Form USM-218 Detention Facility Review GUIDANCE The core mission of the United States Marshals Service Detention Facility Review program is to review jail practices to verify basic, minimal requirements are met. Detention Facility Review Standards The 51 standards are divided into 6 sections by relevance. Each standard contains a title and defining statement. The 6 sections are: A. B. C. D. E. F. Administration/Management Health Care Security and Control Food Service Safety and Sanitation Services and Programs The prior USM-218 had standards in 9 functional areas; these have now been reduced to 6 by reorganizing the areas to reduce redundancies. Relevant review standards from the prior USM-218 sections “E” Staff/Detainee Communication, “H” Workforce Integrity, and “I” Detainee Discrimination were relocated into other sections. In order to preserve the organization of data collected from reviews using the prior versions, the current updated USM-218 standards do not use the section letters “E,” “H,” or “I.” The reviewer should ask the appropriate questions and verify appropriate documentation while seeking out pertinent information for making assessments. For example, if a standard requires that the facility provide adequate medical, dental, and mental health screening as part of the intake process, the reviewer should detail what is generally included in a screening. The reviewer should verify that a facility policy exists for each of the review areas. Each facility will be assessed for compliance using the following definitions: Yes - Policies, procedures, and processes are in place to achieve the standard. No - Procedures and processes are not in place. Note: If the Standard does not apply to the particular facility the reviewer shall check the N/A (Not-Applicable) box. General Guidance for Reviewers: Policy Communication and Review 1. Interview high-level staff to ask how policies and procedures are communicated to staff and detainees. 2. Verify that adequate information is available via some means of communication (e.g., policy manuals, orientation, procedures, or legal guidelines). 3. Check pre-service and in-service training curricula to determine the extent to which staff training addresses the relevant policies and procedures. 4. Interview correctional staff and detainees at random to determine the extent of their familiarity with the relevant policies and procedures. 5. Review policies and procedures to determine whether there are any indications of regular (at least annual) review and revision. 6. Is the facility subject to a state jail accreditation? If so, does the facility have a current accreditation report on file? 7. While not required, is the facility accredited and is the facility operating in accordance with standards and policies established by nationally recognized organizations such as American Correctional Association (ACA), American Jail Association (AJA), National Commission on Correctional Health Care (NCCHC), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), or National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)? Page 1 of 19 U.S. Department of Justice United States Marshals Service Detention Facility Review 1A. Detention Facility Information FACILITY NAME: Tom Green Co Jail STREET ADDRESS: 122 Han?is Ave CITY: STATE: San Angelo TX DISTRICT: DISTRICT Texas - Nonhem 77 FACILITY TELEPHONE NUMBER: 325-659-6599 DETENTION FACILITY CONTACT: (6). SHERIFF: David Jones CHIEF OF SECURITY: (6), DISTANCE FROM USMS OFFICES (NHLES): TITLE: Captain TITLE: Captain TITLE: CIDUSM FACILITY ODE: 6PV ZIP CODE: 76903 OFFICE: San Angelo COUNTY: Tom Green TELEPHONE NUNIBER: (6), TELEPHONENUMBER: (6). TELEPHONENUIVIBER: (6), SHERIFF EMAIL: (6), CHIEF OF SECURITY EMAIL: (6), DRIVING TIME FROM USMS OFFICES USING FACILITY IB. Average Daily Detainee Population Staf?ng Information ADULT ADULT JUV. TOTAL MALE FEMALE MALE FEMALE FACILITY CAPACITY 354 95 0 449 FACILITY AVERAGE DAILY POPULATION 354 88 442 (Last 12 months) USMS BED CAPACITY 10 2 12 344 86 0 430 BUREAU OF PRISONS (BOPPage 2 of 19 TOTAL STAFF COMPLEMENT Auth Filled Contract SECURITY STAFFING: MEDICAL STAFFING: AUTH FILLED 1 IRACT CHIEF OF SECURITY PHYSICIAN 0 0 SHIFT SUPERVISORS ASST. 0 0 OTHER SUPERVISORS NURSE PRACTITIONER 0 0 CORRECTIONS REGISTERED NURSE 0 0 2 OTHER SECURITY LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE 0 0 3 OTHER MEDICAL STAFF 0 0 6 C. IGA/Contract Inspections (If applicable): FACILITY CODE: 6PV INSPECTION DATE: 7/19/2018 TYPE OF INSPECTION: ACCREDITED BY: STATE INSPECTION ATTACHED: Ellnitial Follow Up El Armual CIACA El Other ElYes El No STATE INSPECTION DATE: Has an after-action review been conducted during the past year? UYes No If yes. what type of incident triggered the review? DEscape El Death El Sexual Assault El Jail Conditions lD. Facility Construction Information DATE FACILITY WAS CONSTRUCTED: 1/1/1976 WILL ANY PLANNED REMODELING OR CONSTRUCTION AFFECT FACILITY DYes IZI No IF YES. PLEASE PROVIDE COMIVIENT: IE. Serious Incidents In Facility During Previous Calendar Year PROVIDE NUMBER OF SERIOUS INCIDENTS FOR THE FOLLOWING FIELDS: SUICIDES: 0 SUICIDE ATTEIVIPTS: ESCAPES: 0 ESCAPE ATTEMPTS: 0 PHYSICAL ASSAULTS ON PRISONERS: 0 PHYSICAL ASSAULTS ON STAFF: 2 SEXUAL ASSAULTS: 1 IF. Problems/Complaints Affecting Facility During Previous Calendar Year COURT ORDERS AND PENDING MAJOR LITIGATION AFFECTING FACILITY (Attach copy if available): One law suit involving a female state prisoner who alleges being sexually assaulted by a male jailer. Page 3 of 19 lG. Visual Review of the Facility LIVINGAREA COMMENTS: Prisoner housing areas consist of 22 different housing units ranging from two single cells to 24 bed dormitory style units. FACILITIES COMMENTS: Each housing unit contains adequate shower and toilet facilities as required by the Texas Commision on Jail Standards. DAY ROOM COMNIENTS: Day Rooms consist of a TV. Phone and adequate seating for all imnates in the unit. KITCHEN COMMENTS: Kitchen consists of 4 walk in coolers/freezers, ovens. ?'yers?at grill, serving line and supervisors of?ce. All knifes are tethered and counted each shift MEDICAL AREA COMMENTS: Medical consists of one supervisors of?ce. one records room and one exam room RECREATION AREA COMMENTS: Recreation room is a large multifunction room. The ?oor is marked off with paint to allow for various activities. An outside recreation area with a basketball goal is also present. VISITING ROOM COMTMENTS: Visitation contains space for 22 visitors. The visits are conducted \da 3 recorded telephone line through secure plexiglass SPECIAL HOUSING COMMENTS: Special housing varies from seperation cells to single cells. All anemities required by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards exists. RECEIVINGAND DISCHARGE COMNIENTS: Receiving and discharge consists of one open area with holding cells and a booking/release station. Page 4 of 19 [11. Review of Detention Facility Conditions SECTION AzAdministration/Management A.l Policy Development and Monitoring Does the facility maintain written policies and procedures that describe all facets of facility operations. maintenance. and administration? IYes No A.2 Policy Development and Monitoring Are written policies and procedures communicated to all employees unless security concerns justly limit access? EYes No A.3 Personal Property and Monies Does the facility properly record. store and return to the detainees upon their release personal property and monies? IYes No A.4 Detainee Release Are detainees only released or transferred with proper orders and noti?cation from the agency of jurisdiction? lZlYes No A.5 Accommodations for the Disabled If the facility accepts detainees with disabilities. are adequate acconmiodations made available for these detainees? IYes No El NA A.6 Does the facility have written contingency/emergency plans in place to be followed in situations that threaten facility security? (Such situations include but are not limited to riots. hunger strikes. disturbances. escapes. and hostage situations.) EYes No a. If ?yes.? please list the primary and alternate evacuation sites identi?ed in facility contingency/ emergency plans. Facility Code Facility Name Address City State Zip Phone Number Primary/Alternate Page 5 of 19 Facility Code Facility Name Address City State Zip Phone Number Primary/Alternate A.7 Staff Background and Reference Checks Do all new employees have initial background and reference checks before they are hired? Yes  No A.8 Staff Re-investigations Does the facility conduct periodic re-investigations of employees, contractors, and volunteers? Yes  No A.9 Reporting/Investigating Staff Misconduct Are allegations of staff misconduct investigated and reported to appropriate law enforcement authorities as appropriate? Yes  No A.10 Discrimination Prevention Is discrimination on the basis of disability, race, gender, sexual orientation, religion and national origin prohibited in the provision of services, programs, and activities? Yes  No A.11 Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Compliance Does the facility have a PREA compliance program that includes all of the following areas: • Written policy mandating zero tolerance toward all forms of sexual abuse and sexual harassment • Prevention and response planning • Prisoner and employee training and education, • Screening for risk of sexual victimization • Reporting and investigations • Discipline • Medical /mental health care • Auditing • Corrective action • State compliance Yes  No a. Has the facility had an audit conducted by a DOJ certified auditor? A.11a The only federal audit is the USMS jail inspector. Page 6 of 19 Yes  No b. If yes. provide the date of the audit and upload a copy of the audit report. Audit Date: SECTION B: Health Care 5.1 Intake Health Screening Do all detainees receive a medical and mental health screening upon admission to the facility? [ZlYes No B.2 Medical, Dental, and Mental Health Appraisals Is a comprehensive health appraisal for each detainee completed within 14-days after arrival at the facility? [ZYes No B.3 Access to Routine, Chronic, and Emergency Health Services Are all detainees informed about how to access health services during the intake/admission process? lZlYes No B.4 Response to Medical, Mental, and Dental Health Needs Are all detainees who require health care beyond the capacity of the facility (as determined by a responsible physician) transferred under appropriate security to a facility where such care is available? [ZYes No B.5 Suicide Prevention Does the suicide prevention program include procedures for the following: a. Staff training CI No b.Intake/admission procedures IZlYes No c. Identifying suicidal prisoners IYes No d.Referring suicidal prisoners for mental health intervention CI No Page 7 of 19 e. Housing observation and suicide watch No f. Incident review/debrie?ng IYes CI No g.Follow-up monitoring IYes No B.6 Detainee Death Does the facility have written procedures in place to describe the actions to be taken in the event of a detainee's death. assault or medical emergency to include noti?cation to the agency of jurisdiction? IZlYes No B.7 Infectious Disease Is there a written plan which addresses the management and reporting of infectious and communicable diseases including, but not limited to: a. Tuberculosis EYes No b.Hepatitis IYes No c. HIV No SECTION C: Security and Control C.l Correctional Supervision Are Correctional of?cer posts located in or immediately adjacent to inmate living areas to permit of?cers to see or hear and respond to emergency situations? EYes No Page 8 of 19 C.2 Security Features Are regular inspections of all security devices conducted? Yes  No C.3 Security Inspections Do supervisory staff conduct regular patrols, including holidays and weekends, of all areas inmates occupy? Yes  No C.4 Control of Contraband Are there procedures in place to guide searches of facilities and detainees to control contraband and provide for its disposition? Yes  No C.5 Detainee Searches Are procedures in place to guide the search of a detainee's body and attire upon arrival at the facility and prior to transportation out of the facility? Yes  No C.6 Detainee Accountability and Supervision Does the facility have a system for physically counting detainees that includes strict accountability for detainees being counted outside of their assigned living areas? Yes  No C.7 Use of Force Does the facility have guidelines to ensure that force is used only when necessary and only as long as necessary? Does the facility also ensure that when force is used, it is not excessive and it is properly documented and reported? Yes  No C.8 Use of Force Documentation Does the facility also ensure that when force is used, it is not excessive and it is properly documented and reported? Yes  No Page 9 of 19 C.9 Non-routine Use of Restraints Does the facility ensure that restraints are used only when necessary? Does the facility also ensure that when restraints are used. they are used appropriately and only for non-punitive purposes? IZlYes No C.10Key Control Is the use of keys controlled and inventoried? lZlYes No C.11Tools and Culinary Equipment Control Is the use of tools and culinary equipment controlled and inventoried? lZlYes No C.12 Weapons Control Are there written procedures that govern the availability. control. and use of ?rearms and less than lethal devices? IZlYes No C.13 Detainee Discipline Do detainees receive in writing the institutional rules. penalties for violations of those rules, and the disciplinary procedures in effect at the facility? IZlYes No C.14 Supervision for Special Housing Do correctional o?icers personally observe special management detainees twice per hour. but no more than 40-minutes apart. on an irregular schedule? EYes No SECTION D: Food Service D.1 Sanitation Requirements Does the facility ensure the food service equipment meet established govermnental health and safety codes? [ZYes No Page 10 of 19 D.2 Adequate and Varied Meals Does the facility provide meals that are nutritionally adequate and varied? No SECTION F: Safety and Sanitation F.l Fire Safety Are aimual ?re safety inspections conducted by state or local ?re of?cials and documented? [ZYes No F.2 Control of Dangerous Materials Are ?ammable. toxic. and caustic materials and chemicals maintained in accordance with applicable government regulations? IYes No F.3 Clothing and Bedding Are all detainees issued clean temperature appropriate facility clothing? [ZYes No PA Personal Hygiene Are articles for maintaining proper personal hygiene available to all detainees? lZlYes No F.5 Physical Facility and Equipment Is the facility kept clean and in good repair? lZlYes No SECTION G: Services and Programs G.l Classification, Review, and Housing Is there an objective classi?cation process that starts at admission. for managing and separating prisoners. and administering the facility? IZlYes No Page 11 of 19 a. Are federal detainees charged for any of the services (Haircut, Meals, and Medical Co-Pay)? Yes  No G.2 Classification, Review, and Housing Does the classification process ensure review of a detainee's status, and revision of the detainee's status as needed in response to changes in a detainee's behavior or circumstances? Yes  No a. Have all federal detainees been clearly identified in you classification system as a USMS Detainee? Yes  No G.3 Religious Practices Do detainees have the opportunity to participate in the practices of their religious faith (limited only by documentation showing a threat to the safety of persons involved in such activity itself or the disruption of order in the facility)? Yes  No G.4 Volunteer Work Assignments Does the facility ensure that un-sentenced detainees are not required to work unless they volunteer to do so? Yes  No G.5 Detainee Grievance Program Is a grievance procedure available to all detainees and includes at least one level of appeal? Yes  No G.6 Juvenile Needs If the facility houses juvenile detainees for USMS, does the facility ensure that the special diet, exercise, and education needs of juvenile detainees under the age of 18 are met? Does the facility also meet the special education requirements of applicable detainees under the age of 21? Yes  No  NA G.7 Exercise and Out-of-Cell Opportunities Page 12 of 19 Does the facility provide detainees with reasonable opportunity for exercise and out-of-cell time? Yes  No G.8 Telephone Access Are detainees provided with access to telephones? Yes  No G.9 Access to the Courts and Legal Materials Do detainees have access to the courts? Yes  No G.10 Access to Legal Representation and Legal Materials Do the detainees have confidential access to counsel by? a. Telephone Communications? Yes  No b. Uncensored Correspondence? Yes  No c. Visits? Yes  No G.11 Visitation Privileges Is there a detainee visitation program to facilitate the development and maintaining of community ties? Yes  No G.12 Detainee Mail and Correspondence Can detainees send and receive mail and is the confidentiality of privileged correspondence maintained? Yes  No Page 13 of 19 In addition to certifying that the above facility does offer the mandatory services as indicated by the checklist above, I certify that I gave the official listed above the following information regarding the prisoners I have housed there (escape risk, suicide risk, visitation, etc.) PERFORMED BY: (b) (6), (b) (7)(C), (b) (7) Monitoring Report Certification TITLE: CIDUSM DATE: 07/30/2018 REVIEWED BY: (b) (6), (b) (7)(C), (b) (7) TITLE: SDUSM DATE: 07/30/2018 SUBMITTED BY (b) (6), (b) (7)(C), (b) (7) (F) TITLE: ACDUSM DATE: 07/31/2018 NOTE: Please obtain a copy of all inspection certificates, menus, prisoner handbooks or any other relevant documentation that supports a Detention Facility Review. All supporting documentation should be filed with the corresponding Detention Facility Review. Please do not forward supporting documentation to the Prisoner Operations Division. Page 14 of 19 Section A. Distance from USMS Office: Tip! • Use the closest USMS office to the facility to calculate the distance. Section B. Average Daily Detainee Population & Staffing Information / Detainee Population Information: Tip! • • • • • Facility Capacity: Obtain the number of prisoners the facility is designed to hold. Facility Average Daily Population: Crowding may cause this number to be larger than the Facility Capacity number. USMS Bed Capacity: Bed capacity at the facility for USMS prisoners. BOP: Monthly Average. ICE: Monthly Average. • • Facility Code: Each Facility Code requires a separate Detention Facility Review Inspection date: Date of your on‐site review. • In addition to any planned renovations or new construction, include any changes to the facility which occurred since the date of the Inter‐Governmental Agreement The Office of Contracts & Agreements, Prisoner Operations Division, reviews this section when considering a facility’s request to increase the daily‐rate. Tip! Section D. Facility Construction Information: Tip! • Tip! • Incident data should be the facility’s totals, not just those incidents involving USMS prisoners. Section G. Visual Review of the Facility: Tip! • Include a description of the relevant physical layout/features of each facility area. For example: Living Area Comments: “Prisoner housing areas consist of 3 separate housing units, with each housing unit being divided into 2 housing pods. Each housing pod contains 30, 2‐bed prisoner cells.” Page 15 of 19 Section H. Review of Detention Facility Conditions: A.1 B. Hearth Care Page 16 of 19 8.2 Medical, Dental, and Mental Health Appraisals Page 17 of 19 B.6 Death Tip! • • • • Available Compliance Indicators: Does the facility have written procedures to follow in the event of a prisoner death? Do these written procedures include immediately notifying the USMS in the event of a USMS prisoner death? Do the written procedures require the review of each prisoner death? • The facility should have written procedures in place for handling and coordinating with the local health department of Tuberculosis, Hepatitis, and HIV. Cases of active tuberculosis and chicken pox must be reported to U.S. Marshals Service (USMS)/Prisoner Operations Division (POD)/Medical Management Branch (MMB). B.7 Infectious Disease Tip! • C.6 Tip! • • • • USMS Policy 9.17 ‘Body Searches’ requires a search of the prisoner’s body and attire upon arrival at a facility, and prior to movement from the facility or to a court appearance. Available Compliance Indicators: Review the facility’s prisoner search policy; Observe the intake/discharge search procedures. Tip! • Review the most recent food service/health inspection (inspection date should not be greater than one year prior to the date of your review) in order to verify all identified health violations were corrected. D.2 Adequate and Varied Meals Tip! • • • Compliance Indicators: Meal menus approved by a dietitian. Served meals match the approved meal menus. • Review the most recent facility inspection by the Fire Marshal (inspection date should not be greater than one year prior to the date of your review) in order to verify all identified fire code violations were corrected. F.1 Fire Safety Tip! Page 18 of 19 F.2 Control of Dangerous Materials Page 19 of 19