Communications Change tool:- for communication analogy. tot-n In loda'r'c. mossago 'u'onr low roolatomonl r. umbors. at this room: I Eloth Em on dl'lu'tf'f'S-IOH I Attire- decompromon ultra-Ely thar?trd :n NICU to start prI-tlools out tnlmott Fl} mom [n5- - atnte Al?e-mung our nation? at 1H1: point I I Drastutall-r dciroasotl at cost to can: For ?11! south slot- of CHIC-JED- I [antetilng o1 turgenea and protoduroi. NHUEHHDE Hatlond' Agenda - staf?ng who: have no Inlontaon or agrcorng 1o lhal I Wanl atnfilv 1:5 Flex ata'lFini: up and down ham-d on atolhr I Eurror?tly taking ttafl'lng down at. we do: ornprost - Thu: mom-1o mli 1h: .3 Iar?ur r-chr'n 55m ours-Lu, am on Huh: .31 1h;- 5.1m: How has. clout-ant! the rot} ace-men! nus-o: - ho-Loztal woo woo arc-:1 to rnalntaln luli capa tit-v hm The amino threw a Into our plan to fImI'l the amount ol nurses. we would ham-o [Helm has. [nod to be respectful In her comm urlcations with a moreI profusion-all tono - communications Imull bu:- moth more onto-c: trot-mg Forward .1 {harp-hr ton:- the union leaders, not 1h11- umon In general - than that ml co 1hu1. stoke and tould II oh. I Pom: out with ham nor-n In our mun-tang:- wt- no Ills-lg horgnm :mo this IE-dll on th: unlor' I Eom wul he comma out more Frequent-.- FH?bach: I H'lloer {out on Dob: right now - nurses are road-n1 tho omalls much more outta-tenth an?: feel the communmntunn? are unprol-Hoonnr I Ell-:5 not run dung Emalli J'i an attack or the unlor but on as well I E?tu?-td on tho ?1h.]n1ole55" comment In loony-?5. email - for ?t-hl to round more put-morally- on th- - suit discount-two I Hugh: now chI IS- a nameless. lacolcai nan-H: on some cliff-tult emails. Ialhcr thin tho EHO that 1?31. but untr-r-II-n mod I lalkli?? Ell-Irma ?uE'HItlr'li. gunman-:1: when restful: dulung. when? I Suggestion to ham: a moron moor.- w-th alter oath hargdming ton-on lo beltur Inform ttn?' on writ?: roa'l'y happening :It bargaining tablr- I Nurses?. rspotia?v Howli- do not even know lwho the unto-n contacts to contatt to pro-hole lend back I Euggostuon to send out a untiud-ng ha! of our bargaining team at we the Darn-1mm turn so knows who to contact with nuts-hunt. I W'ont to R5 we who communicatos If 1hr ?rm: is colloid all I about erPrqu?r?n?. from 1I1E- union If thF- nurtF-t agaunst the ainlw- iatart 'Io lho-r bollofs - union can't ol'fnrla'il.I nun-sh thorn out t 1 on: it potentml for bullying - wh-th we {at help:- ormec: them [tom and holo? people accountable lor PRIDE venues. Act-on- Plan ill talking Pontoon: I Rantl-ng and 1.1.1? when lho-r rtatt regain-roll..- to email: about Elohi to them know the! for priority IF. tho nursm and pans-oh and that ti"? emalh aro I:l rooted at thr- un:or. moons, not outta-r. I Mana?ol 4m: H11: or HIlh thl: Irtliwduol rclol-ona hips. nu fit:- and hood to no: ?hm-w from (omens-hom- bu'l ?He'd to help the 1hr oorga nlzatuor's. ootipoctwo I le-r: the mum-mug of w-Ili premature Infamy. Il'u: '5hnmcIL-55? until-Holt- I Dual-{Ita- o'l say-trig. I.?ou HM n1 staffing ratio: to mourn: palicnls or: s-alc, than oH I'or Eaiifomun lo .1 Itonllana-r'unI and Hnl-ce at a large got hotoltal gig-stem lo lot-crease the lat-1' ol nu rat", available to- our oahcnn - ?rod to mini-mu: [Ha mutate I Momma-1'. are uncomforta tllo there It a [all to Attzon to lea-tron: to halt:- doll-?1r lhose message-i. - In own words or using new; hor mot: .1591. I Eaplalr: H1 at is all about the nun-1:1 thl.? numlJ-L-r of patient:- Ir: ordor lo ma-ntaan ouahl-f. safe patwnt taro I fur-ml ruI-oI?I to tn'l off ?nk-n up To th-I" wry Inn THIN-IEP thr- It bargain-lung and not gum-mg ultimatum; I communitdhon nee-d5 to come from 1hr If lho alrito Ia. o? I Halte- suro to share tro communication; With your team; and multo