Case 4:l-8-cr-00076-RH-CAS Document 156 Filed 1-0/04/1-9 Page 13 of l-3 ÀO 89 (lìcv. 08/09) Subpocna to l cstif) ût n llcaring or'l'rial in n Crinrinal ()isc IJNrrpn Srarps Drsrrucr CoURT for tlre Norther¡r Di.strict ol Florida tJnited States of America ) ) v. SCOTT CHARLES MADDOX, JANICE PAGE CARTER-SMITH AND JOHN THOMAS BURNETTE Deþndant ) ) ) Cæe No. 4:18-cr-00076-RH-CAS SUBPOENA TO TESTIFY AT A HEAIìING OR TRIAL IN A CRIMINAL CASE To: Adam Corey YOU ARE COMMANDED to appear in the Ulrited States district court ât the time, date, and place sholn belorv to testi$ in this crinlinal case. When you arrive, you must remain at the court untilthe judge or a court officer allotvs you to leavc. Place of Appearance: United States Courthouse, 1 11 North Adams St., Tallahassee, Florida 3230'1 No,: Date arrd Time: Courtroonl Courtroom 5 East .,ß4120199:00 am You must also bring with you tlre following docutnents, electronically stored inflormationn or objects (blank ilnot applical:le) % ,t ?^ Date: 0710312019 oF co AvØ clcr$ o€ Tlre nanrc, address, e-rnnil, and telephone nunrber of the nttoruey rcpresettting (nane *-- f{r Thomas Egryle , who reqttcsls tltis sttbpoena, are: B, TimolhyJanson, Esq., Jansen & Davls, P,4,, 125 N Franklin Blvd, Tallahassee, FL 32301, Telephone No':(850) 224- 1 440i jansen @jansenanddavls,com; dcharise @ jansenanddavis,com'