Message From: Sent: To: Subject: Young, Dianna GROUP 4/23/2014 9:45:57 PM Cheatham, Reggie [/o=Exchangetabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group Bertrand, Charlotte [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group Chariotte]: Cooke, iViaryt i/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group FW: Arc Ecology may petition EPA to list Treasure Island As i mentioned in staff mtg. From: Chesnutt, iohn Sent: Friday, April 18, 2014 8:37 PM To: Young, Dianna Cc: Cornrnisso, Angela Subject: FW: Arc Ecology may petition EPA to iist Treasure island fyi From: Chesnutt, John Sent: Friday, April 18, 2014 5:36 PM To: Herrera, Angeles; Tenley, Ciancy; Henning, Loren; Stensby, David; Moutoux, Nicole Subject: Arc Ecology may petition EPA to list Treasure island i met with Saul Bioom today and he?s reaily concerned about rad exposures to residents at Treasure island, a non?NPL BRAC site. Since it was put on the BRAC list, gave us some FTE to help the process along, but we?ve played a limited roie and DTSC is the iead. As issues surrounding rad contamination and iack of characterization is getting more attention, and press, some residents are getting extremely concerned about radiation around them. Some rad devices have been discovered right outside people?s doors. Saul does not feel like the State or the Navy are appropriateiy addressing the potentiai risk there, and telis me he plans on petitioning EPA in the coming weeks to evaiuate and list the site. At the same time, he?s pulling together a detaiied anaiysis to support his assertion that EPA needs to step in. He realizes this is a complicated process and given the active State role, EPA may not deern it?s necessary, and the Governor may not agree, but sounds like he?s going to press us anyway. iust a heads up for now, iohn Message From: Henning, Loren ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP Sent: 5/14/2014 6:23:13 PM To: Chesnutt, iohn [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group Stensby, David [/0=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group CC: Herrera, Angeies [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group Subject: RE: Request for a meeting Thanks for forwarding this John. If you have any more contact with Mr. Bioom you can put him in touch with me. Hi work with Clancy et al on this. Loren From: Chesnutt, John Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2014 10:45 AM To: Henning, Loren; Stenshy, David Cc: Herrera, Angeles Subject: Fw: Request for a meeting Fyi. We suspected this soon. (line or both of you shouid participate in this meeting whenever it happens. iohn From: Saul Bioom Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2014 10:36:30 AM To: Teniey, Clancy Cc: Chesnutt, John Subject: Request for a meeting i-li Clancy, it?s been a while since we?ve spoken. As you may or may not know, Arc Ecology?s interests aren?t limited to the Bayview and Hunters Point Shipyard. We also provide technicai support to communities around the Bay Area and the State. Treasure island is of particular importance to us. I was a member of the Treasure island Reuse Advisory Committee (the predecessor to the Treasure island Advisory Committee), we were instrumental in the creation of the Treasure Isiand Restoration Advisory Board and have been members of the since its inception. i met with John Chestnut on April 18th to taik about evaluating Treasure island for NPL listing. John suggested that when he returned from his vacation the two of us sit down with you to talk about this further. I wanted to give John a couple of weeks to get settied back in before forwarding this request to you. Years ago when TI first ciosed it was one of the iast instailation?s in the region i wouid have considered for NPL listing. Unfortunately as we have ali iearned over the iast coupie of years much to our coilective disappointment I think TI is not the installation we thought it was when it was closed. At the time, it was generally assumed that TI had been iargeiy administrative, with some training activities and housing. Indeed even the Navy?s Regional Plans from 1986 onward failed to mention the extent to which Ti had actually been a significant training and industrial site. As a consequence of this lack of information, the City put a lot of energy into making TI a residential community with a significant amount of recreational and cultural activities. There are now more than 2,000 full time residents not including the youth housed there by the Job Corps program. Unfortunately these post closure uses has brought the general public and most significantly residents directly into long term contact with contamination and remedial sites. While Tl may still be less contaminated than other sites; it is this proximity of residents and the public to sites more significantly contaminated than previously believed and the recent revelations of the likelihood of a more generalized distribution of undocumented radiological and toxic contamination that warrants another look at inclusion on the NFL. Many residents of the Island have been there over ten years and are thus within the time frame for ailments derived from environmental exposure. News reports by the San Francisco Chronicle and the Center for investigative Reporting are reporting ailments typical of environmental exposure in the residents. realize (and lohn certainly pointed out) that there hasn?t been any new NPL listings in quite some time. Nevertheless having recently reviewed guidance for listing, it does seem to me that might fit the bill. There would be a number of benefits to public and environmental health from listing including enhancing facility?s priority for BRAC cleanup dollars. i would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you and John at your earliest convenience to explore this question further. if you are interested, can arrange for a tour similar to the one I provided for the Bayview in 2011. Thank; Saul Bloom Executive Director Arc Ecology 1317 Evans Avenue San Francisco, CA 94124 415.643.1190 iVi 510.290.9488 Message From: Enrique ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP Sent: 6/2/2014 4:31:46 PM To: Henning, Loren [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group Subject: Fw: Foilowing up on TI discussion From: Tenley, Ciancy Sent: Monday, June 2, 2014 8:50:29 AM To: Manzanilla, Enrique Cc: Herrera, Angeles; Yogi, David; Harris?Bishop, Rusty; Moutoux, Nicole Subject: FW: Foliowing up on TI discussion Fyi heiaw, a ieng hat intarmative stimmary hem Sani hieem at" his eeneerns re "ii and his interest in iistine. Angeies and i an with Satii. David and iitisty w? eenying yeti as a heads an ier netentiai cemrntinity inveivement and press issties, {Ziancy ?i'eniey Assistant Bireeter Seneri?nnd Divisien i415i9?2~3785 From: Saul Bioom Sent: Friday, May 30, 2014 4:01 PM To: Moutoux, Nicoie; Teniey, Clancy; Chesnutt, John Cc: l-ienning, Loren; Herrera, Angeles Subject: RE: Following up on TI discussion Niceie, ?i'hanks fer the tntiay. i wanted tn an with this entaii heeatise i fear i washit as artisniate sheet ear ratienaie ter the meeting and our interest in the review, its i mentioned an the nhene, Arr: interest is net heing driven by press renerts. it is heing driven instead hy ear review at the Navy?s investigatien at the site, the censerns raised by CADPH and residents at the isiand, A quiet: hit at and histery: err: Eeeingy is a teshnisai services previder and advecaey erganizatien. We nrevide nretessienai technicai expertise with regard ta envirenrnentai remediatianl heaith, ecenernie deveianrnent, and urban nianning tn envirenrnentai and iastiee trimmiihities. We have ever thirty years in this tieid and we have wen numereas awards and sitatiens hat the qtiaiity at ear wars. We are a stienee hased erganisatien meaning that our and activities are driven hy ear anaiysis at data, net by a nniitieai agenda, This is net tn say we don?t have a neiitieai nrientatieh, hut we heiieve that Out? nregrams, entities, nraetiee, ethics, and eenstitnents are hest served when we stiei< te an tinhiased, nentrai teehnieai annreaeh te ear anaiysis. Like the EPA, this etten means that we niease ne ene, htit it is her heiiet that: pandering tn neenie?s hiases serves ne ene?s interests. detween 1983i and teday we have had stait scientists assigned to the iinnters iinint Shipyard, the Presidie, Treasure isiand, hint; niameda, Gakiand ermy Base, and iv?iare isiand and served en the tines i'er these sites: We aise served as the enmmanity tech advisnry tinder the EPA TAG anagram tar Fart 0rd and the Hunters Paint Shipyard, iv?iast we served en the Yesemite Siengh Teehnieai Advisers; Carnmittee and ereieet manager Craig {Zapper and i en the signs new pasted areund the Sipugh? You may knew as iv'isi hieuteuir tram nur warts with his, Carnivn haugias an the EPA havview Hunters Paint Er?ivirenrnentai Site Assessment: (saw Betti? One exampie ei' hew we apprnaeh our WOi?i< is eaptured in the pewer paint presentatien the EPA has pasted en its iiunters Paint Shipyard weh page? a55007t4900impenDocument. As van see it veu aerzess it, the havview hunters Paint eemmunitv our w? is deepiv at the pianned and tapping at the Hunters Paint Shipyard Pareei E2. Se were we and tar 29 years rear view was that it sheuid he remnved. "the presentatien is the nuteeme at eur duestinning the Eemmunitv?s and nut ewn ieng heid view hv hiring a panei at independent technicai experts and undertaking a neutrai review? The EPA funded this review through the indie Eiasin Teehnieai Assistanee Eire-int in this instance the review taund that: the Navy?s pian was indeed snund and it had many in the havview ainng with nurseives te change eur views ahnut it. tiraig (Zapper the farmer EPA preieet manager ter the Shipyard tnund the very heiptui and was an integrai part at it iaitheugh neither we; the EPA, have {Lite ner tennar were aiiewed ta intiuenee the iindings at the paneii. Bath EPA enmmunitv engagement iatkie Lane and iederai superviser iehn Chestnut attended at ieast ene at eur puhiirz meetings tar the independent Review New aheut ?i'i Are Eeeingv has heen engaged in the Ti eieanup and reuse issue since the iate 1986?s i testified hetere the dense Suheemmittee an and {Zenstruetien in an the envirenmentai issues assneiated with it We heiped create the "ii RAE and have heen members sinee its inceptien. i was a memher at" the nriginai ?i?i reuse advisprv eamrnitteea At the time ii was seietted tar eiesure; it was an administrative and the assumptian was that: there had eniy been iight industriai aetivitv aitin tn what had heen gning an at the Presidien As sueh te mv itnewiedae "i?i was never an the radar ter the i?siPi. and has tunetinned since the eieanup pregrarn hegan as a State ied site operating under an Thus the EPA has heen mesth; a tangentiai participant in the it remediai When the Navv ii in their?, its iarge stasis: at hnusing, administrative, and enmmereiai huiidings were vaeant, Adveeates hegan pressing the City tn use same at the hnusing ier hemeiess and individuais, and te rent ant: veeant tawn hernes tn iawvinearne at heiaw market rates Are Eeniegv was deepiv invnived in the reuse discussiens, and we warned that meving a vuinerahie pepuiatinn ante a Navy eieanup site we knew iittie aheut eeuid he risirv. hut hnmeiess advenates argued that ever the time they expeeted peepie tn iive en the isiand, taxis expasure wnuid he iess hatardaus than an the street, This, pius the City?s desire te the huiidings sa their weuidn?t he damaged er hv vandais and squatters, ied the {Site to pressure hath the Navy and State at tn aiiew ieasing heth at the hemes and at ether ter husinesses? Eair eneugh hut Arr: wasn?t the eniv entitv expressing eeneern. At first the State haiited! heth regienai tederai ennrdinater and their awn site manager expressed deep reneerns aheut the etheaev at this idea? But the pewertui paiitieians ieading the {Zita were ahie ta swav te aiiew the use. hased en what we understand the senditiens te he at the time Art: reiuetantiv supperted the prnpesai, stating that it was pessihie tn have residenees adiaeent ta eieanup sites and that the risi: ta residents was a i?unetzien at the severity at the eentarninatien and the duaiitv at the management at the eieanup Art: urged the Eitv ta at ieast warn renters net tn dig in their haeiivards pr piant vegetahie gardens er fruit trees? and te keep ehiidren awav tram excavatien sites. "the Eitv premised it weuid put netiees in the ieases hut hased an severai diseussiens with ieng term tenants it appears the City never did. Either eenversatiens reveaied the Eitv was eeneerned it weuid scare nit rentersi We teid the Citv we weuid he keeping a einse eve en puhiie and envirenmentai heaith risks, in Etiftz we began advising a enmmunitg activist whe had initiated a Eaiiternia Puhiie Ant investzigatian at the earrespendenee hetween the CA tiPii and EA resuiting tram iIiPini"s respense tn the diseeveru that radinaetive eentaminatien was mere disperse than was previnusiv irnewn. As vnu itnew the enntraeter Shaw was nrdered te hait its werk whiie the Navy, ChPi?i, and EA DTSC under-teat a review. ?that same year we hraught an farmer EPA prttiieet manager Martha Waiters ta iead put it and Hunters Paint Shipvard preieet wart: and in 2313 we hired nne at the anaivsts tram the Shipyard review te innit eyer the Navy?s RAD respense ptan. We aise were eentaeted hy TE residents whe wanted as mere deepty inyetyed in the hatienaie ter the Nth. eyatuatien; Why seek EPA inyetyement? "the "it at teday is r?neaningtaEty ditterent than the ene we aEt thenght existed in the earty 1990?s. White en its ewn the current degree at eentaminatien may net he suttieient te warrant tisting; fine at the principte ratienaEes fer eyaEuating a site in the Mitt- ranking teeE itit is presimity at hnrnans tn the nettetien. En the ease at TE there is yirtnaEty ne separatien hetween residents and the eentarninatien. "the reasen why we are interested in eyaieating it far the Nth. is that what had been erieinaity theug?ht at" as shert term hensine has turned inte a heme te peepte ageing en 15 years. ?tedayy areiind Betti} peepte and Ti heme. hiearty 3t} percent in eeyerty; and Estand wide, the median incense is iess than hait at San Franciseets as a whete. 25% are African emeriean and 23% are Hispanic. That makes ?t'reasnre tstand San tr?nneisee?s Eargest enyirenrnentai instiee een?rnninity, atter hayyiew thinters Peint. As yOtt ttnew trern an expesure peint at yiew, itinesses hegin te pep tip atter it} years and we are heginning te see some serious heatth prehterns en the tsEand. Serne teenagers residing en the Estand have spent their entire times there. White we that cansaiity en an individeat basis is yery hard te preyey it is generatty accepted that tineentretted eeminetine et petietants and peepEe ever a hang period is net a geed idea. heeaase se mesh at the press is teensed en the radiatien issue. it is entirety pessihte that: it the current reand at data eetteetien en the stihieet dernenstrates that RAD eentarninatien is net a seriees pahEie heaEth threat. the teens en risks tn the tenants eentd an away. Untertenatetyj theugh media-genie, RAD is enty a eempenent at the eyerati eentaminatien issne. ("Shemieat peiEntirtin en the ether hand was the reasen ter the mast recent spate at resident: Praying hint) is net a threat (and this statement sheetd net he taiten te mean we have reaehed any eeneiusiens en this subject heeaese it is ear view there isn?t eneneh data eurrentty te snppert any eenetusiens} dees net preye the tstand is sate ter ereipaney. The simpte taet is we have tearned mere aheat "it in the past three years than we have in att at the preceding enes sinee the rentediaE respense began and the stery is treuhiing. Summary Right new residents at TE de net Etnew where in gayernment they can an ter an unbiased peint at View en their heaith and expesure. We have asked the titty te tent; inte the heatth issiie, eendnet a heatth survey at tenants, and mayhe undertake an epidemieEegieaE survey. ?the {Zity has refused. its argument is the pepniatien is ten sntait, hut as tram teye Canai and Aerejeet, the impacted neiehherheeds were net ninth bigger and there haye been ether studies at tewns and semmenities at simiiar site aeress the ?the titty, its preperty manager and deyeiepers are neryeas heeaese they were party tn the deeisien te rent the preperty. The Navy and State are neryeas heeaese they attewed the use. CDPH has raised a number at eeneerns hut as the emaiis ehtained threagh the ease (the State?s FGEA preerarn} shews there was a iet e't pressure put en that agency. speite with Ryan htiya at DTSQ new werhini}; en "ti and he did net ehieet when hreught this idea tip. There are many reasens t?t?i?titi and timid-t might he interested in this appreaeh. hut ter residents edit, the simpte fast is the EPA is the enty geyemmentat agency ahte te address the pettntien issue that is net serieusty tainted hy the decision ta make the tsiand?s heiising and ether spaces ayaitahie tar tenancy. The residents en "it need a neiitrat eyaiaatien and in eur yiew the heat piaee te start weutd he the hasard rantting ?there are many mere things te dismiss hut this ernait is certainty Eeng eneegh. hepe it hetter expE-ains whe we are, what ear eeneern is, and why we are asking ter the eyateatien. ieeit terward te meeting; with yeti ad in persen. "thanks yeuy Saint hteem Exesutiye Diree'ter' ?irt: list? Evans Avenue San Francisee, en Stat-121i 415.643.1190 ly'i 516.2%3488 l5 arcecologyorg From: Moutoux, Nicole Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2014 8:36 AM To: Tenley, Clancy; Saul Bloom; Chesnutt, John Cc: Henning, Loren; Herrera, Angeles Subject: RE: Following up on TI discussion Hello Saul? Please let me know if you are available to speak tomorrow (Friday, May 30) at 11 am PST. If that is a good time, can you please send me a number where you can be reached. Thank you. Looking forward to speaking with you. Nicole Moutoux Nico it: if}. i?yiouto to; lyiinig?ti Sit: anti. htt?ion ?irtation 5 {ii moutouxnicole?e pagov From: Tenley, Clancy Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2014 8:28 AM To: Saul Bloom; Chesnutt, John Cc: Henning, Loren; Moutoux, Nicole; Herrera, Angeles Subject: RE: Following up on Tl discussion Thank you Saul. ijost got a chance to speak with our internal tearn late yesterday. Nicole Montoox or lore-n Manning will give you a call today to Set a date and agenda topics. looking forward to catching on you. Clancy Tenlay Assiatant Birector Superfund Division {415l9??2~3785 From: Saul Bloom Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2014 5:44 PM To: Chesnutt, John; Tenley, Clancy Subject: Following up on Tl discussion i-lello Gentlemen, i hope your traveis were productive issue. Thanks Saui Bloom Executive Director Arc Ecology 1317 Evans Avenue San Francisco, CA 94124 415.643.1190 510.296.9488 . I?m just foilowing up to see when it might be convenient to meet to discuss the Ti