-------- - 2:07-cv-04753-TON - - - - - - · · · - ·Document . ·-· Case 34-4 Filed 03/05/08 Page 65 of 72 v.s. Depart,nent or Jastice IIC:lflHII I. Hrm< Ci1"1, I i ~ .. 1'~1Jfi,w,111 ..,.fldlo,i Bier:,,~~, INllil,. • , . &1..,, ""· :r.tre W1tl4;IISl'P", "'111,,- m~ D.C lD.fll , ,., ~~JOO ,,,,. ,~-C,F-JJ.t• May9~2005 VIA P'ACs:TM?LE Lori R. l,aqoa, Eaq. Chia£, Public Conb'Ktl a Technology Branch, Gme:ral Legal S~CIS I:memal °loYallll Scmc.~ ~ t oftht Treasuey 9SO L'En.f'alrt Plaza, $.W. 2d floor Vlashinat=, D.C. 20026 'Re~ .IRS .Fne J'lle froa:ram D~r M.s. Lacsar,: ThanJc ,ou !OJ' your letter a!March 18 n,qui,smza advice nprd.it1g the lntcmal .Revenue St11Vice•s ("IRS") Pi.t Fili:progam. AJ yo11 c:itpllined iri )'OUl' letter, thjs highlywc.:c:ssftd program fa: nwin.s 1he conc.huiOl!I o!it. rhird :iull tlX•-fiUng season. =nid tM tR.S u preplring to enter renewal ncgotiali gns with the Free Flle-Allianc:e, LtC ("the Alliance"}. Tn preparadon fbrthosc: discuS'sions, ;vnu have as.Id the Antitnt;.t Dlvjsion to pmvida legal advice repniin~ t.c ~tnt ex-pan.lion in the ~ope of fi'le cvices offered ~up the propm. While 'Che orifinal agrasment 'between 1be .l1tS :and the AmarJCe ~ e , d tbat at !east •ixt)' -pmcnt otindhiiduat mpaym would be eligible to rci:eivt Hl'Vi~s throup ~ ptOgralll,. 'this year- ~ out of twffil)' AJ'Hance mmbas offertd rhtir iervi~ 'llllitbcnu nitrictiat1. to Ol'le.h\lJ'Adred parcem otindividuaJ 't!IXpayers. Jn ~0:nnaction with thls expansion, yon mwe med us f.o mpcmd 10 two que;tiom: Gi~ thcagrecmcatsinplacc, iathe provis:ian<>flh:c,aviet.\l lo alltaxpa.ym either lil.Oli-eompetitivecr l vjolation o!the. amiQ'QSC law.1? (I) (2) Can tbe Treasury Deputm111t/ll.S. Free File Alli~. or .ny other intcra1~ ftldccbolders pJar:e limitation& on The sccpe o! ec,ffe,rings: n,lateO to the FrH file ~graai-t Befont Itespond to yc>Lll'specific questions. I would like to describemyundentanditt!I of'how If my undemanding b in,0:rm:t in 11ny materlal way. please advise me 1t your earUe&t convmicice. lbe Frei File program \VOrb =md the .recent e.tpmsii:m _in program c:ov~gc. Bac/wr,,lnd. The lRS •, .Free Fi!e Program is a p\lblictprivate pmt,ership 'b~ween the lR.S and the Al.tianc:~(Wliii;h i, a ~om1m:ium 0Cui.x-1oftware fimu) dcsipd to provide no~$1 eJ1rctmruc ta,cwpreparlll:ion and fiJjn,1 sei-v.ii::es to Americ:an tm.pa.ycrs. T~ baslc concept of the Free Fi1e progam i$ rhat Alliance participants offer ~ac- s:eniices to the pubUc thro u,.)i. a web psgc hosted b)' Z0"d 08'65 9I9 ~ .: I Case 2:07-cv-04753-TON Document 34-4 Filed 03/05/08 Page 66 of 72 :..~: ·. . ; . .. ,•; ";'~r{· t'iie ms 1t www.lr1.go11. Thls arrangement 111i11Gea CongrossionaJ inlti~ions lhar ihe IRS should r.!01 supplant the private eleetrori.-ic a-preparation indwuy but :rather snauld work with the privue . rector to rnak= ssh service$ av:ailableto tax~. Set. e.g.. H.Jt bFrt 101-S7J. at 38 (2002). 11 'the Alliance ca&egorius its :membca into fiv¢ tier$" .ac:cord.Ing to 1,bi, pereimtagc of t:ucp:a.~s m whom a.cb .metnbct is wilHn,; Bll.d abls to provide he 5UVices. For instan,e• the highest ti=- - TI er 1 ~ is Jeee:vcd for thaR .G""a that offer free servicei to OW!!t fifty percent of ~IXP•~r.s. 1 By pmvidml caUin. benefit• to tho higher lien, the 1icr scructun an.xiungcs .Alliance putictpanutoap andehcirli'eeo& rin,parldlhu.sc oUecdvelyloaa hi~•thclRS'sgo alofl)C'Qvictin g t.-ee servicm to at lcut sbuy percent ef'th.e t1Xpayin1 public. Spc:citic ally, bigber-tier nicmbei, recci"' lWt> fc,m,s ~fmarketing priority. First. higher-tier inembm 1n li9'ecl ftnt on tne Preo Pile website. Second. w.hana tapaye:r usct the webs.itt's vendct Jdlfflify firms r.hAt •ill provide bim ar her fl'ei, ser,ice:s, tbit ~ltd idmtifi~ s electioA first AocordiDglyj a Tier l member alw~ appears a'bcve a Tier~ member higher-tier Of'1ia tha:selectfon G91'd, Wi~n tin_ however, mm= is 2S0' advdage listi,sgc either 071 die ma.in he serviaa to a grea~ perceruaae of lhe public:. Instead, rhe provide 'that fimis ,eivl!Jll, to thoaa membtn Mtbin etdt lier randomly, For instanc1t, a Tier l .AlJianee list both wizard and web.site cou1d (and often docs) appear above a ner t member public ot"the pero,nt llily serving 01=.ber t>fferiq ttee lN!S'\lfeu to all ~pa)Ws. ~-..,mr1a manbm Aiide from thci-r ,ommi1m.en1 to otf« he rerv:lccs., Alliame ~ants axe sf.lbject to s•:vm.l oth1r requiremnu and prohibition1. f'int.. ~icipants most u.li$fy a seriitr ofprl"lacy. c•lnfidentiality~ technio.J-proficiency, and ofher pmban1n~e stai.)darda de1.in~iod in the Alliu,.cc~, o:per.ttln1 ...-amt and in !11 agree:p1.c:n1 with the IRS. S-ecDT1 d, Alliince participants m _proru"bited .ft'a1:D conditioning 6:ee sffVicn on lhe pui-chase ,aid goods or service,. Third, participants are prohibitt'd from tMriq .in.fmmatioa 'I/fib caeh other .regardi1J¥ the nature aad acope of their free ,1~.ice:5 bem thflf m"1Jy mat~ IJlOM serviees available to the pubZi~ !brmlJh lbe Free Pi1e or w-.b£it,e. lo. its_ ftrst year of ope:ration (the 200:J filjng season)p 1'he free l'il• Al~e hlld Hvmteen member,. inoludiq the two 1..-gest pnwidm ofta so.ftware, h:ltuit, Inc. (TurboTai) and H&R Block (TuCul). Dw;mgtht 2003 filing soucm most AJJianc:, parti~paa1s ,:,nly oi?ered fm services to axpaycrt who had .lea11 than a certain Adjusted Gross .Income f'AGr'). Those AGI limits ran1cd Give.a thase per.an:ieTen, hO'Wf\'er> 119 million OUl o! 1l7 million fii:mi 19,200 to ~ pment) w~ oUgiblt fO n:cd\i$ Free Pile Scrlices. apptox.imately (or Jcdividu;d wcpa.~ A;~(mate1y 2.8 milllcn ta:q,a)'el'S actu8lly took advantage of the pragnim. sn,ooo.i Tier S is mcved for nrw eainn,s intO the UX•softwzre industry wha caiw>t rely 01'! p.ut P7rformancc_to d ~ their ability io satl.Jf),1b.c AJiiance,s tec:hnical 1'11Qwrcmwnts. Instead, Ti l!r S pmieipantl ,elf aemfy tha1 they can meet thos1t requirmnenis.. Tier S is ~igried to ensure fllnt Arumct mmbfflhip doea aoi become a bwer to euteri11g the: ta•so.ttware ind'ustty. 1 1 0ntpa,idpa:iU wl an AGl limit ors1001 000 but only urved wcpa.yert filing Ferm 10-40:SZ. ".J35 31.N fllQ ~lIJ.Ntt .. Case 2:07-cv-04753-TON Document 34-4 Filed 03/05/08 Page 67 of ..,_....., 72 ,-:• :.:H . ··6' ~. :,,.... -:.:•'fl ·~r:13 ?24.:' b_1!'' M .. \,• \" ' ,"'!"\ ... ·.,. The 2tl0S filiq .=&10J1 has \?Jilnc:95811 &mu-'llellnim:lllfr in the availability urno-coSt altVlces ftJ'OUlh the Free File picgram. Ten out of1he tw~ty participants i~ tha 2005 Fres File ~gram (in.eluding market 1eadtrs Inntit ind Block) offered Free File services to all uxpayerJ without rtstrictia.n.1 A~mdmgl;y, this yn:rall individual U.S. wcpayen ftlin& a retum betwem l'anitliff'Y l and. April l~ 200s. had the: optio:a ofroceiving frle frlin& .services through the Free File piogram. As of March 25. 3.74 millio n•~ had filed thejr m:am.t ll\roUJh Ffl21!' Fite, i. 43.7 pm:cnt ir.creao over the um• time tut )Gr, ;, .. t.;· . ::, !! Am\udcs amangAJJmepaxti;iplntateprdin,jthis exp-onu ed.ivid= . Several AlliiZ\Ce p111tic:ipents hiwt •thutiasd cally •braced imreltlicted free service beca11sc they b.r#e fo\lnd lb~ Fi:-i::e File prolf1I01 to be an cacc1ive method ofcroswellin1 tbc:ir1ald goods andstrVices (e._s,, sta.te filing, sel'Yi~es, ia .-dvii:e, flnaneltl Pf0duct1 m,d aerrices, etc.), Other Alliance inem'be:rs arc ot)pOSed to unremcicd he ofti::rina,, Those opposed to Lhe expan1ion ·ol he sl:'l'Yiecs da.im ~at tli.t lRS,. through the nee File propm, ha1 become a a/uc10 lJlaiven:11 provide cfirer: e1amuic tax.pnparadon smkes. Moreover, tbeycllfm that the Free File program•, tierffl'LJatiJ.ro is in pan n,pOlldble tor tbe expl!Slkm ofthe pivgram'• coverase. They are now lobb)'Ull TreU\lljl and/or the lRS to limit lhescopeoffrec .,,;ces ~Is1'le rhraugh lheprogram. Allianc:emcm~ers mthii c.1n1p clam that. withclut Treul.lr)'l.laS intffYcntlo11) the wichedced expansion or tbe Free FiJe· Jll:-OJr'IID will redllce irwemne.ni. hmova1iou and competition. in the rnarlcl:l' fOI' tax-pr=puatlan M,ftwarc. With ttw undmta.adin& l n6w t\&rft !O your 111i=ific questions. (J) Give1t tllt .,,111401 1 in p(oc,. t8 tht Jlf'OWJW'll CClltlptititiVfl 0, ti ~,anon of,,. a'lltiOII.Jl IDW1? offr" W')ltcu to all taxpay,rs eitJIB tmti~ Tlw pwm1 ava:il&lrilit)' o!unrestricltd hoc 111"'1.icas lhrough the Eroe File prepam app,nn sb:nply IO betbc,-u ltGf~tio n1mong mcmbsn ofil:ieFrceFilcAlllince. As long u Alliance. members ue m4tp•dem ly cxpmli11g lbdr f'rfl, offietinp. s1,1r;h expansion and tb.c compimi'tion driving it era p:rflCilllly 'Ck 101\ of aghitic.t the aatitniat Jaws win dasigu~ io p.roteel. Several A ltim:e mem'bm ur.dicaze dun they winin,aly PJ')Vide he federal filing services b~ause doing 90 increuea their sales otrun-pr(ce m-pnpn don and nnanciaI~adviJOlys1:rvicc11. Such "JoS&lcadd' e a;,n.com11. SH Suir .sp.,,tPlug Co. Y, Champio" Spark :st:1:-atceias pnerally do net 1'lile eom,,titiv 111 Pl"g Co.~ 840 F,24 12531 1256 (5 Cir, 1981)~ h11i&ls Bros.. me. v. AmfflCillt Distilling Co., S70 F.2d 848~ 856 (i>- Or~ 1977); lhryoullolrling, Im::. v. J)r, l't1pp., Co.~ 11 al., $43 F. Supp. llSS, 1268 (W.D. La. 1'12). ~olbing 1hava nwiewed suggest, that Alliance m'1llbet; are coopm.iing with each at.Ii.er in this qpnsion. Smlarly. nolhing 1have reviewed ~~rs that Alliance memben are ustnJ tilt! pro,nm to signal their compeutiw i:neention. t~ cam ocher either in connect.ion with ftta teivicc, or andllarypald Sffllices. lfu, fact Alliance members were roo.rdil'lating their rl~-npeticive efforts er 1U'iDI the piosran,. 1e> fac:iUtate such ~tdma'Cion, this cowd Bi~ ~OJnpctitfve concems tha1 the ~ Division rmgh1 want to Jook at more cJoseJy. ·l- Case 2:07-cv-04753-TON Document 34-4 Filed 03/05/08 Page 68 of 72 ..., ·"' 1I ~. ,,;:, .. r While los&-Jead9t' ttrtfBSia bur a supemcial resemblmce to pntdl1ory'(Jricir,;, th~ tWO can t,e euiJy distinguished. A mm enpgeci io. r,rcldalory pricing 1u001ec1S by pricin1 below oo,i io the l1ope: of drivinJ ~t compet,'tcn and l•ter n,coupin; its &hort-lcrm Josses b:y cbarJing a monopal)' j)ric:e. In eonU'Uf, a Joss-leader 1n1egy do;s not dc:JJimd on tbo elimination of compeli\ion ;nd is in1cud immtdiaie?y~4'.able In tho thWI u:rm• .PhUlip E, Areeda, lterbert Hovenkarnp, A,atitrWJt -.t 470-7J (2d td. 2002). Consiatcnt with that, it appcm these Free FHr: Law~ § 742£, Voh d free ,etrices. belie,.,, ttat daingso profitab1ymc:reas11 thttlr offerunrestricte man~e:rsu,a, l\llictct To our J:no..vledF. no ot1e baa sugested that the o.ffmng service.a. and sales oftbU-pricepdllOtl .PUc program bas ~vm IT\YOM from die tax-software Fm: the thrOup services of u:nmtrictcd he Accoidmgly, the re:ent txpansion of free sentiees it. mu=rmg ftum anyone ptffCl1ted er ·segmem ~ea. f'cP."IJ!•ation mftwar',e sector. S01111: have <:ontended tbat b)' gjvin& UN.y redcnl tu.•prcparation ~~ccs, A1li1nc:e mambex$ Jose all inandw ta inv1:1t in re:semh and development. lbi.s view i@.uorn u,.e 1\Jll compctJilvc utiHty of dac ft= FUe propn. Whilt is is nue th1t '-be ftte federal products thamelve& do 11.0l gammte revenu~ they are $LIU u..efill u a tool for marketiJlg other 51,,rvli;as, Accordf:aaly. Alliance mem.ban. still haw incentivu to iinprovt their Free File pn,cJ..-i;ts tu,ca,use dam.: so mlku tb0e1 tee prodvcis a mora effmi~ ioot for crocs-m.arl«:tb,.g fu.11-price · gciods and ~e.s. (2} Orn d~ TNo~ lHpt,rrmoctJJR.S, Fm FUe .Alllo11tt. or a11y ozher i,iwt11ed .staaholders plau l'lmslatit;,,u OIi lb, UOJ'I o/o/farittl,8 r•rtueti to the F>w Filt: ]N'O'train? Thi, ts really two questions, the atl5w.ms to whid, tum on who i.s imposing the limitations - i.e.• me J041etnmem or members ofthewi:-so: ftwanin~. ConJ.lstent with ourpreviou!I ild-vicc (.rr.s my lauer co Linda R.. Horowi~ dated April s. 2004), hoth ·r:euur,r and/or this JRS arc fret to impc;,.se limltatiom 011 the seope o!rho Fni• F:Ue p10,am without risk ol antitrust Habilicy. The Supreme Coi.zrt bu ma4e clwd\at nefthar the United State&nor f f ) ' ~ •~oftbe exetJutive branch of the Oovcrnmcar of die Unittd Sutea'' fs , 'Jmon" subject to potenti.-J JiabilitY \&rider fhe Shaman Ac~ CJ"'1td States Poual Sv,,ic.-. v. Flamt11,o lndw .. Lrd., 234 S. Ct. 1311, 1328 (2004). lbal said, Wf!! WOll)d •till fftCO\ll'lll you to llllow members of the !wc-so1twart jndu.stry ro inctJpendenllypriee tbr;uprc,duc-cs as fhoy see fit Thetreod towan:1& umesme.ud Free File otl'erings se ·= 086S ,13 ea? Case 2:07-cv-04753-TON Document 34-4 Filed 03/05/08 Page 69 r.s,vrw of 72 v .... #• ~ ~· .. f:·11,·· !. . .:.> .. .'. ..,_. . ~ '!( • .- ·:. ~coufflg~. 01" .11,:pem to be a filllctioiuf competit:i°" woris Alliance incmbcra and should. be ible for th= respons f$ and must balanm ca:mpeting policy goals CIJU1'e we recop2d that tl:ie posi\ionecl klDS"t:rm viabilityoftkFM 1Uc pre.gram. ln ll,ttt oftbit, your a:~y i1 uni~uclywell, und Allwic Filt Frie tc, u1m whctbsrthe apansion of ffee Sef\lice& thrutens tht viability ofth1 \lalue mu \ ICCQUll rJ1e PNe File program. ln.making)'OUr wiamnem, we tneo~a,.e yoa to Take into n public. r:t.iat um:l'atrioted. free tax.-pn1)at:ld.cm tt'l'\l\cts represent to the Amaa que.stion. The: Collectiw action by th" Free Fili= Alliance or iu mamba's is • diff'eremotpric:a cutting. f'onn a NNUCo in is e;,.pansion of' ftte ~ u 'tblvu;h Ula Pne File prosr. a fOn"n libly i1 service free sm:h n:strict to A."cn:din1ly" my aprc(l;t fflt ll'flon& AUiJncc mcrnbm ly sai01Js take would n .Divisio trust And lhe such.. or price fi~iDI (or .u 1-ut priee inabUizatio11). A, o-n ming pardes third. or .firms ware tq..soft any coOldmaied attanp l by Allia:nc:e mc,nbm, athtr dy, thci •.\ntztru.s1 Uiei, behalf, TO tcatdd tee tcf\'ices 1vai1,bledtrouJt, th~ frN Fjlcpmgram. Sil'IWl File ]lrOpm as Frte the use tc) rs membe e AUl.aa~ 'C,i..-isian wowd be 00D.CCll:led by any anem,ts by Ire~ or paid). (eidttr ;,es orswvii goods after rs membe a.m=auism iocca.rdmtl• 'lhe tmncOt'I wlrlch r.iotif.ljng u, your ~ "'11cl we repd, either Sbowd the IRS bceome.aware of~romq,u 1r1 . ..lo..l..,. ...u.__.,, • ms ltM'J., ·~ C...- - R8'\a B.Hea e Cruel; NetwOtb & Tcelmology Section . ,.,. ..... , Ib.oma1 0. Bam,:tt, &q. David IC. Barna, Esq. (CC:GLS:PC'I'L-2N'D:J>8amet) Pile , -wtlilc my acr-m ,a cnang Alliance msmbus ro mtrain lh• avaUabill\y of Freeh&ve tlut y pcra.U m ~M~ 'Mlllld be of grcat intetnt 10 the Antitrust DM,ion~ Alli~c . mmb vialllfngtho t wlrhou es mcuur rictivc optrcst enttoad govanm nf~IJOUit)ytopcttticm the Fnlpr. l11c.. 365 &IJ!u::rust laWB. SH la.slim Raill'Oad Pruid1nr1 Con/trencsv. Nol7"r Moior (1965). 6.57 V.$. 31J 11>1'. Pen1u·111 v. o Amaric of .t U.S. 127 (1961); U,,.W Min~ Wor!w1