US. Genumcmn?ne?f?ce ii Li V511 GAO Survey of NFL-Eligible Sites: US. EPA JUN 1993 SFUND RECORDS Cm Introduction The US. General Accounting Of?ce (GAO) examines issues for the US. Congress. We are conducting a review of contaminated sites that are considered "NFL?eligible." That is, these sites are found to be eligible for placement on the National Priorities List (NPL) after a site inspection by the US. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). As part of our review, we are sending surveys to all EPA regions to request information on the individual sites located in their region. We are assessing the likelihood that sites will be placed on the NFL and the activities that are occurring to mitigate contamination at these sites. This questionnaire asks about 1 of 3,000 NPL- eligiblc sites nationwide (as of October 8, 1997). In this questionnaire, we ask for information contained in your site inspection records. We are sending a similar survey to the appropriate state/territory/tribe to gain its perspective and to obtain additional infomiation that they might have. Therefore, .it is not necessary to consult with the state, territory, or tribe since they are also providing site information to us. Please have the most appropriate EPA staff ?ll out the questionnaire for the site indicated on the label. Your response within 21 days of receiving this survey will help us avoid costly follow-ups. If the self-addressed business-reply envelope is missing, please return the questionnaire to the following address: US General Accounting Of?ce Attn: Vincent Price 44] Street NW. Room 2T23 Washington. DC 20548 If you have any questions. please call Vince Price at (202) 512-6529. Thank you for your assistance. 44 Site name and location: TREASURE ISL NAVAL STATION TREASURE ISLAND SAN FRANCISCO CA 94130 CERCLIS CA7170023330 GAO 2726-8 1. Please ?ll out the following in case we need to wager the person completing this survey. .0024! ?it??16 Name: - \zi'f?I?J W. wr '7 75? .770 7.. .J .1 Phone: 13 2. Please answer each question below to determine whether this site should be included in our survey. (Please circle answers.) a. Is site deferred to RCRA or the Yes 610 - Nuclear Regulatory Commission? . . . b. Is site's preliminary Hazardous Yes No Ranking System score below 28.5? c. 15 site now designated as "no Yes further remedial action planned" d. Is site now addressed as part of an existing NPL site? Yes (No e. Is site proposed for the 3. Did you answer "yes" for any item above? (Check one.) 1. Yes--> Please stop here and return this survey to us. 7 Vi No Please continue with survey. ?rgJu/o 1:5 (09 7/71?193130 Yes 61: 7 i Please note: Because we don't know Whose information is most current, we are also asking the state/territory/tribe for answers to Questions 4-8, 13-15not have the information for those questions, there is no need to contact the for the answers. Effects of site's contamination 4. How does contamination at this site affect groundwater? (Check one.) l. Actual contamination ix) Potential contamination 3. No potential or actual contamination identified 4. Need more information to answer 5. Other (Please explain.) 5. How does contamination at this site affect drinking water (surface water or groundwater sources)? (Check one.) i. Actual contamination 2. Potential contamination No potential or actual contamination identi?ed 54? 4. Need more information to answer Other Please explain.) UI fmcaa 7/7 0 A23 3?32) Site conditions 6. Are there any residents or regular employees within 0.5 miles of the site? {Check one.) I. 2. Residents only ['x/Employees only Both residents and employees Neither residents nor employees Need more information to answer Other (Please explain.) . TU- 7. Do your region?s records and/or your knowledge of the site indicate that this site's contamination contributes to any of the following? (Check one for each row.) Check one for each row.) Yes (1) No (2) Uncertain (3) Other (Please explain.) (4) Drinking water a. Residents are advised not to use their wells. b. Residents are advised to use ?ltered water. c. Residents are advised to use bottled water. d. Water supply is temporarily changed. e. Water supply is permanently changed. Other uses of water f. Livestock drink contaminated water. g. Crops are irrigated with contaminated water. h. Fish could be unsafe to eat. i. Fish. plants. or animals are sick/dying. j. Recreation is stopped or restricted ?shing, swimming). k. Residents. workers, etc., use water that fails to meet water quality standards for bathing. watering vegetable gardens, or landscaping). M7 if ?irt/?67 5223 235? Yes No Uncertain Other {Please explain.) Check one for each row.) (I) (2) (3) (4) Soil/air l. Residents/others should avoid exposure to contaminated dust or other i particulates on some days. m. Residents are advised not to let children play/dig in their yards. n. Fences/barriers/signs are erected to keep residents or others out of contaminated areas. o. Obnoxious odors are present. Other conditions p. Trespassers, including children, may come into direct contact with contaminants. q. Workers or other legitimate visitors may come into direct contact with contaminants. r. Institutional restrictions are necessary Bessie? insets; ?f?i??a?'lia $321an is placed on well depth). s. Residents/community have concerns about contamination or potential health I effects caused by this site. cdc/Jgi?) 0/4 7 /7p 0.23 3.3a EPA activity at the site 8. Has EPA overseen or funded any of the following activities at this site? (Check all that apply.) 1. Removing waste from the site 2. Taking other interim actions to mitigate the site's contamination Constructing ?nal cleanup Other (Please specify.) 5. 11:01? of the above Skip to Question 10. 9. In what calendar year did the above site activities begin? (See previous question.) (Enter two digits.) 19L Statelterrito?alltribal activity at site 10. Has the statelterritorial/tribal agency participated in evaluating and assessing this site gathering information, hiring contractors)? (Check one.) 1. Yes 2. No 3. Don't know i 11. Has EPA funded any assessment activities by the statelterritory/n'ibe at this site? (Check one.) 1. [Vers 2. [7(No 3. ]Don'tknow A/?ua/ J7?7;m) WJMJ ??vsc/ 7 x70 4325 333 Site risk 12. Please rate the current risk to human health and the environment posed by this site. (Check one.) I. Very high risk 2. High 3. Average 4. 5. Very low risk 6. 961.00 early to tell/Need more 4/ information to answer 7. Other (Please explain.) 13. Please rate the potential risk to human health and the environment posed by this site if it is not cleaned up. (Check one.) 1. Very high risk 2. 1 High 3. Average 4. Low 5. Very low risk 6. [Vi Too early to tell/Need more information to answer 7. Other (Please explain.) Status of site cleanup PRP involvement at site 14. As of September 30, 1997, will more cleanup 16. If you expect participation by potentially be needed at this site to protect human health or reSponsible parties (PRPs) in this site's cleanup, the environment? Check one.) under what program(s) would this activity occur? Check all that apply.) 1. De?nitely yes 1. Do not expect PRP participation 2. Probably yes 2. 1 CERCLA after placement on NFL 3 Uncertain 3. CERCLA without placement on 4. Probably no NFL 5. De?nitely no 4. RCRA (including delegated to state) 6. Cannot say; depends on future spread 5. State/territorial/tribal program of contamination 6. Too early to tell/Need more 7. Too early to tellfNeed more information to answer information to answer 7. Other (Please specify.) 8. Other (Please explam.) Galaxy. r031 men-JG!) [aw/l 01le Para-{mm 17. Whichone of the following best- describes To blag . . 9 protect ngyauglc?lieguwva involvement of PRPs at this snte. (Check one.) Check one.) 2. identi?ed, but viability is l. 1 Yes uncertain 2. No a; 3. identi?ed. but cooperation is uncertain 3. Cleanup is under way but it is too early to tell if more will be needed 4. will participate in site's cleanup, but extent of participation 4. 1 Other (Please explain.) uncertain 5. likely to clean up all or almost all of site's contamination 6. have already begun ?nal cleanup and are expected to fund all or almost all of it 7. Too early to tell/Need more information to answer 8. Other (Please specify.) Mme/,9 7am; :ao 6/ 6/97 /70 M3 333 6 Opinions on site's placement on NPL 18. Considering EPA records and your 19. In your professional opinion, which one of professional opinion, will this site eventually be the following seems to be the most likely placed on the Check one.) outcome for this site? Check only one.) 1. Definitely yes 1. Cleanup as an NPL site 2. Probably yes 2. No NPL listing, but EPA conducts or oversees cleanup (RCRA, 3. Uncertain removal, etc.) 4. Probably no 3. No NPL listing, but the state] territory/tribe conducts or oversees 5. Definitely no cleanup (enforcement, voluntary cleanup, state-funded cleanup, etc.) 6. Contamination no longer quali?es sire far placement on the NFL 4. No cleanup conducted because not needed to protect human health and 7. Too early to tell/Need more the environment information to answer 5. Further cleanup action is needed, but 8. Other (Please explain.) will not be conducted (due to limited resources, other priorities, etc.). 6. Too early to tellfNeed more information to answer 7. Other (Please describe.) Mate /rJ 7.4/13 mesa/J?/gfo/ [0/47 /74? 8.3a 7 2:5- ?if - 20. In your opinion, to what extent does each of the following statements currently explain why this site has not already been proposed for the (Check one for each row.) #1 (Check one for each row.) Major factor (1) Moderate factor (2) Minor factor (3) Not a factor (4) No basis to judge (5) a. We consider the state/territorialltribal program to have the lead for the site. b. The told EPA that it plans to conduct or oversee cleanup. c. The is already conducting or overseeing further cleanup or assessment. d. Statelterritory/tribe is waiting for resources to proceed with cleanup/further assessment. e. We are waiting for the to provide necessary information. f. EPA's assessment resources are limited. g. EPA's resources for placing sites on the NPL are limited. h. EPA's cleanup resources are limited. i. The is opposing inclusion on the NPL. j. The local government/community is opposing inclusion on the NPL. Xx i k. We expect the site to be deferred to RCRA. 1. Our removal program is working on the site. m. We are waiting for a federal agency (as PRP) to provide necessary information. n. We need to collect more information on the current risk at this site. 0. Site is awaiting expanded site inspection (ESI). p. Site is undergoing ESI. q. Hazardous ranking system (HRS) package preparation is underway. r. Placing site on NPL is low priority because contamination does not currently threaten humans or the environment. s. We are waiting for a letter from the governor supporting placement on the NPL. 3 7 /7a as gas 21. For each contaminant listed below, please indicate the media in which it is present at this site. according to the site inspection records. For the contaminants that are not present or not assessed, check box 1, "Contaminant not present/not assessed." Check all that apply.) (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (5) Contaminant Surface Other (incl. not present/ Air Soil Groundwater water sediment, not assessed biota) a. Metals l/ b. Pesticides c. VOCs l/ l/ d. SVOCs e. PCBs f. Dioxin g. Other Abbreviations: VOCs -- volatile organic compounds SVOCs semivolatile organic compounds PCBs -- biphenyls (94 7 /75? $25 532? -.. . .. . 259;: 1.: . oav_- . . 22. What is the approximate calendar year of the most recent information that you used to answer this survey? (Check one.) 1. 1990 orearlier 2. #1991 3. 1992 4. 1993 5. 1994 6. 1995 7. 1996 8. 9. Other {Please explain.) 23. Please consider the information sources that you used to complete this survey and indicate the category below that most closely ?ts your situation. Check one.) 1. Used site records only; have no other experience with this site 2. Used my own knowledge of this site and site records as needed 24. Thank you for your assistance with this survey. You may use the space below to add comments. ?ii/farm) 7 rm 2:43 353?