RFQ 70T01019Q7NHRM074 Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training RFQ Questions and Answers Q&A Number Q1 Question or Answer a. Can you clarify if TSA is looking for a specific course? b. The Train the Trainer rights to the programs is held by the program developer. c. Will the TSA separate the gatekeeper training from the train the trainer? A1 a. TSA is looking for “gatekeeper” suicide prevention training, but we are not looking for a specific course. b. In the field of suicide prevention, the term gatekeeper refers to “individuals in a community who have face-to-face contact with large numbers of community members as part of their usual routine.” They may be trained to “identify persons at risk of suicide and refer them to treatment or supporting services as appropriate” (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Surgeon General and National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention, 2012). c. There are no plans to separate the requirement, therefore, the RFQ response must meet all the requirements of the SOW as stated in Section 5 “Quote Submission and Evaluation for Award.” Q2 A2 Is this a firm-fixed price contract or will there be multiple separate payments? CLINs 0001 and 0002 are both firm-fixed-price. The RFQ is amended to clarify this via Amendment 0001. Q3 A3 For invoicing, does the Government have or need a payment schedule? A payment schedule is not required since payment is made upon delivery. Q4 For task, will the Government provide the training facilities in Arlington and the location east of the Mississippi river? Yes, for both locations. For task, will the trainers need a background check to enter the training facility or escorted by a TSA employee as a visitor? Escorted by TSA Federal employee as a visitor. For task,  Since the second training location is not listed, can the Government give the contractor a 50-day advanced notice for the training location “east of the Mississippi river “to allow the contractor time to coordinate with our trainers? Yes, 50-day notice is acceptable. The RFQ is amended to clarify this via Amendment 0001. A4 Q5 A5 Q6 A6 RFQ 70T01019Q7NHRM074 Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training RFQ Questions and Answers Q7 A7 Q8 A8 Q9 A9 Q10 A10 Q11 A11 For task, can TSA provide the final participant count due 2 weeks before the in-person training date? A 2-week count plus or minus 15% is acceptable.  The RFQ is amended to clarify this via Amendment 0001. Task, will the COR request new accounts monthly? No, the Program Management Office will make the request. Task, the quoter assumes it will host the training portal. What is the Government's expected number of help desk calls? The quoter should use their own formula to estimate the number of calls expected. For example, if 5,000 TSA employees are scheduled for training and the contractor’s experience is 15% of all users call the help desk, then it would anticipate 750 calls to the help desk. Task, will TSA require its own branded training portal? TSA does not require its own branded training portal, it would like to leverage the knowledge and experience of the quoter’s brand. Task, in the schedule of deliverables it states “List of personnel that attended the training session” for the online course, what frequency does the Government want the report? Monthly within 10 business days prior to the end of the month. The RFQ is amended to clarify this via Amendment 0001.