CLERK'S OFFICE U. S.DI ST.COURT AT CHARLOTFESVILE,VA FILED UM TED STATES DISTRICT COURT W ESTERN DISTRICT OF VIRGINIA CH ARLOTTESVILLE DIVISION U N ITED STATE S OF AM ER ICA V. DA M EL M CM AH O N sEF 11 2219 J Lt*. x. BY' EP , Crim inal'Num ber:3:19-CR-00014 In V iolation of: 18IJ-s-c.j245(b)(1)(A) Interference w ith C andidate for Elective O ffice 18U.S.C.j245(b)(4) Bias-M otivated Interference w ith Candidate for Elective O ffice 18U.S.C.j875(c) T hreatsin Interstate Com m erce 18U.S.C.j2261A42) Cyberstalking SU PER SED IN G JN D lC T M E N T The GrandJury charges,ata11timesm aterialto thislndictment: Drfendant DANIEL M CM M ION,à.resident of the State of Florida,used the intem etand socialm edia accotmtsto expresshis beliefs regarding race,color,nationaloligin, religion,an. d othertopics. On these accounts,M CM AHON expressed and prom oted hisbelief thatwhitepeople aresuperiorto membersofotherracial,ethnic,andreligiousp oups. 2. Prior to January 7, 2019, D .G ., an A frican-A m erican resident of the City of Charlottesville,Virginia,decided to nm for the Democratic nomination to the Charlottesville City Council, an elective office in Charlottesville, Virgirlia. D .G.plnnned to nnnounce his oandidacy atan eventscheduled forJanuary 8,2019. Case 3:19-cr-00014-NKM-JCH Document 11 Filed 09/11/19 Page 1 of 4 Pageid#: 20 On or about January 7,2019,localnews outlets in Charlottesville reported that D.G.plnnned to nnnotm ce his candidacy for the Democratic nom ination for City Council,and thatheplanned to nnnotm cethiscandidacy atthe eventscheduled forJanuary 8,2019. On oraboutJanuary 7,2019,DefendantDANIEL M CM AHON ,by threatofforce and violence,used the intem etand his socialm edia accotmts to intim idate and interfere with D.G.'s qualifying and cnmpaigning as a candidate for Chadottesville City Cotmcil. thereafterlenrned ofthesetllreatsmadebyM CM AHON . On oraboutJanuary 8,2019,attheeventwhereD.G.had plnnned to nnnotmcellis candidacy,D.G.instead nnnounced thathe w ould not be seeldng the office of Charlottesville City Cotmcil. C O U N T O NE (InterferencewithCandidatefôrElectiveOfdce) 18U.S.C.j245@ (1)(A) 6. The allegationssetforth in paragraphs 1through 5 areincorporated by reference and setforth fullyherein. From on or about January 7,2019 to on or about January 10,2019,within the W estem DistrictofVirginia and elsewhere,DefendantDANIEL M CM AHON ,by threatofforce willftzlly intim idated and interfered with,and attempted to intimidate and interfere with,D.G., because hewasand had been,and in orderto intimidate D.G.from ,qualifying and cnmpaigning asa candidateforCharlottesville City Council,an electiveofscein Charlottesville,Virginia. 8. A11inviolationofTitle18,United StatesCode,Section245(b)(1)(A). Case 3:19-cr-00014-NKM-JCH Document 11 Filed 09/11/19 Page 2 of 4 Pageid#: 21 COUNT TW O (Bias-M otivatedInterferencewithCandidateforElectiveOffice) 18U.S.C.j245(b)(4) 9. The allegationssetforth in paragraphs 1through 5 are incorporated by reference and setforth ftzlly herein. 10. From on or about January 7,2019 to on or aboutJanuary 10,2019,within the W estem DistrictofVirgirliaand elsewhere,DefendantDAN IEL M CM AHON,by threatofforce willfully intim idated and interfered with,and attempted to intim idate and interfere with,D .G., because he wms and had been, and in order to intimidate D.G.from, participating,without discrim ination on account of race and color,in a federally protected activity described in 18 U.S.C.j245(b)(1)(A),towit,qualifyingand cnmpaigningasacandidateforCharlottesvilleCity Cotmcil,an elective officein Charlottesville,Virginia. 11. A11inviolation ofTitle18,UrlitedStatesCode,Section245(b)(4). CO U N T TH R EE (ThreatsinlnterstateCommexce) 18U.S.C.j875/) 12. The allegationssetforth in paragraphs 1 through 5 are incop orated by reference and setforth f'ully herein. On or about January 7, 2019, within the W estem District of Virginia and elsewhere,DefendantDANIEL M CM AHON knowingly and willfully transmitted in interstate andforeigncommerceacommllnicationcontainingathreattoinjttreD.G. 14. A11inviolationofTitle18,UnitedStatesCode,Section875(c). Case 3:19-cr-00014-NKM-JCH Document 11 Filed 09/11/19 Page 3 of 4 Pageid#: 22 COUNT FoUR (Cyberstalking) 18U.S.C.j2261A42) 15. The allegations setforth in paragraphs 1 throug,h 5 are incorporated by reference and setforth fully herein. 16. Beginning on oraboutDecember22,2017,through on oraboutJanuary 10,2019, within the W estem DistrictofVirginia and elsewhere,DefendantDANIEL M CM AHON,with intent to injtlre and intimidate D.G., used any interactive computef service, electronic comm llnication service,electronic communication system ofinterstate comm erce,and any other facility ofinterstate and foreign comm erce,to engage in a cotzrse ofconductthatplaced reasonablefearofdeath andseriousbodilyinjury,andthatcaused,attemptedtocause,andwould bereasonably expectedto cause substantialem otionaldistressto D.G. Al1inviolation ofTitle18,UnitedStatesCode,Sedion2261A(2). A TRUE BILL this11thday ofSeptember2019 5 S/GM ND JUSFFOSJT FSSOX G RA N D JURY FOREPERSON $ ( ' . THOSLNS L CU N U NITED STA TES A TTORN EY Case 3:19-cr-00014-NKM-JCH Document 11 Filed 09/11/19 Page 4 of 4 Pageid#: 23