DREMIY oeee J? faeeºraaa_ee eee) COURT _,XOX ,… PAGE 1 GF ? IN THE …- ............................................... STATE OF ARI ZONA, COU1*ITY OF MARICÚPA * e e e F IDEAL e e e * RELEASE QUESTEONN…—tl RE iºiotice: l…iuless ¿; speeiñc Foro: ¡"lr-' ls sealed or ordered reducied by the l'.'t>ttrt.I all Form ¡Vs are public recorde oí'tlw. (.“eurl er £Íierlt al ll1etime they are provided to the (l'mrrt uml will ¡Hi released in their entirely open request. DEFENDANT' S NAME ctte:e:ce _e a. WHITE ALIeS€E5> ....................................................................................................................... A. GENERAL INFORMATION Charges ¡. C"c:e. :a--3ceer— eee mane ra… eos SE.»…UAL EYPLTN l—"—t ?… ces. 33—3_-,ne_o1a oeer eos 31!th Teharw'rtfrltrroe t—c Pureu:ant to ARE. 5414 ?5D ten-print ñngerorlnte were taken ol'the arrested person? Ú Yee ¡?El No El yes. PGN : _______ .............................................. Pursuant to AR.S. 513515 one or more of the above charges requires the erreetiog agency to eeeure a DNA sample from the arrested pere-on? [3 Yes EQ No lt yes. does the defendent have e valid DNA sample en file With AZDPB? I:] Yes No ir no, Arreeting Agency has tal—ten required sample? [:] Yes €;] No Dflerrse Location: Úlfeoee Date: 3351.53—0£in255 Arreet Location: 3935 e eeeemew se ¿ase PHOENIX es: 35032 Date: 2oa.e»ee»1.3. Time: .1o:ee B. PROBABLE CAUSE STATEMENT 1. Please eomn1ariee and include the facts which establish probable eeuse for the arrest: DN ÚBÍ25Í2019 A ?HÚENIK POLICE DE?ñRTMENT ECKÚDL RE— SOÚRCE OFFICER LEARNED FRUM A SOCIAL WDRKER AT A SCHGGL THHT A 15 YEAR ULD MALE VICTIH WAS EAVIHG SEXUAL RELATIOHS W3TH A 24 YEAR OLD FEMALE: EX TEA€HER GF THE SCHÚDL. THE SCHGDL RESOURCE OFFICEH CONTACTED THE 15 YEAR OLD STUDENT WHO DENIED HHUIHQ SEXUAL RELATZÚN5 WITH THE 24 YEAR OLD FEHALE, BUT STATED THAT SHE BIB SEND HIM PHDTÚGRAPHS G? HER NUDE.THE 15 ?EñR OLD STUDENT GB$E THE SCHOOL RE— EDURCE OFFICER HIS PHONE AND PÁSSCÚDE, WHICH THE SCHOGL RESOURCE DFFICER IM?DUNÚED. A SEARCH WARRAHT WAS ABTHORED AND BIGNED IN ORDER TÚ EXAHINE THE CON- 'rsare oe eee 15_ YEARS ones eeneme eaonra. seesem. e1oeos oe THE 24 esae o1.o eoaaa mote eooao oa eee PHONE¡ TW$ GF THE VIÚEÚS UN 315 PHGNB SHOW T3£T THEY HERE CREBTED ON UB!26Í2619, UNE OF THEM IE THE 24 5359361? TOFLESF3 WITH HER FACE, THE OTHER HAS- THE SUS?EET 5HÚWING AN AREÚLÁ AND HER PAGE 3 V13E0 OF A CONVER$ATIGN¿ CHEÁTED ÚN 0$f25f2015 ASKED THE 15 XEAR OLD STUDENT IF H—E WANTED PUB SSE IT SHOULD HE HÚTED THAT THE 2% YEAR OLD FEMALE IS CURRENTLY BEING INVESTIGATED FER HAVÍNG SEXUAL IHTERCOURSE WITH AN ÚTHEK UNDERAGE STUDENT ÚF THE SCHÚÚL DDB "=995-1ll—11 BDDKlNC—3NÚ.TEBE393 C. OTHER 1NFDRMATEON (Check ¡f applicable) 1, Z] Defendent is oresentiy on probetioo, parole or any other form of releaee involving other charges or convictiorts: Exolain: 2. List am.r prior: Arreste? Convictions? F.T.A.'e? 3… is there any indication the defendant is: I:] Análcohollc? Zi AnAddicl? El Mentally disturbed? Ej Physioa!l¿rlil? 4… E:] Defendth is currently erno]oyed Withwhom How long: 5. Where does the defendent currently reside? seee ercer eeeeawm .=roe…o 258 errosata, rte sse32 With whom How long: ................... years _________________ months .................. …days 6. What facts indicate the defendant will flee it releaeecl? Explain; ?… What facts does the state have te oppoee en unseeured release? Explain: H. CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE DFFENSE(Che¿-:k if applicable) 1. D Fírearm or other weeooo wee used Type: [23 Someone was injurett by the defendant U Medical attention was necessary Nature of injuriee: 2. E] Someone was threater-ted by the defendant Nature and extent of threats: 3… Did the ot'teoee invoive a child victim? Ej Yes & No If yes, was UCB notified? [] Yee & No 4. If eroperty ofiense, value of property= taken or damaged: D Property wee recovered 5. Nemefs) of co—defendantfe): DEFENDÁNT'E NAMECHRTSTW-tti if»… L-ii-Itºl'tt E. CRIMES OF VIOLENCE i, Relationship of defendant to victim: Ei Viotirni_sl end det'entlent reside together 2. How was the situation brought to the attention of the ooiioe? Ú iJit:tirti [] Third Party [] Útñcerotneeweri 3. & There are previous incidente involving these same parties Expiein: 4. Is defendent currentlyr the subject of: El An order of protection [j Any other court order [] injunction against harsssment Expiein: F. DDMESTIC VIDLENCE ¡SSUES (Check if applieab!el Defendent's actions D Threets of homicideieuicideibodily herrn [3 Crime occurs En pubiic [3 Kidnapping [:] Frequencyiintensity ot DV increasing [] Depression D Control!ownershipijealousy issues [] Prior history of DV [] Access to or use ofWeepons E] Staiking behavior Ei Vioience against childrentenimals Ei Muitiple violations ot court orciers G. CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE ARRE$T (Check ¡? applicable) 1. Did the defendent attempt to: ij Avoid arrest E] Resist arrest [] Seii3unender Expieina 2. [ Deisndant was armed when arrested Tyoe: ' _ s,. ¡rr-: ¡»rretr,ett, T ost Ts _. ¡ ARRESTENG ÚFFICER SER¡ÁL NUMBER LU]9£030143f65T'AZÚUJEBGG oer=nnrmr£m& neeon'º'r no? ”tte fugrtwe arrest a Forro !th rnust aiso tae cornoieteti ARREST AGENCYIDUTY PHONENUMBER DEPÁFTMEN TAL REPÚRT ND DUB _1995… lt) ll BÚDK1NG ND "lº582393 CASE N0_ 1:F2.tr:t 91433.o1:3ot Page 2 of 2 3. El Evidence of the offense wee found in the defendent'e possession Expiein: 4… Wes the defenr'iant under the infiuence of aloohoi or drugs at the time of the offense? CJ Yes &] No i___i Unk H. DRUG OFFENSES "i. if the tiefendant is sonsictered to be a tirug dealer, please state the supporting facts: 2. What ouantities anti types of illegal drugs are t:iirectlyr involved in the effense? Ú Drug heirl test cornoieted D Defendent admission of drug type Approxirnate :nohetary vaiue: s 3. Wes any money seized? [] Yes No Amount: s !. ADDITIÚNAL ENFÚRMATIDN 1, Military Service: Has the de?entteni served in the military services of the United Stetes?£] Yes No [_"_" Unknown ityes, currenity on active duty? El Yes C,] No Branches Served In: …… ____________________________ ¿AF AirFome AR— Army CG— Coast C=u*in1 ME: Marine Coro MM Merchant Marines NG National Gu- ard NV Now RS — Reserve—si 2. is the defendant horneless'? ["_' Yes & No El Unknown 3. Do you need the oourt to prouitte en interpreter to help communicate sort to understand what is being saint? El Yes ¡31 No lfso, wi1st language: r cer—tify rnatThE"EEr3rrnetío?5i7€5éñtéíis"írúe't5't'h'é"5é?¿r rny knowledge. ;; o es ¡ o —,r_-- . ._ DATE ”asco ra ¿en x - f oeenrtrr£it Fitáití REPORT rt'ti'."