Subway Straiegijj Flushing Line 10?? Avenue Statinn: The Flushing Line, with funding blew anl-t City. is being extended tn serve the last majnr redevelnpment area in the Manhattan cnre, the far 1 lifest Side. This estensinn Times Square tn West 34th St. at 11th five. uses the ?best practice? apprnach nf leveraging revenues large land use redevelnpment tn Fund greater transit capacity. This ?value capture? apprnach is nne nf the largest ever undertal-ten, and will help create a thriving 1 West district nf up tn 34 millinn square feet nf nev.r residential, cnmmercial and retail develnpment. nf this intermediate statinn cnuld prnvide better transit access tn the edge nf the Hudsnn Yards Develnpment area and the ?West residential district. Utilizing Available Rail Rights-nf-Way: Cine challenge in prnviding based travel is the availability nf travel cnrridnrs radial rnutes linking existing subway, bus and rail lines. A Enssible nEtinn is the utilizatinn nf abandnned er underutilized [liars nf Wag such as the LIRR Ea}: Ea Branch pink?mg snuthern and eastern with lCentral and Queens] er the abandnned Enckawav Beach Branch (linking Heward Beach and Danae Park with Wendhaven} as transverse rnutes linking radial subvva}r lines. Cnnversinn nf existing where a snlutinn tn an identified travel need can be defined, cnuld help reduce land acquisitinn and and facilitate time in denselv develnped areas. liiaf'iital bleeds Assessment Ell] ?-Eli?d 12'? Metrepeliten Transpurtatiu-n Authnrity