Case 8:19-cr-00468-TDC Document 1 Filed 10/07/19 Page 1 of 6 15 -RLED 'sl '. t3ww,usAozoigaoxqs LQGGED IN THE IJNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT ENTERED RECENED ggT -7 2219 Fo R TH E D lsTltlc'r o F M A R YLA N D U N ITED STA TE S O F A M ER ICA * * TA W AN NA P.G A IN ES, W D efendant BY cujlx, AlIGTll ll?lTfx ar QFMARY DEP;TY cmvlxwuxo. r / td M MW (W ireFraud,18U.S.C.j1343; Forfeiture,18U.S.C.j981(a)(1)(C), 21U.S.C.j853,28U.S.C.j2461(c)) IN FO R M A TIO N COUNT ONE (W ireFraud) The United StatesA ttorney forthe D istrictofM aryland chargesthat: lntroduction A talltim esrelevantto this Inform ation: M arvland State Government The GeneralA ssem bly wasthe State ofM aryland's legislative body. The bicnm erallegislature w ascom posed ofthe Senate,with 47 Senators,and the H ouse ofD elegates, w ith 141 D elegates. M aryland state law required certain State officials,em ployees,and candidates for oftice to tile annualtinancialdisclosure statem ents. The M aryland State Ethics Com m ission,as directed in GeneralProvisionsA rticle j5-205,administeredtheprovisionsoftheMarylandPublicEthicsLaw. Case 8:19-cr-00468-TDC Document 1 Filed 10/07/19 Page 2 of 6 TheDefendant 4. DefendantTAW ANNA P.GAINES (ûIGAINES'')wasaMaryland State D elegate from D ecem ber2001 through the present,representing D istrict22,w hich covered portionsofPrince G eorge's Cotm ty,M aryland. O verheryears in the H ouse ofD elegates, G A IN ES held m any com m ittee assignm ents,including vice-chairofthe Appropriations CommitteeandAssistantM ajorityLeader. Asanelectedofficial,GAINESowedadutyof honestservicesto the State ofM aryland,Prince G eorge's County,and theircitizens. TheM arvlandStateBoard t?fElectionsandRezulated Canpaizn Committees The M aryland State Board ofElections regulated state and localelections in M aryland and w as charged w ith ensuring com pliance w ith both state and federalelection law sas itrelatedto electionsthatoccurredwithintheirrespedivejurisdictions.TheStateBoardof Elections m aintained a database ofcam paign donationsforstate and localelection cam paigns and enforced M aryland'scam paign finance law s. TheçsFriendsofTawamzaP.Gaines''(hereinafterûCFTPG'')candidatecommittee wasthe nam e ofthe cam paign tinance entity forthe G A IN ES cam paign for M aryland State Delegate from the date ofitsestablishm entin June 2002 through the present. FTPG w as a regulated stateelection campaign comm ittee. FTPG held abank accountatBank ofAm erica,a tinancialinstitution insured by the FederalD epositlnsurance Corporation. Separately, G A IN ES held and had exclusive controlovera Paypalaccountused to acceptelectronic donationsto FTPG . The FTPG Paypalaccountw asnotdisdosed in State cam paign finance filings. Case 8:19-cr-00468-TDC Document 1 Filed 10/07/19 Page 3 of 6 7. UnderM arylandCode,Election Law,j 13-218,thecampaigntreasurer(andnot thecandidate)wasresponsibleformaintainingtheassetsofacampaignfinanceentity. Similarly,underj13-218(b),thecampaign financeentity'sassetsçûmaybedisbursedonlyifthey have passed through the hands ofthe treasurer''and only tlin accordance w ith the purposesofthe entity.'' Candidates,including G AIN ES,w ereprohibited from personally m aking disbursem ents from a cam paign finance entity. 8. lnaddition,underj13-220,acampaign tinanceentityçfshalldeposital1funds receivedinadesignated campaignaccount''and,subjecttocertainexceptionsinapplicabletothe conductdescribed herein,m ay only m ake disbursem ents from itsbank accountby check or electronic m ethod thatis,specifically notby cash w ithdrawal. Underj13-221,thetreasurerûcshallkeep adetailed andaccurateaccountbookof allassetsreceived,expendituresm ade,and obligationsincurred by oron behalfofthe entity,'' andûûgelachexpendituremadefrom acnmpaignaccountshallbesupportedbyareceipt.'' Cam paignsforstate offices in M aryland w ere required to file certain cam paign finance reports w ith the M aryland State Board ofElections. The Schem e to D efraud 10. From atleastin oraboutJanuary 2015 through in oraboutApril2018,in the D istrictofM aryland and elsewhere,GA IN ES devised and intended to devise a schem e and artifice to defraud FTPG and the cam paign contributors ofFTPG ,and to obtain m oney and property from FTPG and the cam paign contributors ofFTPG by m eans ofm aterially false and fraudulentpretenses,representations,and prom ises,w ith the intentto defraud and w ith knowledgeofthescheme'sfraudulentnature(çûtheschemetodefraud''). Case 8:19-cr-00468-TDC Document 1 Filed 10/07/19 Page 4 of 6 M anner and M eans ofthe Schem e to D efraud Itw aspartofthe schem e to defraud that: G A IN ES w ould solicitcam paign fundsfrom contributors on the representations and prem ise thatthe ftm ds would be used to facilitate herreelection and m aintain herleadership positions within the M aryland GeneralA ssem bly. 12. G A INE S w ould acceptdonations from certain cam paign contributorsinto the FTPG Paypalaccount. G A IN ES,withoutauthorization and in violation ofM aryland cnm paign finance law s,w asa signatory on the FTPG Paypalaccountand w ould utilize cam paign fundsfrom the FTPG Paypalaccountforherpersonaluse. G A IN ES w ould receive cam paign contributionsand convertthem to her own use w ithoutcausing the contributionsto be identitied on reports m ade to the M aryland State Board ofElections. The C harae On oraboutAugust20,2017,in the D istrictofM aryland and elsew here,the defendant, T AW A NN A P.G AIN ES, forthe purpose ofexecuting and attem pting to execute the schem e to defraud,know ingly transm itted and caused to be transm itted the follow ing by m eans ofw ire com m unication in interstatecomm erce:awire comm unication sentoutside ofM aryland regarding a $125 cash w ithdraw alfrom the FTPG Paypalaccount. 18U.S.C.j 1343 Case 8:19-cr-00468-TDC Document 1 Filed 10/07/19 Page 5 of 6 FO RFEITU R E A LLE GA T IO N The United StatesA ttorney forthe D istrictofM aryland furthertindsthat: Pursuantto FederalRule ofCrim inalProcedure 32.2,notice ishereby given to the defendantthatthe U nited States w illseek forfeiture aspal4 ofany sentence in accordance w ith 18U.S.C.j981(a)(1)(C),21U.S.C.j853(p),and28U.S.C.j2461(c),intheeventofthe defendant'sconviction on CountOne ofthis Inform ation. W ire Fraud Forfeiture Upon conviction ofthe offense setforth in CountOne,pursuantto 18 U .S.C . j981(a)(1)(C),thedefendant, TA W AN N A P.G A IN E S, shallforfeitto the U nited States any and allproperty,realorpersonal,w hich constitutes oris derivedfrom proceedstraceabletosuchoffense,includingbutnotlimitedtoamoneyjudgment ofatleast$22,565.03 in United Statescurrency. Substitute A ssets If,asa resultofany actorom ission ofany defendant,any ofthe property describedaboveasbeingsubjecttoforfeiture: calm otbe located upon the exercise ofdue diligence; hasbeen transferred orsold to,ordeposited w ith,a third person; hasbeenplacedbeyondthejurisdictionoftheCourt; d. hasbeen substantially dim inished in value;or, hasbeen com m ingled with otherproperty w hich cannotbe subdivided w ithoutdifficulty, Case 8:19-cr-00468-TDC Document 1 Filed 10/07/19 Page 6 of 6 theUnited States,pursuantto21U.S.C.j853(p),asincorporatedby28U.S.C.j2461(c),shall be entitled to forfeiture ofsubstitute property up to the value ofthe forfeitablepropel'ty described above. 18U.S.C.j981(a)(1)(C) 21U.S.C.j853(p) 28U.S.C.j2461(c) oate:4$Jv 7a0)f roisv,t/:.y, .../ RobertK .Hur U nited States Attorney