Brady Grand Jury Questions It is not necessary to respond af?rmatively to any of the following questions involving conduct previously determined not to be Brady material by the Prosecutor. Realizing that your answers may be turned over to the defense in this case; have you been investigated and/or found guilty of (or currently under investigation for) conduct; as it pertains to your service as a law enforcement agent, regarding: Excessive use of force; Lying to superiors during an internal or administrative police investigation; Lying to superiors during a criminal investigation; 9 Falsifying police reports; 6 Making misleading reports; 0 Planting evidence; 8 Embellishing police reports; 0 Theft of evidence in police custody; 0 A theft offense; either a felony or a misdemeanor; Inappropriate records of checks of detainees; witnesses; or any other persons; 0 Any history of lying in the process of testifying or preparing affidavits under oath?