TERM SHEET REGARDING GENERAL INTERIM OPERATING CESSATION OF NORTHSIDE OPERATIONS AND SOUTHSIDE TRANSITION. Pertinent Parties._ The City of Chicago, Illinois, acting through its Departments of Buildings, Business Affairs and Consumer Protection, Health, Planning and Development, Transportation and Law, Land the .2?d and 10th Ward Aldermen (the. may?). General Iron Industries, Inc. and General Metals, LLC and af?liated entities and together with G1, ?General Iron?) and Investment Group, LLC and af?liated entities Backgrennd. General Iron currently conducts metal recycling operations (the ?Business?) on the properties listed in Exhibit Aattached hereto (?Northside Properties?). RMG currently conducts metal and electronics recycling, Stevedore and shipping operations at 11600 South Burley Avenue, Chicago, Illinois (?Southside- Preperty?). RMG intends to purchase the Business and substantially all the'assets- of General. Iron in 2019. Upon the. closing of that transaction with RMG, General Iron will cease its participation in, the Business. Commitments. (1) RMG and-General Iron will cease all metal recycling operations (except. for sorting of residual recycled non-thrrous metal) at the Northside Properties no later than December 3.1, 2020 (?Cessatidn Date?). intends to transition to anew metal recycling operation to be developed within the 'Southside Southside Site?). General Iron and RMG will commence: decommissioning. of the Northside Properties on January 2021 (with no pile of raw, unprocessed material higher than the 12~f00t block wall parallel to Kingshury Street on that date), will remove all or recycled material by January 10, 2021,. and will complete decommissioning no later than March 31, 2.021. As used herein, ?decommissioning? means and General lron?s pennanent and complete removal of all recyclable or recycled material. and asscciated machinery- and other equipment from, and General Iron?s demolition and removal of the buildings on, the Northside Properties. (2) On or before November 20, 2020,. RMG or General Iron will prominently post. signage at the entrances to the Northsidc Properties where recyclable. materials are delivered, stating that the Northside Properties will no longer be accepting any recyclable materialsa?er December 31, 2020. (3) General Iron and RMG will comply with all applicable current and future ordinances, consent orders and decrees, licenses, permits, rules and regulations at the Northside Prbperties, and RMG will similarly comply at the General Ill Scuthside Site. (4) Until the Cessation Data, General. Iron and RMG will, at their sole expense, provide a person to control traffic at the Nonh Avenue driveway during morning and evening rush hours (7 am. to 9:30 am. and 4:00 pm. to 6:30 pm.) to mitigate any traf?c congestion, will manage truck-traf?c on .Kingsbury Street to avoid inconvenience to neighboring businesses, will adhere to standard hours of operation for shredding operations (7 am. to 9 pm), and will not degrade any current emissions controls during remaining Northside Properties operations. (S) The City will reasonably cooperate with RMG in achieving the ef?cient. expeditious transition of the Business to the Southside Properties. including reasonable assistance with processing and review of license and permit applications, and scheduling of public hearings. (6) Each of the Pertinent Parties will use best efforts to manage issues of concern and differences of opinion through face?to-face discussions. and towards that end. will (A) meet at the request of any Pertinent Party no less than once every 60 days. and (B) use best efforts to engage in public discourse that is fact-based and reasonable. (7) The City will enforce its ordinances. rules. regulations. licenses. permits and policies as necessary to protect the public health and safety and welfare. applying such enforcement neutrally and consistently to General Iron. RMG. and other metal recycling facilities in the City. and (ii) allow General Iron and RMG to retain the bene?t of licenses. permits. allowances, or accommodations cun'ently issued to them to enable them to continue to operate at the Northsidc Properties until the Cessation Date. subject to compliance by General Iron and RMG with all applicable City laws, rules. and requirements. AND DATED: THE CITY OF CHICAGO GENERAL IRON INDUSTRIES. INC By OM/?ttale Adam Labkon Vice President rporation Counsel swarm/items LLC q/?/lf Ma Labkon Manager ls) EXHIBIT A PROPERTIES 1901 N. Clifton Avenue, Chicago, IL 1910 Clifton Ave, Chicago, 1909 Clifton Ave, Chicago, IL 1842 King'sbu?ry St, Chicago, IL 122.5 Cortland St, Chicago, IL '1 936 Cli?on Ave, Chicago, IL 1333 Cortland St, Chicago, IL 1401 Cortland St, Chicago, IL 1912 Kingsbury St, Chicago, IL 1259 Cortland St, Chicago, IL 19210 Clifton Ave, Chicago, 1323 Cortland St, Chicago, IL 1335 Cortland St, Chicago, IL 1333 Cortland St, Chicago, IL 1339 Cortland St, Chicago, IL 1459 Magnolia Ave, Chicago, IL 1441 Magnolia Ave, Chicago, IL 1425 Magnolia Ave, Chicago, IL- .1415 Magnolia Ave, Chicago, IL 1401 Magnolia Ave, Chicago, IL 1405 Elston Ave, Chicago, IL 1646 Kingsbury St, Chicago, IL 1626- Kin gsbury' St, Chicago, IL 1600-N Kingsbur-y St, Chicago, IL 1 110 North. Ave, Chicago, IL 1.648 Kingsbury St, Chicago, IL 1642 N. Kingsbury St, Chicago, IL. 1. 640 Kingsbury St, Chicago, IL- 1652- Kingsbur?y St, Chicago, IL 1.656. Kingsbury St, Chicago, IL 1704' Kiogsbury'St, Chicago, IL 1680 N. Kingsbury' St, Chicago, IL 1668'NK1'ngsbury St, Chicago, IL 1656' .Kingsbury' St, Chicago, IL 1718 Kingsbury St, ChiCago', IL 1866. Marccy St, Chicago, IL 1868-N Marccy' St, Chicago, IL 1800 Kingsbury St, Chicago, IL Cc: Brian Hopkins Aldennan, 2? Ward- Susan Sadlowski Garza Alderman, 10th. Ward Judith Commissioner, Department of Buildings Rosa Escareno Commissioner, Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protectitan .AlliSOn Amady, MD. Acting Commissioner, Department of Health Eleanor Gorski Acting Commissioner, Department of Planning and Development Tom Carney Acting Commissioner, Department of Transportation