51?? ?l?Wh-?h Ill-'25I_ :6 P's. DEG HI E213. NEARLY SCORE DIE IN COLD WAVE OVER NORTH Many Thousand Slain Chine?SE Wuman 013m High [ml] 511111151 0? 1. 1115 11 111 St?dlmn Issue Today 1111111111 Marl: 24 Hum IF 5&1. ..-- In . I'm Il'l'l'r rhulnd Sill-I - - - Far-I IIrr-HELEN HUPEFUL - . . -. 1-3.: -- I-I-I- Lu- 1* . L?Tss I?ll?E 1.311255111 11 11111111.:- 5"5 54.2.. .. Rule [If "Club And Found By Scientist Ta. 32' 1- I I . Fur Officials _I_'ijI I HITIE 5 IJHIHHE: 1111111111511 . . 511111 151 111151 .5s11;1111:: 51111 11511111 11 1151 5511Hill ?Hp ll?.'Ubeythatlmpuls?! . 56-511 IS .. -- I111 - 5 - - 'I'wu Pena-m Die. . Suzi-quilt I'll u. Tl. ..I .IIGoad Em :11 Year Duly The Aria-[Ina Republican . . . . I?l: ..-. .. .. "Thi- Slulfi ?rank-Ir HlmIp-plr" "trig?I? ?1 Pioneer Woman Early Valley Period Dies Following Illness entered the burnt.- J?il'H. "turning. the- knit-??11 pitt- the Salt Itit'er heath quietly.- l'ttnettix nf limiter rest tn nne nl' net-r li't', .tluttfse a figure within The inner I'm-vie 111' iter' fau?h?. Mrs. Filin- Buffered ?1 flulintt'ini: the death ul? :1 Fun Mexten inet jt'enr and meter 11th! ni-Ie In tet-nter Itet- lit-Ir 'Itt [mi-mirth: I?huettii [net-.1 Eitrl fit?Fl nf HHPH tare tn enter the Huh Itit?r-r fatter. i-hniuritn: t'igtrl'? Hf the thle ?'ilF't?l Iii" nae tmtitinsz but. the. int: nf Indi?n?. went in Tllt'tlnt't Elite trail I-ut retire nf age and has t'eeider] in elm-e that time. Mre. was hunt in Funnt'?. some time tu'iul? ul? Spanish parents. Hhe hen-time the wt .1. ?if. Hwiliiug nt HIHTPH Hull Hrt'it'it?u: nu 'I'ttiteti Hiltl ltlit'l' with him tn the ltt?t-r-H-Ili :titu ul' ?iit'l't! first rhihi at the twin?. hurl]. and hll'rl- Lll't'l'l. t-illr ?i'b'tl? twut' . . i i Trinidad t-?tm-1 bringing. Inn-L; hiunntum and a rude l'l'?tl? t?l'ttl'll'tl :liln?ti" tilt-'- grunt: Pit-[Iii ?as: [nit-n In the in l'titiT while the}: here in .?dre- frequently her nut-[t- life in the thle t'li?it?l HF rMWtiem-es nltt'utn tallied. lu?r-Iinuinz the birth Hf u'hilui In ll-e Hwiilings tum. ed in where rhlidt-ett hr-rn. 'T'hrtt was t-e? a IHltl ?El Iter' he tie-fund rum-F Pl'?l year! prinr tn the httildintr 01' the Fania. Fe Railway. Harlt- in Her-em? twr. 1357. hn'wet'Pt'. 3dr. eta-Hung". handed a part): n! Fixteen men. them his-inn: Harri-II Dunne and Eryn" Phillips, in digging? the first mmtern vane! In the hrneh t-nrered Salt River Talley. The whit-h ?re-W up 1his entFI?ttl'iHF was named hy Lm'd Truth 1m, "i'hnenix." einee it httilt, utmn great t'uit?ltl. The Penn] ?n?nn emu-ted. flie- west Hi" the heading ef- the ftr'li'l? rental! in 1hF_ Perl-i nf Vs-?Hterl. new the tit-n11? nrtt' hr the Pit]: nf Phnenix. In Anl?il at 1555:. Hwilling filed ?ll-1H arrest the present. gulf retiree. nl' the El Mulittn Filth and dur- in: the feline-int: winter graded ?Er-x :t prettietm-ie rum and erH-ted it the. first ntmlertt dwelling in the Bali: River Valley, nt this imttee still stand. The ancient. nmuztd is named Due Came. In June, 1569. the: first Eil't'lintt was held In this! hunt-.1 with. Juda't: I42- n'unn in t-harge. In August. an fluttr mill trut- Imilt mum the 1-2] ?italilm "s?t'illin H. and! E. E. the huild- int: fur Mrs. were imrn- After the death hf Mr. t-h-riilint: ?hP nmrried the Lite H. ennlher Dinner-1? nl? the F?li?nil?l' Tali-er. and tn them three i'i?lii?rFT'l eel-e Imt?n. en- Hf H- i! new Iit?t'nz. He and ft'nnlittuerl nn Partl- F?it'n} t'Pi zoneer Woman Of Early Valley Period I D-iea After Illness i (Continued from Page One) his wife recently came to Phoenix . from California to be with his mother in her home on Broadway Road, where death came. Charles Shumaker was a naval volunteer from Phoenix and died dur- ing 1918 while in the service. Roh- .ort was killed in a. Sonora. tragedy and; year ago and suffering over the 1 fate nf this son was one of the arm- tr-ihutnry pauses of the death of Mrs. . It. was with pride that Mrs. Shu- 'maker lately presented to the Ari-? znna Museum her mother's rosary. -hra}'er hook and a lace shawl. i hrought from Spain many years ago. She also gave to the Museum a rifle ,rarried hair first husband and' _npon which his name had been on- graved by the makers. Mrs. Shu- maker wu often heard to express the thought that. her pioneer days in the Salt River were her happiest except when she reflortod upon the great strides in advancement the rap-Minn has taken. Funeral services will be held Tuesday morning at '9 n'olovk in St. Mary's Church under the direction of the li'hitney' Mortuary Company.- Burial will be made in St. Frances Cemetery.