IN THE LABOUR CDURT OF SOUTH AFRICA JDHANNESEURG CD Case MD: MELIIT Honourable Medem Justice Lallie ORDERED en 0? August 2-1113 In the matter between: .-I.. I 5..- MABASA e. ?eppiicanIE And . 5 I I. . . THE INDEPENDENT POLICE INVESTIGATIVE I DIRECTORATE I I - - Fir-st ReepDnDEnt THE MINISTER OF Seebnd Reependent THE DEPARTMENT OF AND ADMINISTRATION Third Reepbndent THE DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL Fourth Reependent DRDER Heving reed the Dpeumente end having eeneiclered the application: ET AGREEMENT BEWEEN THE PARTIES IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. The First Reeppndent is ID implement the previeiDne pertaining to the epnditibne Df eerviee, ineiuding eatery elIDwEmee peveble tD ell inveetigetDre up to level 14. to be en par with members eppDinteD ee detectives in terms Df the South African PDliee Service Apt. 1 EH: I I I. 2. The impfementation of the provisions of section 2 apply rBtrUEpECI?iVElj-r from April 213122011 Will 0U