"11. u. 41? 3..- LI 17:33,? Mes: cant-Eamma?rm oars: mush-u. CHARGE SHEET PERSONAL DATA 1. NAME OFACCUSED (LasU-i'rst. Mi) EDIPI a. RANKJRATE 4. PM GRADE . . Low 5. UNIT on ORGANIZATION 6. cynniznr SERVICE 3. INITIAL DATE h. TERM Bn, 5th Marltog, ist Mari?y 7 fl 9. 6- P'l?tP'l?lt Aug Present ii. AND SPECIFICATIOMS) In. Charge: Violation oftlio Article l34 Spcoilioutitm: in that Lance Corporal US. Marine Corps, on active duty, at or near San Die California, on or about 20 June 2019, did, knowingly and intentionally conspire with Lance Corporal i US. Marine Corps, to unlawfully transport and move aliens who had entered and renniined in the United States in violation of law, in order to help the aliens remain in the United Suites illegally, for private financial gain, contrary to 8 U.S. Code Section in violation oi'8 US. Code Section an offense not capital. AND NO OTHERS Ill. PREFERRAL 11a. NAME OF Accusen (L?si, First, MI) n. GRADE ORGANIZATION Abcusen H-fi llq?ptBn, Mlew, Carn?i?en, CA 9. DATEadminister oaths in cases of this character] personally appeared the above named accuser this l6 day of September .. l9 and signed the toregoing charges and speci?cations under oath that she is a person subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice and that she either has personal knowledge of or has investigated the matters set torth therein and that the same are true to the best of her knowledge and belief. HqutBn, MCI-W, MCB, CamPcn, CA Typed Name of Officer Organization of Officer if. Judge Advocate Of?cial Capacity to Administer Oaths (See ROM JOHN-must be commissioned alti'cer) SIN 0102-LF-000-4560 .. . . - .. . - >77 12. On ,20 accused was inIonIIecl of me charges against and ofihe name(s) of . 308 If noII'I?IcaIion oannoI be made.) 5th MaI'Reg, lsI MarDiv Oiganfzatron of Immediate Commander the accus, yped ?ameo mmudiate Charade Captain, U.S. Marine Corps Grade Ina/we can mounr - :i -- IS. The sworn charges were Ieceivecl at hours. 20 at 6.9" Officer Exercising SummaIy (See RCM 405) FOR THE1 COImnamIing OI ?ficeI Legal Of?cer Capacity of Signing Typed Nana ?Of?cer Captain, U.S. Marine Corps Grade Signature . . V. SERVICE OF CHARGES 14a. DESIGNATION oF? COMMAND AUTHORITY b. c. Ef?e 5th MaI?Reg, MarDiv 7i 7.. CamPeu, CA Referred Ior Irial Io Ihe court-martial convened by - 7_ . 20 .subject CormnandorOIder Typed Name 0! Of?cer Capaciov 0! Of?cer Signing Grade Signature 15. On . .. .. .20 lI(caUSed to be) sewed acopy hereofonthe abovehamed accused. Captain, US. Marine Corps Grade or Rank of Trial CounseIISUmmaIy Own?Martial Slgnalure 1 - Wham an apprapdale commander signs personally, InappIIcable words are slricken 1 OOTNOTES 2 -- 859 R. C. M. 601(0) concernm InsIrucIIons If none so slate. DD Form 458 Reverse -. . . CHARGE SHEET I. PERSONAL DATA 1. NAME OF ACCUSED (Lost.First,Ml) 2. EDIPI 3. 4 PAYGRAOE 1 _i i' .. ., . [3-3 5. UNIT 0R ORGANIZATION 6. CURRENT SERVICE 3, INITIAL OATE b. TERM Bn. _5th MaIReg, 1st MarDiv . . 1.. ?fl yrs? a. Acciisnn a. PIC 25 Jul l9 .. Present II. AND SPECIFICATIONS) in. Charge: Violation ol?the UCMJ, Article 134 Specification I: In that Lance Corporal U.S. Marine Corps, on active duty, at or near San Diego, California, on divers occasions between on or about 30 May 20I 9 and or about 3 July 2019, knowingly and with reckless disregard to the fact that aliens had entered and remained in the United States in violation of law, did, knowingly transport and move said aliens within the United States. in order to help said aliens remain in the United States illegally, and which was done for private ?nancial gain, in violation of8 U.S. Code Section I324(a)(l an of?l?cnse not capital. Speci?cation 2: In that Lance Corporal U.S. Marine Corps, on active duty, at or near San Diego, Califomia, between on or about 30 May 2019 and on or about 3 July 20l9, did, knowingly and intentionally conspire with Lance Corporal U.S. Marine Corps, to unlawfully transport and move aliens who had entered and remained in the United States in violation of law, in order to help the aliens remain in the United States illegally, for private ?nancial gain, contrary 8 U.S. Code Section l324(a)(l)(A)(ii), in violation oi'8 U.S. Code Section an offense not capital. Speci?cation 3: In that Lance Corporal Marine Corps, on active duty, at or near San Diego, California, between on or about 30 Ma 2019 and on or about 3 July 2019. did, knowingly and intentionally conspire with Lance Corporal?, U.S. Marine Corps, to unlawfully transport and move aliens who had entered and remained in the United States in violation of law, in order to help the aliens remain in the United States illegally, for private ?nancial gain, contraIy 8 U.S. Code Section I324(a)(l)(A)(ii), in violation of 8 U.S. Code Section I324(a)(l an offense not capital. N0 ?Iii: NAME OF in, his?? Tiij c. ORGANIZATION OFACCUSER liqutBn MCI- w, CA or ACCUSER I3 tot AFFIDAVIT: Before mo. the undersigne law to administer oaths in cases of this character, personally appeared the above named accuser this [Is-n4 day of Scp'i'd mber .20 I51 .and signed the foregoing charges and speci?cations under oath that she is a person subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice and that she either has personal knowledge ot or has Investigated the matters set forth therein and that the same are true to the best of her knowledge and beliel. . HqutBn, MCI-W, MCB, CaInPen, CA Typed Name 0! Officer Organization 0! Officer Judge Advocate Of?cial Capacity to Administer Oaths {Sea R. C. M. be commissioned officer} Captain, Marine Corps SIN 0102-LF-000-4580 ORIGINAL DD FORM 458 CHARGE SHEET I. PERSONAL DATA 7. PAY PER MONTH a. NATURE or or accusao a. IMPOSEO .- .11- was.? 1916me l?Tf? 25 Jill Present aunt- NAME or ACCUSED Mt) 2. EOIPI 3. RANWRATE 4. PAY GRADE .. - U3 5. UNIT OR oneanrunon 6. CURRENT SERVICE 8. INITIAL DATE 0 TERM Ist Bn, MarReg, Ist MarDiv 3-215%. - . II. AND I0. Charge: Violation ol?tlte UCMJ, Article 134 Speci?cation I: In that Lance Corporal_ US. Marine (Imps, on active duty, at or near San Diego, California, on or about 24 June 2019, knowingly and with reckless disregard to the fact that aliens had entered and remained in the United States in violation of law, did, knowingly transport and move said aliens within the United States, in order to help said aliens remain in the United States illegally, and which was done for private ?nancial gain, in violation off? US. Code Section an offense not capital. Speci?cation 2: In that Lance Corporal_ US. Marine Corps, on active duty, at or near San Die 0 California. on or about 24 June 20l9, did. knowingly and intentionally conspire with Corporal U.S. Marinc Corps, to unlawfully transport and move aliens who had entered and remained in the United States in violation of law, in order to help the aliens remain in the United States illegally, for private ?nancial gain, contrary to 8 US. Code Section 1324(a)(l)(A)(ii), in violation of 8 US. Code Section an offense not capital. IAN NO PREFERRAL . OFACCUSER a; MCI- W, Cainl?en, CA I 6 DATE P) AFFIDAVIT: Before me, 9 aw administer oaths In cases of this character. personally appeared the above named accuser this fepgember .20 I4 .and signed the foregoing charges and specifications under oath that he is a person subject to the Unrform' Code of Military Justice and that he either has personal knowledge of or has investigated the matters set forth therein and that the same are true to the best of his knowledge and belief. H_qutBu, MCB, CainPen, CA Typed Name 0! Of?cer Organization 0/ Of?cer Captain, US. Marine Corps Judge Advocate Grade and Service Of?cial Capacity to Administer Oaths (See R. C. M. sorrwmusr be commissioned of?cer) Signatur DD FORM 458 SIN 0102-LF-000-4580 . 12. On . I .20 the accused was informed of the charges against him/her and ot the name(s) at the accuser(s) known to me. See ROM. 308 (See R. CM. 308 if notification cannot be made. 51h Machg, 18! Marl)iv Typed Name ot?lmmediate Commander Organization of tmmedtate Commander Captain, US. Marine Corps Grade Signature IV. RECEIPT BY COURT-MARTIAL CONVENING AUTHORITY 13. The sworn charges were received at I I . I hours. I I 20 I at 51!) Machg, Designation of Command or briifieer?iz?i?tctg?tng? Strnirti?ry Court?Martiat?Jurisdiction??en CM. 403) I FOR Commanding Of?cer - Legal Of?cer ?ned Name of Olftcer Of?cial Capacity of Of?cer Signing Captain, US. Marine Corps Grade Signature .. . V- .. . .. 14a. DESIGNATION or COMMAND 0F corwenme Aumomrv b. 51h MarReg, MarDiv CamPcn. CA Referred for trial to the . I court-martial convened Command or Order Typed Name 0! Of?cer Capacity 0! Ottrcer Signing Grade Signature 15. On .. I .20 I (caused to be) served a copy hereof on the above named accused. First Lieutenant, US. Marine Corps Typed Name of Trial Counsel Grade or Rank of Trial Counsell5ummary Court-Martial Of?cer Signature FOOTNOTES 1 -- When an appropriate commander signs personally, inapplicable words are stricken. 2 Sea ROM. cancerm'ng instruction If none. so state. DD Form 458 Reverse CHARGE SHEET 1. PERSONAL DATA 1 NAME or Accusen (LashFirshMi) 2. EDIPI a. a. PAY eerE as 5. unrr on onewunou s. c_u_nns~r Batta?on? a. INITML DATE b. TERM 5th Marine Regiment, Marine Division, Camp Pendleton, Caliiornia W. .. .t 4 7 PAY PER MONTH e. NATURE OF RESTRAINT or- Accuseo e. Drums) BASIC h. our 7 c. TOTAL . Pretrial Confinement . 25 Jul 19 - Present None 7 i u. amnesia) AND 10. CHARGE: OF THE UCMJ. ARTICLE 134 Specification 1: In that Lance Corporal?US. Marine Corps, on active duty. at or near San Diego Caliiornia, between on or about 15 Me 2019 and on or about 3 July 2019, dict, knowingly and intentionally conspire with Lance Corporal i to uniawiully transport and move aliens who had entered and remained in the United States in violation at law, in order to help the aliens remain in the United States illegally. for private financial gain. contrary to 8 US Code Section 1324(a)(t)(A)(ii). in violation of 8 US. Code Section an otiense not capital. Specification 2: In that Lance Corporal U.S. Marine Corps, on active duty, at or near San Diego, California, on divers occasions between on or about 15 May 2019 and on or about 3 July 2019, knowingly and with reckless disregard to the fact that aliens had entered and remained in the United States in violation of law. did. knowingly transport and move said aliens within the United States, in order to help said aliens remain in the United States illegally, and which was done for private ?nancial gain. in violation ol 8 us. Code Section 1324(a)(1)(A)(ii), an oiiense not capital. (END) Ill. PREFERHAL o?F Ta Last First c. onemrmtou or ACCUSER - - HquFion, MCAS Miramar 9. DATE aoraocuB ster oaths in cases at this character, personally appeared the above named accuser this 1% day at 6'7? . 20 I7 . and signed the toregoing charges and speci?cations under oath that he re a person subject to the Unltorm Code of Military Justice and that he either has personal knowledge of or has Investigated the matters set lonh therein and that the same are true to the best oi his knowledge and ballet. HquFton. MCAS Miramar mead Name of Of?cer Organize lion 0! Officer TRIAL COUNSEL Ol?ciet Capacity to Administer Oaths (See R. c. M. 307(bJ?must be commissioned of?cer) DD FORM 458 SIN 12. On . .. .20 the accus?ri'was Iniormed oi the charges against him/her and 0! the name(s) of the accuser(s) known to me. (See H.C.M. 308(a)). (Sea ROM. 308 ii noti?cation cannot be made.) Typed Name 0! immediate Commr Organization of inmdiata Commander CAPTAIN. USMC Grade Signature A "IV.?tiEbEtPi? convanms immunity 13. The sworn charges were received at hoursDosagnanbn a! Command or "oziic'ar'Exeibiki'ny 39mm amuanramumcrm (36686.0( 403) FOR COMMANDING OFFICER LEGAL OFFICER Typed Name of Oificar Officiat Capacity of Of?cer Signing CAPTAIN. USMC Grade Signature . V. SERVICE . DESIGNATION DF COMMAND OF couveume AUTHORITY b. "mama Camp Pendleton. CA Relerred [or trial to the court-martial convened by gated . 2O .subiect to the lotlowing By 0! Command or Order Med Name 0! Officer Of?cial Capacity of Oi?car Signing Glade Signature 15. On .20 . ?caused to be) serveda copy hereoton (each at) the above named accused. Typed Name at Walt Counsel Grade or Rank ot Tn?al Counsel/Summary Court-Martial O?icar Slynalure FOOTNOTES um, som- DD Form 458 Reverse wax-r, 51v -. . i 1/;in :3 Wm mum?m CHARGE SHEET PERSONAL DATA I. NAME or ACCUSED 3. 1i; PAY GRADE UNIT ORORGANIZATION SERVICE a I). TERM Bn, 5th Marchg, MaI'Div _4 31:11..- _7 u, 9 a mold DUTY VIC '25 Jul Present. WA . ll. AND SPECIFICATIONS) In. Charge: Violation of the Article l3 lb Specification: In that Lancc Corporal .3. Marine Corps, on active duty, did, at or near Marine Corps Base Camp on or about l8 July 2019, wrongfully don act, to wit: destroying cell plumes, with intent to obstruct the due administration of just ice in the case of v. Lance Corporal -U.S. Marine Corps, against who the accused had reason to believe there would he criminal proceedings. NO .. . Ill. Mi} GRAOF 4 ORGANIZATION OF ACCUSER MCB CamPcn, CA 0. DATE itand signed the tone-going charges and specifications IT. .3610 above named' accuser this under oath that he is a person subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice and that he elther has personal knowledge oi or has investigated the matters set forth therein and that the same are true to the best of his knowledge and belief. HqutBn, MCI- W, MCB, Cernl?en, (3 A Organization of Of?cer Typed Name of Officer Captain, U. Mar me Corps ud 1.,e Advocate Grade and Se O?iciai Capacity to Administer Oaths (896 RC. 307(bi- must be commissioned of?cer) Signaimo DD FORM 456 SIN CHARGE SHEET .. I. PERSONAL DATA . 1. NAME or ACCUSED (Last, First, MI) 2. EDIPI 3. RANKIRATE 4. PAY GRADE 7 . -- . E3 5. UNIT OR 0. CURRENT SERVICE 8. DATE b. TERM B11 51h Marines, lstMarDiv 4 7. PAY PER MONTH e. NATURE or RESTRAINT 0F ACCUSED e. 11111203120 BASIC b. SENFOREIGN new c. 25 Jul 19 Present II. AND SPECIFICATIONS) I0. Charge 1: Violation of the UCMJ, Article 92 Specification 1: In that Lance Corporal US. Marine Corps, on active duty, did, at or near Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, Califomia, on divers occasions between on or about June 2019 to on 01? about 25 July 2019, fall to obey a lawful general regulation, which was his duty to obey, to wit: US. Navy Regulation 1 137 dated 14 September 1990, by failing to repott a violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, to wit: Article 134. Speci?cation 2: in that Lance (Impmal 7? U. S. Mai inc Corps, on active duty, did, at or nea1 Marine Corps Base Camp l?endleton, California, on divers occasions between on or about 1 June 2019 to on Oi about 25 July 2019, fall to obey a lawful general regulation, which was his duty to obey, to wit: S. Navy Regulation 1137 dated 14 September 1.990, by failing to report a violation of the Uniform Code of Militaiy Justice, to wit: Article 112a. Charge 11: Violation ot?thc UCMJ, Article 121 Speci?cation: In that Lance Corporal_, US. Marine Corps, on active duty, did, at or near Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California, on divers occasions between on 01' about. 1 May 2019 and on or about 24 July 2019, steal four (4) smoke grenades, one parachute ?air, and twenty (20) blank 5.56 ammunition rounds, military property, of an unknown value, the property of the United States. ON SUPPLEMENTAL PAGE 1 0F Ill. PREFERRAL 11a. c. ORGANIZATION oraccussn . B-S . 3. DATE 29/90?] '3 A AVIT: Before me, the undersigned authorized by law to administer oaths In cases of this character. personally appeared the above named accuser this I day of $4.9th hr .20 .and signed the foregoing charges and speci?cations under oath that he is a person subject to the Uniform 'Code of Military Justice and that he either has personal knowledge of or has Investigated the matters set forth therein and that the same are true to the best at his knowledge and ballet. HqutBn, MCI-W, MQJJ CamPen, CA Typed Na me MOI/leer Organization of omcar Captain, US. Marine Corps Judge Advocate Grade and Service Official Capacity to Administer Oaths . - - . - (See Signature DD FORM 458 SIN 0102-LF-000-4580 . ORIGINAL 12. On .20 Ihe accused was Informed of the charges against him/her and of Ihe name(s) of 7 u? ?d SthMachg lstMarDiv Typed Name of Immediate Commander Organization 0! Immediate Commander Captain, U.S. Marine Corps . Grade Slgnafmo IV. RECEIPT BY AUTHORITY hours. 7.0 at 13. The sworn charges were received at Designation of Command or 'bf?c'?r?k37cETn? Subrm?ff?ourf-Mer?al 363} FOR Commanding Of?cer . o. 3 Legal Officer Typed Name of Of?cer Olfr?clar Capaclry of Of?cer Captain, U.S. Marine Corps Grade Sgnalura v. SERVICE or CHARGES . 14a. oesremmon or COMMAND OF CONVENING AUTHORITY b. PLACE c. DATE StIIMachg, lstMarDiv CamPen, CA Referred for trial to the . court-martial convened by Dated 20 - ,subject to the following Instructions:2 By or or Order Typed Name of Offer Of?cial Capacity 01 Of?cer Signing Grade Signature 15(caused to be) sewed a copy hereof on [he above named accusedCaptain, U.S. Marine Corps Typed Name of Trial Counsel Grade or Rank ol Trial CounsellSummary Court-Martial Of?cer Signature FOOTNOTES 1 When'?rr'approprlalo commander signs personally, words are stricken. 2 -- Sea R.C.M. 601(9) Instructions "none, so slate. JD Form 458 Reverse - .. DD Form 458, Charge Sheet, 811 lemenlal Page 1 of ?l Unlted States v. Lance 0011101th Charge Violation of the UCMJ, Alticle 134 Speci?cation: In that Lance 01110131 7 5 Manne Corps, on active duty, did, at or neat Marine Co1ps Base Camp Pendleton Cal1f01 111a, 011 diveis occasions, between on or nbonl June 2019 to on or about 25 1 July 2019, did, knowingly and intentionally conspire with Lance Co1poml U. S. M111 1110 (Imps to unlawfully transpon and move aliens who had and 1cmained 1n the Ilnitcd States in violation of law in olde1 to help the aliens 1emain in the United States illegally, fm p1ivalc1 ?nancial gain, (111111.11)! 8 U. Code. Section l324(21)(l)(A)(ii), in violation ol'8 U.S. Code Section an offense not capital. NO CCIFEJL Elli?T" ?74:271. 53? 75? 12 . i CHARGE SHEET I. PERSONAL DATA FIic ceusee (Last, First, 1111) 2. 3. RANKIRATE E3 5. uurr oa' ORGANIZATION 5. CURRENT seavrce a. DATE b. TERM mist Bn, 51h MarReg, ist MarDiv 7. PAYPER MONTH a. NATURE or ACCUSED 9. 01111513) 1111:0550 n. 1311519., new TOTAL 25 Jul 19 - Present [m ll. AND 111. Charge: Violation of the UCMJ, Article 134 Speci?cation 1: In that Lance Corporal_ 8 Marine Corps, on active duty, at or near San Diego, California, between on or about 19 May 2019 and on or about 9 June 201 9, knowingly and with reckless disregard to the fact that aliens had entered and remained in the United States in violation of law, did, knowingly transport and move said aliens within the United States, in order to help said aliens remain in the United States illegally, and which was done for private ?nancial gain, in violation ot?8 US. Code Section l324(a)(l)(A)(ii), an offense not capital. Speci?cation 2: In that Lance Corporal US. Marine Corps, on active duty, at or near San Diego, California, between on or about 19 May 2019 and on or about 9 June 2019, did, knowingly and intentionally conspire with Lance Corporal US. Marine Corps, to unlawfully transport and move aliens who had entered and remained in the United States in violation oflaw, in order to help the aliens remain in the United States illegally, for private ?nancial gain, contrary to 8 US. Code Section l324(a)(l)(A)(ii), in violation of 8 US. Code Section an offense not capital. NO PREFERRAL b. GRADE (2 ORGANIZATION OF ACCUSER SLOW 0?t (3 We AFFIDAVIT: Before me. 0951 a' - . oaths In cases of this character, personally appeared the above named accuser this day of g?g?mhf 20,15! and signed the foregoing charges and specifications under oath that he is a person sublect to the Uniform ode of Military Justice and that he either has personal knowledge of or has Investigated the matters set forth therein and that the same are true to the best of his knowtedge and belief. HqutBn, MCI-W, MCB, CamPcn, CA Typed Name of Other Organization of Officer ?aptain, U.S.Mar1ne Corps Judge Advocate O?fclal Capacity to Administer Oaths (See R. C. M. be commissioned officer) DD FORM 458 SIN 0102-LF-000-4580 ?ex-7 - . :5 12;? 12. On .20 the accused was informed oi the charges against him/her and oi the name(s) of the accusei(s) known to me. (See R. C. 308(3)) (See R. C. M. 308 if noti?cation cannoi be made.) 5m Markcg, Mm?Div Typed Name of immediate Commander Organizaiion of immediate Commander Captain, U.S. Marine (Imps Grade Signairm IV. RECEIPT BY COURT-MARTIAL CONVENING AUTHORITY '13. The sworn charges were received at hours. 2O at Smithrercg, lstMalDW Designation of Command or (50333553151 Jurisdiciion (See 403) FOR Commanding Of?cer I Legal Of?cer Typed Name of Of?cial Capacity of Oi?cer Signing Captain, US. Marine Corps Grade Signature SERVJCE 0F CHARGES 14a. DESIGNATION 0F COMMAND 0F CONVENING AUTHORITY b. PLACE DATE 5th Machg, MarDiv CamPen, CA Referred for trial to the court-martial convened by 20 .subjact to the toltowlng Command or Order Typed Nomo of Officer Capacity 0! Of?cer Signing Grade Signature 15(caused to be) sewed a copy hereof on the above named accused. Fimt Lieutenant U. S. Marine Corps Typed Name of Trial Counsel Grads or Rank of Trial CounseliSummary Court- Martial Of?cer Slgnature commander signs parsonaiiy, ibappiicabie words are stricken. FOOTNOTES 2 Sea R.C.M. 601(9) concerning kisiruciions. If none, so stale. JD Form 458 Reverse r- . .. CHARGE SHEET LupsasortAL DATA 7. PAY PER MONTH 8. NATURE OF RESTRAINT OF ACCUSED 9. 3. BASIC b. SENFOREIGN DUTY (2. TOTAL PTLI 25 Jul i9 -- Present 1. NAME OFACCUSED (Lasr,Frrsi,Mi) hm 13.3 s. unrr 0R 6. CURRENT SERVICE 0. INITIAL DATE b. TERM 5th MarReg, lslMarDiv 4.3ng It. AND SPECIFICATIONS) l0. Charge: Violation Article 12a Speci?cation 1: In that Lance Corporal Marine Corps, on active duty, did, at or near Marine Corps Base Camp on divers occasions, between on or about 1 March 2019 to on or about 25 July wrongfully distribute acid Speci?cation 2: In that Lance Corporal_ U.S. Marine Corps, on active duty, did, at or near Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, on divers occasions, between on or about March 2019 to on or about 25 July 2019, wrongfully distribute cocaine. IAND N0 m. PREFERRAL 11a. "air. Firsi,Mi) b. GRADE c. OFACCUSER E5 9A.- 2 ol Ct oq \3 Before me. the undersigned, authortzed by law to oaths in cases of this character. personally appeared the above named accuser this and stgned the toregolng charges and speci?catlons under oath that he Is a person subject to the Uniform Code of Justice and that he either has personal knowledge of or has the matters set forth therein and that the same are true to the best of his knowledge and ballet. - - . HqutBn, MCI-W, MCB, Caml?cn, CA Typed Name of Officer Organization a! Captain, U.S. Marine Corps Judge Advocate Grade and Service Of?cial Capacity to Administer Oaths - - - - - . 7 (See ROM. 307(bl?must be commissioned of?cer} DD FORM 458 SIN 0102-LE-000-4580 v-vli- v3.12?" .M?w?qr?cwv. - mun 12. On Captain, US. Marine Corps Nmea 'or immediate Commander . . ?20 the accused was informed oi the charges against him/her and oi the namels) of lhe accuser(s) knovm to me. (869 R. QM. 308(3)). (899 R. CM. 308 ii notification cannot be made.) 5th MarReg, Ist MarDiv Organization of immediate Commander Grade Signature N. RECEIPT BY COURT-MARTIAL CON-VENINGHAUTHORITY 13. The sworn charges were received at hours. WV 20 m? at _5_th Machg,_ lstMarDiv Exercising? Summary comma/"a: Jurisdiction {See R. ?4223; Captain, US. Marine Corps Designrition of Command Erw FOR THE1 Commanding Of?cer . . i Legal Of?cer Typed Name of Of?cial Capacity of Olilcer Signing Grade Signature v. 14a. oesronmon 0F COMMAND or 9. one 5th Ma rReg, MarDiv (IamPcn, CA Referred for Irlal lo the court-martial convened by 20 .subject to the following Instructions? By or Cominand or Order n? Typed Name of Of?cer Of?cial Capacity 0! Of?cer Signing Grade Signature 15. On .20 . I (caused to be) served a copy hareoi on the above named accused. First Lieutenant, US. Marine Corps Typed Name oi Trial Counsel Grade or Ra" nk of "Moi CounseliSummary Court-Marital Signature . FOOTNOTES i - When an appropriate commander s'tgns?personaiiy. mappiicablo waldo are strick?n." 2 -- 399 R. GM. 801(9) concerning instructions. it none! go state. DD Form 458 Reverse .. .. ?r3: sour . 231?: .. . mayor-or. CHARGE SHEET I. PERSONAL DATA 1. NAME ossccuseo Lasl.First.Mi) 2. .. . 3. 4. PAY GRADE . CPI 5-4 5. UNIT OR ORGANIZATION 8. CURRENT SE FIVICE- 1st Battalion, a. DATE o. ream 5th Marine Regiment, Marine Division, Camp PendletonuCalilornig .. -, 7. pm PER MONTH ., names 0F RESTHAINTUF Accused n. 3. BASIC b. SENFOFIEIQN DUTY TOTAL Pretrial Confinement 25 Jul 19 Present .tss?jfs?imm None i ll. CHARGERS) AND SPECIFICATIONS) 10. CHARGE: VIOLATION OF THE UCMJ, ARTICLE 131b Specification: in that Corporal US. Marine Corps. on active duty, did, on board Cam 'fo is. on or about 18 July 2019. wrongfully do a certain act, to wit: lake Lance cellular phone tram his barracks room, and transferred it to Lance Corporal with intent to obstruct the due administration of justice in the case at the said Lance Corporal against whom the accused had reason to believe that there were or would be criminal procee Inge aga nst. (END) Ill. PREFEHRAL Ha. NAME OF I). GRADE 0. ORGANIZATION OF ACCUSER 5-5 HquFton, MCAS Miramar . . .. .. . 0. DATE -- re me. ., authorized law o~administer oaths in cases at this character, personally appeared the he igned. above med accuser this Y?ilh day at 20 )2 . and signed the toregoing charges and speciltcallons under oath that he is a person subject to the Uniloml Code of Military Justice and that he either has personal knowledge at or has investigated the matters set forth therein and that the same are true to the best ot his knowledge and ballet. Hqt-thton. MCAS Miramar Typed Name a! OW . Organization a! Ollie-er TRIAL COUNSEL Official Capacity to Administer Oaths {See Ft. CM. suitor-must be cammr?ssroned of?cer) DD FORM 458 SN ORIGINAL 12. On I .20 the accused was tntormed ol the charges against him/her and of the name(s) ot the accuser(s) known to me. (See H.G.M. 308M). (See ROM. 308 If noti?cation cannot be made.) 5th MarFteg, tstMarDlv. CamPen. CA ypod Name 0! Immediate Commander Organization or Immediate Comment CAPTAIN, USMC Grade Sty/16mm IV. RECEIPT BY CONVENING AUTHORITY 18. The sworn charges were received at I . . hours, .. . 20 .. at 5th MatReg Designation of Commend or CamPen. CA mb?t?e??enieing JurisdiEtiFri ?(350' RON. 403) FOR COMMANDING OFFICER LEGAL OFFICER Signature FOOTNOTES - When an? meander sighs personatty, inapplicable words are 2 Sen ROM. 60 ?fe) concaming maintctiane. If none. so state. Typed Name Wain! Capacity 0! (Wear Signing CAPTAIN. USMC Glade Signage v. REFERRAL: SERVICE or: CHARGESI I II - oesleumon OF COMMAND oeco?v??m?'mmonm PLACE Heteued tor trial to the .. II I I court-mettle! convened by II II I _pt_1le_d__Command arOrder Typed Name at 017nm Ol?cfat Capacity 0! Of?cer Signing Grade Slgnatum 15(caused to be) served ecopy hereot on (each of) the above named accused. USMC Typed Name ol Trial Counsel Grade or Rank 0! Trial CounseUSummaw Coun?Maniel Otticer DD Form 468 Reverse CHARGE SHEET l. PERSONAL DATA 1. NAME OF ACCUSED (Last. First, Mi) 2. 4. PAY GRADE . . . ES 5. UNIT on onemrzmon a. western senwce a. DATE TERM 1 st Battalion. 5th Marine Regiment. 1st Marine Division. Camp Pendleton. i. . . - a. NATURE OF HESTHAINT 0F 0. PAY ER ?in?rm" ACCUSED a, ?1 553619356? c. ram - Pretrial Restriction 25 July 2019 Present None ll. CHARGES AND SPECIFICATIONS 10. CHARGE: VIOLATION OF THE UCMJ, ARTICLE 13?) Specification 1: in that Lance Corporal? US. Marine Corps. on active duty, at or near San Die 0 California. on or about 18 July 2019, did. wrong ul a certain act. to wit: tamper with Lance Connor cellular phone, with intent to obstruct the due administration of justice in the case at Lance Corporal against whom the accused had reason to believe that there were or would be criminal proceedings pending. Specification 2: In that Lance Corporal - US. Marine Corps, on active duty. at or near San Die 0 California on or about ?18 July 2019. did, wrongfully do a certain act, to wit: tamper with Lance Corporal cellular phone. with intent to obstruct the due administration of justice in the case of Lance Corporal against whom the accused had reason to believe that there were or would be criminal proceedings pending. (END) ita. Last Firsf,M WW, .. E-5 Miramaruwmu 8? DATE accuser this . and signed the toregolng charges and speci?cations under oath that tie/she is a person subject to the Uniform Code 0! Military Justice and that helshe either has personal knowledge at or has investigated the matters set forth therein and that the same are true to the best of his/her knowtedga and betiet. HquFion. MCAS Miramar Typed Name 0! Of?cer Organization 0! Of?cer MPTAINI USMC TRIAL COUNSEL . inOI?ciaiCapacitytoAdetstarOaths (See R. C. M. await-must be commissioned of?cer) on FORM 458, MAY 2600 ORIGINAL 12. On . 20 the accused was informed of the charges againsl him/her and 01 the name(s) o! the accusods) known Io me. (See ROM. 308(a)). {Sea ROM. 308 if noti?cation cannot be made.) 1st Mar Typed Name of Immediate Commndar Organtaa?on 0! (mm adieu! Cowmandar CAPTAIN. USMC Grade Signature IV. RECEIPT BY SUMMARY CONVENING AUTHORITY .paled . . W. 20 ,subjecnothe .- .- . . . .. - ?vm by ol COMMANDING OFFICER typed Name a! Ol?cor Of?cial Capaa'ty of Gilles: Signing LIEUTENANT COLONEL. USMC 13. The sworn charges were receivedal . hoursDesignation of Command ar sulnmaty ROM 403) FOR COMMANDING OFFICER . . LEGAL OFFICER Typed Name of Of?cer Ol?cia! Capacity of Orfmer Signing CAPTAIN, USMC Grads Signature xznag?gammwc?eac?s .. ., 149. OF COMMAND OF CONVENING AUTHORITY b. PLACE In. DATE 1st Bn, 5th Mar CamPen, CA Referred for mm to the courtmanial convened by Gmde Signawm 15(caused to be) served a copy heteot on (each of) the above named accused. . USMC Typed Name of Trial Counsel Glade or Rank of Trial Counsel . ?mm FOOMOFES - When an Warming; personally, mapph'cablo muds am stricken. 2 - 599 FI CM. 601(9) II none. so slats. DD FORM 458, (BACK) MAY 2000 . . 5 . . . . canne? sneer I. PERSONAL DATA I. OFACCUSED (Lest. Firsl,MI) 2. EDI-PAY GRADE ES 5. UNITOR ORGANIZATION 6. CURRENT SERVICE 19f Battalion. INITIAL DATE 0. TERM 5th Marine Regiment. Marine Division, Camp Pendteton. Galltornla i? ?5 a. NATURE or nesrnmar or a. is?" PER. . . . accuser) a. BASIC c. Tom. . . Pretnal Confinement 18 Jul 19 Present None mm? II. CHARGES AND SPECIFICATIONS to. CHARGE: VIOLATION OF THE UCMJ, ARTICLE 134 Speci?cation 1: In that Lance Corporal U.S. Marine Corps, on active duty, at or near San Diego, California. between on or about 30 May 20l9 and on or about 3 July 20l9, did, knowingly and intentionally conSpire with Lance Corporal to unlawfully transport and move aliens who had entered and remained in the United States in violation of law. in order to help the aliens remain in the United States illegally, for private ?nancial gain, contrary to 8 U.S. Code Section in violation of 8 U.S. Code Section l324(a)( an offense not capital. 2: In that Lance Corporal U.S. Marine Corps, on active duty, at or near San Diego, California. between on or about 30 May 2019 and on or about 3 July 2019 did, knowingly and intentionally conspire with Lance Corporal _to unlawfully transport and move aliens who had entered and remained In the United States In violation of law, in Order to help the aliens remain in the United States illegally, for private ?nancial gain contrary to 8 U. S. Code Section l324(a)(l)(A)(ii). In violation of 8 Code Section an offense not capital. Speci?cation 3: In that Lance Corporal U. S. Marine Corps on active duty, at or near San Diego. California, between on or about 30 May 20I9 and on or about 3 July 20l9, did, knowingly and intentionally conspire with Lance Corporal to unlawfully transport and move aliens who had entered and remained In the United States in violation of law. in order to help the aliens remain in the United States illegally. for private ?nancial gain, contrary to 8 U.S. Code Section 1324(a)(l)(A)(ii). in violation of 8 U.S. Code Section an offense not capital. (CONTINUED ON SUPPLEMENTAL CHARGE SHEET) Ill. PHEFERHAL ?t In. NAME OF accusen (Last, First. MI) b. name a. ORGANIZATION or accusen E-3 HquFton, MCAS Miramar. CA i ?so I AFFIDAVIT: law, the undersgnad. aijhortzedzu by law to administer oaths' In cases of this character. pamona?y appeared the above named accuser this day oi .and slgnad the tomgotng charges and speci?cations under oath that holshe Is a person subiect to the Unttorm Code at Justice and that helshe either has personal knowledge at or has Investigated the matters set forth therein and that the some are true to the best ol his/her knowledge and ballet. HquFton. MCAS erarnar, CA Typed Name 0! Of?cer Organization a! auteur APTAIN. USMC TRIAL COUNSEL I 7 I O?lctatCapacitytoAt?ninlsler Oaths (3w 3.0 M. 307M-musl be commissioned of?cer) DD FORM 45B. MAY 2000 ?g 12. On . 20 . the accused was inlormed of me charges against himlhes and of {he nameIs} of the accuseds) knoIIun Io (See CM 308(3)). (S?a ROM. 308 if noti?cation cannot be made.) 7 if: 5th MarFleg. 1stMarDiv. CamPen. CA Typed Name of kmc?alo Commander Organimum o! Mmdlato Colmandar CAPTAIN, USMC Grade Signature . I w. nacem BY SUMMARY counT-MAa'rIAL comvemm AUTHORITY . . 13. The sworn chatges were received at hours, 20 .. at 51h MarFIeg . Designation of Command or 1slMarDIv, CamPen, CA Ol?cer Summary Comeanla! Jamaican/I (889 H. (1M. 403) FOR COMMANDING OFFICEFI - -. 4 LEGAL OFFICER Typad Name 0! OI?mr Of?wal Camels! of Of?cer CAPTAIN. USMC Grade Signalum V. REFERRAL: SERVICE OF CHARGES 14a. DESIGNATION OF 0F CONVENING AU?momW b. Puma c. one . MCAS Miramar San Diego, CA Haletred for Irial lo the court-martini convened by Dated . January 20 .subiect to the following None. . by of Command or Order COMMANDING Name 0! O?icvr O?'rcia! Capacity of Of?cer Signing . USMC Guido Signature 15(caused to be) served a copy hand on (each of) the above named accused. CAPTAIN. USMC Typed Name o! m: Counsel Gmda or Rank 0! We! Counsel Signslum 1 - Wham an appmp?ab War signs pmanally. mm are sfmken. FOOTNOTES 2 - 599 8.0 M. 001(9) coming Instruc?ms. none. so am. DD FORM 458, (BACK) MAY 2000 -- - - CHARGE SHEET 1 DATA ?5.4 I. NAME OF accuseormr?eiwa 2. a. 4. PAY GRADE Specification 4: In that Lance Corporal U. Marine Corps. on active duty, at or near San Diego. California, between on or about 30 May 20l9 and on or about 3 July 2019, did knowingly and intentionally conspire with Lance Corporal to unlawfully transport and move aliens who had entered and remained in the United States in violation of law, in order to help the aliens remain in the United States illegally, for private ?nancial gain, contrary to 8 US. Code Section l324(a)(l)(A)(ii). in violation of 8 US. Code Section an offense not capital. Specification 5: In that Lance Corporal f?f cat-f; 8 Marine Corps on active duty, at or near San Diego, California, between on or about 30 May 20l9 and on or about 3 July 2019, did, knowingly and intentionally conspire with Lance Corporal to unlawfully transport and move aliens who had entered and remained In the United States in violation of law, in order to help the aliens remain in the United States illegally, for private ?nancial gain. contrary to 8 US. Code Section in violation of 8 US. Code Section an offense not capital. Speci?cation 6: in that Lance Corporal I I :7 5' U. Marine Corps, on active duty, at or near San Diego, California, on divers occasions between on or about 30 May 2019 and on or about 2 July 20l9, knowingly and with reckless disregard to the fact that aliens had entered and remained In the United States violation of law, did, knowingly transport and move said aliens within the United States, in order to help said aliens remain in the United States illegally, and which was done for private ?nancial gain, in violation of 8 US. Code Section l324(a)( an offense not capital. Specification 7: In that Lance Corporal US. Marine Corps, on active duty, at or near San Diego. California, on or about 3 July 2019, knowin and with reckless disregard to the fact that aliens, identifying themselves as d. and_, had entered and remained in the United States in violation of law; did. knowingly transport and move said aliens within the United States, in order to help said aliens remain in the United States illegally, and which was done for private ?nancial gain, in violation of 8 US. Code Section 1324(a)( an offense not capital. (END) DD FORM 458, MAY 2000 CHARGE SHEET 1. PERSONAL DATA I. NAME or ACCUSED ?stoning 2. ?0th a. 4. PAV canoe E-S s. unrrononemrzmon 8. CURRENT SERVICE Battalion. a. INITIAL DATE b. rem 5th Marine Regiment. Marine Division. Camp Pendleton. Galilornla 4 . a. NATURE or 0F 9. IMPOSED 7 PAY PER MONTH ACCUSED 0. BASIC c. TOTAL Pretrial Con?nement 18 Jul 19 Present None II. cameras nun SPECIFICATIONS to. CHARGE: VIOLATION OF THE UCMJ, ARTICLE 184 Specification 1: In that Lance Corporal U.S. Marine Corps. on active duty. at or near San Diego. California, between on or about 30 Ma 2019 and on or about 3 July 2019. did. knowingly and intentionally conspire with Lance Corporal *to unlawfully transport and move aliens who had entered and remained in the United States in violation of law, in order to help the aliens remain in the United States illegally. for private ?nancial gain. contrary to 8 U.S. Code Section l324(a)( in violation of 8 U.S. Code Section l324(a)(l an offense not capital. Speci?cation 2: In that Lance Corporal U.S. Marine Corps, on active duty, at or near San Diego. California. between on or about 30 Ma 2019 and on or about 3 July 20l9. did, knowingly and intentionally conspire witit Lance Corporal to unlawfully transport and move aliens who had entered and remained in the United States in violation of law. in order to help the aliens remain in the United States illegally, for private financial gain. contrary to 8 U.S. Code Section I324(a)(i)(A)(ii). in violation of 8 U.S. Code Section an offense not capital. Speci?cation 3: [n that Lance Corporal_ U.S. Marine Corps. on active duty. at or near San Diego. California. between on or about 30 May 2019 and on or about 3 July 2019, did. knowingly and intentionally conspire with Lance Corporal to unlawfully transport and move aliens who had entered and remained in the United States in violation of law. in order to help the aliens remain in the United States illegally. for private ?nancial gain, contrary to 8 U.S. Code Section I324(a)(l)(A)(ii), in violation of 8 U.S. Code Section [324(a)( an offense not capital. (CONTINUED ON SUPPLEMENTAL CHARGE SHEET) b. GRADE 0. OF mcusen qu-lq Fton MCAS eramar. CA 11a. NAME OF ACCUSEH (Last. First, Mi) 8. DATE 61010107330 . ster oaths in cases ol this character, personally appeared the above named accuser this day at lam-?7? . 20/7 .and signed the foregoing charges and specllicalions under oath that Ire/she Is a person subject to the Untlorm Code at Justice and that holshe either has personal knowledge 0! or has lnvestlgated the matters set forth therein and that the same are true to the best oi Nether knowledge and bettel. HquFIon. MCAS Mirarnar. CA deNm 0! Of?cer Organization or Officer CAPTAIN. USMC TRIAL COUNSEL - - - - - - . . amiatCapadty to Administer Oaths (Sea ROM. safari-must be conm?ssionodol?cm) DD FORM 458. MAY 2000 ORIGINAL r? 12. On . 20 . . the accused was inionned of me charges against him/hes and oi the name(s) of the accuseris) known to me. (See ROM. 308W). (See 8.6M. 308 ii cannot be made.) 5th MatHeg. 1stMarDiv, CamPen, CA Mod Name 0! immedme Commander Organization oi immediate Commander CAPTAIN. USMC Gm signaling IV. RECEIPT BY SUMMARYCOURTMARTIALCONVENING . ., . .. . .. .i 13. The sworn charges were received at A hours. 7_ 20 at 5th MarFleg, ., A Designation oICommand or 1stMarDiv. CamPen. CA Oi?car Exem?sing Summary Coun~Martiai Judsdiciion (Sea RC M. 403) FOR COMMANDING OFFICER LEGAL OFFICER Typed Name oi Of?cer Of?cial Capacity of Oi?car Signing CAPTAIN, USMC Grade Signature V. SERVICE OF CHARGES Mn. DESIGNATION OF COMMAND OF CONV ENING AUTHORITY 3). PLACE c. DATE Reierled for trial to Ihe 7 7 court-mania! convened by Dated . 20 subject to the following instructions: None. by oi Command or OIdar mood Name of Omar Of?cial Capacity oi Of?cer Signing Grade 35908!? 1.5. On ?mm? . 20 w- . 3 (caused lo be) served a copy hereof on (each 01) Ihe above named accused. CAPTAIN, USMC Typed Name 0! Trial Calmse! Grade or Rank 0! TIM Cm! Signaium FOOTNOTES i - When an appropiinio commando: signs parsonaiiy. inapp?ubia am snicker?. 2- Sea ROM. 601(8) Wining mm. Know. so date; on FORM 458. (BACK) MAY 2000 1-y- SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET 1 m? ., l. PERSONAL DATA NAME oraccusea (Last. First. MI) 2. EDIPI I, a. murmurs 4. PAYGRADE . E-S . ., . -. I US. Marine Corps, on active duty. at or near San Diego, California, between on or about 30 May 20l9 and on or about 3 July 20l9, did. knowingly and intentionally conspire with Lance Corporal to unlawfully transport and move aliens who had entered and remained in the United States in violation of law, in order to help the aliens remain in the United States illegally. for private ?nancial gain. contrary to 8 US. Code Section l324(a)(l)(A)(ii). in violation ONE [15. Code Section an offense not capital. Specification 4: In that Lance Comoral . US. Marine Corps, on active duty, at or near San Diego, California, on divers occasions between on or about 30 May 20 9 and on or about 2 July 2019, knowingly and with reckless disregard to the fact that aliens had entered and remained in the United States in violation of law. did, knowingly transport and move said aliens within the United States, in order to help said aliens remain in the United States illegally. and which was done for private ?nancial gain. in violation of 8 US. Code Section 1324(a)( an offense not capital. Speci?cation 5: in that Lance Corporal Specification 6: In that Lance Corporal i i if US. Marine Corps, on active duty, at or near San Diego, California on or about 3Jul 20l9 knowin and with reckless disre ard to the fact that aliens, identifying themselves remained in the United States in we ation of law, dt knowmg transport and move said aliens within the United States, in order to help said aliens remain in the United States illegally, and which was done for private ?nancial gain, in violation of 8 US. Code Section l324(a)( an offense not capital. (END) no FORM MAY 2000 t. rows-1.. . . . . . - CHARGE SHEET I. PERSONAL DATA 1. NAME OF ACCUSED (test. Fusuw) 2. a. 4. PAY GRADE 5-3 5. min on ORGANIZATION 0. CURRENT SERVICE Marine Regiment, 8. INITIAL DATE b. TERM 151 Marine Division. Camp Pendleton, . .. 4 7. PAY PER MONTH a. NATURE OF HESTFIAINT 0F ACCUSED 9 IMPOSED a. b. SENFOREIGN c, TOTAL Pretrial Confinement 10 Jul 20 I 9 - Present ll. AND SPECIFICATIONS) Charge l: Violation of the UCMJ, Article 92 Speci?cation 1: In that Lance Corporal US. Marine Corps, on active duty, did. at or near Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton. California, between on or about 5 April 20l9 and on or about l0 July 2019, violate a lawful general order, which was his duty to obey. to wit: Ch. 6. Sec. 4, Para. CAMPEN ORDER 5000.2 w/Chl, dated 30 April 20l4, by wrongfully possessing a Sig Sauer P320 9mm handgun on base without registration. Specification 2: [n that Lance Corporal US. Marine Corps, on active duty, did. at or near Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, Califomia, between on or about 5 April 20l9 and on or about to July 2019, violate a lawful general order, which was his duty to obey, to wit: Ch. 6, Sec. 4. Para. MCIWEST-MCB CAMPEN ORDER 5000.2 w/Chl. dated 30 April 2014, by wrongfully keeping and storing a Sig Sauer P320 9mm handgun in his barracks room and personally owned vehicle on base. Charge Violation of the UCMJ, Article 114 Specification: In that Lance Corporal US. Marine Corps, on active duty, did, at or near Campo, California. on or about 10 July 2019, unlawfully catty on or about his person a concealed weapon, to wit: a Sig Sauer P320 9mm handgun. (CONTINUED ON SUPPLEMENTAL CHARGE SHEET) Ill. PHEEHHAI. I la. NAME or accusen (Last. am. b. GRADE a or accuses E-S HquRon, MCAS Miramar, CA 0. DATE Fit/C"! 9.016; AFFI IAVIT: Before me, the filmed. by law administer oaths in cases of this character.?personally appeared the above named accuser this 5 day of . 20 . and algned the toregoing charges and under oath that he is a person subject to the Unilorm Code at Milltary Justice and that he ellher has personal knowledge at or has investigated the matters set forth therein and that the same are two to the best at knowledge and ballet. HquRon, MCAS Mirarnar, CA Typed Name of Omar Organization of Of?cer COUNSEL Of?cial Capacity to Administer Oaths (See ROM salad?must be commissioned of?cer) 00 FORM 458 SIN 0102-LF-000-4580 ORIGINAL 32 On -.. .20 ,Ihe accused was informed of the charges against him/her and of the namets) of [he accusor(3) Known Io me (See RC .M. 308(a)). (See R. C. M. 308 if nolilication cannot be made.) . . Bu, 51h MaIReg, ?1'pr Name o?mmediale Commander Organizalkm CWOB, US. Marine Cums Gmde IV. RECEIPT BY COURT-MARTIAL CONVENING zawvr.? 71w" .13. The sworn charges were received a! hours, 20 at _Bn, 51h MalReg, lstMaI Div om. or Excm'siny Summaty Could MariIalJudectlon mes" II c. M. 403) FOR IE1 Commanding Of?cer Dasighalvbn of Command or 15. On ,20 (caused to be) served a copy hemofon the above named accused. . . i - Captain, US. Marine Corps Typed Name or TIlal CounseI Grade or Rank of Tn?al CounsoIISm?iimry Court-Mama! omcar Legal Qf?ccr Typed Name oromcer capecuy or SIgnmg CWOB, .8. Marine Corps Grade sIgnaIum V. SERVICE OF CHARGES 14a. DESIGNATION or COMMAND or CONVENING AUTHORITY PLACE Bn, 5th MarReg, Isl MarDiv CumPen, CA Referred for trial to [he court-martial convened by ?3391 .. 20 ,subjectto the following instrucliom-z:2 By 0f Command or Ordor Typed Name 0! Olrlcer .. Of?cial Capacity of OI?cer Signing Gr?de Signature Slgnaluw FOOTNOIES 1 -- When an appropriate commander personally. Inapplbable wows are stricken601(0) nonmnIMg lIIaquclI?ons. If none, so stale. DD Form 458 Reverse 000020 a. at. SUPPLEMENTAL CHARGE SHEET 1 I. PERSONAL DATA I. NAME OF accuseo (Last. Fast. MI) 2. a. man/nine gags; Charge Violation of the UCMJ, Article 134 Specification 1' that Lance Corporal :5 U. S. Man'ne Corps, on active duty, at or near (?ampo California, on or about 10 July 2019, and with reckless dIsregard to the fact that aliens, identifying themselves as 5 5 5 '5 5 75-5 5 - - 5 5 had entered and remained the United States In violation of law, did, transport and move said aliens within the United States, in order to help said aliens remain in the United States illegally, and which was done for private: financial gain, in violation of 8 US. Code Section 1324(a)( an offense not capital. Speci?cation 2: in that Lance Corporal 7. '5 - U. Marine Corps, on active duty. at or near Campo, California on or about [0 July 20l9 did, knowingly and intentionally conspire with to unlawfully transport and move aliens who had entered and r'emained In the United States in violation of law, in order to help the aliens remain in the United States illegally. for private ?nancial gain, contrary to 8 US. Code Section in violation of 8 US Code Section an offense not capital