"l mFUIll {'enselldated Interim Fl?a?eial Statmn-L-nts uthurity asel?and rmhr- Sis-Mentlt new Ended June 30. arm; New Fry's fr'rlt' Transit - Fer the peried ended June 2f! 19. revenue frem fares was $2342. an inerease ef$35. er eempared te June 31?. ENE. Fer the same eemparative peried. tetal eperating espenses were lewer by $381 er ENE. tetaling 55.3 It] fer the sis menths ended June 31]. It'll 9. erg friend Raff Hem! Tetal epe rating revenue fer the peried ended June 31]. 2f! 19 was $391. whieh was higher by $11 er eempared te June 3fl. If? H. Fer the same eempa rative peried. eperating espenses were lewer by er tetaling fer the sis. menths ended June 3'0. 21'! 19. Merle-Math Retiree-r! Fer the sis menths ended June 3H. EH19. eperating revenues tetaled $394. an inerease ef 5 HI er eempared te June 3H. H. During the same peried. epe rating espenses deereased by $32 er te H153. Fer the sis menths ended June 31]. 21119. fare revenue inereased by 1.9% te 53H: eempared te June H. Passenger fares fer 92.9% and 93.5% efeperating revenues in If?? and NIH. respeetively. The remaining revenue represents eelleetien ef rental ineeme frem ste res in and areund passenger statiens and revenue generated frem advertising. The the equivalent ef feur quarters ef Metrepelitan Mass Transpertatien Il'.'.'lperating Assistanee eaeh year. with the state advaneing the ?rst quarter ef eaeh ealendar year's in the feurth quarter efthe eurrent year. This results in little er ne Metrepelitan Mass Transpertatien IElperating Assistanee being during the ?rst quarter efeaeh ealendar year. The MTA has made ether previsienste previde fer eash liquidity during this peried. During l'vIareh 2H the State apprepriated $1.43 billien in funds. There has been ne ehange in the tinting ef the State's payment ef. er MTA's ef. Dedieated Mass Transpertatien Trust Fund MTAantieipates will be su?ieient te make prineipal and interest depesits inte the Debt Serviee Fund fer the Dedieated Tas. Fund Bends. The tetal MET terthe peried ended June if?? was $215 eempared te June 3H. E?ltl. Capital Hum-ems W, 20W, 322. [1'3 Ind been committed and $9,323 had been enameled fer the eembined ears-2m Capital grim! and the 21115-11119 MTA Bridges and TunnelsC'apital Pregram. and had been eemmitted and $13 .4411 had been espended ter the eembined 2H l?-E?l 4 MTA IIC'apital Pregrams and the l4 MTA Bridges and Tunnels IIE'apital Pregram. and 524.133 had been eemmitted and 5235351 had been espended fer the eembined HMS-2W9 MTA ital Preg rams and the EMS-211W WA Bridges and Tunnels I['apital Preg ra m.