m" "rerm'V'v'wryv--L u' -: IL- La>> lnvestlgation. the Irregular involvement at In African Oversight Forum and the Irregular appolntment oi -- a, Kindly be advised that the Investigauon into the matter concerned rs conducted in terms at Section 182 at the Constitution ol the Republic at South Atria No 108 0t 1996 and Sections 6 and 7 of the of the PUDllc Protector Act 23 of 1994 4 The tntorrnauon disclosed the tollawtng alleged 4 1 That a large number of cases (between 83% and 87% of the cases dealt by ICD) that were closed by ch as unsubstantiated (mainly relaung to death: In police custody and cases) over the last three (3) financial yurs 2009-2010, 2010-2011 and 2011-2012, mostly In Western Cape. KmZulu-- Natal, Gauteng and Northern Cape Provincial Offices. were closed wrthout proper investigation being done, 411 The bulk at the aforementioned cam were closed without proper Investigation being corned out in terms of the Standard Operating Procedures 4 1.2 As a standard practice. docket: were requested and rweived trom the South African Police Service (SAPS) and reviewed by ICD Investigators. However, in most instances the dodtets were referred back to SAPS without any Independent irwestigitiorrhavirig beerreenducted by the ICD addition no findinge and recommendation to the SAPS and Director of Public Prosecutions were reportedly mode as required by the ICD Standard Operefing Procedures 41.3 The Monitoring and Evolution Committee moon-into for quality nuance and venttcetten at tlnalieed com. Included member-I moment. tor headlng to rovtew thelrawnwortl. and More proved): 4.14 41.5 4.1.5. 41? 4.1.51. 4-2, 2.1. in many canes the supervisors or managers would sign off investigations and oases while the quality assurance re?ected that none or little ol the investigation procedures required in terms of Standard Doerating Proceduree, were complied with. in many instances across provincial of?ces. officials would prior to the end of reporting periods. close files and report these cases as having been when It'l tact the NBUE i'lDl' been vital periormance information is omitted from reports to the Parliamentarv Forttolio Committee and in the Annual Reports. The latest Annual Report re?ects that the of?ces and the unite in the exceeded their performance targets by an average of between 15 and 20%. but me is normally not mnsismnt with the statistical data on the level of performance for the first three quarters of the ?nancial year with a sudden extreme spike in the last quarter, and. The alleged failure by to property investigate cases where members of SAPS were implicated Il'l criminal or unlawful activities and ooneeguentlv, no ?ndings and recommendations were made in respect of the institution of the pmaetailion twee serious implications for the reputation and credibility of ICDIIPID as an as well as tor Administration of Justiee The intent-ration tin-liter contains allegations of that The ISO was acting ?ier appointed as the Secretariat for an Interim Steering Committee tor the aatablilhment oi the African Policing Civilian Overnight Forum and tanked with certain aulgnn'tenta. including the drafting of a for an Interim period of two years. to enahte the proper establishment and operation of APCOF ea In International [African] institution; i i i t; ?5 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 and a low selected members are operatlng as membere at APCOF, while there is no record that the resolutions ot the Inlenm Steenng Committee rnduding the adoption at Consututron are complied and that APCOF had been tormally constiluted. APCOF ls managed by the ICDIIPID without proper authority mandate or delegation and adhering to Ihe Public Finance Management Act as they did not get any approval lrom the Department ol Treasury to engage APCOF. -- (cw --) and -- (Senior each held 10% share In APCOF and are slgnatorles to the finances ot -- (Actmg --) is "518? 35 3 Director ol APCOF. together With -wno Is the Coordrnalor at APCOF includes in APCOF lettemeads. postal addresses, telephone number; contact detarls and email addresses at --a_onconmo. The use by APCOF of the contact details rs Irregular and a possible misrepresentation by APCOF, The current Tnlateral Coopemuen (T RICO) proposal as presented to the EXQCUUVG Drrector tor oonsidoratron, seeks to request running from the South Alnca-- Gen-nan Trilateral Cooperetlon Fund for the Jam ol R2569 million, 01 which the ICDIIPID contribution will be R642 000,00; The APCOF melt-r including the involvement at othclele no Drecton end Monotone: lo APCOF prenntc a huge roputetlonnl not to the including ll? and.