1!le xi" Hays 1 0d) 1 (3-81) Ci IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS The People of the State of Illinois to all peace of?cers of the state SEARCH WARRANT On this day, P.0. David Salgado #16347, Chicago Police Department Area Central - Gang Enforcement Division, complainant and J. Doe have subscribed and sworn to a complaint for search warrant before me. Upon examination of the complaint, I ?nd that it states facts suf?cient to show probable cause. ta" I therefore command that you search: MD David Hernandez A.K.A "Lil Bum'f non?5?10? ISOlbs, Light Complexion and the premises: (1 AT: 7ft Apartment A located at 1421 N. Maplewood, a? multi?apartment two-?at apartment building, Chicago, Cook 3 Co, 11 60622 \4 I 1 and seize the followmg Instruments, articles and things: Heroin and any paraphernalia used for weighing, cutting or packaging of illegal narcotics, any documents or evidence showing residency, and any USC or any records detailing illegal narcotic transactions. which have been used in the commission of, or which constitute evidence of the offense of: Jl 3 8? l, ?Ha/Wt Unlawful Possession of a Controlled Substance 720 ILCS 570.01402 W2 [Kr/i We at I further command that a return of anything so seized shall be made without necessary delay before me or or before any court of competent jurisdictionudge?s No. C) ?8 ?es/J I I I q: Date and time of issuance: 1 :2 201 Hays I 095 3 COURT BRANCH COURT DATE 23% '7 DOROTHY BROWN, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS (3431) CCMC- 1~219 STATE OF ILLINOIS THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY COUNTY OF COOK COMPLAINT FOR SEARCH WARRAN If? P. 0. David Salgado, 16347, Chicago Police Department Area Central Gang Enforcement Division, complainant and Doe an alias for fear of rcprisals, now appear before the undersigned judge of the Circuit if} Court of Cook County and requests the Issuance of a search warrant to search: \3 David Hernandez A.K.A "Lil Bum" 5?10? 1801bs, Light Complexion ?ass and the premises: it) Apartment A located at 1421 N. Maplewood, a mnlti?apartment two-?at apartment building, Chicago, Cook Co, 60622 [x and seize the following instruments, articles and things: Herein and any paraphernalia used for weighing, cutting or packaging of illegal narcotics, any documents or evidence showing residency, and any USC or any records detailing illegal narcotic transactions. 3% 1 I which have been used 1n the commission of, or which constitute evidence of the offense of: I Unlawful Possession of a Controlled Substance 720 ILCS 570.0!402? 7 i and sworn in h?fnre meJudge?s No. 7? is We 2% Hays 2 04) 3 COURT BRANCH COURT DATE LINOIS (3-31) THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY DOROTHY BROWN, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, IL STATE OF ILLINOIS at." COUNTY OF COOK COMPLAINT FOR SEARCH WARRANT Complainant says that he has probable cause to believe, based upon the following facts, that the above listed things to be seized are now located upon the person and premises set forth above: of} . I, P.O. David Salgado, #16347 currently assigned to the Area Central Gang Enforcement \x Division, have been a Chicago Police Of?cer for over fourteen years and has been successful in . recovering hundreds of narcotics during my career. On 18 December 17 I, P.0. David Salgado, 16347, had a conversation with an individual who will be referred as J. Doe. On December 18, 2017, I met with an individual who for purposes of safety and anonymity will J. be referred to as Doe?. J. Doe stated that J. Doe met with a subject known as ?Lil Bum? for the purpose of purchasing heroin. ?Lil Bum? is describedas being a male Hispanic, 46 years of age, 5?10, 180 lbs., with a light complexion. J. Doe stated that "Lil Bum? resides on apartment A of 1421 Maplewood, Chicago, Cook County, II. 60622. I utilized the Chicago Police Department system to locate ?Lil Bum," under and located David Hernandez at which (a time J. Doe positively identi?ed David Hernandez as the person J. Doe knows as "Lil Bum." J. Doe - described 1421 Maplewood as a multi?apartment two ?at building with a black iron fence in front "in and located in the city of Chicago, Cook County, Illinois. J. Doe was also provided a picture of 1421 N. Maplewood which was obtained through the Cook County assessor's office website. J. Doe positively identi?ed the photo as being 1421 N. Maplewood, where ?Lil Bum? resides in apartment A. J. Doe related that on December 18, 2017, J. Doe went to "Lil Bum's" residence located at 1421 . Maplewood apartment A for the purpose of purchasing an ounce of is street terminology for heroin. J. Doe stated that J. Doe arrived at 1421 N. Maplewood and knocked on apartment A front door. J. Doe stated that moments later "Lil Bum" answered the door at which time J. Doe asked him need an OZ of raw.? ?1 need an OZ raw.? is J. Doe?s street terminology for asking another?s ability to sell raw heroin to J. Doe. J. Doe stated that "Lil Bum" stated "come in" and allowed J. Doe inside apartment A of 1421 Maplewood. Once inside apartment A J. Doe stated that J. Doe observed two brick size amount of heroin from on top of a table located in the kitchen area J. .33 Doe then stated that "Lil Bum" proceeded to cut an amount from one of the brick size of heroin and ?3 weighed the amount on a digital scale. J. Doe further stated that once the digital scale read 28grams ?Lil Bum" bagged up the heroin inside a large clear sandwich bag and tendered it to J.Doe. J. Doe F?When stated that J. Doe tendered 1500.00 in United States currency and lef the location. J. Doe stated \5 that as J. Doe leftzartment A located at 1421,N?Maplewood J. Doe obse ed two brig?Size .- ?f7 . . inSubscribed and sworn tn beforeJudge?s No. Howe 3 ed) 3 COURT BRANCH COURT DATE DOROTHY BROWN, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY ILLINOIS (3 81) STATE OF ILLINOIS THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY COUNTY OF COOK COMPLAINT FOR SEARCH WARRANT Eta." 1 amount of heroin still on top of the table located in the kitchen area. Doe stated that J. Doe left to J. Doe? residence and while in J. Dee? residence J. Doe opened the large clear sandwich bag containing the suspect herein that J. Doe purchased from ?Lil Bum? on apartment A of 1421 N. Maplewood to test the purity of the heroin before J. Doe cuts it and bags it for re? sale. J. Doe stated that J. Dec placed a small amount of suspect heroin on top of a plateand proceeded to cut the suspect heroin with a blade. J. Doe retrieved a straw and proceeded to snort the suspect heroin from on top of the plate. J. Doe stated that after J. Doe snorted the suspect heroin, J. Dec received the same euphoric high J. Dec has received 1n the past from snorting heroin. J. Dec related that J. Doe has been buying from "Lil Bum" on apartInent A of 1421 N. Maplewood two or three times a week in different amounts for the past six months and has never been turned away. J. Doe related that J. Doe has known ?Lil Bum" for two years. J. Dec stated that J. Dec has been using heroin for over ten years. I, P. 0. David Salgado, #16347, along with J. Dec, drove to and past 1421 Maplewood where t? J. Dec pointed towards apartment A as the exact location as the residence where "Lil Bum" resides 4% and where J. Dec purchased heroin from ?Lil Bum. I then observed the location to be a brown .1. use? a) .21 i stone two ?at, multi-unit apartment building, with a black iron fence In front and with the numbers 1 af?xed to the front. JJ. Doe appeared 1n front of the presiding Judge and swore to the contents of the complaint and was made available for questions. ?3 J. Doe? criminal history, including possible pending investigations, if any, and any payment, promise, or expectation of payment, if any, has been presented and made available to the undersigned judge. Jonas}. 3 Based on the aforementioned, the af?ant believes that probable cause exists for the issuance of a search warrant for David Hernandez A K. A "Lil Bum" D. B. 5?10? 1801bs, Light Complexion and apartment A located at 1421 N. Maplewood, a multi?apartment two??at apartment 11. N1 building, Chicago, Cook Co, Il 60622. ?3 xii: . 1.. Judge?s No. i?Wi ?ame 5.1/