Lu HQ 75:18 MRVARD COLLEGE . FRESHMAN OFFICE 6 cm mums. 62:58 get-Man: mt?rnSJIARV-agmu ?94? ?Bi?r??i .iio. . Msyl,2015 Luke Tang Gino? HAND DELIVER - Dear Luke, '11 617 495-1?? TDD: 617 495-7936 two _617 496-! 624 lam so very glad that you are weil enough to be back on campus. As we have discussed, the events that resulted in your hospitalization in McLean caused a great deal ofsincoro concern about your safety and/or well-being and the appropriateness oiyour continued residence and enroilment at the College. After considering all ofthc issues presented, and in consuitstion with Meianie Northrop, MA, MSW. LICS W, and Dr. David Abramson at Harvard University Health Services the College has decided to pennit you to reside on campus and remain enrolled in the College under the terms and conditions set forth in this letter. which will servess a contract between us. Please understand that we want you to the problems that you have been experiencing. Therefore, this letter sets forth our expectations for the measures you need to take 'better ensure your wail-being during your remaining time at the College. Our agreement is as follows: v, l. The current members of your treatment teem include: . - Rev. Larry Discovery Learning Associates, 617-497-1214 - Ms. Melanie Northrop, MA, MSW, Harvard University Health Services 2. You follow the recommendations of your treatment team. These include attending sessions regularly and actively participating in your treatment. They may also include medication andIor medical follow up and monitoring on a regular basis, as de?ned by your treatment team. 3. You are expected to remain on any prescribed medications, in the interests of your health and your eoroiiment. Any changes in your medication regime must be discussed in advance with the members or your treatment team and coordinated under their care. .35 3? I.- 1 progress by not cooperating with your treatrnen Melanie Northrop and me to alert us to their co and Ms. Northrop canabe reached at 617-995-2042. This will lead to 3 rev' w' he made optimum S- If any House Master, House Deon, Freshmen Dean or other Cone rolim out in you will comply with that request immediately by going Ho ital Room. lF-you elect cleared through Melanie Northrop or the physician on cell at HUHS an go of?cial asks you to be evaluated, or to the Cambrid Ci your return to campus must 9! your Yard or House Dean. ?is 6. If you feel distressed orif? you feel any inclination. to harm yourself, Hospital. . i . all Please understand that while the College does not expect 'your conversations with them, it is vital that they continue to con? planned. It is important to note that you In you, that you may revoke permission for to meet with me to discuss your progress wiiln tore-evnlu much wants you successfully to address the problems progress in doing so, we hope to have available the tinformation is denied to us, however. we must and will still make} about your ability to remain enrolled at the College Loire, as a matter of your safety, th . set forth in this letter, including, f0 teamrerd'irrarily, we will not initiate this contact without ?rst ha that we will have to Coliege. ill tnlre your cameras A 4W to Urgent Care or to the Cambridge_City that may arise. If you cannot inset these conditions, then the Colic College wilt contact your 1' example, pare esidenc The College very you have encountered. and in ,Issessing your ost compiete and accurate information possible. if udgrnents about your progress and if you flail to meet theoonditions If you stop attending appointments with your treatment Vin 'bie. Should it be necessary to contact your parents, we .V . . . we?, will explain to them the entire circumstances contract and the resulttn tut-3?" consider whether you can remain in residence on campus in and enrolled in the Accessible Education Of?ce (A 20). in consultation with HUHS clinicians and the College. AEO makes determinations about accommodations based on a student's provision of appropriate supporting clinical documentation, in keeping with generally accepted guidelines as found at: shrdents who may be in need ofaccommodatio hunt. The A30 serene as, an important resource for us, either on a temporally or more long?term basis. in obtaining necessary information and in developing recommendations regarding accommodations, A80 consults with students' clinicians, with Petrucceill, the Director of ABO, may be contacted and watt: senior members ofthe College staff. Sheila I understanding of our expectatrons. We hope that the measures we have-instituted will provide a to help you succees?xlly continueyour studies at Harvard. Ultimately, we want to work together to help you be well and do well here. Please feel ?ee to speak with me (or your Allston Burr Assistant Dean or personal progress. i appreciate that you have been through a difficult time, and hope you understand that our intention is to support you as yet: work towards your degree within the Harvard community. By signing this letter, we are all al?nning our understanding and agreement with its provisions. Sincerely, Catherine R. Shapiro i - . Resident Dean of Freshmen, Crimson Yard Assistant Dean of Harvard College Signodi gu;/ Date: '5