PRESS RELEASE .?ssa'ec' by Elasgen- Fresnt-r'clr Af?ne-rt Limited. Hus-rem her 1.1-. EIT- 3? The Trump Organizaticm and Glasgow Prestwiclt Airpert annciunce of?cial partnership ?his merning Herald 1. ?rumcu arts-ed et Easgaw th ar.hdl.;hce the Trump Drganitati-cuh's clf'?cial partnershicu -tl' tne Scat-.isn hasee ere-uh. Presc?iclt has been selected as the Scc-ttish base Fer al aheraticlns wnich inciu des Mr. Trump's private Ec-e'ng .- 5? and Sik?f?k} TEE halite-cuter. Fresh-{ck wil' ser-re as the main hut: enl'y ?rtemp's asiatien dpe'aticln D-uc in pa I'c'cula' it wiil service the Trump Turrherry Hess: which w'-th ln-erru'np's ir-u'estmenc e-f ?250 millie-r' trar-s?c-rm it into the ?nesc resc-rt the ward. arr -.rec| ir. nis sigrature Elc-eir'g and ce:el:lratecl the rne nc alcungside cea |th En ch rane. ancl esteemed ceuncilcn" Eil' h. wne- ea ch presided 'e'narl-ts hailing tne im pertance and signi?cance cu? this strateg'c all an ce. "n?u'e are thrilled II: he c-artne'ing with Elasgc-w Prestwict The}- nas'e a tremendous fa ci'ic;I with a uni-sue rich histcl Thei' expert tea'n ancl state cufthe alt eperaticurl is aes?ectl'y aligned with clur glacial client and member base tnat travel Free uehtly tc- and cc: Trump Turncue'rjr' ene ef the mast headtift-l destinaticuns anywnere and heme te man}.- cuf the ?r est gc-lf in tne werld inciud ng tne legenciar'y "'nsmn Tu rnt-errJ- and ?rump Ecuf Units in Pic-en: ee said Denald J. Trump. chairman and cut the Tru'np D'ganisat en. EIasge-?a' F're: 'iclt Flirts-Jr: tne perfert gatewayl fa? private and access Trun'ip Tarn berry. the itenic as and reset: prep-arty recently.I hutchased lJ} [Herald 'rumcu. ie-tated just rni?es sc-uth e-l' the aircue-rt. As part ef the partrership arId Fresh-sick: 'ml- be suffering cra nsl'ers the us executive cars. at ctr-rate I1 .re. ?We are slend- excited be seething clc-sely with geir?g fcurwarci ane are delghtec.I cnat Presen'iclt hes beer' chcusen ta he the Eurepean hase fer the Trump Siitc-rscy ne-icc-pte'. Ferg-r'g a new partnersn [3 between the airpc-rt ar'd "he ?mmp Grgarizatic-r' w-il uncle-u htedgg be mutually bene?cial te- beth parties net-reue' .twili alscu tiring signi?cant at: cue-rtun'ties fcu' cne regic-rI as me'e inth-Jr'd u'is-te-rs travel tc- the legendary Trump 'urncuerry' Ftesart." stated Iair- Cechrane. cec-. Ezasghw Presrp't'icitAirpc-ct. Evlasge'a' F'rest id: is the an 3: airpel?t in Eceda II: ha-re its awn railway staticuh ancl curicles exce me.r seni'ce Le meet individual requirement cm the clag.I td ensure the travel experience is ef?cient. safe and Frie nelg' at times. Ea riie' this year T"Is-mt: ?nalise-d his aerch-ase ef the legendary Turnterrj- geif rescl It. new {nus-wr- Tu rnt-erry. arcl has sirlce begun a mii ier! recIe-rele-pmenc with innc-rcuuem ehts dedicate: tn the Ailsa course as we: as the hetel ard related annehlties. ?The ergy e-f Trum Tu rn merry and Presen'ic-c earn-artisan: ng tc-gether is ch..c.el tic-tn pa I'ties as we Further c'euelc-p gculf and tourism in Ayrshire ancl Ste-tla nd. I am Idekirg fhrwa'cl td 'a'e-r-t'ng with tne wen-der?ul tear-n at F'restwiclt tcu centir ue cc: create the c-erfeCt destinatie-n fer the gin-Dal gc-Ifer anc.? said Ralph F'e-rcia ni. general "nahage'. ?rumh Tu Ceuncilsar Eil leader of Sc-LIth Ayrshire Ec-urlci'. saici: ?Tnis -s a aesitive cle'ue'c-cumer't far hath EIasge-w F'restwiclt Airmen ancI Trump Tu rnt-errJ- and further enh-ar'tes Ayrshire's pesiticln as a fabulcuus gcll?ng arId teurism art It alsc- et- tern :es the ma ny di?erertfacets ef the Elasghw business and 's a gem example efjcuinecl-up wc-rltirg attic-n.? idioton Swooney Fro mi .iuios Mallooni Sanll 20 January 2016 13:38 To: Kirsten Ewaenay Silliiddl PW: Help neadedl Juloa Mailman! Manager of Aviation Services, Fire and Security Glasgow Airport Aviation House Proslwick KM ZPL. United Kingdom Mm Etlmatleonim gluon .es no: Volugsn Passion. Proiossioimliom . inieyrily . Responsibility Prom: Jules Mottooni Sent: 13 June 2015 09348 To! 'Raiph Porciani'; Gillian co: Subject: RE: Help needed Good Morning Turnborry, many thanks for taking the lime to meal: up yesterday to have a constructive discussion on pricing and secondly having the conviction to back op your proposal. A9 a list of hotels that We. one for our business, being honest, Turnbel'ry Was always lost on the list basacl on price. Yasterdoy?s proposal places Turnbarry in a favourable position and gives uo food for thought: in our placement of crows moving forward. The othor favourablo pioco of information that would be of bene?t is the snorkeling leaflet that we were BliOWi'} yesterday. We would usa that to proniote the hotel In advance of business arriving oi: Yesterday was a quick meeting but it: would be. osoi?ui is o? couple of the staff got to View the facilities on when we are asked any questions we are prepared with oomo knowledge of tho Silos. mm arecoar someonol?rom hoarpo . Once again thanks for youi- assistance and look forward to making up soon to firm up the arrangements. Best regards i Jules . Kirsten SWeeney .. . 13mm: iein Cechtehe Sent: 15 Award 2014 11:27 To: chic Brodie subject: Meeting with Donald Ttump?s teem Poiidw Up Fina: Follow 11;; Flag status: competed HI Chleki ??nal to lei you know Graeme end i met with some of {Deneid Tsump'a teem (including George Eeriai and awrenoe Girok . They spoke highiy of your engagemeni and fer Preetwiok and were incredibiy WPPoriiva and eeh io heip develop Fre?iWIek in any reaeoneble Way they nan. The mat priority from my fetepeoiiVe Is to ensure they commit to Preaiwi'eii as a base for their Scottish I UK operations with regard a beeing their helicopter and alrera?. They seem very keen to do ihai. We be working with them ever the eoming weeke to explore where iheir eeneiderahie in?uence may assist oppe?unillee er mutual hene?i. we have agreed to Work on a 01111 press release {or have in ihe next 213 weeks. the mega of which he eiili to be and cement eVeieped. itwee suggested ihai you may wish to eenitibuie. I am noi sure if ihe engagement be from [he Trump 1eam or euraeivee bul We can keep in touch. it is imperiani theme get as much good mm and impact from ?141: elery even if at ihle aiage?the financial la low. Regards. ialn (immune GEO Giaanow Preeiwkuk Airpo?rt 1'11 ?14(0) 1292 611011 sz le res 1o. Kirsten Emma! W. ?W?za-zur . . From: Kevin Brock Sam: 07 August 2015 15:17 To: Can was Mattaonl Subject: That?s grant Glulan. Thanks From: Gl?inn Mommy Inmate? Sent: 07 August 2015 13:27 Tn: Kevm Brock CctJUl?s Mattaonl subjaati hawm's Kevin, That's: great and juut to non?rm as it ?ends at the moment, we haw: agreed a wow mam cniy,aing1e or double ocuupanoy. Rooms will be in our Lodge or Apo?ment'a' ommudai m: as: awrflow to the main how! If tho group is large and mom moms are required. Braakf?ast ls ammo at the Mr person. Look tbrward lo naming from you when) you return and have a great trip. regards, Gillian 0n 7 August 20 15 at Brook Wrote: 1 Hmunan, Thanks for the Pu print out 9: mm and take them town-will aiso attach the POP when We mat] the Best regards, Kavln From: Glilian Mcneillv [mama Sent: 05 August 2019 17:49 To: Kevin Brock Mes Mam-on! subject DP 5 -n swamp}; . Pram: Kevln Brock sent: 1? June 2015 06:26 To: Jules Mattuonl subject: FW: Rasewallon Impo?anca: Jules, Thamnd hotel agconlmodation prom to be a nightmare for the 45 parsans on board. wlv. tr ed evsty hotel ln Glasgow and even over towards Edlnhumh only a mum here and a mum mam.- in the and we sen! them to Turnberry and It'll parson per mm. I lmpa thncosla 0? W: hotel accommodation don?t them Cheers, Kevin Ham: $90 Sent: June 2015 07143 ?rm Ilavlu arocll . Sublech ?allon 1?80 Autnm Milk Eagle?? ngeal?xeoullva Hausa 6% I . - Avlmlurv?orvlcus Egga??km?m?k HA9 Unllad Md {0)l292 11 In: El all mam. v0" 5' ?Nmsmom From: Pran?wlu' FRO fluent: L7 .quu WI mass . "barmcom' Subject: Il'l' - . - 1mn't know who be eolng Into tlla rooms and who will ha golng lnto the twinsl I . . .. 2 an the table wm be In the rooms. 'wlak now so they will arrive at 'I?urnharly In approx" 45 mlns. mum, m. FRO Agent .. Dakota House Email? Human mammck Avenue Blah owPranlMokAh art a; mums Panama? 9 K1919 Ballad 7 11 +411011292a111a1 El MW W.prea 1110111111121 lonsawluesmm From: F110 Seq?i?r?lune 015115156 . ., I T01 . Subject: a?sen?ratlon HHOSB: Thank you very much for us morning, It ls van; much an predated. As discussed, would Ilka to make the: followlna resawahlons you (or hB?Mrew staylng and out on the We would like lo 1115 all as single o?gupanny rooms at the mate. and 111111111 the remalnlna :17 Guestrs In the twin occupancy moms at that, . ate. Tha bus arrlva you around 0645/0700. Please feel free 10 contact Us at 01292 511 181 should you have any enqulrlas. . Thank you again, best regards, FBO Asunt Clakolnllouael?xehullve House 0 Avenu'b 11111121112. Unlled +14 (0)1292 611181 El Wm ww.pre91wla avlallaneewlnemom