIUSA Q) New Orleans (Enc. to LHM) @Secret Service LHM being submitted DATF (4) 61 Report being submitted Bil M. Preliminary investigation instituted St. Rose LA Limited investigation instituted El Investigation continuing a. wicwuvv?oomyw Approved: Transmitted WW) (?2mm 1? ?151615 Filed I Memorandum . 3 SAC, NEW ORLEANS Due 2/28/94 b6 From SA I I TEMPORARY TITLE ASSIGNMENT Effective 2/3/94, the captioned a ent will be 0 temporarily assigned to work a Title for a period b7E of 30?to 60 days. As a result of the noted assignment, there will be no investigative work for the listed files: i 1 1 b7E EgjL New Orleans DC:bae (1994 F81 ?-New ORLEANS I i b6 b7C U.S. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation 1250 Poydras Street, Suite 2200 h?umiPhweR??to New Orleans, Louisiana 70113?1829 May 10, 1994 Honorable Robert J. Boitmann United States Attorney Eastern District of Louisiana 501 Magazine Street, Room 210 New Orleans, Louisiana 70130 Attention: :3 ASSistant United States Attorney RE: PAUL EUGENE PRUDHOMME CRIME ABOARD AIRCRAFT CARRYING CONCEALED WEAPON Dear Mr. Boitmann: Enclosed for the United States Attorney' 3 Office are the following documents: 1. reflecting the interview of Paul Eugene Prudhomme, dated December 14, 1993. 2. reflecting the interview of Mary M. Palmer, Supervisor, Huntleigh Corporation, New Orleans International Airport, New Orleans, Louisiana, dated December 10, 1993. 3. reflecting the interview of] Corporation, New b6 Orleans International Airport, New Orleans, b7? Louisiana, dated December 10, 1993. 4. Investigative insert dated November 24, 1993, with photocopies of two (2) police reports from Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office for Paul E. and K. H. Prudhomme. Addresses 2 New Orleans RDC:mhm (we Mucwo 5C?sf Fig 3A rialized VA gym? Indexed Filed if Honorable Robert J. Boitmann RE PAUL EUGENE PRUDHOMME 5. Investigative insert dated November 18, 1993. The insert has computer printouts provided by b5 Special Agent, U. S. Department of b7C Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration. The computer printouts detail the events surrounding Paul Prudhomme's arrest at the Baltimore Washington International Airport on September 17, 1992, for possession of a handgun and attempting to carry a firearm on board an aircraft. 6. Investigative insert dated November 15, 1993. The insert has an attached warning letter dated February 2, 1993, which was mailed to Paul E. Prudhomme. Also attached are other documents provided by the Federal Aviation Administration. On September 29, 1993, Paul Eugene Prudhomme was arrested by the Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office at the New Orleans International Airport after a loaded handgun described as a five?shot .22- caliber Magnum North American Arms Derringer, Serial Number W13481, 4?inch stainless steel with wood grips, was detected in his luggage. Prudhomme was a ticketed passenger on Flight 220 from New Orleans, Louisiana, to Cincinnati, Ohio. On September 15, 1992, at approximately 8:31 PAUL EUGENE PRUDHOMME attempted to pass through a checkpoint at the Baltimore Washington International (BWI) Airport. As Prudhomme passed through the airport security screener he placed his carry- on bag onto the X?ray unit belt. As the bag passed through the x~ray unit belt, airport security observed what appeared to be a handgun. The checkpointl I inspected Prudhomme's bag in the presence of another trooper and discovered one noted North American Arms .22?caliber Magnum nickel-plated revolver, Serial NUmber 25419. The revolver contained five (5) .22?caliber rounds. 136 1370 Prudhomme was placed under arrest and transported to the Maryland State Police (MSP), Airport Office. Prudhomme was charged with carrying a handgun and attempting to board an aircraft with a firearm. He was processed and later taken before a District Court Commissioner where he received a $1,000 unsecured bond. Prudhomme was a ticketed Delta Airlines passenger planning to depart BWI Airport for Atlanta, Georgia, on Honorable Robert J. Boitmann RE PAUL EUGENE PRU DI-IOMME Delta Flight Number 769. It should also be noted that Prudhomme's deceased wife, K. H. Prudhomme was stopped in 1992 at the New Orleans International Airport when a weapon was found in her possession inside of her purse. It is requested that your office review the enclosed material and furnish the New Orleans office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) with a prosecutive opinion. Any questions regarding this matter should be directed to Special Agent (SA) b6 FBI, New Orleans, Louisiana, telephone number b7C Fl, Sincerely?yours, Neil J. Gallagher Special Agent in Charge Bv: I b6 Supervisory Spearal Agent b7C Enclosures (7) 3* Memorandum T0 SAC, NEW ORLEANS (166E-NO-55624) Dme 5/31/94 1 . b6 From . SA I b7c i ?mun TEMPORARY TITLE ASSIGNMENT Effective 5/23/94, the temporarily assigned to work a Title b7E I Ifor a period of approximately 30 days. As a result of the noted assignment, there will be no investigative work for the listed files: 9A-NO-56901 9A-NO-56941 15B-NO-49617 15B-N0-56124 52B-NO-54437 70A-NO-56285 -SF-106204 164C-NO-5647 2 - NEW ORLEANS RDC:rdc Memorandum . . To SAC, NEW ORLEANS (P) Date 8/3/94 From b6 b7C REASSIGNMENT OF CASES Effective 9/4/94, SAI will be transferring from Squad 5 to Squad 4. It is therefore requested that the following cases be reassigned to another Squad 5 Agent. The cases requiring reassignment are as follows: 9A-JN-21725 88A-PH-75172 9A-NO-56192 88C-SI-47064 9A-NO-57892 89B-NO-56599 15B-N0-56124 26D-NO-57776 52B-N0-54437 7OA-NO-56285 164C-NO-57434 164C-NO-57826 87B-NO-57777 88A-AT-76920 178-NO-57619 88A-OC-54436 - (0. Cam [9+9 HQ To ca ?Ueyfr QMM New Orle RDC:.nhr Dr 0? ?7 (2) to? b6 Cut-mum: - (0H (ram Sawyer] In: "cw-an 9 FD-36 (Rev. 11-17-88) FBI TRANSMIT VIA: PRECEDENCE: CLASSIFICATION: El Teletype El Immediate El Facsimile Priority El [g1 AIRTEL Routine El COW DINGASEFTO UNCLAS Date 10 19 94 T0 DIRECTOR, FBI FROM SAC, NEW ORLEANS (C) SUBJECT PAUL EUGENE PRUDHOMME, aka Paul Prudhomme 00: Bureau 2 - New Orleans eastwa? (4) Approved: CRIME ABOARD AN AIRCRAFT CARRYING A CONCEALED WEAPON Re New Orleans airtel to FBIHQ, dated 1/20/94. r__By_letter_dated 7/13/94, Assistant United States Attorney Eastern District of Louisiana, New Orleans, Louisiana, declined prosecution in the above captioned matter, based on a fine imposed by the Federal Aviation Administration. Due to the aforementioned declination, New Orleans is placing this matter in a closed status. NEW ORLEANS (amgmo- 69475? rched Sci 2?4? Indexed Filed Transmitted It [12' (Number) (Time) b6 b7C