(1/05) NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION FINANCE OFFICE OF REAL PROPERTY TAX SERVICES APPLICATION FOR REAL PROPERTY TAX I EXEMPTION FOR COMNIERCIAL URBAN EXEMRIEE I 1 (Real Property Tax Law, Section 485- (Instritctibns for completing this form are contained in'FOrm 2 5 2018 I - . - - - DEPT. OF ASSESSMENT Name and telephone no. of owner(s) - 2. Mailing address of ownerQs) AND I. 5-5 ()5le . . - 3 Opt I ?t?tmrmub .. . ij ?wt - DayNo. 6141 ?585" Evening NoE-mail address (optional) RI Tum. MA 3 15' MOW . Location of property (see instructions) - One?sites, I . 1 - same. Street address - I - I - School district gums-lb? I . I . City/Town I Village (if any) Property identi?cation (see tax bill or assessment roll) Tax map nurhber or sectionllIblock/lot I it . General description of property for which exempt1on is sought (if necessary, attach plans or Specifications): 1 31. 13.5 ux? OJW M8105): (19.3? ?5th . Use of Property: Examines. \n wa?h-IS . Describe alteration, installation or improvement made to convert the non residential property to mixed-use: MOI go . Cost of alteration, installation or improvement: in, ooaToo?s . Date construction of alteration, installation or improvement was commenced: . Date Completed (attach certi?cate of occupancy or other documentation of completion): seesaw/0a 1 5" - 2 10. Other exemptions. 5 a? Is the prope receivmg or has it ever received any other" exemption from real property taxation? ?b..-.Ifyesswhat exemption was received?~ - When?-55 .;_Were payments in lieu of taxes made during the term of that exemption? 435%? 153 If so attaeh a schedule showmg the amounts and dates of such payments and the purposes for which such payments Were made school district, general municipal, etc) Also attach any . related documentation, such as a copy of the agreement under Which such payments Were made. CERTIFICATION ., I., ,5 . 5 1&4; Twasjheieby certify that the information on this application and any accompanying pages cOnstitute's a true statement of facts. - - Signature 5 55 5 . Date5 5 5 55FOR . 1. ?Date application filed-5 5 . . 52. Applicable taxable status date: 759%] [48 53 Aetion on application. Approyed .)isapproved - -- 4. Assessed valuatioIi of parcelinf'irst year of exemptioni $5 052 00C) 5555 5. Increase in total assessed valuation in first year 5of exemption 595 exemption in: irs year 5Q) 00 c3? 5 Percent 55 Amount "County 5 I "vCity/Town (secs. Village - 5 . 5 . 1 School District /Ja 90' 950 (900 5 . 5- . . . Date 9,6{7 II 9,3 W, I Q, N'i'Il'q?I 7"7'7'7'7 IQI.I IQ '77'7'7'7157,11? I 7777 7777? 77777' 7 77'" 777777777 777' 7'7'7'7'7. 7"7' 7'7'7'7' 7; 7'7'7'7'7'7'7'7: 7'7'7'7'7'7'7 7"7'7'7'7'7'7 77777 '77 77777777 7"7'7'7'7'7'7 7777777 77. 7770' 7. '7'7'7'7'77' "7.5 '7'7'77 7777777777 70777 7 7771:" I "revoke unless an omatlcally 1701 ed by the set 1111111 011' 1116 157775155 's1de 0 this cem?cate. . - . Date Issued: 09/25/2013 No. of U1111s: 3 No. of Stones: 2 Building Type: TYPE BIB ORDINARY-UNPROTECTED Constructlon' ORDINARY Class: F-2, Z11111ng D1stric1: D-IL ?Carbon Monoxide Detec1 5 777711711515: 07/07/2017 calptN PERMIT Inspector. ED FULLAGAR JOE SACCO Date Inspec1ed: 09/25/2018 USAGE: OFFICES, THREE (3) DWELLING UNITS, CONFERENCE ROOM, AND RESTAURANTS (COMMERCIAL. PACE- 4,615 RESIDENTIAL SPACE- 5,385 Story .Bas?ment: 3 - . . ,1171710'01: OFFICE UTILANT-37, 716 ENRG-30 105 . OFFICE-2, 735 ,745 1712- 5,745 1712; . - 5,2221712. 27117-7001 THREE (3) DWELLING UNITS, 14 OFFICES CC RENCE - ROOM KITCHENETTE, TWO (2) REVERSE SIDE 77717.7? 377777;. 77777777: ?77777777?: 777777737 777777 - 7 7 7.77.7777? 7 777777 377777777? ?7.7777777 77777777 777777772:- HHIHZ II.I.I.I.I I.I.I.I.II A I.I.I.I.II A . . ""1196 II.I.II.I AI I.I.I.I.I.I II 777777 177771777'57} 777777 I.I.I.II 5 . .. . . . awn2mgwe?? .3- .35. I. . S. f. RSp?wgv?wz: H1 CITY OF, BUFFALO DEPARTMENTOF ASSESSMENT BYRON W.BROWN - 7 - . MARTIN F. KENNEDY . . - COMMISSIONER March 1, 2019 -R Leasing LLC 391 Washington Ave. Ste. 800 Buffalo, NY 14203 Re: 485~a Real Property .T ax ExemptiOn Re; 155 Chandler SBL 7784?14 Bill 05488500 Assessed Value: $2,100,000; increase in assessment: . $1,950,000. Dear Rocco Termini, Your application for an RPTL 485- -a real property tax exemption has been approved for the above referenced property. This exemption is for a period of twelve years, and will commence with the City of Buffalo 2019?2020 ?scal year tax and assessment roll.- The exemption is calculated on the increase in assessment noted above. Years Percentage .1"40% '12. 20% The remainder of the assessment will remain taxable during this period. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 716?851-5748. Sincerely, . i- 6? mew Judith A. McCabe, Assessor cc. Moses Robinson, Principal Assessor . 65 NIAGARA SQUARE 105 CITY HALL BUFFALO, NY 14202-3385 (716) 851-5747 FAX: (716) 851?5730