tom/2m Fuends at Steve Descano a The tuture of me am ttorwaroeo message attached) . I Steve Descano The future of the office (forwarded message attached) I message Is Steve Descano. Let me start by thankIng you for your oeoIcated servIoe to Falrfax County, RegaroIess ofwho serves as CommonweaIth's Attorney, your work In our courtroom Is commenoabIe ano shoqu be recognIzed. sInce the June DemocratIc prImary, I know that you an have feIt some uncertaInty ano trepIoatIon about yourfuture In the ofnoe. I'd Ilka to assuage those wherever possIbIe arIo InvoIve you In the oIscussIorI about the Iuture oI thIs office movIng Iorward. Yatt may be wonderIng why It's taken so Iong Ior me to reach out to you. I had hopeo to canted you wIth assIstance from the current CommanweaIth's Attorney, but he has not reached out to me to dIscuss the future of the office, nor has he returneo the messages Ieft for hIm vIa phone and emaII reguestIng that he and I dlscuss the contInueo emponment oI start members Regardless of whether the current Cammonwealth's Attorney shares my Interest about your future In the oIhce, I feeI compeIIed to corItam you oIrectIy If you are Interested In contInuIrIg to serve the county woqu ask thatyou eIther emaII me (through a personaI emaII account) at thIs address or caII 703-399-5635 so that we can set up a tIme to get acouaInteo I respect the hard work and deoIcatIorI you have shown In servIce of the county and I woqu Ilka to oIscuss your corItInuIrIg to serve In the office. I promIse to be oIscreet about any conversatIorIs arIo meetIrIgs between us I understand that these are sensItIve tImes In the oMce and your weII-beIng Is of utmost Importance to me In turn I woqu ask thatyou keep thIs emaII to yourseIf as I am not reachIrIg out to every member of the office. I sIncerer hope to hear from you Regards Steve Steve Descano DemocratIc Nommee Ior Falrfax County CommonweaIth's Attorney Farwarded messa From. Stave Descano Date Thu, Aug 1' 2019 at 12.04 PM Subject DIscuss the office To googIe 1/2 10/8/2019 Friends of Steve Descano Mail - The future of the office (forwarded message attached) Ray, Thank you for your decades of service and commitment to our county. I'm wri ng because I did not receive a reply to my phone call. Although the general elec on is s ll a short me away, I would like to discuss the poten al future of the office. Nothing should come before making certain our county has the resources it needs to serve this community. I believe your thoughts and the reten on of the talent currently in the Commonwealth's A orney's office are important to mee ng that goal. Since the conclusion of the primary elec on, the office's prosecutors have most certainly been coming to work wondering about what will happen to them just months from now. I'd like to assuage those feelings of uncertainty and meet with individuals interested in con nuing to serve Fairfax County. Please know, I am not taking the November elec on for granted by any means. However, now would be a good me to at least get to know the hard-working a orneys that I assume you would recommend for con nued employment in the office. I hope this message finds you well and that we speak soon. Sincerely, Steve Descano --------------------Steve Descano Democratic Nominee for Fairfax County Commonwealth's Attorney Contribute Today! Visit My Website… 2/2