From1 TD! Jonathan WJlltart5 f'leRC!nbrtnlr, Brad;Boll"'· Kc:xlo· bD1IA;LewisMckJo/ev lubfact: .ALl:C1DlaXlllllleGDlt.Scottfur pro-ta,cpayer proposals Dlllll1 Fl1d1y,Mlf 25, 20181:05:18PM I wanted to sendyou all a quldcnote with some good news.ALECwlll recognizeGovernorScott next week in our annual State of the States publicatlon for deliveringone of the most pro-taxpayerState of the Stateaddresses.Our criteria were basedon whether the proposalswould enhanceor.hinder economiccompetitivenessand growth. We are hosting a conferencecall to discussthe findings of the report Wednesday,May 30 at 2:00 PM Easternand the report will go live at alee.ergthat morning.If you would like to dial in, pleaselet me know and I can sendthe call information. If you would likean embargoedcopy of the report prior to Its releasefor purposesof a pressreleaseor article, I wouldbe more than happyto send that as well. ALECIsproud to recognizeGovernorScott as he continuesthe fightfor limited government,free markets and federalism.Congratulations! All the best, JonathanWilliams ALECChief Economist Vice President Center for State FiscalReform Twitter: @taxeconomist Direct: 571-482-5066 Upc0rniosMeetimw 2018 Annual Meeting-August 8-10, 2018 - New Orleans,Louisiana 45th AnntversarvGala- September26, 2018 - Washington,D.C. 2018 States & Nation Policv Summit- November28-30, 2018-Washington, D.C. FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000001 Hendricks,Courtney From: S•nt: To: Subject Reilly,Kevin Tuesday,February7, 20179:32AM Mclanahan,Holli Accept Meeting w/SenatorStargel 1 FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000002 Hendricks. Courtney From: Sent: Reilly,Kevin Wednesday, November30,2016 11:16AM To: SUbJect Accept:Meetingwith RepresentativeFine .Balley, Megan 1 FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000003 From~ lfflk!ldnp. Robert To: Wpgr!oocn, Jeff Subjed: Attepte:I: FW:Ml!eling w/Rl!4>,esentatiVe La~ FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000004 Hendricks, Courtney Fn,m: Sent: To: Subjact: Bailey,Megan Thursday,January12, 2017 9:05AM Woodburn,Jeff Acceptell1$ of a home(foundation,Olltsi®walls, roof) Windo,vs,doors, floors, walls,ceilings,cabinetry Septicor sewagesystem · Well or other water system Heating,v~ and.air•conditioning system lJtilities (electrical, l.....~..- ·and gas ~·$terns) ..... P~~ Eilttanceand wt ways from the home.includingprivately owned access roads • Blocki:ng, le\-elingandancboringof a mol;rile home midtecollllCCtingor r¢setting its sewer,water, electricalmid fuel linesand tanks Replacelnent:Money to repl3Cea dis~~ged home,underrare conditions,if this can be done with limited funds. FEMA mayprovideup to $33~300for home replacement. If the home is located in a SpecialFlood Hazard Area, the homeownermust complywithflood insurance purchaserequirements and localflood codes and requirements. . Semi-Permanentor Pemwtent Dcn1smgConstruction:I>iroctassistanceor moneyfor the constructionof a home. This type of assistanceoccurs only in very unusualsituations,in locationsspecifiedby FEMA, where no other type of hollSin.gassistanceis possible. Construction~ followcwrent minimal~ building codes and standardswhen: they exist, or minimal11CCeptable constructionindusuy stm1dards in the area. Constructionwill aimtoward av~ gµality,~ and~ty, takmg intoconsideration1heneedsoftbe occupant. If the home Pagel of3 FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000010 is locatedin a Special Flood11.amdArea, the homeownermust comply with flood insurance purchase requirements andJoall flood codes and requiremeOfs. Other NeedsAltdstance Other Needs Assistancepmviaion of the Individualsand HouseholdsProgramprovides grams for uninsured, disaster~relatednecessary expenses and serious needs. Flood insurance may be n,quired on insurable it.ems(personal property) if they are to be located in a Special Flood Hazard Area. Assistance :includes: • Medical and dental expenses • Funeral and burial oosts ·• Repair, cleaning, or replacement of - Clothing • • • • • • - Household items (room fumisbings. appli.m:cs) - Specializedtools or protective clothing and equipment required for yow-job - Necessaryeducationalmaterials (computer,, IIChoolbooks, BUpplies) Clean-upitems (wet/dryvacwm., air purifier, dehmnidffiar) Fuel (fuel, chain saw, im:wood) Repairing or replacing vehicles damaged by the disaster,or providing for public transportation or othar transportation costs Moving and storage expensesrelated to the disaster (io.;luding evacuation, storage, or the return of property to a home) Other necessary expenses or serious needs(for example, towing, or setup or connc:cting essentialutilities mra housing unit not provided by FHMA) The cost of a National Flood InsuranceProgramgroupflood insuraucepolicy to mm fhe tlood insurance requirammts Condltlop,1 pd Llmlt.attgp•ofTRP411l11tance • All mrms of FEMAdisasterhousingassistanceare availableto any affected householdthatmeetsthe conditions of eligibility. No Federal entity or official (or 1heiragent)may discriminateagainst any individualon the 1-is of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability,or economicstatus. • Residency statusin the United State■ and its terrlf.Dr.lell:To be considered for disastec housing assistance, you or a household membermust provi4e proof of identity and sign a decwations1atina tbatyou/dlcyarea UnitedStatesciti,m, a non-citmm. national,or a qualifiedalien. • SnppJementalA11111ance: Disasterhousing 888iat1oae is not~ to substitute1hr private recovery eftbrts, but to complementthose eftbrls whenneeded. FEMA expects minor housing dama~ or the need for short-term sbelter to be addressed by homeowna:s or tenants. Furthennore,1heDisaster Housing Program.u not a loss indemnificationprogram and does not ensurethat applicants are returned to 1hcirpre-disaster living conditions. • Household COlllpOlition:People living together in one residence before the disaster are expectedto contimieto live together after the disaster. Genaally, assistance is provided to the pre-disasterhousehold as a unit. If, however,the assistance providedto the household is Page2 of3 FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000011 not sharedwith you, or if the new n:sidence is t.oo~ or causes you undue hardship,you may requestassistanceseparate fromyour pre-disasterhousehold. • Typeof Assbtance:Generally,more than one type of IBP assistancemaybe providedto 1behousehold. Only FEMAhas the authorityto determinewhich type of assistance i5most appropria~for the householdfittd1heperiod of assistanceto be coven:d. • Prope..Use of Assistuce: All.financialassistanceprovidedby ·~ .sbo\ddbe u~ as specified·inwriting: to rent anotherplace to live,to make the home repairs identifiedby FEMA, or to prevent evictionor foreclosure,or to replaceor repair Failure·touse the moneyas specifiedmay make yw. inellgiblefor additional assistatweAll money provided by FEMAis tax-free. • Documentatlon:It is yourresponsibilityto pmvidc all documentationnecessaryfor FEMA to evaluateyour eligibility.You may need to provideproofof occupancy, ownership, in~ lOS!i,and/Qrinformationccm.ceming yow;housmg ~tuationpriorto thedisaster. You shouldkeep all receipts and records for any housing expensesincurredas a result of the disaster.This includesreceiptsfor.repajr sui,plies,labor, and rentpayments. • Inaa1'81lce: If you haveinsurance, any assistanceprovidedby FEMA shouldbe an advance end must be rq,aidto FEMAwhen you receiveyour insurance s,ettlement payment. If your settlementis.lessthanFEMA's estimatedcost to make your home habitable,you may qualify forfundsto supplenumtyourimurancesettlement,but oolyfor • - 1.,;..;.,.... tothehome'shabi.... .,•m-.FEMAdoesnot-.:.1.. kcem.. entvalue repmrs ,IAUll&~,1 . ~UY-""'rep amounts or assistancewith non-essential items. &~ . . . .· • Durationof Anisiance: Repair andReplacementAssisumceis provided as a one-time payment. TemporaryHousingAssistance(or a mobile home/traveltrailer) is providedfor an initialperiodof 1, 2, or.~months.To be cotisidcredfor additional assistance,you must demonstratethat you have spent any previous assistance:fromFE...1\11A as instructed,and you 11:).UStdem.onstrate youreffortsto re-establishpermanentholJsing. Additional. ass~ is generallyprovided for1~2, or 3 months at a time.The is 18 ~ unless extencledbytbePresident. 111 maximum period for HIP assistance AppealRights: If you disagreewith FEMA's determinationof eligibility or the form of as~tance provided, you have the right to appeal within 60 daysof the date of yout notification letter. Send a.ppeallettersto: Appeals Officer, FE."1A-Individuals & HouseholdsProgram,,NationalProcessingServiceCenter,P.0. Box 10055~ Hyattsville, MD 20782-7055. Telephone: 1-800-621-'FfiMAorTIY 1-.800-462;.7585,· Page3 of3 FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000012 Front, To; SUbject: Dew, AltllChmMtll ~ ~ FW;ALECIDl'KDIJIID!Gov.Scl0ttfer ~ propa&lls Friday,May25, 2')18,:06:14 PM Ip DIAIARlic Gmr,Scotttor grp-taxpaysrP"IK¥ift15 msg me FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000013 From:JonathanWilliams[] To: Piepenbrink, Brad[Brad.Piepenbrink@epg.myflorida~c:om]; Reilly,.Kevin [Kevin.Reilly@eog.myflorida .•~m]; Media[]; Lewis,McKinley [Mckinley .Lewis@eog .myflorida~comJ · CC: Subject:ALECto recognizeGov.Scott for pro-taxpc1yer proposals Sent: Friday,May25, 2018 20:06:06 I wantedto sendyou all a quick notewith somegoodnews.ALECwill recognizeGovernorScottnext week in our annualState of the Statespublicationfor deliveringone of the.mostpro-ta>epayer St.ateof the State addresses.Our criteria were basedon whetherthe proposalswouldenhanceor hindereconomic competitiveness and growth. can We are hostinga conference to discussthe findingsof the report Wednesday,May30 at 2:00 PM Easternand the report will go live at alec.or-gthat morning.If you would like to dial in, pleaselet meknow and I cansendthe call infom,ation.If you would like an embargoedcopyof the report prior to its releasefor purposesof a press releaseor article,I would be morethan happyto sendthat as well. ALECis proudto recognizeGovernorScottas he continuesthe fight for limited govemment,free markets andfederalism.CQngratulationsl All the best, JonathanWilliams ALECChiefEconomist VicePresident Center.forStatEFiscalReform jwillic1ms@alec.or-g Twitter: @taxec<>nomist Direct: 571-482-5066 FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000014 Upcoming Meetings: 2018AnnualMeeting- AugustB-10,2018 NewOrleans,Louisiana 45th AmlversaryGala- September 26, 2018 - Washington,D.C. 2018 States & Nation PolicySummit- November 28-30, 2018 - Washington , D.C. FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000015 .-. ---DoN diep _,110 doii,;,? rt"°', I'm aa=eWllttx..111114 I .... 10 P'.-lorDU>bow AB,..., Sait ll1ll!lmy I....,. Begi,I~ molJIIC: Attac:t-idII i' dr,.t':1;".i .-e~ttfot&:,wrr.or ~ OitSI.Mi.sto wviwi ~~ .!t da=te?Osend,. let1er?.Dtf)e lf'Mh6ol/trr.rient "Jhe~•• '•Ibe ~tUSl'd ~oY.: Mkt-el Marth wt"6 .'M1wsas1~ wcftr,roflh• ·Q;,pMIUD:'l~Jre•"'ld!il"na: V.11ch2011,-:k .ettercari :tf zrr1t'e:dUJ01'.elull•nu:>d cfteesea,oup·i-lq_,..,. .m lrol■rnl. ltbsfour _..,ts;DolrJl,.land,USClweiel.Glo'tol N""1llonlls, Jolnl.,,..lln, ■nd -""'5 ondDlher8u, lll""""SGulhDllaatl,Flonda, Mlaourlllld blri,ll)la. EIO'O l ~f ;:rtVl:,;:ed ,nst;_.51.;pr# 8"1d .S~ii~ '!hi >.0~ctf.la1iK:Yr.d,.-to,,._e.foe:s,.,...1'a,S.~o~.!fl • )lb!'ck::;-1-'l':"\f!I'{a""4•6ta:.w ~ !:i":0:y,Stct,ic EX::rU,lf',,t 'i.6 Bili0fl b:lalillltwa~n:=ni:a:irt a:iml 4 -~r!cfma ~ I PTSE£SClridex.SrtN:Cttt's 1.ISN1!:~r-.e·1 lllnChlall;..-..11 "'""""'-"'•-n•co=::--, 1cW,o:1,,11 Mlas.0.;1~ J..:pi'I ~ 'J'l:.a_ -.1\"U'lt~ Jl,hode.i!ll!':D .. ·""'" ··1.-.1c.,.,,u.· ar:4~!~. ,~ 1'1,pr,kye ...~ <1-'{lflwnO-,.. . Pl.-e-klUldar1'loritl&.law -it ~ellftlto~Goveala:'t Offla■, wtJahl.toat~ « .... !"1'1"!1111 !:>cl!aPCr UP at:l!o!flam!a .Sla11>1a, iaa Jublie'""""' a..n.c:tupaa~ FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000016 Co11sulate Ge.nm-al aflsrael in Mtan1i LisaMc:aaslcey Di?'IICIDI' o.rP4.llitical Affairs Bmall: paljtjst,l@minmi.mfn,Nr•,i) :wmuuw,111,teieraelcom FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000017 Imamlg EEOV- 1 Fnm: PoliticalDirector - ConsulateGeneral of Israel in Miami Sat: Tuesday,January 22, 2019 1:45 PM To: 'Fm.e, Randy1 Subject: RE: Ireland Great news. Thank you, Representative Fine, for your support and your efforts. Tomorrow.the Irish Governmentwill begin discussionsand will vote on this law this Thursday. We have the contact detailswhere the letter can be emailed and are happyto assistwith writing a draft today. Please let us know if you have any questions. We look forwardto hearing from you. Thankyou. Lisa file:///C/Uaem!c:oarlnlly.hendricks/Desktop/Bvers_%2GA"2001-Gf.2nd%20attempt/AIT00003 .htm[l/27/201910:37•18AM] FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000021 Consulate General of Israel in Miami LisaMcClasl Subject: RE: Ireland . I'm on it. State RepresentativeRandy Fine Distri~ 53 (South Brev.-d County) randy.fine@myfloridahouse iQY TallahasseeOffice: Suite1401,The Capitol 402 SouthMonroeStreet Tallahassee,Florida 32399-1300 850-717-5053 District Office: 2539 Palm Bay Rd.NE. #5 Palm Bay, FL 32905 321-409-2017 From: PoliticalDirector- ConsulateGeneralof Israelin Miami Sent: Thursday,January.17, 2019 4:59 PM Tq: Fine,Randy Subject: Ireland EXTERNAL EMAIL: This emailoriginatedfromoutsideof the Legislature.USECAL""'IlONwhencliclclnglinksor opening att.aclunents unlessyou recogniu the senderand know 1heoontentis safe. Dear RepresentativeFine, Hopethis email finds you well. We wanted to bring to your attention a recent developmentwith the Governmentin Ireland. As you mightknow,the upper house of Ireland'sparliament9n Wedn~sdaypassed a bill to stop FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000026 importing or selling goods produced in Israeli towns in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights. The punishmentwill result in harsh fines or imprisonment. There's a possibility that this bill will be voted on and finalized in the next few weeks. This bill singles out Israel and is irrelevant to other conflicts arounc;tthe world. The bill uses trade and punishment for political reasons and overlooks certain established negotiations. There·is stlll much controversy about this biDwithin the Irish Government and has not been signed Into law yet. We are asking if Governor OeSantis would be interested in writing a letter to the Irish Foreign Ministry stating that if passed. the newly proposed bill will hinder economical connections between Florida and Irelandas an indirect consequence. Would you be so kind to pass this infom,ation on to Governor Desantis? If the Governor is interested in writing a letter we can help his team draft it. Please let us know If you haveanyquestions. We look fol'Y$rdto hearing from you. Thank you, Lisa file:///C/Uscrs.lOIJllltDtJy.hendricks/Desb.op/Evers, %20A"2001-Gl2nd%20auempt/A TI'00006.ldln[lf27/2019 10:37:l9 AM] FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000027 Consulate General of'hrael in Miami Lisa McC!a.skey Directorof PoliticalAffairs 305.925 ,9453 Emai1: pnljtjcaI@mjamj mfaCAYii FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000028 man Mullet-111mm Wh?mI-Gmm ?1mg arm-mm 1:151:19FLEachov-19-o402-A-000032 January 23, 2019 RE: Control ofEoonomicActivity (OccupiedTerritories)Bill 2018 Dear Mr. Michael Martin, I would like to express my deep concern regarding the Control of Economic Activity BiU, Initiated in the Irish parliament by Senator Black. It is to my understanding that the Bill has been approved in the Irish parliaments' upper house, and wiJIbe discussed in 1beO.U(lower house) as .ofJanuary 241h,hence the sense of urgency. This Bill is the most ex1lane anti-Israeli legislation in Europe.attemptingto pre-judge the outcomeof a peaceagremnmt on future bordersand bypua directnegotiations.The sp0DIOl'I of the bill soloctively1l8Clntanational court&'decisi0111 to tailor the bill to Israel only. and exclude aJl other cases of disputedterritories. I find it extremely disturbing that Irish legislators suggest to abuse trade and use criminal punishment, as imprisomncnt, fur trading with Judea and Sameria, to prove a political point. By doing so, Ireland will positionitself as with no abilityto influence or contribute to the state of affairs betweenIsrael and the Palestinian Authority. Ireland can certainly make m importmt contribution 1Dwanlshelping the Palestinians by investing in Palestinian cconomy and projects, providing experts and training through constructiveengqeaumtandsupporting the returnto directnegotiations.However,destructive legialationis not the llllSWIII'. The Oovemment of Ireland bas rightfullyand publicly declaredthey will not support the bill However, the oppositian's adoption of the legislation is harm1blandmight entail implications on Irish -American relations, as in many states boycotting Israel is against the law. The internationalcommunity needs to move from a zero-sum game approach with regards to the Israeli - Palestinian conftiet and adopt a pro-Palestinian, pro-Israel (pro peace) approsh that will benefit all, ra1herthanharmthis side or the otfler. I would highly appreciate it,. if you could convey a clearmessageto the Irish Minister fur ForeignAffairs and for Trade,SimonCoveney, voicing youroppoaition to this Bill. Sincerelyyours, FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000033 El A-om: To: Beillv, KeyJn senwstarm:I;Scna!prPw(dprrp Fwd:RevisedPCBlanguage Fr1dly,NrMmblr 3, 20176:01:47PM Att1u:lllnllnt11: PCB WMC UH12 OdbN!dHne epgecff!S),dpq ATTOOQQ1,hlffl Please see revised language.Can we get it in drafting? Get Outlookfor iOS From: Nordby, Daniel Sent: Friday,November 3, 2017 3:59:55 PM To: Reilly,Kevin Subject:RevlsedPCBlanguage FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000035 FLOR H O U S E I D A 0 F R E P R E S E N T A. I PCBWMC18-Cl1 I V E S 2018 House Jo!.~t Resolu":.ion 1 2 h =:oint resolc.t:ion 3 1.9 of Article proposing -::he creatior. VII of the State Const:!:t:.i:." to provide or :ee may· be ill'.p.osed, 4 ~at 5 or raiseo 6 bgisl.iticr.. 7 8 of eacli. no::se :;! the legiGla-::i;re ~.;1':er:n~r for a.ppr.o,.,al; providing 9 ;,::0•1id;..nq def.:cnitions; ::.c s-::a.i:e. tax oy the leg1slatu~e approved except aut):J.or1zed, ';}-_rough :Oy -:::;,,o-:;r.i:::is of ,;;i:.e me."?'.bershii; requ:..dng 10;cseci or raise:: i.;r.der t:his 11 in .a separate bill of sec-::.:!.on that am:: prese:;~d for -::o the a:;pl i ::a:bih.':y; any tax .c:r: !ee section tc be cc:ita:.ned conta;..ns no s~jeQt, 12 13 Be lt '.Resc:>lvedby -::::e ~eg.islat;;:::-e of ":.l'".eS-.;ate of :?.1.orida: u 15 That:. tji.e fo:lowing the S-cate Cc:ist.hutio:i 1 '1 t.he 18 gene::-al 19 au:;l\9:::-iz.ed by law for st.ate that pu.rpose: ARTICLE VI .! 21 FINANCE AND TAXATION SEC~ION 19. 23 a-+thorize, 24 ·~a;• 2.5 VII of is of 'this 2.0 22 of .sec-:ion ;.9 o!: Pi.rtic!e agreed to ar.d shall l:>e a.:ibrnit~ed to :or approval or rej e::i:.icr. a;; tne r.e~t or ;u: an eai::;.er s:;:4;1:;:iale.le::,;ior. s;yec:,.~:.:;:a:;.ly 16 electicr.. ::reat.ic~ Sl'AT& TAX or raise Supermajcrity s-:a.:e taxes SUi?:!::U-ih.JOIUTY \'Cl'E ca !:l:E. ~c new state vote regui::-ed to i::.pose, or fees.- REQUIRl!ID '!'C lMPOS! OR AO'l'HORIZE NEW -:ax or fee :may be imposed or. Page1of6 CODlNG:Woros 6iiekaAaredaletlons; WOids underlined areaddftlons. V FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000036 FL OR 1 D A H O U S F 0 " R E P R E s E N T A T PCBWMC18--01 126authorized 27 approved 28 1egislature to Article V E S 2018 by the legislature except through legislation by two-thirds of the membership of each house of the and presented to the Governor for approval pursuant III, Section e. {bl SUPERMAJORITY VOTBRBQOIREDTO RAISE STATETAXESOR 31 r&:KS. No state tax or fee may be raieed by the legielature 32 except through legislation approved by two-thirds of the 33 membership of each house of the legislature and presented to the 34 pursuant to Article III, Section 8. Governor for awroval 35 (c) APPLICABILITY. rhis section does not authorize the 36 illlposition of any state tax or fee otherwise prohibited by this Constitution, and does not apply to any tax or fee impoaed by, o~ authorized to be imposed by. a county, municipality, school 39 .bpard, or apecial district. to (dl DEFINITIONS. As usad in this aeceion, the following 41 te:cma shall have the following meanings: 42 (1) nFeeff means any charge or payment required by law, 43 including any fee for service, £ee or cost for licenses, and 44 charge for service. 45 (2 l nRaise" means: a. To increase or authorize an increase ;_11the rate of a 47 state tax or fee imposed on a percentage or per mill basis; 148 b. To increase or authorize an increase in the amount of a 49 state tax or fee imposed on a flat or fixed amount basis; or 29 30 1:: 146 Page2af5 CODING: Wonls6lfi6keAaredeletions; wordsufldadklad n additions. V FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000037 FL O ~ I DA H O U S E R E PR E S E N T A T IV PCBWMC 18-01 50 51 2018 c. To decrease o:: c:::edi-::,. (e: 1:: sepa::at.e or el1xninate or raisec bill a state A state SINGU-SOBJECT. author:~ed, 54 E S tax :inder this cor.taina tax or fee -exemptio~ or fee far.cosed, se~t~o~ ~ast no other be co~-::,ai~ed i~ a subject. 55 .:SE .I'l' !iORT;iE~ ~SOLVEI> -:;na'!! ~l;e !:ollo,dng 56 57 placed or:. th.e ballot: 58 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT 59 AAT::CU:VII, S?CTION 1~ 60 61 s-::,;-::,be TO IMPOSE, AU'I'.HQltIZE, SUPERMAJORIT'l VOTE REQUI~E STATE TAXES OR FEES ,"""'.:?rohibits . 62 authorizi;1q, 63 approved or rai$ing 64 Z.egi.8lat.are i::.. a bi::.l coi::tain1ng 65 de>es ::ict authorize 66 the Consti-cution 67 auth9r:. zed to 68 ocard, o:: spe.::ia,l 69 3E lT 70 placed 71 detective Pil. t?:.e legislat,'.J,re a s,;.ate OR, RAISJ !'rq:n j,mpos.i:ig,1.. or :fee excE,!pt -::,:.i::<;:igh ta~ by a two,-th:.::::-ds vp-:e .of each c! ti:~ :.o O' sru:::;ect . This proposa::. a state ~ax ct fee o~herwbe p:rcl'.ibited by a:-:6.does r.ot apply to fees er taxes !.:-a;,osed ~ be i!l!posed by a co'l:nt.Y, mlµlic;;ipali the FURTHER RESO~.V!!:ntnat the bal:ot ";,.y, scho,ol ,;:iis,tric:r.. if and the decision a court following dee' ares of the court state:rnent the precooing is not be stat.etier:.t. reversed: 72 CONST~TOTIONAL AMENDMENT 73 AR'::::cu: VII, SECT:..ON19 CODING: Words wleket 819deletlone: word8 urp~lned ate addlilone. V FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000038 F L 0 R D A H O U S E 0 R E F ► R E S E ~ l A 2018 PCBWMC18-01 14 I V E S SUPERMAJORITYVOTE REQUIREDTO IMPOSE, AOTHORIZE, OR RAISE 75 STATE l'AXES OR FEES .--Propo:iing the following amendment. to tbe 76 77 MTICLE VII 78 FINANCE AND TAXATION °r: 79 80 authori:ie, (a) 81 or raise state taxes OL fees.StPERMAJORITY VOTE REQUIREDTO IMPOSE OR AUTHORIZENEW 82 STATE TAX OR FEE. No new state 83 authorized B4 approved by the ·egislature oy two-thirds 85 tax or fee may be imposed except through or :egie-ation of the membership of each house of the to the Governor for approval pursuant 86 SO?ERMA.;ORITYVO'.l'E1'EQOIRE::>TO RAISE STATE TAXES OR 87 (l:>) 88 FEES, No s~ate 89 except through leqis~ation approved by two-thirds of tbe membership of each house of the legislature and presented 90 91 92 tax or fee may be re.ised by the legislature to the Governor for approval p~rsuanl to Article III, Section 8. _ __ (~) A?PLICABILITY. Thi3 section does not autho~i3e the of any ste::e t'.ax or feo otherwise 93 imposition 94 Constitution, and docs not apply g5 or authorized t.o t,e .:.mposed by, a county, 96 board, to any tax prohib~t:ed or tee by thi:i imposed by, m\:.:'li.c1pa ity, school or 97 98 P04Clf5 COOING: Words6lli8keH aie delellons; wordsunderlined n addillons. V FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000039 H O U S E FLORIDA 0 F R E PR E S E N T A TI PCa WMC18-01 <: l 99 "Fee" means any charge any fee for 01 charae 02 (2) 03 a. 04 state 0'1 : 08 o, 10 11 nRaise" or auch-orize or fee 1~osed :-o 1.r.crease or tax or fee imoosed c, or paymen-: regui1.ed fee or cosl for by law, li cc.', and means; Tc increase b. 06 service, service. ~.tc1t.e tax 05 ES 2018 00 for V To decrease an increase on a percentc;qe in the or per mill author .. ;.i;e an inc.:reai;e o::: -~- flat or elimina-:e fixed or a state rate of a bas.i,!31 in "Che a::,ount of a a.11ount nas:.s; o, tax or fee exempt:;.on or c1.ed.Jt. (el SING!.E-SUBvEC'::. autho:i:.::.zed, separate bi:: or .raised that A state under conta~~s tax o!" fee th~ s section no other imposed, must be contaiP-ed .. + · _[Fonn __ ltlld: __ ldt _____ _ in a subject. · 12 Page5of5 CODING: Wordull'llikei; li'edateUons, wonl11 yndartlned !ill addiliol'IS, V FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000040 From: To: Ice: Subjectl D■bl: Re!Uy. Kellln Belli~, KE!Y({] RepcwrJtat;lve Reooec Bemsentatlve Sfcvenson; BepresentattyeO,mm1oqs; Bew:aemnvt PJYoe; SID& ~ seoatnc Hul$0n · Governor sc:ottiil St. John"s Tonorruw Wednesday,5epmnber20, 20176:33:09PM GovernorScottwill be in St. John'sCountytomorrow.Pleasesee belowfor the information. WHAT: Tourof Hurricane hmaImpacts WHEN: 10:45AM WHERE: 4010 Coastal Highway St. Augustine,FL 32084 #II# FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000042 Rellv,Keuln Realy&:ViI BOPIJ!!il!Pbdlw! S-gH;gr ~ Bl'Qdeur; R,:pro,entanvRPlalmn; Bcmsentatrve O>rt=·BePcts:DWlm ~--Blmit Metz;Bcwwmt•UYt Cgmbaa; B4llm¥ofllbjl! ta,q; ~ LaRgy; BePcesentaHre MIAa:i Rgprwm,trve Plnsendl: BePC:MJIICfYr Goodsm; BePCWot:atlllf Mrnla;BePIJ!llltlUw! flm!:Bauw!Jlidhe Qm/1; litoatru: srnroms; 5eom!Ml· Senamr MIYfleld GowmcrSalltto Announce Mly Jobs N\lnbers lbursday,June15,2Cl177:41:35PM Please see below invitationand RSVP to ORLANDO, Fla. - Tomorrow,June 16th , Governor Rick Scott will announce May job numbers at Orlando manufacturerDusoboxCorporation. WHAT: MayJobsNymbersAnnouncement WHEN: 9:45AM WHERE: Dusobox Corporation 2501 Investors Row #900 Orlando, FL 32837 #II# FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000043 Florida House of Representatives Representative Cyndi Stevenson District 17 Dimict Office 3000 N. Poru:eDe Leon Boulevard Sruf:eC 5t. Augustine, FL 32()84-8600 (904)823-2300 Fax (904)823-2314 TaDahas&ee Office . 1101The Capik>l 402ScmthMonroeStreet T~ FL 32399-1300 (850)717.001'7 Email:Cytuli.StevensonO:myfloridahou, Ju!y6, 2018 GovernorRick Scott Govemofi Appointments Office Th& capitol Bulldlng Lower Level, Suite LL-10 TallahasseeFL 32391M!001 Re: a<>ardof Trustees,.St. Johns River Colleg► Hunt$r~- Conra!i Dear GovernorScott: I writetoday in support of HunterS. Conrad'sapplicationto the Boardof Truitees for St JohnaRiver CoUege. I have been Impressedwith Hunter boll in his personal ElridprQfessionalllfe. He is an ethicalfamily menWitha clear anappropriatesense of reverencewhendealingWithtaxpayerdollars and his fiduciaryobligation1Dprotect ttuilpublicff4-.t.I believehe will serve the p~ple of Floridawell If yo1Jchooseto expand his abilityto eervewiththis appointment. I k.nowhe sharesyour commitmentto strengtheningFlorida'sfamili9-and our work force througheducation. focus on servingll:lepublic and maintains HunterIs a capableleaderand administratoras he has demonstnrtedin his role a,sthe electedClerk of CourtisfQrSt bMn impressedat h~ ability to bring cc,stsa\fingefficienCiesand~hni.Cal solutionsto the Clerk's Johns County. I haVl9 office. ·· For thesereasons, I am requestingyour favorable·considerationof his applicationto the St. Johns River State College Board·ofTrustees. Respectfully, Cyndi Stevenson Representative Florida House District 17 Cmn•lttea & SubetlllUllittffs , HealthCare A.ppropriatw1111 Subcommitte:e-YICE CHAIR, Children,Families & Seniors.Subcommittee,Health & HumanService&C.C,mmltttu:. HealthQualit)'Subcommittee, Imuranc~cl Ban1dngSubconanittee. Joir,tkgi.rlative A.11,nting Committee. Select CQmmitteeonHurricaneRuponse and~~ FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000044 From! Reilty,Keytn To: Andel12,N OtsUNgyp,epg.gpy Scon:se!OUYe NUIPPiBePtwnliUYII: 51m1Ds0 wednesday, octllber4, 20179:54:41PM Q:: Dita! Rep Santiago is copied. GetOutlookfor iOS FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000045 To: fax MegaQ WOQdbyrn, Jett S11bjllid: MeetingForward Notlleatlon: MeetlnJI wJRepresentatlve LaRo5i! From: Y011:rmlelill1-fuwanlcd Fay,MeJIID . Dmurlim.;>hasrm-ded yolD'meetingrequestt sit down with you and discussthe policy priorities of Flor!d;.ias they reiate to the aboveIssues,andto see hpw we could be helpful movingforward.He ls copiedon this email. Pleaselet us knowwhen you might have30 minutes in the.coming weeksfor a brief meeting. All the best, Elliot EIRQtYe1ur,g ResearchAnalyst,Centerfor State FiscalReform American LegislativeExchangeCouncil 2900CrystalDrive,Suite 600 Arlington, VA22202 D: (202) 557-9381 0: (571)482-5034 ~LECl5 iHt.El)QOYJ:llll~l\♦ '11n~- • RDfltalJW Upcoming Meetioas.;· 2018Springtask ForceSummit-April 27, 2018- GrandRapids,Michigan 2018 Annual Meeting-August 8-10, 2018.,. New Orleans;Louisiana 45th AnniversaryGala- September26, 2018 - Washington,D.C. 2018States.&Nation Policy Summit- November28-30, 2018- Washington,p,c. TheAmericanLegislativeExchang(:. Councilis a 501(c}3nonprofitorganizationand Is the largest nonpartisan,voluntarymembershiporgcmization of state legislators in the UnitedStat~ dedicatedto FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000048 the principles of limited government, free markets ondfederat;sm. Jhe Councilis governed by state legislators who comprisethe Natfonal Boord of Legislatorsand Is advisedby the Private Enterprtse AdvisoryCouncil,o group of private, foundation and think tonk members. WebsiteI Facebagk I Iwi1:tecI .B.lDi FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000049 .ccw 1* mm Budko.Anna Ane.Rapdy; l:JIMw:d. Jmonh; Ec:edc:kioa Bohcct Meedngwlll GIMmar Scott"sLegllilal:I ... Amin Offl0a ·-·-•----=-=====~~~--=------~--TblllkyOllllldhllVIILPinlda,, AlmBuclko 5! Diltriats.m.tmy Officeof'StaleR.epre11e11111ive Rllldy Ffllll 111111.buc1ko@my:8oridaboiae.p 2539 Palm Bay RdNE UllitS 1'lllmBq, FL 329M (321) 91W-4848 (321}984-4149 (321) 984-4SSO(:tu) AddeA in Tallahasscc; Sn 1401,TheCapito] 402 SoUlhMonroe SITl:et Tllllabu-, Florida3239f'.1300 (150) 717-~l0,3 FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000051 From: To: Subjed: .Bikt Megan Reilly. Kevln; Pay.Megan Meetingwith RepresentativeFkle FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000052 Hum: Tu: mm mm Meeting w?l WW Fine updated. 8m byMimm?Exohmga Server Tm mum Wan. swan: Medina with Representative Fine TIH Fredelslac, Botn:t BetDV, ICevJD• lell't,Qnlf:M sut,Jecl:1 MeetingNIii Repi_.tll!Ve Si2Yenson FNl!n: FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000055 From; Demers. Hollx TO: stag.Kem (:&:1 Lpmaglstrp CQOM:J; ColtQCBn •.Rk:harrl; Chandler, Karen: Yanwra.g,ea; Qrown, bebbie; PYtMpan11;OdJs. Jared SUbject: Pate: PSCNomtllllngCol.Inell Thursday,December7, 20179:23:30AM Attac:hrlleillsl Stargel Kem• escNomJnattng Cbolc pdf' Good morning, Pleasesee the attached letter from PresidentNegron. -Holly H~ P~,s,1Lt.e~A~ Senator Joe Negron I Florida Senate 25 th District 409The ~pit(ll I Tallahassee,R32399-1100 Main850,487.522.9J PalmCltvn2.219.166S demers.holly@flsenate govl wwwflsenate.sov FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000056 December6, 2017 Senator kelll Star,el 2033 EastEdgewoodDrive SUlte1 Lakeland,FL33803 Re: Florida PublicServiceCommissionNomlnatlng Council Dear Senator Stargel: It Is my pleasure to appoint you as Chair of the Florida Public Service commission Nominating Council. Your term as Chair besinsJanuary 1, 2018 andwlll c;ohtinuethrough November 6, 2018. Should you have any questionsor concernsregarding this appointment durln11your term of service,pleasefeel free to contact Holly DemerwIn mv office by phoneat (850)487-5229or by emalfat Thankyou for your willingnessto serve on behalf of the Florida Senate. I look forward to working with you. JN/hd c: The HonorableRickSc:ottGovernor TheHonorableRichardCorcoran, Speakerof the Hous~ KarenChandler,Officeofl.eglslatfveServices IUITI 40,, THE CAPITOL,404IIOUTBHQJlillOESTRUT• TAUARASSIE, JLO:RIDIUm51-11DP • T.IU.BPHONK (150)41,-m, Elmmte'1 Webtsitr,,11~~,Afflia,..,,,, FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000057 From1 To: SUlbjad: Dllte: Attadlmentl: Qcbs.Jired la BRil Hike RE:·Ror1cla PubDc service Comnuslan NomlnattngCllumilv,ce Chair Frldav,JanllaO' S, 20184:!i6:4:S PH LaRosa,Miki;VG c;t¥1r Apgp1!¢ment.pdf RepresentativeLa Rosa. Pleaseseethe attached letter from the Speakernamingyouthe ViceChairof the Florida Public ServiceCommissionNominating Council. JaredM. Ochs Officeof the Speaker FloridaHouseof Representatives 850s717-S00O FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000058 The Florida House of Representatives Office of the Speaker Richard Corcoran Speaker TheHonorableMike I.a.R.oaa 1224 10111S1reot St. Cloud, Florida 34769 DearRepresentativeLa Rosa: It is my pleasure to appoint you to serve as the Vice Chairman-of the Florida Public Service CommissionNominatingCmmcil. By copy of this letter, I am advismg~ Chandlerwith 1heOffice of Legislative Servicesof yourappointment. Any questionsregarding:,OID'amviceon this councilshouldbe dimcted to Ms.Chandlerat 850.. 717-0300. Thank you for your wiHinguessto serve on behalf of the FtoridaHouse of Representatives. Richard Corcoran Speaker Cc: The HonorableRick Scott,Oovernor The Honorable Joe Negron. Senate President KarenChandler, Office of Legislative Services 420 The Capifol,«n South MonroeStreet,Tallahassee.Florida32399-1300 FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000059 Fl:om: TOI Subject: ~= Attachment:11 CourtneyCAPk SdJedYPno Renueil:S RE:Sdledulnglleque5il: EOG:00~411573 Wednesd&y, lllovember 7, 20183:50:33PM JmaQCODl. PDO Hi HunterThankyou for letting me know. While we are disappointedhe can not attend, we do understand. Shouldhis schedulechange;we would be happy to havehimjoin us. Thanksagain, Courtney . CourtneyCook, CMP Directorof Events 571-482-5003 2900 CrystalDrlve, Sixth Floor Arlington, VA 22202 ~LECle? UpcomingMeetinss: 2018 States& Nation PolicySummit- November28-30,2018 -Washington, O.C. Meeting -August 14-16,2019 -Austin, Texas 2019 Annuc1I 2019 States& Nation Policy Summit~ December4-6, 2019-Scottsdale, Arlzona TheAmericanLegislativef){al(JngeCouncil1$a 50:t.(c:}3 11onprofrr o,gan1zatJoruind ts the largestno"lpartl$an,volutitdry membersliiporr,an~ .tlO.fJ of state•egls/ators/ntlle Umte Sent:Wednesday,November07, 2018 9:11 AM To:Courtney Cook 51,bJect: SchedulingRequestEOG:001411573 I hope this email finds you well. Thankyou for invitingGovemorScottto attendthe ALEC Awards Dinner. Unfortunately,the Govemorwill be unableto do so, but we FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000060 hope that you will keep us informed of future invitations.Until then, if our office can be of any assistance, please feel free to contact us. Sincerely. Hunter McAloose Executive OfficeoftheGovernor Scheduling Department Office:85~717-9207 FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000061 gawmm?wui mun-52w Egg ?g w?g? ?Hunt Cm? From: To: Courtney!)JOk SclJetlYlklR Regucsts M:: Sc:helMalg Alllqum: EOG:001411573 wedn.-. No.e,m7, 20183:50:33PM (maqeQQf,png HI HunterThank you for letting me know.While we are disappointed he can not attend, we do understand. Should h;s schedulechange,we would be happy to have him join us. Thanksagain, Courtney CourtneyCook,CMP Directorof Events 671-482-5003 ccpok@alec,or:g 2900 Crystal Drive,SixthFloor Arlington, VA22202 J?LLECIE= Upcarnlne MeetJnp· 2018 States& NationPolleySummit- November28-30,2018- Washinston,D.C. 2019 Annual Meeting- August 1~16, 2019 -Austin, Texas 2019 States & Nation Policysummit- December4-6, 2019-Scottsdale, Arizona TheAmericanLegislativeExchangeCouncills a 50l(c]3 nonprofit OnJanlzation and iS the largest nonpartlson,voluntary membershiporganizationof swte ~is/atDrs in the UnitedStatesdedicatedto thepnncip/esof limited government,free marketsandfederalism.TheCouncilis governedby stote ieg1s/atorswho c:omprl5e the National.Boardof Legislatorsand is advisedby the PrlvoteEllterpriseAdvisoryCorincllo groupof private,foundation and think tank members. From:SchedullnsRequests sent: Wednesday,November07. 2018 9:11 AM To:CourtneyCook subject: Scheduling RequestEOG:001411573 Dear Mrs. Cook, I hope this email finds you well. Thank you for inviting Governor Scott to attend the ALEC AwardsDinner.Unfortunately,the Govemcrwlll be unableto do so, but we FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000063 hopethat you will keepus informedof futureinvitations.Untilthen, ifour office can be of any assistance,pleasefeelfree to contactus. Sincerely, Hunter McAloose Executive OfficeoftheGovernor Scheduling Department Office:850-717-9207 FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000064 Hut..? wh?p?wwbw OMAR, ma?a?? c3525 Fromt TO: lullfM:tl Data1 Whlleh@I. crarre Stan;wel, Kell~Kleman. QlrtstRpi. RE:Yo11•19 l)lvbd: ~ RitkScdt 'MIi beIn TampaonWemesciay, March 14, 2018 Tuesday, March 13,20185:50:03PM Thanksso much, RachelI Claire Whitehead OfficeofGovernorRick Scott (229)220-8712 Ciaire,Whitehead@eoi,myflorida com From:Stargel,Kelll Sent:Tuesday, Match 13, 20i8 5:19 PM To:Kiernan, Christopher Cc:Whitehead,Claire Subject:RE:You'reInvited:GovernorRickScottwill be fn Tal'ripaon Wednesday,March 14, 2018 CJand Claire, I just wantedyou to knowthat Senator Stargelis planningon ~ttendlngthis event tomorr()w. Regards, ~ c~e~Bc.tfv.-ts OJstrictChiefLA for SenatorKetuStargel 322 Senate 850-487~5022 863:..668~3028 From:Kiernan,Christopher[me1lto;Cbcisfoph er;Kiernao@ea g m:yflodda,coroJ Sent:Tuesday,March 13,20183:14 PM Cc:Whitehead, Ciaire; Lomagistro, q>llin ; Remy,Kevin Subject:You're Invited:GovernorRlck Scott w!II be in Tampaon Wed!"lesday, March 14,2018 Good Afternoon, FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000066 Governor Rick Scott will be in Tampa on Wednesday, March 14, 2018 at 9:00 AM to highlight the successfulpassageof major legislativeinitiatives that will help families acrossthe state and secure Florida'sfuture. If you would like to attend or have any questions,feel free to reach out to our Regional Representative 1 ClaireWhitehead, at or (229) 220-8712. When: Wednesday, March 14, 2018 at 9:00 AM Where: CoxFireProtection 7910 PrafasslonalPlace Tampa, FL33637 Thank you, CJKiernan LegislativeAnalyst Office of Governor RickScott (850) 488~5000 FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000067 l'Nm: st.amet ieelll Tc11 Cc; Kfemao, OJrl!itnpher Wbllebc:ea, QaJr:e Subjed:: RE:You"fl! Invb!d: GowmarRickSallt willbeinllffllJBon Wednesday, Manti 14, 2018 Tu.y, Mard:i 13, 2018S:19:l.5PM Data: CJand Claire, Ijust wantedyouto know that Senator Stargel1splanningon attendingthis eventtomorrow_ Regards, -s.a rV\.tS R.lil clriet DistrtctChief LAfor Senator KelliStarg~l 322 Senate 85°"487-5022 863-668-3028 F.rom:Kiernan,Christopher[] Sent;Tuesday,March 13, 2018 3:14 PM Cc::: Whitehead,Clalre;Lomagistro, COilin ; Reilly,Kevin Subject:You"reInvited; GovernorRickScottwill be in Tampaon Wednesday,March 14, 2018 GoodAfternoon, GovernorRickScott will be in Tampaon Wednesday,March 14} 2018at 9:00 AM to highlightthe successfulpassageof major legislativeInitiativesthat will help familiesacrossthe state and secureFlorida'sfuture. If you .wouldliketo attend or haveanyquestions,feel free to reachout to our RegionalRepresentative,ClaireWhitehead,at Claire,Wbitebead@eo2,mYflocida;com or {229} 220-8712. When: Wednesday,March14, 2018 at 9:00 AM Where: CoxFire Protection 7910 ProfessionalPlace TampJ,fL 33637 Thankyou, FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000068 CI Kiernan Leglslatlve Analyst Of?ce of Governor Rick Scott (850) 433-5000 Froln: ~(l~y.,Mgq TO: Sub,lec:ts Date: Rne,Randy RE,YoairaInvited: GQvemor Riek ScottllilnbeInOrlando.on fflday,December 16that 10:00AM 1111.rsday, December 15,201610:23:00AM GoodMorningRepresentativeJine, We mostcertainlywi IL Havea great dayI MeganBalley LegislativeAffairs Officeof GovernorRici Cc:Fay,Megan; Reilly,Kevin; Fredeklng,Robert ; Bailey,Megan ;Whiter.ea~,Claire; Howard,Joseph; Budko,Anna Subject:RE:You're Invited: GovernorRici< Scottwill be in Orlandoon Friday,Decembe r.16th at 10:00AM Thankyou so much for the invite: 1would have lovedto attend, '1oweverI am teachlnsJunior Achievementto a third gradeclasson Friday.'seconomicdevelopment,though on a much smallerscaleI Pleasesendmy regretsto the Governorand don't hesitateto let us know about other eventsin the future. -Randy Sent from Mallfor Windows10 From:6alley. MeBan Sent:Wednesday,December 14, 20165:06 PM Ct: EavMegan:Redly, Kevm;Fredekihft, Robert;Bailey.Megan;Whitehead. ClaJre Subj~: You're Invited:GovernorRici Cc:: Nicholas Drinkwater SUbJad:FW:messageto pleasepassto Gov.Scottfrom Arthur Laffer Diane, Dr. Laffer wanted to check badewithyou on the below subject. ALECWould love to be able to present the Laffer Award to Governor Scott onNovember 29th in DC. Addition ally,they would still likefor Governor Scott to do the forward of the RichStates, PoorStates book. We look forward to hearing backfrom you. Best, RandiButler Chief of Staff to Arthur B. Laffer, PhD Laffer Associates 103 Murphy Court Nashville,TN 37203 Office'.615-460-0100 Cell;615-476-2670 rbutrer@laffet,com Beginforwarded message: From:NicholasDrinkwater Date: August 23, 2018 at 4:52;18 PM EDT To: "Donna Arduin (illiooisdonna@B;}" SubJect: ffl8111l9ID plelH passto Gov.Stott DearDonna, Would Vol.lmind please passingthis note from Dr. Laffer along to Gov. Scott whenyou have a chance? It's a big deall Thank you, Nick Note from Dr. Laffer: FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000073 DearRick, I can't beginto tell you how proud I am of you, and f brag to everyonewho'll listen that I'm on your advisoryboard. Youmayknow that I'm very involvedWith ALEC'sannualRich States,PoorStatesreport (Infact, it's formallytitledthe ,;ALECl:.afferState EconomicCompetitivenessIndex)amongother ALEC endeavorsand projects. I'm emailingabout two items: Would you be willingto write the foreword for the upcomingedition of RichStates, PoorStates;to be publishedthis fall? If vouagree,wecan get aflthe deniils ta a designatedstaff member.ALECcan provfdea draft forewordto make thingseasier. 2. Most importantly,1~mwonderingif you'refree on 1. November29th to come to Wi!shington,o.c. ALEChas an annual awardcalledthe LafferAwardthat is designedto be givento those whohavethe largestpositiveimpact on state economicgrowth. I wastne first recipient of the awardlast year,and it's time to name the second-ever recipient. UsaNelsonand i can't think of anyonemore p,erfectthan youto recel\lethis award. Pleaseacceptthis long-overdue awardfor yourexceptionalstewardship of Florida. ·Yourfriend, Arthur13.i..affer FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000074 smut-tan Lemma? Ewange UWTEII mm:- FHEE "6 October 3, 2018 The HonorableRickScott Governorof Florida TheCapitol 400 s.MonroeSt. Tilllahass(!e, FL32399-0001 DearGovernorScott, -Tharikyou for yaur commitmentto our nation'sfoundingprinciplesand tree-marketldeals..Membersof the AmericanLegislativeExchangeCouncil(ALEC) shareyou·rbelief In llmlted government,free markets and federalism,and it Is my honor to invite you to the ALEC2.018S~ and Natlon PolicySummit in Washington,DC.The 2018 Statesand Nation PolleySurnmitwUI be held at the Grand HyattWashington fn:,m November28-30,2018andwll.1pther morethan 1,000state legislators~ b'1slnessleadersahd p-.iblic policyexpertsfromacrossthe nationto discussmiljor state Issues. I, alongw,lthDr.ArthurLaffer,would be honoredto haveyou addressour attendees and acceptthe Laffer Award for EconomicExcellenceduring the ALECAwardsDinneron Thursday, November29th• This invite only dinnercelebratesthe leaderswithin ALECand includedInthe awards~remony is the presentation of the Laffer Award for EC011om1c Excellence by Qr. ~r. Dr. Lafferand I't think of anyone more perfect than you to receivethis award. Pleasejoin us an.daccept this Ions-overdueaward for your exceptionalstewan:lshlp of Florida. As you may know, Al.ECIsthe largestnonpartli;anvoluntarvmembership organizationofstate legislators in the country,representingone-quarterof all stJte lawmakers,60 millionAmericans and 30 million job$. ALECmembersadvancethe Jeffersc;,nian princ;iplesof limited government,free marketsand federalism. If youare ableto share your leadershipperspectiveat the 2018States and Nation PolicySummit,or If you haveadditional'questions,pleasecontactCourtneyCook,Dlreclbr of Events,by emailat or .at (57i) 482-5003. Thank you for your considerationand service to our country. Respectfully,. LisaB. Nelson ALECChiefExecutiveOfficer FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000076 CourtneyQXlk Mguftpn Plaoe •11aae11 PYUer": lOMbM!WVPiirns; Lacey Wbue RE:me511111etD Jllf!IIII pue to Gov.5aJlt fromAlthurl.8lrer Tueadi.y, Odaber23,2D181:32:37 PM lroePPJ,png To: Hi DraneHopeyou are doingwelll We haveall had Floridain our thoughtsand prayersover the last few weeks.Wishingyou the very best in the daysahead. I wanted to reachout andtouch base on the below ~mail for our event in November. Would the Governorbe able to join us In Washington,DCon November29th from 7:00 PM- 9:00 PM to accept the LafferAwardfor Ecom;,mlc Excellence?We are In the processof ordering the award and wanted to confirm his preferencefor the tftle Inscription.Would GovernorRickScott be appropriate? Thankyou and I look forward to hearing from you I Best, Courtney Courtney Cook, CMP Director of Events 571-482-6003 ccook@alec acg 2800 Crystal Drive,Sixth Floor Arlington, VA 22202 ~LEC lg: Upcomi □K t:h Meetings· 45 AnniversaryGala- 5eptember26, 2018-W~shington, O.C. 2018States& Nation Polleysummit- November28-30,2018-Washlngton, D.C. TheAmericanLegislativeEKchonr,e Coundlfsa 50J.(c)3nonprofito,oanlzattonDndJsthe largestnonpartisan,voluntDry. membe~h,p organization of strm! kg"lslat.ors in the United States dedicated to the prlndples of limited government, free marketsondfede,ufism TheCouncilis governedbystote legislatorswho comprlsedie Nat,onafBoardof leg1slotorsand ls advisedby the Private Errterprise/JavisoryCouncil,o group of privrnl!,[Dundatlon ond think tonk members. ~ I Facebook I ~ I .Blofi From:CourtneyCook Sent:Monday,October08, 20189:39 AM FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000077 Cc:RandiButler; JonathanWilliams Subject:RE: messageto pleasepassto Gov.Scottfrom Arthur Laffer Hi Diane- I hope this note findsyou doingwelHMynameis CourtneyCookand I am th~ Directorof Eventsfor ALECor the AmericanLeglslatlveExchange counclLI havebeenworkingwith RandiButlerfrom Dr, Laffer'soffice on our ALECAwardsDinnercomingup on November29th • I wantedto follow-upon her note below with the attachedinvitationfor the dinner from our CEO,LisaB Nelson. Weare very excitedabout the opportunityto presentGovernorScpttthe LafferAwardfor Economic Excellencewhi(:hwHIbe presentedby Dr. Lafferat the dinner. I would loveto confirm Governor Scott's attendanceat the dinner and sendover any logistical·detailsyoumfghtneed,Canyol.l confirm if he will be able to jpin us?Happyto do what we canto makethis work. If you haveat"!yquestions1 pleaselet me know.ThankyouI Best, Courtney CourtneyCook,CMP Directorof Events s11-4e2-soo3 ccook@aJet; org 2900 CrystalDrive;SixthFloor Arlington,YA 22202 ~LECle; upcarnioe MeetibEs · 20l8 States & NationPolicy sumrnit -November28~30,2018-Washlngtori, o.c. TheAmericanl.eglslotiveE,cc,iange CQuncii,s a 501(c)3r.oriprofftorganizationar.d is rhe 'argestnonpartisan,voluntary membe151JJp organfzot1on ofstate /eg1s1ators ,r. the UnitedSt~ dedicqtedto tfie pr/r,Qp~ ofl(m/ted gQvernrri,mt, free marketsan.a.f-edera//sm, T.,ieCo!!nciiisgovemedbystateleg!siatorswho ;cmpr.sethe1wmona1 Boardof ~isl::tot'$ and is advisedby the PrlVareEnr.ettJttse Aavisot1councila.proup of pr'ivOte, foundation and think ta'1kmembers. From:RandiButler S.nt:Wednesday,September12,2018 10:16AM FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000078 To: '' Cc: Nicholas Drinkwater Subject:FW:messageto preasepassto Gov.Scott from Arthur Laffer Diane, Dr. Laffer wanted to check back with you on the below subject. ALECwould love to be able to present the Laffer Award to GovemorScott on November 29th In DC. Additionally, they would still like for Governor Scott to do the forward of the RichStates, Poor Stutes book. We look forward to hearing back from you. Best, RandfButler Chief of Staff to Arthur B. Laffer,PhD Laffer Associates 103 Murphy Court Nashville, TN 37203 Office:615--460-0100 Ceil: 615--476-2670 rbutlec@lafiec corn Beginforwarded message: From:Nicholas Drinkwater Date: August 23, 2018 at 4:52 :18 PM EDT To: "Donna Arduin (illioaisdonna@email com}" com> Sent: Friday,February1, 2019 11:40110 AM To:Mahler,.Makenz1 Cc:Kopelousos,Stei,hanie Subject:JasonSq!ele Ms.Mahler, I am writingta stronglyrecommendformer Representative JasonSteelebe reappointedta the boardsof bQthEnterpriseFloridaand SpaceFlorida. As one of the most respectedJeadersin Brevardcounty, Mr. Steelehasrepresentedboth the interestsof my districtandthe state asa wholewith distinctionduringhis time on the boards. ThisassignmentIscriticalfor the future of B.revard Countv- when the Spac:eShuttle Programwasshut down,EnterpriseFloridacontributedto the SpaceCoast'sturnaround. And for 50 years,BrevardCountyhasbeenthe nationalleaderin Space. Havinga memberof our own slttlns on the SpaceFloridaBoardprovidesessential perspectiveto makethe organizationsucceed. I appreciateyour considerationverymuch. Pleasedo not hesitateto contactme if youhaveany questionsaboutJason. State RepresentativeRandyFine District53 (SouthBrevardCounty) randy, FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000082 Tallahassee Office: Suite 1401, The Capitol 402 South MonroeStreet Tallahassee, Florida32399-1300 850-717-5053 District Office: 2539 Palm Bay Rd. NE.#5 Palm Bay,FL32905 321-409-2017 FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000083 Fram: r.a DavidSanU;u> Reilly,KcYID; fmddZ,N£a$illA@OYP,eop,pov Regresc:QIBtM: $mUiu> · liiubjlld:: Date.: Re: Odxlber4, 20179:58:44PM Wednellday, To: Got it, thanks! On Wed, Oct 4, 2017, 18:54Reilly,Kevin wrote: Rep Santiagois copied. Get Outlookfor iOS FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000084 ffllm: SChedulTng Bra•!Cits To: ALEC Awarm DfJJoa: Subject: Schedtrllng RequestEOG:001411573 Wed~, NcWember 71 20i8 1D:10:38 AM Data: Dear Mrs. Cook, r hope thfs email finds you well. Thank you for inviting GovernorScott to attend the ALEC Awards Dinner. Unfortunately,the Governorwill be unable to do so, but we hope that you wlll keep us informed of future invitations. Until then, if our office can be of any assistance,please feer free to contact us. Sincerely, Hunter McAloose Executlva Officeof theGcwemor Schedulfng Department Office:850-717-9207 FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000086 Front: Ochs, Jared To: LaRQsa. Mike Soutnem Statesl:ll!!rVY Board 1l11n1ay,June8, 2"17 4:43:28PM lub)ac:a Daiei Attadrmentlll LI!Rosa,Hitepdf RepresentativeLa Rosa, Pleaseseethe attachedletter from the Speakerappointing you to the SouthernStatesEnergyBoard. Jared M. Ochs Officeof the Speaker Florida Hooseof Representatives 850-717-5000 FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000087 The Florida House of Representatives Office of the Speaker IUdaardCorwran Speaker June8, 2017 The HonorableMike La Rosa 1224lOth Street ·St.Cloud;Florida.34769 LaRosa: DearR,epresentativ~ It is my pleasureto appoint youto serveas a memberof the SouthernStatesEner~ »oatd. Yo~ appointmentis effective inunediatelyand continuesat 1hepleasureof the Speaker. :Byuopyof this letter, I am advisingKimberly Gray withthe So~ StatesEnergy :Soardof yourappointment You shouldbe hearingfromthen,.soonas tQexpectations.IUld meeting sohedules, 'AnyqUCBt:ions regardingyour acrviceon this councilshouldbe directedto Ms. Grayat 770..2427712. Thank youfor your willingnessto serve on behalfof the Flotida Houseof Representatives. Sincerely, RichardCorcoran Speaker Cc: TheHonorable Rick~ Oovernor The HonorableJoe Negron,SenatePresident KimberlyGray, SouthernStlltesEnergy.Board 420 TheCapitol. 402SQUthMonroo·-~ Tall~ Plorlda !2399-1300 FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000088 G(b§gn ?achrY Cortf Bean slgrm!lel1B'I Tuem11y, llnully 9, 201.I1:55:00PM 1ntt«'2 :5Wlsa: AmDII • MB157• 01Q9.1.8 pdf LctteclrPrdW "WPP·$8 4&0·OJ 09,18,pdf IJ!tllclP811•.....,_ &'Ploa • He,151• 01 09JS,PCU' tettecto Sqtgr SCIM· SB'180• 01 09.18,pdf' ~ tpftHguz-HR 157-0109 ]8 pdf Lcttcttp 6-.!ial:Ce• SR180- PJ09 JBpdf Attached are the signed letters In support of the resolutionsthat acknowledgethe public health crisis created by pornography. Theseletters are addressedtn: HouseSpeakerQ>rcoran SenatePresidentNegron RepresentativeRossSpano (sponsorin House) Se11ator Kell!Starael{sponsorIn Senate) Letterto all membersin the House Letterto all membersIn the Senate Let me know if you have any questions. If you are In agreement, we will distribute to everyone today and have copies In each COuncllmember's packet for the meeting. Thanks, Zackary Gibson ChiefChlldAdvocateandDirector Officeof AdoptionandChildProtection ExecutiveOfficeof the Governor 400 SouthMonroe Street Suite 2002 Tallahassee,FL 32399 (850) 717-9261 GOVERNOR RICKSCOTT • FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000089 Florida Faith-Based and Community-Based Advisory Council mECAPn'OL S.YONROB8'11UlET, sutra 2002 'rALLAHASSEE, FLORlOA32399 ,4()0 January 9. 2018 PuturcarJIIMwa 0.-MLL/l:,M..,,,,,,.,,, .... ~~l'L The HooorablcRichardCorcoran Speakerof the Florida Houseof Representatives 420 The Capitol 402 South Monroe Sueet Tallahassee,FL 32399-1300 Ml.1'1'811aCm vt.Cltalr 0-IUIIO'.U.,,..,, S~l' ...... JIL Mr.lllclw'dAlhlrlaaa•~ ~PL PulDrJQ,t~ Nt,plt,eo.-q,Clwi Dear SP,C&ker Corcoran, Noplll.11, Ms.TrmlaCm: C--0,-"-- .!t,......Ji'L ReftteadPaTy .,.,. ~~c- o.nd,PL PaJCorSlloltG,eotae ~H .. -~~ """'tr . clm.ens Mlillad,FL Dr,RlllbyGlCMr ~- Jlt.,laW8-S.,,,.a..p. U.0WOl6,PL Ms.Sltellla-e& Cttll,o!k ~ ,,,,. I l ,_. The Florida Faith-~cd and Cpmmunity-basedAdvisory Council is writing this letter in supportof HR 157, sponsoredby RepresentativeRoss Spano. Our Councilwumimouslyvoted in support of this resolution that acknowledpa.the public health crisis cre.i.edby pornography and them,ed for educ:aiion,preVention,researclland policy changeto protect d1c of our state. Pornographybas harmfulcft'ectsonindividualswho view it and c:an QaUSC adverseeffects banning children and families. As a Council, we me committed to protecting ami helping childnm and familiesby facilitatingcomiectionsto imprm-e the smiccs deliveredto Floridians. . . hlmBedt,PL Mr. llllland c.salez I =~r.s.aa-:r_H_ JI Dr,len)'Du1 r,m1o...,.,Ot!ltht , a[almiolll,.M. ~.tam~ I Research has found a linkbetween the use of pornography and an increasein sexualassault, domesticviolence and othar violent~viors. It bu also been linkecfto the increaseddemand for human sex traffielcingmd pro$titution.Pomogrilphyhas been at1n"buted to maritalissues, such as infidelity and divorce,whichhurts tmnilies, especiallychildren. ~od,PJ. PlllllrPuao_. /,r/..-16-tlfP,q, ~n. lb.PldrlclaMlll•Allll' ,_...,. eu...i,PL l'ulllrMarclltSmt1h .a.--,-,Jiwnla.., ~l'L ' Mn.htSmltb ~l/fOt/l/ra4F-ZSO T~l'L We urge yom support and voi~ in acknowledging the public health crisis caused by pornography, iuid to mobilize inembm of the Flori® House of Rq,rcsentatives to stand in support of this resolution. We welcomeopportunitiesto workwith you and theFlorida House of Representativesto make policy changesthat result in a safer and stronpr Florida. Sincerely, lbllht Plncba Taylor CW.,qf,,.,.,.,. P-,PL Mr, JC.u1IIIYlell .. l'iorliloe.;b,li ~n BablllYllllfWtluadl :r""IJbn[,,,lll/lMIT-'-'-' Carl Reeves,Chair Florida Faith-basedand Commllllity-basedAdvisory Council ~ BoliJweod,PL Putor .lllllM Whitt Pam Ols~ Legislative Workgroup Chair Florida Faith-basedand Community.:.bascd AdvisoryCouncil "'"'.tlpv.comlfbeb (850)717-9261 (850) ~1.()173 (ftix) FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000090 Florida .Faith-Based and Community-Bual Advisory Coundl '11mCAPrIOL •ooS.MONllOBSTllBBT,SU1l'B2002 T.ALLAHASSBB, PLORil:JA3239f January 9, 2018 PutmrOl'I-Cll■lr ~"' ~~l'I. £1D,---.,--.,,i,r The HonorableJoe Negron President of the Florida Saiate MI.TnalaCa Vh»-Clllllr ~.u.- 11.P.......... l'J. J\Jr. Blcmnl .Allledlllll /m.a.i,Ji: 1'111--J'L 409 The Capitol 404 Sou.thMonroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-1100 l"utarBlrt.....,_ ~C--,Qont NQll,o.l'L Dear President Negron. Ml,TradaOIIS Clllualollll'..,.,_ 11.~l'L The FloridaFuth-buedand C'.nrnmunity-bued.AcMICllyCouncil Js writing thia Jotterin aupport of SR 480, 8pOJlaorcd by SenatorKelli Stmp1. Our Council wanimoualy wtect in. h11Dt._Glarp support of this iaolutian 1hat acknowledgesthe pub& health crisis createdby pornography and ,_,, the need for education, prevention, research and policy dJange to protect the citizens of om Mallllllll,PJ. Dr.llolb:J~ state. Pornography1188 hannful effects on irulividuaJswho view it and am cause advenieeffects Ml _,....,.,_.,.__o,,p. 1.-w...,n. hmming cbildn:n and families. As a Council, wo am committed to protecting and helping Me.SIIIIIIC.. a.trollra...~ .... children and familiesby facilitating connectionsto imp.rove the services deliveredto Floridians. ...,lwl7Datll ~ ..a-... ""-"' ...-a.....,., ............ 0-0, ,,,_,.,.,._,.,,...__,_,, Research has founda link between the use of pomogmphy Mr.RIIIMdem.■ls .... n.- Dr,.Ten)-Baa ~--ail.~ Ublalf,IL ... Dr, GncdlaDrr MrM'lil,&A~,,,,,,.,,_ LocnN,11'., PutorP■a Olla _,_.,._~,... Ta~l'L MJ.P■aldaJl■llll■IMger """"..., ~,,,..,,,,.._ ~JI hlllrM■n:aa.ddl and an increase in sexual nnult, dommtic violence ad otherviolent behavior&.It ha also beenlinked to tho increased danand for hmmn -NX tndftal:ina wt pro1titution.Pomognipb,yhu been attn'butedto~ i-, such u illfidclity and divorce,whichhurts familJa.espeoiao, childron. We urge your support and voice in acknowledging the public health crisis cauaedby pornography, and to mobilize members of the Flcmda Seoateto stand in support of thia resolution. We welcome opportunitiesto work.with :youandthe Florida Senate to make policy changes that result ina '8fcrand stronger Florida. r.u.i-.n. Mn.Patllldlll O.--I/Clllllta4IWl/lla ~l'l. Rabllll'llldlll-ra,b' OMlitl,_,.,_ ........... ,..,,......, Mr.x.ti11v ..... Tape.ft. Babllly-,,v 3 I U\ l"""'lf"'-~ ...... ~ .,. Carl R.eevcs j Chair FloridaFaith-bued md Community-bued AdviamyCoundl HollpNd.R. P■ltGl' ... J4, &ff Wldlt I 0 ... PL PallCor._r- /6111111...,_a_. la , JIL · f) . ~ a__ Pam Olsen, ~vc Workg,:oupChair Florida Faith-basedand Community-basedAdvisory ColDlCil. 1'WW.tlpv.cemlftlcb (850) 717-9261 (850) 921.()173(&x) FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000091 Florida Faith-Basedand Community-Bas"" Advisory Council 'IlmCAPITOL 400 S. MONROES11U!ET, St.TIE2002 TALLAHASSEE,FLORlDA 32399 January9, 2018 bltorCarlBee..Chalr 0.--11.CIJo~..., Glwo\-1'-=-,l'L The HonorableRoss Spano Florida House of Representatives 417 House OfficeBuilding Ms.TralaCoz v.,Qalr a..-t01~ 11.,-..n. Mr, Rldlud Aktaa¥• 402 SOU1h Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 3239~1300 . ~l'L P11CsXlrtA....-.U ,..,.n. 11,,,i.c_,.- Dear Representative Spano, Ma.TrenlaO.S ~~ Stl'lmn1iara,l'L Rlrtereudl'enJ D1M1 ~~ Delacd,PL ...._scauGecqe · .1'1:-c, 1· The Florida Faith-basedand Community-based AdvisoryCouncil is writing this letter to tb8Jlk you for your leadership,and to voice our support of HR 157. Our Councilurumimouslyvoted in support of this resolutionthat acknowledgesthe public health aisis createdby pornography and the need for education,pmrentfo.n,researchand p01icychauge U>protect the citizensof our state.Pornographyhas harmfuleffect.sonindividualswho viewit and can causead~ effects harming child.Rmand families. As a COU11cil, we are committedto protecting and helping connectionsto improvethe servicesdeliveredto Floridians. childrenandfamiliesby mcilitating- """'•Ht¥-•f.illtrrl,.,.,_ . lflid-.Jl. I Dr.JIIDlbyGloftf l ,Mc.&N/,__,,...,.,...Co,p lolot'fi ..... J!L M-.SllellaGcillla Oofloi'lo~rifl'lal(-" ~PL .,,,.,,,,,.1_,._As you may know, researchhas founda link between the use of pomographyand an increase Mr,J1111-:1Gomalla :19,urg-, Mlam!,1'L Dr. l""f Jlaq FloM,IN/;,llltCM.lna'IU- ~r,. Dr. Gretdlp Kerr x..d,-,AtlNDlltdM,,/ in~ assault~domesticviolence tUldothervi~lembehavion. It bas also been linked to the increaseddemand for human sex traffickingand }Jl'06ti.tution. Pornographyhas bec,nattn"truted to maritalissues,suchas infidelity and di,·orce,whichhurtBfamilies,especiallychildren. 1-,,od,JIJ. l'utorl',mQI-. We .an, sending a letter to all members of the Florida House of ~adives .,__,.,,,._.,,,,.,,., ,.....,..,n. 1o urge their supportin acknowledgingthe pu.blichealth crisis caused by pornographytand to CllCOur&.ge them to stand in support of this resoluti.oti.·We welcomeopportunitiesto worlr with_youand the FloridaHouseof Represc:ntati-ves to make policy changesthat resultin a safer andstronger Ms.Pa«ddaltallblJIIAJpr ,..Sift =~~~.,,,.,,.. ~PL Putar!llaraa lilal1II Florida. Mn.PatSmfth D,pn,,mt lfOl""'-t .t/l'a/JJh Td---.1'1.. ~l'luchu'raylar cw. ,f 1!tiwdo,, ~PL Mr.xu..v ... .,.~ bqa,n. ltlbbl YIIIIIWefDltnck c.rI RCC\-e5> Chair TIMlfbNotq/H~ ~ ~.....,,.111:0wd: ~Jl. FloridaFtdth-basedand Comiµuriity--based Advisory Council PutwlllallilWhllt 0-:..1'1,. Puwlill:lloZuar i-.n. ~iLCl- Pam Olsen,LegislativeWoikgroupChair FloridaFaith-basedand Community-basedAdvisoryCouncil FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000092 Florida Faldl-Based and Community•Bued Admory Council 1HBCAl'lTOL 400 S. MONROESTREBT.surm2002 TALLAHASSEE, PLOJUDA3239!1 January9, 2018 PullorClrl ..._ Cbalr 0.-rlll./,/q...,_,,,Jllpl>l 0-.,_..,1'L The Honorable Kelli Stargel ML'l'NlllaCn Florida Senate 322 Senate Office Building 404 South Momoe Stn:et Tallahassee,FL 32399-1100 Vlc•Oalr C-..,-"-- s~~ ... Mr.~Allllnaa Ll•UltLfl, -r.n..-.l'L PuttrXlrt~ Mq, N,pe,JL Dear Senator Stmpl, Ml.'I'nlllaCla C---0, ...... 11........ n. The FloridaFaith-buecJ 111d Community-baaed Adviay Councilii writing this letterto thmt you for your ladcnmp, mi to voice our supportof SR480. Our Councilunanimouly '¥Oted &nwmlftnfDafil ~~ Dolaod,PL (Kaa,foS.,. __ PutarS..-0.,. ........, I\Ml(lr Madlnd,PL in mpport of this ranlation that acknowledges the public health crisis crmted by pomognphy and the need forechmatim,prevention.researchand policy dumge to protect the citizals of our state. Pornographyhas harmful effects on individualswho view it and can cause adversecffce11 banning childnn and families. AB a Council, we me committedto protecting and hel,PiDg Dr. Rml,yGIDM' Mt.J_,.,.,_..,__i:..,,. ua~n. Oot6olao~,,.,.., .... clill.drenand fRmilieshy f.acilitatingconnections to improve lhe services delivecedto Floridians. CoMc1 MI.SbEOI~ Pwlma.-.PL Mr,SalllNIO...... 'llfclot7/w~JlllrH""' J.&mt,l'I- Dr.1-, ... RMllll,..,,ail..-.a.. ~-r...,,n. Dr.GnllCllm ..... ~ .. a.llt...,,,, AB you may know, rmearch has found a link betweenthe ue of pornography and an inaase in sexualassault.domCltic violence and other violent bebaviors.It has also been linked to the increased drmand 'b human,ex t,:afJicJdns and IKOlf:itulillJD. Pomog,aphy has been ldlri.bmed to maritalissue.,nch u infidelity anddivorce, wmchhumfamilies,especially children. We arc sending a to all members of the Florida Senate to urse their support iD r.u.-...,,_.,,.,,.. ~n. acknowledgingthe public health crisis causedby pomography,and to encouragethem to stand PatCorJ'DaOllm .... .- MLl'llridll...._AJ&ler . ..... ~-- in support of thia molution. We welcome opportunities tD work wi1h you and the Florida Senate to makepolicy changes that result in a safer 8:ild.stronger Florida. a.Ml...,..... Mr.1Cu111v..n.c......., c.J~-~ Homoolal.JII. PutvMuallllllltlll .Mn.Nlllllldl ~.,a,,,,...,..111,, ~ T~JIJ. RabblPlacllun,iJGr Plal ... JIL T..... JIL· I r:.;'.,.__,""' Sincerely, Carl Reevea,Chair FloridaFaith-hued andCommuriity-bueclAdviamy.Council ~l'L Pumr ..... WJdll »-c!lr ,...,.,_ ........ Ocol,,PL ~ M1""111 .... Lnl:&,l'L Cllftt ;) r'I I c.v--- ~ Pam Olsen. LcgisJatiw WorkgroupChair Florida Faith-based and Community-basedAdvisory Council WWW.ftp.~ (850)717-9261 (850)921-0173(fax) FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000093 Florida Faith-Basedand Community-Balled AdvisoryCouncil nmCAPrroL 400 S. MONROBSTRBB1 ~SUlll! 2.002 TALLAHASSBB,FLOR.IDA32399 I _hsfllrCarlRMftl a.air January 9, 2018 ·1 ~11,U(),~&ptl,t ct.,,,t..~... l'L Ma. 1'mlla Cu: Vlee-Qalr Dear Members of the Florida House of Representatives, ~.,_ St.1-loq,l'I. Mr. Blcllanl.Alberboll ~•J¥t ;. TaW.-,PL ,..,.c.~~ I :PalfarKirt AndallJII Nopta,PL Ma.Tmlla Cal ~~ 91.~F'L ,..,,...r,/~ The Florida Faith"".bascdand Community-baaedAdvisory Council ill writing this letter in support of HR 157, sponsoredby RepresentativeRoss Spano. Our Councilunanimouslyvoted in supportof this resolutionthat ~owled~ tliepublic health crisis createdby pomography and the need for education,prevention,research and policy change to prote(:t ~ citiz.ens of our state. Potnography has barmfa1effects on individualswho view it a:ndcan ca.U$eadverse dfects hmning children and families. As a Council, we arc coromittedto protectingand helping children and families by facilitatingconnectionsto improve the services deliveredto Floridians. ~.-~..,.., ikWS'tml"llrryDa'¥ff J)ollt.d,JIL PU11or5eatl6-p R.c.,tatchhas found a link betweenthe use of p()n,pgrapby and an inaea~ in sexual 11Bsault, domestic violence and other ,-io1entbehaviors. It has also beenlinked to the increased demand fur human sex trafficking and prostitution. Pornography has been.attributed to maritalissues, such as infidelity and di~, which hurts families, especially chtldffli. "-fl 11111..r.n. Dr. JlolllyGlover JltidllO-lllwm 1- 11rmtll,l'L o.,,. . o.a. Clorfliar,,,.,..._ c-.. We urge your Ms.Slidla«... J'ab1-:11, PL M'r,8alandC-,._,,., ,_,.a-, Y"IILll'Stow ~FL Dr.laTJU.. n..-•.-G!J6a~,,_ Lalolbl,FL and voice in acknowledging the public health crisis caused by Pornography,and to encourageothermembersof the FloridaHOU$e of Representativesto stand in support of thiste90:tution,Welookforward to opponunities to work \\ith you to make policy c~ that ~tin a safer andstronger Florida. support Dr,Gceulirnlesr Ndltal.A G1ni~ Lqwo941,l'l, PlllWl'llaOIIID ~ '--..-PtvJ,IIJh,4,..eiu Tlllml•l'i. RallblPllla.Tqlor I ·ev--.- Qdalr,/~ Pilll\C!On,PL Mr.Jeartia, .... ~ :PamOlsen, LegislativeWor~p Chair Florida Faith-based.and Cmnmunity-basedAdvisoryCouncil ~lfoqIMl 1-,PL JiablllYoeefW._. T-biwl,/Bo~Port ~ :&~,IIL .... ~Vt"!IU .,,,_~ Ocall,PL f6wllll,/pibt Lm,PL G,i,d I.I "'""'.ftgov.eom/fb¢1r (850)717-9261 (8S0) 92Ul173 (fax) FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000094 Florida Ftdtlt.-Basedaod Community-Bued Advisory Couneil 1HECAPITOL 400 S.MONROES'I1U!BT, SUffll2Cm TALLAHASSBB, FLOlllDA323911 January9, 2018 Pumead--Cb1lr G'roowJIL~~.-.,,, a-...-.....JIL Dear Members oftbc Florida Senate, M.I.TralaC. VI-Cblr er-uatll,~ The Florida Faith-based and Community-based Adviaory Council is writing this lctler in support of SR 480, aponaoredby Senator Kelli Stm:gcl. Our Council UlUUlllllouslyvoted in support of this rcsolulion that acknowledges the public health crisis created by pornography and the need for educatiOID, prevention, research and policy changeto protect lhe citiz.ensof our state. Pornographyhu hmnful eft'ectaon individualswho view it and canCIUJ8e adveraee:ffee1I harming children and flmdlie,.As a Council, we a:nt cammittodto proteotina and hdp:ina childrenuwfarniluw by filcilitating cODDCOtiona to impvve the service•deliveredto Plorldian.L JIL lltl'tol ..... Mr.llie..l~ U..lilclft 'l'allml-.PL PlltorlGrt~ N,f,IIIIC--,~ Jlll,plll,JIL MLTralaQa c... .. ..... St........ lL ....... !ll'J7..... ~~ Q,famb.,,._a,ii,f..,_ Research has fmmcla link between the use of pornography Putor._.GMp and an increase in sexual ammlt, domestic violem:e and other violent behaviors. It has ahio. beenlinked to the increased dammd for human sex tnrf6clang md prostitution.Pornography has been attributed to marital issues, such as infidelityand drwncc, which hurts .families.eapecially children. """"1, Maklanf,R. Dr.JlmllfGl9wer JILkJltl/_..._~ t.blll'anll, _l'l, MLSWIIC... Qldollc~tff-•_. CoootO> l'olma.9\.l'J. Mr.ReladGmalls Yb,y/lr ...... r...s-, ..... PL Dr• .Jm,.._ ... .... ,,,..., =~1ailaH.,_ We urge your su:pport and voice in acknowledging die public health crisis cauaed by pol'Il()graphy,and to au:ourage other members of the Florida Senate to stand in supportof'this resolution. We lookforwardto opportunities to work,withyou to make policy changes that resultin a saferad 111:roDpr Florida. ,.,.,..~ .,,,,.,,,, Dt,Grelllllll...., ~IL PaltorhaOINl9 ~ ~l'l, Me.Pltltdl ...... .-..a- Alpr Carl Reeves, Chair ~K. .,,.,.,,_,, ...........FloridaFaith-baaedand Colilmunity-basedAdvisa:y Comu:il Pastarlllliaaaaidl Tan.ii-l'L MrLPatllldlll ~tf(CltMw,4''-li• Tallala°'PJ. J.labld.... .,.,... 0.....t(f.,..._ llllllallal\,111. .,/) c--1 ✓~~ Mr,Xlrl!IV...,.,,..,_, PamOlsen, Legw&tiw WorkgroupChair -.i,111y~ ,_,...,,...,..._, Florida Faith-baied and Community-basedAdvisoryCouncil ....,_ .. i-..,n. Boll~l'L ,.... .... 'Wldlt .Ds-OCIC Ocala,K. Puts._,._ MM/1/M...,.,a.d L.U.,l'L!bcb (850) 717-9261 (850) 921-0173(fax) FL-GOV-19-0402-A-000095