MIKE CHAFD, IDAHO. CH EEFINI MI RICHARD ALABAMA BROWN, UHID PATRICK J. TDDMEY, JACK HEELJ. ISLAND TIM econ, sooTH case-om: nosrsr new ,IEnsE'r sew NEBRASKA. JUN TESTER, mom?rama TUM TON. ARKANSAS MARK MFKF FlfilUNI'tS. SOUTH DAKOTA i. i DAVID PEREII IE, oeosom scimz, MAWAII . tatt? Enatt THC-M mus, castnma was van MARVLAND . KENNEDY, LOUISIANA CATHERINE msm. wanna MARTHA ARIZONA noun JONES. COM MITTEE ON BANKING, HOUSING, AND MCIFIRN. TIN-CI SMITH, MINNESOTA KEVIN CHAMEFI, NUHTH DAKUTA SINFMA, URBAN AFFAIRS WASHINGTON, DC 205i 0-6075 GREGG ii DIFIEIZTEJP. LAURA SWIINSDN. STAFF DIHEC September 27, 2019 Secretary Benjamin S. Carson US, Department of Housing and Urban Development 451 7th Street, sw Washington, DC. 20410 Attomey General William Barr US Department of Justice 950 Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20530 Dear Secretary Carson and Attomev General Barr: I write regarding the .S, Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUDTS sudden decision to halt a Notice of Funding Availability (N OFA) for competitive grants for specialized housing and services for victims of human traf?cking This NOFA was a joint effort between HUD and the US. Department ofJustice designed to combat human traf?cking and provide humanitarian relief for survivors. I request that your departments immediately reinstate this funding opportunity and provide additional insights into the procedures used to withdraw the NOFA thus far. The Trump Administration has promised to prioritize efforts to combat traf?cking. In remarks given to the President?s Interagency Task Force to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, the President stated, ?[Human traf?cking] is an urgent humanitarian issue. My administration is committed to leveraging every resource we have to confront this threat, to support the victims and survivors, and to hold traffickers accountable for their heinous crimes,"l In addition, guidance for the survivors, victim service providers, law enforcement, and anti-traf?cking advocates participating in anti-trafficking task forces has recognized that safe. adequate, and appropriate housing is one of the biggest service-related challenges communities face when serving this vulnerable population.2 In July 2019, HUD and made $13,500,000 in assistance available to help organizations ?implement and provide housing and trauma?informed, victim centered services to victims of trafficking." Further, that same NOFA dedicated an additional $1,000,000 for entities providing I President Donald]. Trump, Remarks at a Meeting ofthe Intel-agency Task Force To Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, October l, 2018. Available at: 1 Of?ce for Victims ofCrime, Human Traf?cking Task Force e?Guide, available at: -sunport ictim?services 'sa te- hauntl15?thl_?_n_1_1_5_' technicalass'istance'to ensure the-Successful implementation of this critical:and'mueh'need'ed, grant-opportunity. This innovative effortwas an esampl'ejof federal agencies working together toasolve a, common challenge and build up a body of beat practices that Could help other communities. and survivors in the future. Unfortunately, contrary. to the. Admunstranon anti? trafficking promises HUD and recently decided to halt this funding opportunit-3 with little explanation. or of?cial notice to- the. public Shortly after the closing date. of the Technical Assistance component of the NOFA and well into the application period for the Trafficking Program HUD appears to have added the word. to the NOFA website. This term was later and also inexplicably: changed to This lack of precess has left applicants and potential applicants with uncertainty case's perhaps even unaware of, the postponed status of the grant.- This and will have real consequences. for organizations working with traf?cking. survivors. For-example, an Ohio provider '33'ork'ing to enhance services?and provide- supportive housing for-vietirns- of traf?cking with substanm use disorder reached :outto 1113.r of?ce-to: share their confusidn and disappointment about the withdraWal of this NOFA. The grant could have helpedthis organization in their efforts. andnnexplained'deei?sion to indefinitely -33ithdraw' this: NOF A has left this, organization with unanswered questions and unpaid: bills associated with grant preparation. I am e'ert'ain in other communities experiencing the: securge of human traf?cking across the country. The combined for specialized housing weald have equipped communities. and local task forces with the tools to provide. housing. and supportive services 'to. survivors of human trafficking, In the midst of a housing and addiction crisis-5. traf?ckers use drugs to exploit victims addiction placing them on a road to recovery, Compounding. the trauma. they experienced and mcreasing their-- 1151: of homelessness. The cycleof abuSe and exploitation does not stop there, as traf?ckers use-poverty and housing instability to lure vulnerable people and entrapmore victims'into': their criminal operation. Please. provide an'sWers'to-the following Questions by October 2619': a To what date did you intend to .postpone'this-NOFA? a WhatlproceSSes did you followto noti?r-the-public, applicants, andupote?ntial applicants of the status of-th'is- Did these processes follow established protoColsfor' postponing or amendingNOF-As'? -6 How many applications were submitted -,for this NOFA e. What is the Status of the $1,000,000 previously available-for technical assistance. grants? Will these funds ?be awarded? If's'o, how will they be awarded? What: process will you use to notify applicants on the status ofthe: grant? If you will not'malre- awards under-the. TechnicalAssistanee category, how do you plan? 'to meet the technical asSistance needs of grantees? ts.) Survivors of trafficking must have access to safe and affordable housing, economic opportunities, and health and social supports that meet their needs. Far from ?leveraging every resource we have to confront this threat? of human traf?cking, a decision to postpone these housing and services grants into oblivion will be a decision to waste anti-traf?cking resources already on the table. I urge HUD and DOJ to immediately re-instate this funding opportunity and quickly make these funds available to service providers. I look fbrward to your prompt response. Sincerely, at from Sherrod Brown Ranking Member Li)