41 To: From: Sent: Mon 2/27/2012 510 35 PM Subject: FW \nmate Lucalov Quest's" Sen Monday, February 27, 2012 1 0 AM To: Subject: Inmate Locator Quesnon I'm nul Sure hum should speak uh. I called few depm-rmems and [hey ner-e unuhlc answer my m' rne Ihc department I huxc a nu; inn concerning the line ('mlnl) Inmate ncumr. Innh < rclcuecd. erl informanmr be- unlinc former or is an upuun lu haw cd" I'm wnung rcgurd, my I-anrer who In I995, l7 ycars agn sun up and ls am: I'd like nee whul his are |hls rcmm'cd, He sharua the same name my Nm mennun mfiu'manun 1 'urd ls slalex' he neek He a weekend. I don't want wmuhmg nun happened :0 yeah age In impnn- I'm ahilily 10 find vmrk. I'lca. due-u rm: to proper that can urmver my queninn. Ihunkw uqunL