United States Department of State Washington, D.C. 20520 August 19, 2019 Case No.: F-2019-04060 Segment: M/OFM-0001 Melanie Sloan American Oversight 103015 th Street NW, B255 Washington, DC 20005 Dear Ms. Sloan: This is in response to your request under the Freedom oflnformation Act (the "FOIA"), 5 U.S.C. § 552, dated March 5, 20 I 9. Thus far, the Department has located 33 documents responsive to your request. Upon review, we have determined that all 33 documents may be released in part. The processing of your request is ongoing. An enclosure explajns the FOIA exemptions and other grounds for withholding material. Where we have made excisions, the applicable FOIA exemptions are marked on each document. All non-exempt material that is reasonably segregable from the exempt material has been released, and is enclosed. We will keep you informed as yom case progresses. If you have any questions, your attorney may contact Brian Field, Assistant United States Attorney, at 202-252-2551. Please refer to the case number, F-2019-04060, and the civil action number, l 9-cv-1286, in all correspondence about this request. ���J V Susan Weetman Deputy Director Office of Infom1ation Programs and Services Enclosure: As stated AMERICAN PVERSIGHT The Freedom of Information Act (5 USC 552) FOIA Exemptions (b)(I) Informat ion specifically authqrized by an executive order to be kept secret in the interest of national defense or foreign policy. Executive Order 13526includes the following classification categories: l.4(a) l .4(b) l.4(c) 1.4(d) l.4(e) Mil itary plans , systems, or operations Foreign government infomiation Intelligence activities, sources or methods, or cryptology Foreign relations or foreign activities of the US, including confidential sources Scientific, technological, or economic matters relating to national security , including defense against transnational terronsm l .4(f) U.S. Government programs for safeguarding nuclear materials or facilities l .4(g) Vulnerabilities or capabilities of systems, installat ions, infrastructures, projects, plans, or protection services relating to US national security, including defense against transnational terrorism 1.4(h) _Weapons of mass destruction ofan agency (b)(2) Related solely to the internal personnel rules and practices (b)(3) Specifically exempted from disclosure by statute (other than 5 USC 552), for example: ARMSEXP CIA PERS/ORG EXPORT CONTROL FSACT INA IRAN Arms Export Control Act, 50a USC 241 l(c) Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, 50 USC 403(g) Export Administration Act of 1979, 50 USC App. Sec. 241 l(c) Foreign Service Act of 1980, 22 USC 4004 · Immigration and Nationality Act, 8 USC 1202(£), Sec. 222(f) Iran Claims Settlement Act, Public Law 99-99, Sec . 505 (bX4) Trade secrets and confidential commercial or financial infonnation · (bXS) Interagency or in~agency communications forming part of the deliberative process, attorney-client privilege, or attorney work produ ct (bX 6) · Personal privacy information (bX7) Law enforcement information whose disclosure would : (A) interf ere with enforcement proceedings (B) deprive a person of a fair trial .. (C) . constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy (D) disclose confidential sources (E) disclose investigation techniques (F) endanger Hfeor physical safety of an individual (bX8) Prepared by or for a government agency regulating or supetvisihg financial institutions (bX9) Geological and geophysical information and data, including maps, concerning wells Other Grounds for Withholding NR Material not responsive to a FOIA request excised with the agreement of the requester STATE-19-0289-A-000001 CO6 7 8 7 7 3 o:IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06787730 Date: 08/19/2019 \ ,ugust "I(\ 4I,"" '""01'7 .·, RELEASE IN PART86 REF 17-1310/L lLE. Sabri Boukadmm.1 Permanent Represt)ntat.ivcof thePeople's DemocraticRepublicofAlgeriato the United.Nations 326 Fast 48th Street New York, NY 10017 Mr. Ambassador: Thank you for your couespondcn.cedated Augu.st18, 2017, recuesting nermissionfrom iht: Department's Ofl:ke 1.)f Foreign l'vfissions(OF!vf)to lease .. INc'WYork,.New·.York10017,fr.1ruse•as·thc·crLcs-'hcn the lease is re11t~vved or tern11na.tet hesit:ui;:to call us at (646) 282,-2825. if ytm have any questions n1· need rmtner assrstanc~. 1-,; j • _/\..••:<::i:-".:(': ..--/ /··Jeffrq$,• K (eHars _. Area Dircctcf1· c..::US Ivlissfon to the United Nations, Fl:ostCountry STATE-19-0289-A-000003 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06787745 Date: 08/19/2019 B6 B6 B6 CO67 8 7 9 94:IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06787994 Date: 08/19/2019 [RELEASEIN PART B61 REF 17-1187/L }LE. l\40h,:i.imned Sahib Mcjid Mariooq Dcput)' Pennanent lkpresentufo'c of the Replihiic of !rnq Nations to the U11ited H F 79th Sm?et N0w YprL NY. I0075 _ . _:r__ 11_,_1r:_ k.;_:c~~ fi_)i_· {(_)~t-r c~-·Ji."r_ c_· ._,;P_yn_ ~lehc.t_' d,Hed_ Ji.tl.y21, .20! 7, req uestinJ2nermi"-:--iop frc,m1·\1c Dc,aruncnt s()Jl!ec•ol l·orelgn·\·1isswns (OVM) lo li~asct.hel j ~-------c New Yotk, Nev.:York 10022. for uscasthcre5idenceoi'c-:,·.·============~ from-i\ugust I ..2017, fi.)rone year. tsb \Ve art pleased to;i1frirmyoti tlmfthc Depal'tmentof Staie apprpves this request cmd remindsthe IV1issinnthat it 1nustcomply \Vi.thaHapplicabkfa,vs and rcgulaticms ofi.he lix:al juris... fo:tion. Please notifv f~·•s nii)\"'d. i1·, ·-•";''' ... ·• the . . De,,anmt.'rn l.. . . .. .lhrou,)h . :e, cGovwbenl . . , .. · wfo::nthe lease is rcne:\Vedor ten11inated. ~ ~---~,i;:h,,i-. . . :. -~'I. •• ..., , J;..., O,L.~"' Pleased,':inot hesitate to caHUi'Jm (6-46_}282<2fQ5 ifyQuhnveanyqtHtsti.onsor n01:d fhtthcr ~1ssistance.. Slncereiy. B6 B6 l STATE-19-0289-A-000004 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06787994 Date: 08/19/2019 B6 CO6 7 8 7 9 9 TIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06787997 Date: 08/19/2019 February 10, 2017 REF 17-191 RELEASE IN PART B6 H.E. Mr. Joon Oh PermanentRepresentativeof lhc Republic of Korea to the United Nations 335 East 45th Street Nev,'York, t\fY·i:0017 Thank )'<)Ufor y6ur cotrcsp()hdenceNo. N-1UN/032/l7,datedFebruary 3, 2017, reclk$lin{!..'.lerrnlssilm from·thc ()ftke of Foreign J\tfissfous .(OFM)·torenew the lease atLJ New York, New '{otk 10017, foruse as the residentt of --------------~~-~-=; from Augusl 14, 2016, nntiI August 14, '.2{)1}L Wc arc plcabed to infr>rmyo(l thns (OFM) to kase the I INew '. i, N' -~.. I '' '\ ' ·1 i' I' ' ' ' ,: l ·1 ~fori;., , 'e:;v t\w '- 1t,U , , 1or use as tne rnswenc.e-ot ~----------~Wm.JU y ..d'), 20l.7~f(1roney·ertt~ 'I ~- \Ve arc pleased to infom1you that theDepmiJnent tcifSta.teapp1xrvcSthis rcqm::st_and remindsthe :l'v'Iission that it must c[eas~ notify the Depart~entthrougheGov vvhe11 I ~as moved in and when the !ease is renewed or termmated. Please do not hesitate to call us at (646) 282,-2825if you have any questionsor11eed further assistance. cc: U.S. .Mission111the United Natio11s, JfostC\)urttty STATE-19-0289-A-000008 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788084 Date: 08/19/2019 B6 CO6 7 8 812 3:IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788123 Date: 08/19/2019 ·r· July 19, 2017 !RELEASEIN PART B61 tLI:. Manst)UrAyyad /\l-Otaibi P~m\anentMission of the·Statc·ofKmvail to the United Nations 321 East44t!tStreet New York NY 100 !7 Thank you fbr your correspondence dated July 7, 2017, requesting ermisskm from the Otfo.:eofFo:rcignJ\1lsSions (OF!\1)to leasethe~---,--,================';Ncw York, New Y{)l':k 10017, for use as the residence of August 1,2017, for one year. froin B6 B6 We are pleased to infonn you thatthe Department of State approves this reqnestand rcmtnds.thcMission thal ir 1riustcomplv with all applicablehWs and regulationsof the.local j uJisdi~tion;i}k:~)Se inform OFM whed Ihas moved .in,an.ctvvhenthe !easels tc11i.:w1:d or ten111natcd, Ph:ase do nothesiMe to c}1HJ1sat (646)282:--2825 if you have any questicmsor need furthernssistam:c, cc: U.S.1\{issionto the lfoited Nations.ffost Coun.try STATE-19-0289-A-000009 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788123 Date: 08/19/2019 B6 CO6 7 8 8135:IED U.S. Departmentof State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788135 Date: 08/19/2019 August 23; 2017 REF 17~t276/L !J.E. Mr. MuhammadShahruliknm1Yaakob PermanentRepresentat.i ve of Malaysia to the UnitedNations 313 East 43rd Street Nev./York,NY 10017 RELEASE IN PART B6 IVIr..Ambassador·: 'l11ankyou. for .yo:urcorrespondence dated August 14, 2017, requesling approvaf from the Office of Foreign i..-rissfons(OFM) to lease New York, New York 1Ml7. for use as the residc11c,~of staff member Septeiriber15,2017, lUltilSepten1ber14, 2019. ~------~ I lrrom 86 86 l::Sb We are pleased to inform you that the Deparhnentof State approves this request ;;1nd renli11dsthe MissicHlthat it must cotnply Withall applicablefows and regulations of the local jurisdiction. Please notify the Departmentth.rougheGovwhen~-------~has moved in ai1d when the lease is nmewed or tem1inafod. Please do nm hesitate to caH us at {646) 282-2825 if you have any questions or need further assistance. cc: U.S. Missionto the Un.itedNations, Host Country STATE-19-0289-A-000010 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Departmentof State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788135 Date: 08/19/2019 86 CO6 7 8 82 2 TIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788227 Date: 08/19/2019 RELEASE IN PART B6 ~·l~r~. /\i)ra./\.l1rnc·d .S.;\. i\.l-~]'l1uni P<~rn1~u)cnt R... ~pn::s(tntat.i\.~·c· of th-;.;Stat~ of Qatru~ rn t.bt~l ;n·1lt.\i:N{1.tion.~~ ··rb J1tli't;'h'1,c ---'~-~~"'"'\,,.- \,. ·.· . t;,.·•··•·1'··"'•· .. ··'···· ·\(0Fl'v1 .. ·•·f .. ,, . ·,... , . ._.i.;._ ... N,;;v..· York, t''iC\-V York '-------~ ~----------- won,l<>rUSC dS a Xlissiori sfoffl\.~Sidcn<.:-?, inHw•Yl''Nl th,:11 tlpf.)e1,urtn1,"'1lo••Si,,t,·· this n"OU_cstar:.d ,,_r..,._ ....ai·np,ovc-; :. c<·rnimbLht ?vlis~;ionthat it rnuslcrnnp1y \\ith ail applfoah101awsand rcgukitinns Gfthe locd \;;;;, H<'... ·J•'•' ')'•'"-l'<'vli<; ~' '!.; .• ,,, ....-(.-.._, ....-i..,-. 'V\., , .... •.~--. -~ .• i ........ ~.,..•~~••• •. .~•:. · •'.•.--''- A.•." .• J - • ':"- •• • .- J, {)n the bLl-si.:s i~f f l\)r~~hl:n\,,1isS:ioi}S /\Ct-l)cSi~t1atL()n,1nd.I)c1en.r1irt1tion·F1\:·L,\-2(i I i:lJ• t ~ :dated J;t,n.ury 20 !4, {)F},.-1 nutbo;:izrs1.hcexe1np1ionibrth,; (iovernrm:ntoft1w Staie ofQ;;ltar from t.,HrnHionaL ,\\c;innaI,.nr municipal taxes, other than those that represent payn'lentlbr spccilJc S(~J.\'.i~(;~~ ·r-~ndcrt:d~i:.ic.t)rd1.6cth)11· \Vit.htt.t1.s purcl.tasc. ·1~.:1closed: are-letter~to lhc·-:St1tc· qf Nt1\V \l oJ:'ktlnd the (:.i-ty·of >Jc\-v '{o:rk10 this .(~ff~c:t~Pl.c;1se .be.~dvJ~~~i. -fl)~1t qp ~x-c.i111~ti~:;11.1 V•{ili be <"-'">'',<;,,·< r:,.,. scllcr(· ;:,..,,-..,._;) ..,_•,:• ... '\+·i;;l1 ·, :...~· ...,_~ (ly• ... -.~. · ti:Ut)i"1lt~y (tn this tnu.tt::..~r f;ti<}t.lO:tit¢..c.io~~ing. K, ·i, , )., ,\...J -~ ~-.)~n f\c ..~(1n1e·.b<~-~~·~·~~. th.~)n:~j}J·trty~ \vi-11 bt::C.XCiij.pt l"l"o-111 ann1Jt1L real .cst:1n:· ·ttrxt~sfn)nl tt:~ dn.te.o.f :~~t~td.crnentfn orth;~r:itH~ ()F\.t to i.n.tthrJ1~i%.~-th~ hJ,:.~Ijriristficl-i(>n lo t;_0cp1_r~t t:hi~l~i\)f)t.~r~y frrJr,, •.1,•~"''l'-1'i·••'.:ll ec:t:ll<'' :~,xci~il1C'\ifjs.~ionis retmested to 1m1\:ided corw ,:if tlk' dc:ed 1.md .t., ~ • .,,, • .. ~ 1 ':-• .• )_:.,. ·~·~ ... -~-- .. ': .· "-: '·':": ... ~-,. .......... ,A.."-::'· - -. --- ... . Brooke Knob:d Ania Director c-:::t!.S..Missir:in·tn. the United Na:6om:,.l--lost.•Country STATE-19-0289-A-000011 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788227 Date: 08/19/2019 B6 B6 CO6 7 8 82 3 3:IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788238 Date: 08/19/2019 /\.prit 12. 2017 RELEASE IN PART B6 REF 17~533 H.E..Alya Ahmed S.A. AI-Thani Pen11m1ent. Representativeof the State of Qatar to the •Uniied.Nation~ 809 United Nations Plaza, Floor 3 New York. NY !0017 ExccHcncy: Thunk you fi:Jryour corres .ondence da eel Anril 4 101'"'rel ues1ing approval from the \~w York. New '{ork l 0017, Ikpurtn1cnt df State to purchase 1ffas1nristaff men1hci· :;;.,r·rst •1ss,,,r-,,,,,, s,rc'' fr,,1he !\ "(f{iding at <·•·.:::--··;-'·~"'~' • ' ....... ., ...,.,. . ··•.,., )............ · -~---------~ Nev•/ York New York 10017, TheDt:pm:hnc11t understands this prnpcrty \vas ~-----~ purch.:tscdon h~lwuary20.2004. .... . J.•• .......... , .. \Vc twc •pleased td int°<)rm you that the Dc1x'lrt1r1e1:rt of Statc upp1·qvcs this tcqucst al'Kl r:;..::mindsthc !vHssionthat it must comply w-ithall.app1icabk .lav./sand regu!atinns of the local it,r-i;::dkl=on ~~ .>- ■• • • • .... ~ h 'i··, 1" . ,1- < ,.',, · 1:; . ',.,.,t:n,IL!.,t:. ., 'Y 4 ,ct·•-1·h· 'l ...:,ji-, ci~l,_,n . ,d.t·ql,ll l\· 't 1'. · (;·,. 1'.;i' .,; .·· .. , ,,· i.;t ' ()1 ~-·..4 5°'()""l ") 1·1 1e,, l:; r nr ••..1.::,il n 1.tss.,ons,. ,---- .·l· ..,T"' ,,J, (' . , -~ ..r-•', 1·1· . "Slkh1 , must obt::iinOF\-rs approval prior to finalizing a proposed lease, purchase, sale, or other acquisitinn or dispns1Uonofrcal propertyin the UnitedStates,.undertakenby or cmbchalfnf a Jbrdgn n1issiz).n. For more inti:mnation,pkase reviev-/the Depunmci,:nt's note No. 11-189at: hltp ://\vww .State.gnv/dtKumentsiorganization/ 17!960.i:idf. Despitethi;-;oversight, Qnthe basis ofredr.1rodty·and Foreign Missior1sAct Designation ahd Dewrr11inatlo11 F1'vtA~2(H 4~1,dated January 8:,2014, thc.[kpartment authorizes this pn1pcrty·to.hc exempt from·annual.real c:;tah.~ t:.rxt~s froni_thedate of settlement. Endosed is a-copy of thc_li:tter adzircsstdto thCNcvv York City Dep;;u·ilnenlof Finance to this effect Please l.fonN hesitateto call us at (646}2&2<2811, if y<>u have any questions <,)rneed further assistanct. STATE-19-0289-A-000012 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788238 Date: 08/19/2019 B6 B6 B6 CO6 7 8 8 31 o:IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788310 Date: 08/19/2019 L Oct,)bcr05}·2017 RELEASE IN PART B6 REF 1.7-15l 6/L H.E. Mr. AbdaHah Yahya A. Al~Mouallimi Permanentrvns.siorrnfth1JKingdomof Saudi Arabia to the.lrhite~d Nf1t1{)t1s 809 UnitedNations Pb7,a, Floor W Ne;,vYork, NY· l 00!7 Dear Fxcclfoncv: Thank you for yourc(nTespondence No. OFM!Per/490, dated Sepkmbcr 21,..2{H7, requesting nppto'valfrom. the DepaiimenfsOffice o:f Forei.g'nMissi(in:;(()FM) to leasec=J I I INew York~New YorkHm17,.for use as the rcsiclem:eof Ifrom Scpter-nber21, 2017. fi)r24111~· ,!{{'.'.:::) ..--······'·· Brooke Knobel A.rcaDircct~H- cc: U,S. Mission l\.}the UnitetlN~ttions, Host C:cmmry STATE-19-0289-A-000013 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788310 Date: 08/19/2019 B6 B6 B6 B6 CO67 8 8 312:IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788312 Date: 08/19/2019 RELEASE IN PART B6 Ji t\/lt, i\bdiili-ci:1~~ )~al1y.a/\~ ;\l~-\1{?Lfaili'.r11:i P.::,..::.•1-.··,--:·"I'~ d-S-,i- r; ',."c' .:·.;. .,~ .. (.\,.,,.~J.t,•;l.: \ .• ~. '--~ . .i.:,c',,.L~'i;.:,:.,,~.;., 0 l·'~ .. f00l7 Tb.ulk vou l<)r vour t.orrespondcnci.';No. OF.\i/P;.-r/615.dah:d December l4, 20J7, _.,,,,_,-.;l·.,,~_.,.,1 l°"<"'l-~ ij-,,, ·1·'\,,,,,5,~l1•i1:'>'1 ';;: i") ffi;,,, r, t F,wd •~')\-lissioq.:; (OFM I to lc1 1,c [=:J '•·:-.1-~.1 .. -.... ,,.,~:- · .,1~t••i•·•·• ... "".... .... ~-• " .~.... ..... "··'-' '· · ·t":""' · -~.. ,.,_,,.., 1,,c-i;:t:11·(r • ...."'l:" 1 -...·•·· ~-J ·.~ I . 1 ·" -~~- '- .:-..... c.,1----------------~-~I ~------------------~ ~ • ~ ~ 'N· I "_"·· ...__,._,)';,_. ,,_.. . Y[ i"'S:t:.~.,,, tt ti:\.~ T_ 1..,· \· -,\, ..,, ;,,,.,,,..., ..,,r ,·,n1R A. -1- ~- ·\. • •· / • "'"',,,-_·k_· l i)u··,_-_n ,,.,;, ·_.,,.: 1··1t'f': ,Ls;:'-· .. ~ .. __ '° j:'(.·)l' '.l. 1.~·~l:. .ho, -~d.J.:..l,i. .. ,.q_ ..:.:h.L.o.). ...... )~ ......,_-;.,-,\.'!t.,~ :1, .• 1 •·t·1 ,,J.:.l L. q,:,., --~. ,-,,i,-;.J ·-·,1··'..-' '')_·F <"w,:t)~lt.-.~ -"-.•, -~ i,,.,,,,,,,,_, ,..;; ·?(iH.; ,..{L.tl,,.-<-1-::.) .....,.... q .,__.,_,>.., •. 86 86 86 \.\\:.:/tti~ o!e:nscd:td ihforn1 y(lu tb.i~tth¢ [)c])nt1n1cnt ~)1 .. St~ilc tippiXrie.f~ th.1srcq\;.t/$t and tt.n1~nc.h~.--tl:.(:~ -~-/li:;;~iott that :11n1ust.-,;~)tnply \v·itb al f app.Hcah1~~ Javts an~11Y~g\i~·0_tjq~:1.~ q{ tl,h:.:iqL".~11 juri~:,fa,ti,::<11; Plct,;;,enQtify th~ Department throttgh eGov \Vhen ~----~bas \vhen:th~.]0~t~,~i~:. rcn0v/CJ.oYtCtn.1111.UtCd moved in i.md r Sincctdy, STATE-19-0289-A-000015 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788314 Date: 08/19/2019 86 CO67 8 8 319:IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788319 Date: 08/19/2019 October06, 2017 REF 17-1523iL ILE ...tvlr;Abdallah YahyaA. A!-}vfouaHimi Perrnanem Mission of the Kingdom of Saudi i\rabia to the United Nations 809 United.Nations Plant; Floor l 0 RELEASE IN PART B6 Ne,v York; N'Y 10017 Dear·E:xce!lency: Thank you lhr your cofrcspondcncc No, OFrvl!DOS/Pct/LN0/501, dated September 26, 2017, nx uestin,ta 1·mrovalfrom the De "artment's OiTiceofForeign ~:1issions(()Fl\f) to lease Ne\VYork; Nc,v Vork 10017, fr,r·use as.thc·residence of r-------------~f~r~o~m October 1. 2017, until September 30, 2018, with the 86 86 86 VJeare.pleased to·inform you that the Department of State approves this request and tbi.lt it nu..ist comply with ltll ,:1pp.!i0abk law'sand regulations of the local remind::;the l\1iss:it>n j:uris 125;.1J av~11 Iable at https :/)v;wvv.state.gov/ documents/orga;nizatlon/i35710 ;pdf. Pkttse tfo not hesitate to call rnu1t(646} 282~2825 if you have any questionsor need fi,rthcr a:{~ist~H1c.c. Sinccrdy, BroQkeKnohc1 Area Director cc; U.S. Missionto the lJiiited Nations. 1-fost{'tHintry STATE-19-0289-A-000016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788319 Date: 08/19/2019 CO67 8 8 32 O:IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788320 Date: 08/19/2019 REF 17-1515;N RELEASE IN PART B6 H.E. I'vk Abda!bb YahyaA. Al-Mouailimi Permanent Missiun cd'thi:.:Kiri.gdom.of Smtdi /\rahia 1.0the United Nations 809 United Nations Plaza, Floor iO New York, N\' 10017 Dcat.Exce!kmcy; Thank you for you.rcon·cspondcnceNo. OFtvI/Per/486,dated September 19, 2017, requesting approvalfrom the DcpartmenCsOffice of FbreignMissions (OF:VI)to lease~ ~ . IN.ewY.or!..;:,.N.lt:v/York.·10017, •.fof llsc.asthe.•.re.si.denceof from September 1:5,2017, until September 14. 20t 9. ~l _____________ ~I We are pkascd·t<>inform·you·thm.theDepartment of State approves this.req;:ll:~st and remind~the ?v1isslonthatit must co1nply-..vithallapplicabkla\\is and regulatieume1tts/organization/I 357l0,pdf. P•Jc,isedo not hesHat(:to callus at (646} 282-2825 if vou have further assistan(>e; • . . ·~ .. . . . . . . rl· .. . anvOlk.'.:stio.nsor need ., "" Sincerely. : ~···.::_,,< ..-~···· . / .~:. f:::": ._ .•·:~·-(. ...···· ..•t•_.)::~-::: . :.•:,; ...•..... •.•·:::(~· ~-···•··•? ,!'' . . BrMkeK1mbd Area Director et: U.S. J'vHssfon to the UnitedNat.ions, Host(\)untry STATE-19-0289-A-000017 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788320 Date: 08/19/2019 B6 B6 B6 B6 CO67 8 8 321 :IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788321 Date: 08/19/2019 REF 17-1525/L H.E. I\.-Jr.Abdall~th 'Yahya ,A.. Al~Mouallimi PennancntMission onhe Kingdom ofSaudi Arabia 10 lhe-l}nited Nations RELEASE IN PART B6 809 United Nations Plaza, Floor lO N,:::.vYork, NY 10017 Dear Excellency: Thank you f0r your correspondence No. OFM/DOS/Per/LN0/499, dated September :W, 20.17.rc(rucsting app1-cMdfrom the Depurtment's.Offo.::cof Foreignl'v1is$i(ms (OF.\1}to lease □ New York,Ne,v York 10017, lbruse as the residence of October L 2017,.untilSiJ'.Jtembef30, 2018. I l I lfrom \Ve urc plea::;edto inform you that the De.partm.rntofStatl"'.;1ppNves this request 11ml of foe local reminds the \.1ission that it must con1ply\\ii.ihall aiiplicabk laws a d .re<.fulati;:>rls jurisdiction. Pk,ise notify the Department through cGov when-~----~ has moved in and when1,be.lease fa renewed or terminated. The lVlissionis remindedthat, pursuamto th:eForeignMissionsAct (21 U.S.C. § 4305). it a must cibtainOFJVl'saprmwal ptiono finalizing proposed lease, purchase, sak;or other acquisition or disp,}sition ofre:11f)roperty irl the lfoited States, underm.kem by or on heha!fot' a ·foreignmissi-on.For more infonri:ation,the 1vfissionis direcwd to the I)epartmcnt's dlplonfatic note N,). HC>125~11 availableat https://-.,.hv,v.state.griv/docuntents/organizatiotVJ 357lO,pdf. Please do not hesitate to ca!I us at (t546}282,.2825if you have anyqtfostions or need further assistance, Sincerdy. Brooke Knobd Area [)Jrector cc.:_U,$,-~'!issionto thG.United.N,itions,Host Country STATE-19-0289-A-000018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788321 Date: 08/19/2019 86 B6 86 86 CO67 8 8 32 3:IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788323 Date: 08/19/2019 October 26, 20 J 7 RELEASE IN PART B6 H:E; l\-lr. Ahdalid1 Yahya A. AJ-1\1ouallimi l·'cnnm1cntivlissionoHhc Kingdon.1ofSiiudi A.ra:bia to the United Nations 809 United Nations Piaza, Ploorl 0 Ni:\v York.NY l 00 :l7 Thankyo~1for yom'c.:Orrespondcnc-.~Nn. OF\,1.iDOS/Pcr/LN0/536, dated Ocwberl O. ::w17,n::qu~s1ingurproval from the Dc1artmcnt's.Ofiicc of Foreign \11ssioi:is(OFM) 10 leaseD New York,Ncw·YcnklO(H7. for use as th,:;residenet t)f ',-----------------~--~----. fn.Hn Nov(;mber l ,.2017, until '-,(~)t~·~t-z)~b-c:.-., -3-1 ~-.:..-?t-.)~fg-· .----------------~ We.ffrcp!e.:tsedw Inform you that thl! Department of Stutc aprwovcs this rcqtwst and rtniinds the J'vlissionthat it must complywith.all.applkabk laws.and i:eglilations·of!he lowl j m-bdiuion. P!c;;i&c nnti{v the Department through eGov when~-----~ has moved in and when the·leascis J\~lK~wi:xinr tcnl1inatect _ , .. Please do not hesitate to call. Lis at (646) 282-2825 ifyouha\,.e :.myquestinns or need !urtncrass1s:ttfnt-c. Sii1ttrcly. Brooke Knobel /\rca.DircGtor ;:T: !..LS, ?v1isskmto 1.ht United Nation~. llost Countrv -·· ... ·· :· ... · ·..,1 STATE-19-0289-A-000019 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788323 Date: 08/19/2019 B6 B6 B6 B6 CO67 8 8 332:IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788332 Date: 08/19/2019 REF17-1526/L H.E, Vtr. Abdarlah Yahya A Ai-lVlouaHimI Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia RELEASE IN PART B6 to the United N::iti<>ns 809 United Nations Plaza, floor 10 Nc\v York; NY 10017 Dear Exc◊ikncy; Thankyou 1hryom correspondence No; OFM/D()S/Per/LNO/5i)5, dated Septembt:r 16 2017, .re·ucsting a '.lproval:fromthe Department's Offfoeof Foreign Missions {OFIVl)to k:JseD ';===============~Ncv1 York, New York 10017, fbt use as the residence of 1 ~-----------------" from October 1.2017, untilSepfomhcr3O, 2018. B6 B6 B6 '\Vearc pkmscdto inform you that theDepartm~m of State approves this request and reminds the t\-tls.-.ion that it lllUS1 comply with ail applicablehn.vs,md regulations of th(; local jurischction. Pk,1se notify the Department through eGnv when L..__ ____ _j has movtd in and 'vVhen the leuse 1srcnewi:;dor tt:,rmfoatcd. is!-?k)n is reminded that, pursuam to the Foreign ]VlissionsAct (2:2l.LS.C. §4305), it The lV1 must obtain OFM's appmvalprior to finalizing aproposedlease, purchase, side.,or bthcr rcign!Vlissiorrn (OFM) when the moves in and when the lease is rene\ved or terrninated. OFM rru.tybe ct>nxactedat 202"895~3500 extensions or OFMProperty@;stai:e~gov regarding.this matter; r) .t • • • •· • · ~c epartrncnr nt,itatt. r· :Ci:t ,I\ \Vashingtnn. Man::h21, 2017. v r.)lPLOMATIC NOTE STATE-19-0289-A-000021 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788392 Date: 08/19/2019 B6 CO67 8 8 4 8 6:IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788486 Date: 08/19/2019 [RELEASE IN PART B6] Augus117, '.WH REF !7~1:245/L !LL Mr. Viradmi Plasai Ptnrn.mc.ntRepresentative of the Kingdon1ofThai!and to the United Nmhms 351 East 52nd Street ~-4rv-.:~{Z).r.k,N'{ l 0022 Th_,._•nk "i6 . you .,.. .... i{W ·.. v.:>ur ,., . . . corresixmdence . t ·. . .. '. .No. .. ... . !O . .. ..:ifri" .. . .. .... . if"t;,,,.i ,4.l ,...,...,,. .A n,,q,s~ appl\}Vn• .. ,•c·l· !'.,·) ''1 ti.,.,,,. ~1·,« f)m-.,i,-,·111<'''1"1 ,·-p· f'"'-'l'<: •·:-·i·,.,s. ..._ ... s...... f\j;>;; f·' . .............. :'"'-.· :'-.... .c: .... t''ni·r,, ....... '. . .-c.... ~. \''"'' , \., !>-"i,:· U,:<,.~:l,l, ....... , .4-....'ii.-·;..,t{rk ..,\\~*1.: ~h)tk-I(U/l 7 RELEASE IN PART B6 May24,2018 REF 18-793/L(rev.) RE. l\·fohammedHusseinMoh Bahr Al.ufoom PemmnentRepresentative of the Republic·oflraq to the· UnitedNations 14 E 79th Street . Nev.,,York;NY l0075 Dear:tvlr.Ambassador: Thank YOllfor your correspondencedated May 9, 2018, requesting permisskm fr.omthe Deparnnent's Office of Foreign Missions(OFM)to lease I I New Yo.rk,New York 10017,for use as ihe residence ofl I c:=JfromJune 1, 2(H8; for oneyear. 86 86 86 Weare pleased th irtfonnyou thatthe Departtnentof State.approvesthis rcqt1estand reminds thc\1ission that itmust comply \t..1ithallapplicablelawsand regulations oftheJocal jurisdiction. Please notify the Departinenfthrough eGov when I pas moved in, and when the lease is renewed or terminated. 86 Pleasedo not hesitate to caHus at (646)282~2825 if you have any questions or need farther assisttmce. Sincerely, /) 0~,6/44/Mao/lJ~ Brooke-Knobel Arca Director ./ _/ cc: U.S. Missiofltothe lJnited Nations, Host Country STATE-19-0289-A-000023 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788538 Date: 08/19/2019 , CO67 8 8 53 9:IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788539 Date: 08/19/2019 (~~{?£~:·~r: \:/'l~~ott:"J)J,n lfis,.;.it)n~~ 799 l./}\/ JJ/a::nr. ·Bfh.... f/ovr lhrk~}\/!~:.. h1i~£]OfJ.t7 August 7, 2018 REF 18~1244 HJ\ MohammedHussein MA Bahr Aluloom PermanentRepresentativeof theRepublk ofiraq to the-UnitedNri.tfons 14E 79th Street • New York, NY 10075 RELEASE IN PART B6 D~ar Mr. Ambassador: The Departmentof State ackno\vledgesreceipt ofthc correspondencedated July24, 2018, from the·PcrmancntMission•ofthe Republic-ofIra· ..i:e,·uestin ern1ission from the De }artmcnt's Offi_ceof Fl)rtign Missions (0 FM)to •lease i 1ew York, Ne,vYork 100l 7,for ~1se as the 1·esidence of ~------------~ fWin August 15 years: 1 2018~for tv.r6 ~---~ ~~------------d......., \Ve afe pkased toinJbrm you th{{~ip?{ .JiF~~';i{~JlS 79·9·t:/::v· 1}t:1:.a ..~ /-lth.jloor h}rk../\\n.r Ji_;ikl ti(l J 7 October 11, 2018 RELEASE IN PART B6 H.E. Ahdal!ahYahyaA. AI;.~fouallim.i PermanentI'v1is:;i~n ~)fthe Kingdomof Saudi Arabia to the united Nations 809 UnitcdNatiu~s•Plaia,Floor 10 Nev.··York.NY (CJOU Dear Ml'. Ambassador: The Depa~tmentof State '.s Officeof Forei 6tn Missions(OFM}acknowledgesr¢tcipt of the corresponden~es dated September 4 and September19,2018, requesting approval to lease I NewYork,_NewYorklOOl 7, i<)ruse as the residence of ~------------~from September21, 2018, for 12 months; The 86 86 Departmentunderstands.theMissionenteredthe leaseprior to obtainingappmval from the Depart111ent · 0FM a_ppjovesthis request and remindsthe Mission that it must C{>mpl y with all applicableIaw·sand regulations of the h>taljurisdictkm. Please mHify the Dcpart1t1ent·\vhen□ ~~~hasmov~d in and \\'henthe lease is rene:wedor tenninated. The Missfon is reminded that, pursuantto the ForeignMissions Act (22 lJ ,S.C. § 4305), it must ol:tainOflvf s approvalprior tp finalizinga proposed lease, purchase, sale, or other acquisition or dispcisition-ofreal propertyin.the United States_, undertakenby or on behalf ofa foreign mission. }'or more informution,the I\1.issionis directedto the Ocpartr:nent's diplomatic note No. HC-l25rl l available at htq,s://ww,v.state.gov/documenfa/organization/13 571O,pdf. Pleasedo :n()thesitate to.call us at (646)282,.2825if you .have any questions or need further a5si:stuncd. Sincerely;, Brot:>-kc Kn.ob<:l Area Director cc: tJX :,\fissfon(.)the Un.hcdNations,DostCountrv . : ... . : . ··p STATE-19-0289-A-000026 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788576 Date: 08/19/2019 86 86 CO67 8 8 5 8 5:IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788585 Date: 08/19/2019 ..-~....L,.,,..,. ·• 11· .:;t'lf ., C•',-1:i,, , .n ,·..t.1,.....,,·,1 ,,.~, c ·,1··1·1·1·1 t..l . {)t . .1.,.,.· ,· .tt:. ·"t 1 J,.. . ·. (!{Nn,.,)/'Foreignlh~-~ i1W8 799.C/VPla::.q, 8thJhw Nni, fork ..,v~,H· Vi)/"kI 00! 7 fone 21, 2018 REF 18~972 llE. 1vlrs.Lana.Zaki Anw,1rNusseibeh Pern1~ml,!nt RcprcsC"ntati ve of the Uniled Arab Emfr,ue:; to theU11itedNati<.ins 305Eust47th Street, Floot 7 New York, NY 10017 RELEASE IN PART B6 [)ear Mrs. Ambassador: The Dcpartrucnt of State'.~Office of Foreign Missirms(OFM) acknowledges receipt of (.'orr,·spondence.No.2{H8-279,dated .h.11w.4.2018;fromthcPennanentJvlission of the United Arab Emfrates reqm:stingpermissionto lcascresi4encc~ at the below addresses fmm July l, 2018, for qnc year with the option torenew: IJcrscv Citv, New Jersd07302 liwuse :is th,, r,•sidcnccofl • • fmd, L---------------~~-~~~---_J L___-----~------"---~I rcsidc11ceollL__ ________________ '----~ INcwYork, New 'fork 10017, foruscas the _ The Department appwvcsthese requests m\dreminds the Pcr111,1ncnt. Mission.thatit must comply with all applicabk la\1/sand regulations of theloca1jurisdictimt Please notify the Dep.:1rt111ent whi.~n·the 1eases.are·rencwcdor tenninated. Pl.casedo not hesitate to callus at (646) 28?~2825 if you fa1vcany questions Qrnt>ed !i!rthcrassistance. Sincerely, / ✓ 'Zf~dt~-1 Brooke Knobel Arca J)ircctor STATE-19-0289-A-000027 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788585 Date: 08/19/2019 B6 B6 B6 B6 CO67 8 8 5 9 5:IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788595 Date: 08/19/2019 ·"·l St·· ·•;.;: 1·) -•··'" •·1· , · -1 · J. "·· S1·•. t'·;.m'1·ct. ,. d t·t..,, ... Cj.hU .HH,Jl . OJ .l t·.t" ryNcerf l'iJu:i_~n:th\simts 799 U/YPfo:..'.a, 8th_!foor NewHnk, Nr:wh1rlcWU/'; June 14. 2018 REF 18~936 H.L ivlrs.La11aZaki Anwar Nusscibeh Penmment R.cpresentative-oftheU1titcdAtabEmfratcs to the United Nations 305 East 47th Street, F1oor7 Nc,v York,NY 10017 . . . . . . . RELEASE IN PART B6 DcarMrs. Ambassador: The Dcparhnent of State's Office of Foreign tvlissinns(OF\4) acknowledges receipt c)f correspondenceNo. 2018/265, datt~dMay 25, 2018, and received on June 4,2018, requesting I New York. New Y<)rk10017,fot permission tokasej use as the residence (1f I ]rom May 7, 2018, foi-one year w.iththe Qptionto renew. The Department:approves this request and l'eminds the Pcmrnncnt:l'vHssion that it r1rnsl comply with all applicable lawsandrcgulationsofthc_loca!jmisdiction; Please notify the Department \Vhcnthe lease is renewed or tetmini1t9d. The PermanentMission-is also reminded t1{at,pursuant_tothe·Forcign·M.issi,msAct (22 lJ;S,C. § 4305). it must obtain the Department)sappn)valprior to finalizing a propt)sedlcasc, purchase, sale, or other acquisition or disposition <~f re,11property inthe United States, undc1takcnby or on behalf of a foreign missimt Hor more infi.mmnion,please review the Department's note No. HC.;.l25-1l at: https:l/ww,\'.stat,~.gov/doctunents/organizati(m/13571 O.pdC Please do nothesitate to callus at (646) 28:t2815 if you have anyqncstions or need fmther·assistance. Sinc.erely, / _;,r ,... •.. /~~::,.,.>"" ,,((_/:;.,,>/_;./ Brooke Knobel Area Director cc: lJ.S. rvJissionto the UnitedNations,_HostC:ountry STATE-19-0289-A-000028 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788595 Date: 08/19/2019 B6 B6 CO 67 8 8 60 O:IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788600 Date: 08/19/2019 (!Jfi/e.t}{ }}rn~ig.~H Jlf ,;.~don.s 1 ·7.99:: [)/\/} l<~;ia...l1t1ljl{~or iVi:::.~~'.· l:ifrk:..:\/.eu::}ink .1·ot).l? January28, 2019 REF 19..128 H£ Mnt Maria Theofili PermanentRepresentativeof the HcHenkRepubl.ic to the United Natfons 866 Second A venue; Flood 3 New York NY !0017 RELEASE IN PART B6 Dear l'vlrs.Amhassador: The Departmentof State's Office of Foreign Missions (OFM) acknowledges receipt of corres xmdence No. l0.5J/ AS 167, dated January23. 2019, reql.lestingapproval t{l leasec=J r'==============='-:'N._._'·,.,_e,._._"i_,Y':_'o.._.r~k,'-"N':_:". --=-cv;_,__._,_)~" c":'-">rk 10017,fr,riise as the-residence-of from February l, 2019, for one '---=~-----------------year. i.:viththe optionto rcne:w, B6 B6 B6 The Departmentof State approvesihis request and rcmil1dsthe Permanent·Mission.that •jt must comply withaH applicable laws and regulationsof the local jurisdiction. Please notif} the Department\vhen~----~has moved fo and when the leasc·isrenewcd ortefminated. Please do not hesitate to call us at(646) 282-:2825if you have anyqt1estionsor need iurther assistance. Sincerely, .,--- / ;p/4/ Brooke Knobel Area Director cc: 1.T.S;Missionto the United Nations, Host Countr)' STATE-19-0289-A-000029 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788600 Date: 08/19/2019 B6 CO67 8 8 60 9:IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788609 Date: 08/19/2019 fl//:t--~:?.:~:~/ f?:)tt·ig·?t Jlis.:u.o~ts t·:)9 _t?l;:1zH/J flnor . 13th ,.• [RELEASEIN PART B6[ March 6, 2019 REF19-370 JlJi !vfrs..Maria Thcofili Permanent R.eprescntativc oftl1e Hellenic Republic to the United Na.tions 866 Second Avenue, Floor.13 Nc,v York,NY 10OJ7 Dear Madam Ambassador: The Departmentof State's Officeof ForeignMissions(OFM) acknowledgesreceipt of corres ondence No.10.8. I/AS 362. dated Fcbruar)720,2019; requestingapprovalto leasec=J ie,.vYork, New York 10017, for use as the residenceof f---------------_J__ ___ .::___ __ ~ from :&farchl, 2019,,for one year, 1,viththe option to renew for an.additional.year. The Depa.rtmcntw.1dersta11dsthat the Permanent Missi{)nis no h111gcrpursuingthe lease of ~____ _,in.the samebuilding. ~--------------------__[ 86 86 86 86 The Department of State approves this request and reminds the Pe11nanentMissionthat h m.ust comply ,vith all applicabk laws and regulations of the local jurisdiction. Please notify the Dcpartn1entwhe9 lhas1110Vcd in and when the lease is renewed or terminated. !'lease do not hes.hateto call us at(646) 282-2825if you have any questions orneed forther·assistance. Sincerely, \ -r // /~:/~::::?/;, :Z:.,·ft--;J·/~l>/;,/ Brooke Knobel Area Director l'.c: U.S. Mission fo the United Natio11s,Host Country STATE-19-0289-A-000030 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788609 Date: 08/19/2019 86 CO67 8 8 612:IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788612 Date: 08/19/2019 {/1,/:=-.~e.:(/ £":::>rrittrf :kt\s.'.~t/ni.i 7<}9· f...0\! .r~tn.zu ...8th f!rurr .:Y~.ru:J·brk~?Ve·u. li~t~,~-.I(J(Jl·-;? April IJ, 2019 REF !9-549 1vfr.Hamad A H M Alhazeem Consul General ofihc. State.of Kmvait 455 Madison /\n~nue, Room 3601 New York, NY 10022 RELEASE IN PART B6 Dear IV! r. ·Alhazeem: r~i.ptor ··.rhe.•Dep·a·~m.1 C. 1_.1to·f···S·'ti-1tc.'s Officeo1·'·· Forei?n ".'1.iss1.'.0·1·1s ()1~. t\:1).a.ckn.◊W.ledgesr. correspondenceNo; 8i2019-OHvLdated 1.farch 29, 2019, rcquestmg approval to Jease Ne.,,vYork, Ne,v York 10017,.foruse as the residence<)f I lfmntApril 15, 2019~tlntil April. 14, 2020, ,vithtwo renewable c.· I B6 B6 B6 options. ·f!1eDcpartmellt app.tovcsthisrequest andreminds the Consu.lateGeneral thatit nmst com.plywith aH applicableiffws and rcgufatiorisohhe localjmisdiction, The Gmsulatc Genera! 110\icsin. Further, please submit a is remindedto notify OFM Via eOovwhen~----~ dipionw.ticnott:·to 0FJVlProperty@}state.gov when the.lease.isre11ev,icdor terminated. Pkasedo not hesitate to callus at (646) 282-281 l if yot1have any questions or need further assistance~ Sincerely, _,::/:- _;)--··•·''lt,t,·l~:,i'' Brooke Knobel Area Director STATE-19-0289-A-000031 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788612 Date: 08/19/2019 B6 CO67 8 8 613:IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788613 Date: 08/19/2019 f ·rnY~/gI.:-.. .l!i.<~:i<>lt~ {)Yix ..t:i:.f::/~ 79.9-i)tV.F'la)/tt. itrhj1\)ol· )\\·?~: }·~:;-r,(:· :\'f~·u.:}<;r{ l June 17, 2019 H.E. Mt. M,msour Ayyad Al;.Otaibi PermanentRepresentativeof the State of Kuwait m the United Nations 321 E 44th Street New York,NY 10017 RELEASE IN PART B6 Dear Mr. Ambassad<)r: The Departxne.ntof State's Office of Foreign Missions.(OF~4)acknowledges receipt of the correspondence. dated .hme 10,2019, requestingapprovalto renew the lease atl I INew York, ·New·York 10017, for use as the residence ot1 I I ~'romSeptember3, 2019, for one year. I The Department of State apprtTvesthis request and remindsthe Permilnent Mission that it mustcomply with all applkablelaws and regulations of the localjurisdiction. Please inform the Departmentwhen the leaseis renewedor terminate.d. Pleasedo.nothcsitate·t(> call us at (646) 282-2812if you.havearty questions or need further assistance. Sincerely, Bro6ke Knobel Area Director cc: US. Missicmtothe United Nations, Host Country STATE-19-0289-A-000032 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788613 Date: 08/19/2019 B6 B6 B6 CO67 8 8 615:IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788615 Date: 08/19/2019 Foti~£gt(J.fi:t;;.t~);t~· !\a,:;;a:. ~8ihJlo<.)r /\\~;rJI)tk}t}!JI? .lune17, 2019 REF rn..:816 H.E. Mr. Mansour A.,.·._,1. vvad Al--Otaibi ,, Perraanent Representativeof the State of Kuwait to the United Nations 321 E 44th Street New Yo:rk~NY10017 RELEASE IN PART B6 Dear ~•.fr. Ambassadm: The Department of State's 011ice.of Foreign Missions.(OFM)·acknowledges receipt of atl ~lt:...ixm~llillli.l.i.=.llCcl~lleJJ...JJl.l.fil:....J. 0)2019, requesting approvalto renewthe I.case L,--------------~----'---, ~--------------~ NewYork 10017,for use as the res.idcnceof I 1 'rewVork, from Septen1ber.1, 2019, for (me year. The Dep~irtmentofState approvesthis request and remindsthe Permanent Missionthatit rnust c:omp1y\vithall applkahle laws and l'egulatfonsof the localjurisdiction. Please infom1the Department,,rhenthe lease is renewedor terminated. Pleasedo nothesitateto call us at (646)282-2812 if Youha'vea'nyquestions or need further assistance. Sincerely. Brooke Knobel AreaDirector cc: US Missionto the Unhcd Na1ions,HostCountry STATE-19-0289-A-000033 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788615 Date: 08/19/2019 B6 B6 B6 CO67 8 8 621 :IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788621 Date: 08/19/2019 jRELEASEIN PART B61 19-826 The Departme;.mt <>fStatereforsthe Ernbassyof the Slovak Rep1.1blic to the correspondence dated June l 0, 2019, from the Consulate General in New York, requestingthe Depattment's approval to renew the lease at'--------~ New York, Ne\v Yotk 10017, for use as the residence of 86 86 ~------- from February l, 2020, until JanuaryJl, 2021. ~----------- The Department approves the request, subject to compliance with local laws and regulations. The Embassy is remii1dedto notify the Department's Office of Foreign Missions (OFM) at OFMProperty@state.gov when the lease is renewed or terminated, lfthc Embassy has any questions • .it mayconta,ctQFM at202--895-3500, extension 5, or OFMProperty@state~gov. Department of State~ Washington, June 18, 2019.}\S DIPLOMATIC NOTE STATE-19-0289-A-000034 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788621 Date: 08/19/2019 86 United States Department of State Washington, D.C. 20520 September I 9, 20 I 9 Case No.: F-2019-04060 Segment: M/OFM-000ILICl M/OFM-0001 LIC2 Melanie Sloan American Oversight 1030 15th Street NW, B255 Washington, DC 20005 Dear Ms. Sloan: I refer to our letter dated August 19, 2019, regarding the release of certain Department of State material under the Freedom of Information Act (the "FOIA"), 5 U.S .C. ? 552. The processing of records is ongoing and has, thus far, yielded an additional three documents responsive to your request. We have determined that one document may be released in full and two documents may be released in part. An enclosure explains the FOIA exemptions and other grounds for withholding material. Where we have made excisions, the applicable FOIA exemptions are marked on each document. All non-exempt material that is reasonably segregable from the exempt material hac;been released, and is enclosed. The processing of your request is ongoing. We will keep you informed as your case progresses. If you have any questions, your attorney may contact Brian Field, Assistant Unite d States Attorney, at 202-252 -2551. Please refer to the case number, F-2019-04060, and the civil action number, 19-cv-1286, in all correspondence about this request. Sincerely, 1/2 }~)- Susan Weetman Deputy Director Office of Information Programs and Services Enclosure: As stated The Freedom of Information Act (5 USC 552) FOIA Exemptions (b)(I) Informat ion specifically authqrized by an executive order to be kept secret in the interest of national defense or foreign policy. Executive Order 13526includes the following classification categories: l.4(a) l .4(b) l.4(c) 1.4(d) l.4(e) Mil itary plans , systems, or operations Foreign government infomiation Intelligence activities, sources or methods, or cryptology Foreign relations or foreign activities of the US, including confidential sources Scientific, technological, or economic matters relating to national security , including defense against transnational terronsm l .4(f) U.S. Government programs for safeguarding nuclear materials or facilities l .4(g) Vulnerabilities or capabilities of systems, installat ions, infrastructures, projects, plans, or protection services relating to US national security, including defense against transnational terrorism 1.4(h) _Weapons of mass destruction ofan agency (b)(2) Related solely to the internal personnel rules and practices (b)(3) Specifically exempted from disclosure by statute (other than 5 USC 552), for example: ARMSEXP CIA PERS/ORG EXPORT CONTROL FSACT INA IRAN Arms Export Control Act, 50a USC 241 l(c) Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, 50 USC 403(g) Export Administration Act of 1979, 50 USC App. Sec. 241 l(c) Foreign Service Act of 1980, 22 USC 4004 . Immigration and Nationality Act, 8 USC 1202(GBP), Sec. 222(f) Iran Claims Settlement Act, Public Law 99-99, Sec . 505 (bX4) Trade secrets and confidential commercial or financial infonnation . (bXS) Interagency or in~agency communications forming part of the deliberative process, attorney-client privilege, or attorney work produ ct (bX 6) . Personal privacy information (bX7) Law enforcement information whose disclosure would : (A) interf ere with enforcement proceedings (B) deprive a person of a fair trial .. (C) . constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy (D) disclose confidential sources (E) disclose investigation techniques (F) endanger Hfeor physical safety of an individual (bX8) Prepared by or for a government agency regulating or supetvisihg financial institutions (bX9) Geological and geophysical information and data, including maps, concerning wells Other Grounds for Withholding NR Material not responsive to a FOIA request excised with the agreement of the requester CO6 7 8 8 5 41 :IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788541 Date: 09/19/2019 August 23, 2018 REF l R-1342/L ILL Alya Ahmed S. A Al-Thani Permanent Representative of the Permanent 1\,lission of the State of Qatar to tho United Nations 809 United Nations Plaza, floor 3 NC\"\'York, NY 10017 Dear \ladam Ambassador: l'he Depmtmemof State's Office of Foreign iVlissions (OFM) acknmvledges receipt of correspondence No. 2018/0053842/5, dated August 3, 2018, from the PennmJent Mission ofthe State of Qatar LO the United Nations, requesting to sell 845 Uniled Na lions Plaza, Unit 14A Nev,, YorL Ne,v York 1rn.117,fo1n1Crly used as a staff residence. The Department of State approves this request and reminds the Mission that it must comply \vitii all applicable laws and regulations of the local jurisdiction, and to inform OF\1 of the date of settlement. On the basi, ufForeign \lissions Act Designation and Determinatiun FMA<::014-1, dated January 8, 2(H4, OFrvl authodzcs the exemption for the Govemmcnt of the State of Qatar frnm all national. regional, or municipal taxes, other than those that represent payment for specific services rendered, in connection with this sale. Enclosed arc letters to the State of N-::,vYork and the City of Nev, York to this effect. Please bt advised that no exemption ,viU be granted fot taxes fr}rwhich tht transferee is !iable. \Ve suggest that 1.hcPermanem Iv'Iission consu1 t \.vifh an attorney on this matter prior to closing. To avoid \V 1hholding i)f U.S. Ft.~erai income tax ()n 1hcsale, Form 8288-B, v,hichis availabkatwwv,,.i.s.gov, should be filed,noting especially the instructions for Line 7a and citingto Treas. Reg.? 1.897-9T(c). 0 P!t'.ascdo nJt hesitate lo call us at (646) 282-2825 if you have any questions or need fu11hcrassistance. SincetelY., 1-~-;;...-. ,.,,"'' ..... .....,. ..:{>_. ___ .,,.,,. Brooke Ktfr/id Arca Director STATE-19-0289-B-000001 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788541 Date: 09/19/2019 CO6 7 8 8 5 9 9:IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788599 Date: 09/19/2019 [RELEASE IN PART B6J Ret 10.5. 1/AS 167 The Permanent Mission of Greece to the United Nations presents its compliments to the. Offic,e of. Foreign Missions and has the honour to request authorization for this Mission to lease the ~~------------------------~-----...,.,====~======;" I intended to serve as the official resid1mce of the I f---~ I Currently that ~p-o~s-iti~o-n is held by 86 86 B6 86 I The tenant of the contract will be the Permanent Mission of Greece to the United Nations ~nd. itwHI be signed by~-------------~The leasetem1 is ex:pecteo to cover a one year period, starting February 1st. 2019 With poss1b1e extension for one year. 86 No part of this property is or will be used for commercial purposes. This mission acknowledges that it.must request and obtain the approval of the Department of State's Office ofFornign Miss]ons. prior to changing the use ofthis property from that which is described in this note; 86 86 ~--------------~,--i---------------~ The Permanent Mission of Greece to the United Nations avails itself of this opportunity to fi;i0eo/ to the Office of Foreign Missions the assurances of this highest consideration/' . "/ .:'.i(.\ .. .o. :. 1, 2019 New York, January 23r< Office of Foreign Missions New York STATE-19-0289-B-000002 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788599 Date: 09/19/2019 CO6 7 8 8 6 O5:IED 'oofl-~J ~-o..-i U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-04059 Doc No. C06788605 Date: 09/19/2019 .V1 ....h ....LL"'-,'L.; nt:::~ re;:~ Vt'+ ~~ r_4y~. :~ u~ 4. :x.o-; ~"-.: ~tJ- ;:;y~::,: !RELEASEIN PART B61 The Perm.ir.ent Mlss\onofGreece to tht'!United Nations presents its compliments to the Offk,e of foreign Mis.siorts mid In reforehc.e to n1;t V.erbal Note Ref. 10.5.1/A:S 167/~$.01;2019, ha$ thi.:,honcH.irtoinfonn the latter thatrtw~t;; not pi.,ssibfato re