DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY NAVAL DISTRICT WASHINGTON 1343 DAHLGREN AVE, SE WASHINGTON NAVY YARD Dc 20374 -5176! NDWINST 1020.5v NOUF 27 Sep 2019 NOW INSTRUCTION 1020.5Y From: Commandant, Naval District Washington Subj: UNIFORM POLICY AND REGULATIONS Ref: US. Navy Uniform Regulations, NAVPERS 156651 1. Purpose. To prescribe Navy uniforms and promulgate uniform policy and regulations for Navy personnel ashore in the Naval District Washington (N DW) area of responsibility, according to reference This instruction is a general regulation. Violation of this instruction may result in disciplinary action under the UCMJ or other adverse disciplinary or administrative action. 2. Cancellation. NDWINST 3. Background. Reference is the basic directive governing the wearing of uniforms and civilian attire by Navy personnel. Commandant, NDW is responsible for issuing speci?c uniform policy and prescribing uniforms for a season, day, or special occasion within the AOR, which provide the greatest uniformity of appearance. Individual conduct and dress, both in uniform and civilian attire, reflects upon the member and the naval service. Pride in appearance is the mark of a responsible military member and a prime indicator of morale and discipline in a command. NDW comprises the District of Columbia; Virginia Counties of Arlington, Caroline, Fairfax, Fauquier, King George, Loudoun, Prince William, Stafford, and Westmoreland; Maryland Counties of Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Calvert, Carroll, Charles, Frederick, Howard, Montgomery, Prince Georges, and St. Mary?s; the City of Baltimore; and Bloodsworth Island. 4. General Region Regulations a. All Navy personnel, while onboard a military activity or installation within NDW, shall be in the prescribed uniform, an authorized alternate uniform, or appropriate civilian attire and shall maintain proper grooming standards as described in reference b. Dress-down days and civilian attire are not appropriate for military members during working hours or while in a duty status. Furthermore, Commanding Of?cers (CO) and Of?cers?in-Charge (01C) shall not grant civilian clothes days or civilian clothes privileges to military members during working hours in recognition for a speci?c achievement or as an incentive for participation in an activity or fundraiser. c. Seasonal uniform changes will normally take place on the ?rst Monday in May and October. Commandant, NDW will release a naval message twice each year with the speci?c date identi?ed. d. Personnel may submit requests for an exception to wearing the prescribed or authorized alternate uniform for a specific event to Commandant, NDW for approval. 1020.53? 27 Sep 2019 'Sneci?c-Region Guidance a. The standard uniform of?the day is the Service Uniform (Service Khaki and above, and Navy SerVice. Unifonn [El Working Uniform. Natty Working Uniform (NWU) Type 1111111131 be authorized as an alternate uniform of the. day by C05 or 0le within NDW (except for the following locations (unless speci?cally authorized. for a o1nt Task Force National Capital Region (IJTF-ENCRI) mission): (.1): National Mall area bounded by Capitol Hill and surrounding senate and..l1ouse staff-offices, (2) White House and (3) State Department, (I4) and all monuments and memorials. Per ref (1.) the NW Type personnel are autho1 ized for Wear while commuting to and from work using public commoter- transportation (metro bus, metro rail rideShaIr'e commuter vans- taxis and ferries) and 111 privately owned conveyance Navy personnel shall not wear NWUS on commercial air travel. 11. Pentagon. SailOrs assigned to or Visiting the'Pentagon may. wear the W'l] Type per the following schedule: (1) Saturday through Thursday- Navy perSonnel may wear NWU Type with eight point Anchor Constitution. Eagle (ACE) cover and approved black or brown boots. (I2) Friday SerVice.- Khaki (IE7 and'Navy Service Uniform Navy. personnel perfonning watch-standing and operational'duties within the-Pentagon .Building?s National Military Command Center (NMCC) may wear the. ?ight suit as an alternate working unifonn. if required to leave the NMCC, the member Shall be 1n the prescribed uniform of the- day. The on 13; exception is transitioning toffrom the Navy Resource and Situational Awareness the conduct of of?cial business. 'White House. Director, WhitefHouse the uniform for Of?C-ial visits to the White House. capitol Hill Unless specifically required to wear a. business. suit by another- avy or entity; Navy personnel conducting business on Capitol Hill shall wear: Service Dress'Wliite for E6 and below duringthe (2) Summer. White and above during the-summer season-,- (3) Service Dress Blue for all'fp'ay'grades' in the winter season;- g. Congressional Hearings. All uniformed Navy personnel testifying be?jre Congress or attending congressional hearings will wear SerVice Dress Blue throughout the year rega1dless.- of the season NDWINST 1020.5v 27 Sep 2019 h. Military Funerals. The prescribed uniform to attend any military funeral is the seasonal service dress uniform. Of?cial participants at full and standard honor military funerals, including the Funeral Escort, Escort Commander, and Chief of Naval Personnel representative, shall wear the seasonal full dress uniform. (2) Unof?cial who are and above may wear the Summer White uniform in lieu of Service Dress Whites. 6. Action a. C05 and Ole. COS and OICs within the NDW shall ensure compliance with this instruction by all personnel under their cognizance. Continuous command attention is required to ensure uniforms are properly worn and maintained. b. All Hands. Personnel at all levels must ensure proper maintenance of their own appearance and that of their subordinates, in accordance with reference and this directive. All military personnel are empowered to enforce the standards and hold accountable anyone not in compliance with uniform and civilian attire regulations, whether in the work place or in public. 7. Records Management a. Records created as a result of this instruction, regardless of format or media, be maintained and dispositioned per the records disposition schedules located on the Department of the NavyfAssistant for Administration Directives and Records Management Division (DRMD) portal page at b. For questions concerning the management of records related to this instruction or the records disposition schedules, please contact the local records manager or the DONIAA DRMD program office. 8. Review and Effective Date. Per OPNAVINST 5215.17A, NDUF will review this instruction annually around the anniversary of its issuance date to ensure applicability, currency, and ccnsis:ency with Federal, Department of Defense, Secretary of the Navy, and Navy policy and statutory authority using OPNAV 5215;?40 Review of Instruction. This instruction will be in effect for 10 years, unless revised or cancelled in the interim, and will be reissued by the 10-year anniversary date if it is still required, unless it meets one of the exceptions in OPNAVINST 5215.] 7A, paragraph 9. Otherwise, if the instruction is no longer required, it will be processed for cancellation as soon as the need for cancellation is known following the guidance in OPNAV Manual 5215.1 of May 2016. I . C. A. LAHTI Releasability and distribution: This instruction is cleared for public release and is available electronically via CNIC Gil website: i lterField =FLegion0&FiiterVal ue