qued by 2mm - Page 1 (:17 mm dale/Time>> 21/224952: '"c'dem Rer" my OF MIAMI POLICE DEPARTMENT wu NW 2 AVENUE ms) 579.5111 Incident Number-- lnc' enl Summag mmam Type man Type omwALwcmEm Inc Occurred Address 33142 Sector/Baal: PM In: Uccuned sun ammo u: 20 Occurred Em>> museum U416 Repon Taken: momma 04 Te Damasfic Exas meatinn, Gang Mama: Suhsunca' camact Name: DISPATCHED Repofied Dalen'vme. 16 Repenlng Officer: JOHNSON KENMETHA Officer SERRA Case Stams' CLOSED Disposmon NO FURTHER wronmmou Dale. an no Appwved by>> Approved flata'ume: 12'53r2014 IE 35 Appmve status' Appmved Olfenses 5mm Code: 912 may Enhancers, Statute Due: PUBEEWREST: Home TNVASTOV WIFINEARM OTHER JEADLV WEAPON Counts 1 Slams Seventy: PzLomrEmsT DEGREE Omcers Evem Assocla Ion Empx Eadgefl Name Squaw! REPORTING was 0:455 SUPERVISOR was was 0E2, JUAN DFF was @5955 PUGGTERO, xEvm amaze 29:33 29133 SIERRA. Persons Involved Parser-m 51 Mm 907745 CanlD Suspect No EvemAssociznon. SUSPECT Contact Date/Tune: umxzw 04 vs Name, uNx UNK ssN- nos: Age: 337 as Sex: FEMALE Race Height 55' 5'6' 2007200155 Eyn Color Hannah>>: Address. Sector/Hem Phune Type 1. Phone" Ext 1: Phone Type Human: 2' Ex\ 2: m. Slate. out: DL Dam. Occupauan EmployeNSchom: Characteristiq Yyna. mum Defined By: HATP CLEAN SHAVEN COMFLEXION MULATTG cocKV sumo cLoTHwe BLACK SWEATER BLACK PANTS Person Offenses sume cod 312,115an Enhancers smule Desc' RoaaERv-assm HOME INVASION OTHER DEADLV WEAPON Cuunl mm by: 2mm - page 2 L717 Prmled dam/Mme &2b/19 923 InCIdent Report CITY OF MIAMI POLICE um NW 2 AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA 3:1 2a [305) 579-5111 Incident Numbe Persons Involved Persanx. sz name Can ID Suspect>> Ne EventAssodaflon SUSPECT Contachale/fime' momma-Ha Name, UNK ssw. DOB: Age' 35.35 MALE Race. 7 5'5" Wexght. 'amsams Color vaColar- Address Senor/gem Phone Type1 vhunew Eu 1: Phone Yype 2 Ensues: 2. En 2v DL State our In Exp. Daxe Occunalmn Characteristics Funhei Defined . Description' Hm CLEAN MULAWO cc)ch 5mm MEDKN momsz 5mm 5mm. BLACK =Ams Person Offenses sum cm, 812 135(23) Enhancers. Slzluw Desc: ht:sz OTHER DEADLV WEAPON Comm 2 Persona: v1 907743 can In Suspect, Nu Evan! Assucmhun: W:er Comacl thamma, momma owe Name' ALCANTARA. mum HAVDEE 53" Age 25 . as 59x. FEMALE Race: Hen Colur Nawcmor' Secluvlaent Phone Type! Enema 1. Em Pm" Type 2' Phaned 2. Eu 2 DL sme- mu m. Exp Date. Occuszatinn Person Offenses same cud; an 135(23y Enhancers S'amle Des: ROBBERVRESID HOME CYHER DEADLV WEAPON Cams>> 1 aned by' 25101 mum gamma, 523:9 92: an OF MIAMI voucz DEPARTMENT Ana nw 2 AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA 33123 (105)579-6111 Persons Involved persunx, v2 um:- Phanek 2' m" . Phone 1ype 2 DL Sure. but Occupahon' Person Offenses 5mm: Car: 512 135th; Ineldent Report Incident Number Camacl Dale/Tune: 1m Age. 2929 Sex: FEMALE Color Ex! Ext 2 m. Exp, um Empmyerrsmam Enhancers 5mm: Desc Rosaewass 110'va vasmN w/flmw OTHER uswy WE wow Counts. 1 Page a a! 7 Earl ID 5.15pm; Na ommw Race: Han Cumr Sector/Sean Progeny Involved mam" uam STOLEN Evldence Hummus. origmaVValue $30020 5mm, CunemSlatusD'Ale. 1'32014 Ewes: Curremvarua serum cm Make/5mm. Mode' Culur: Ouanmy sewed/Lam: me pm>> New Rzponed Ey Nc\c#' mama magma Mam mmAssoc/mgmm. swan Ongvna'sxatuste ouam onwawame, 5100 5mm wlzmuuaoc cunemvm 51m Mnke/and' swsum cm, wi--u auanmy, smle- OwnerApphedx ma Reported By Cancefled PmQEnyfl Evmenca' No 5mm Originalsmtusnate mmnmawscn OngmaWalue. smu Currentslam wzmomousnn cunemvm sum Descriptinn pun Mndek Calm: Quanmy Senal/Lom OwnerApphedfi NCIC Date NCIC Rammed By' Nclc>>. NCIC mwa Muted by' 25mm anad date/{mm Mama 9 23 cm 0F POUCE DEPARTMENT Ana NW ZAVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA 33125 (105} 57975111 Incident Report InCIdent Numbe Page A o~ 7 Progeny Involved Prageny" mm Even! Assoc/0719 sta'us Curremstams: unscupuan, CELLPHO Mzka/Evand smsvua cam ELK Serum/Lam um: Date "cw. Evmence. No Origma! Exams Date. 32w :4 16 no curmm Slams Dale m,sz a: vase Mode' sva Quanmy wepnnea By Nina Cane-Hen. DngmalVilue Curreanalue: so 00 $1 on Printzd by: 25104 Fiinted naieltime mate 9 23 Incident Report OF MIAMI Home: Aim MW 2 AVENUE WAMI. FLORIDA 33125 m5) 519-6111 Modus Ogerandi Ageinsi Persons Ageinsr Properly. Occupied: General Premise i seneiai Premise 2; Specmc Premise: Surrounding Area I: Surrounding Area 2~ Surrounding Are: 3- Reiationsnip in Suspect i Reiazicnsni'p la stisneci 2 Weapon Type1: Aulamafic. Weapon Yype z: Aulomauc Weapon Type 3 Aulnmahc. Ciime Against Propeny 0! Premises Enlered Entry Pair": Exit Pair" Entry Lac 1. an L0: 1 Entry Ln: 2: am Lac 2. Eniry Metnce i Metnee 1: Entry Meme 2, am Methad 2 Envy reei i. Tani i. Entry Tool Exii Tool 2. Venieie Enhy' Safe Entry Crime Against Persans Fre~lncidentcuntacl1 Fri-incidem Cumzcl 2 pie veneer" canieei Vic .n Condition I: Vicfim Condilien 2 Victim Canadian i. Km A Victim Condition 5 Suspect Suspect Sulicited 2' Suspeck Pruended (a ee DOOR nooa ELEciRoNics was OTHER TPGEATS ONLY Incident Number,-- Suspecl Actlon 1- siispeet N:th 2 SusneeiAciinn SuspeerAciian Suspeeiminn Addihonal Factor Additional Factor 2 Factor 2 Adflificnal FacmM. Addnicnai Facmr 5 Security \'yae: Location: Eiectrenin Lacks Videa Maid Inspectiess: suepeci Action I Action 2. suspen Action Susneeimion SuspuctMUon 5, sex crime 1 Sex Crime 2 Sex Crime 3. Sex Crime A: Sex Crime 5. invnivenient 1: Venicie anolvemtnt 2 MADE THREATS Page a n: 7 9:.an by' ze'm . page em 7 PyInIed Hale/Wu; SIZEIIQ 923 Ineldent Report (SUV or MIAMI POLICE DEPARTMENT we NW 2 AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA ems (34757 519-5111 Inezuem Number.-- Narratives ENTERED 11/3/2014 0416 00 NARRATIVE TYPE. ORIGINAL INCIDENT SUBJECT NARRATIVE SUPPLEMENT AUTHOR JOHNSON, KENNIETHA VICTIMS WERE ASLEEF WITH THEIR 2 WHEN THEV WERE AWAKENED BV THE SOUND OF SOMEONE ENTERING THE FRONT DOOR 2 OFFENDERS HAD ENTERED THE HOUSE AND WALKED INTO THE BEDROOM OFFENDER POINTEDAGUN AT THE VICTIMS AND OFFENDER #2 POINTEDA LARGE KNIFE AT THE VICTIMS BOTH HAD STOCKINGS THEIR FACES THE OFFENDERS DEMANDED THAT VICTIMS GIVE THEM THEIR MONEY DR THEY WOULD BE KILLED. THE OFFENDERS THEN TOOK BOTH THE VICTIMS CELL PHONES AND VICTIM #1 PURSE WHICH CONTAINED $300 CASH THE DFFENDERS THEN FLED ON FOOT NORTH BOUND FROM THE LOCATION NOTE THERE ISA POSSIBILITY THE OFFENDERS MAY HAVE BEEN CAUGHT ON THE SECURITY CAMERAS OF THE CARAF OIL GAS STATION LOCATED NEXT TO THE VICTIMS HOUSE HOMICIDE UNIT CONTACTED ID UNIT #28745) RESPONDED ENTERED 06 02.23 SUBJECT ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Offense I Offencer Used omcer Weapun' OHIeer FIred Weapon Offender Frred Weapon Ofienmer DIsIance From Officer. onense 2 Offender Used omcer Weapon' Officer FIred Weapon Oflender FIred Weapon' Ofl'ender DIStance From omeer- Offense a Offender Used Officer Weapon emcer Fired Weapon Ofiender FIred Weapon Offender DIsIance me orncer Offense 4 Offender Used Gamer Weapon: emcer FIred Weapon Pnnled by>> 23104 Page 7 5V7 mm dakeilime: mugs 22 '"C'dem cm 05 MIAMI POLICE NW 2 AVENUE MIAML FLORIDA 3311s Offender ered Weapon' Ofiender sttance me came.>> List of Documents sumecz: Auth' Emma Daiemme SUMMARY NOV 3 2w 5 uzm 11mm 05 35 METHOD OF OPERMON 1 NOV 3 2w aluzxw 05 59 33 NARRATIVE SUPPLEMENT Nov 3 20M a cum 1112/2014 cs 59 as squARv NOV a 2cm 5 02AM 116/2014 05 59 an PERSONS SUMMARV Nov 3 2m a umzrm 05 59 35 PERSONS SUMMARY Nov 3 mm a 02AM 1%,an cs 59 33 PROPERTV SUMMARV NOV 3 2w 6 02AM Mrs/20x4 05 52 an REPORY NOV 3 2w 6.E2AM 1 0: 59 as Signatures Reuemng Officer Dale Sup wiser Dale anefl by 23:04 ana da'e'hms ms wazz Narratives or MIAMI DEPARTMENT mo NW 2 AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA 3m; ENTERED 3H6r'2075 1O 23 78 NARRATVVETVPE SUPPLEMENTAL SUBJECT NFI AUTHOR Case #14'1037321629 anary Officer Officer Johnson UNI 4132, 3-155 Dale and Tvre 11/03/2014 at approidmafe') 0320M: _Eas. um Zone Auapanav- V3 HJF Nata'y Haydee Neantars Page 1 Pnnteo by 2mm F'rtmeddztemme' Narratives cm or mtAMt DEPARTMENT too NW 2 AVENUE FLORIDA 31123 . 1 - wast 579 Inctdem Number-- Offenderts) st (mutanot approx 30 YOA, medtum to dark comptextun' 5'10'2 um to chunky buttd, weanng black and dark pants or Puerto than accent dark tattoo or mark on stde at neck and one tazy Page 2 0H 52 anproxv 30 YOA. medium (a dark complexion 5'9" 7 5'10", medt to Chu'tky buttd, vteahng [flack t>>shtn and dark pants messy mack hatr, 0- Puerto than Accz'fi neck appeared permanentty cocked |o one stde thness(es) None Weapontst st smaH trame black handgun 52 targe knt'e with possrotewhrte hendte Vehictefi)' None Properly vs's brown approx $300 00 cas't' wtnte Saws'wg Gatexy Metro PCS-- V2's black Metro PCS-- Narrattve On11/03t'2014, was rntotmed or a home rnvaston robbery that occurred dut'tng hours A: approxtn'ale'y 1000hrs' I responded to the moment tocetron and met the 2 at 3 are husband and wtte and have two smaH v1 is V3's cousn. Atcantra were steeptng tn the same bec tnerr son and therr daughtet was tn a bestde :ne bed Vtcl;m-Ivas steeptng tn another bed tn the same room awakened oy Suspect 2' who tapped need and stated "Money moneyt". Suspect 2 then ptaceo a knire to and began to pat h'm dawn Suspect 2 then stated "tt you don't cue me the money ,rn Spantsh stated att he had was cologne and Suspect 2 grabbed the cctogne harm the hedsrde The Suspects then turned thetr attentron to the other money. Suspect 1 pointed a htearm at the and stated "If you don't tett me where you have your munev t'tt your ktds'" (Atsc in The Vtottms pteaded the Suspects to not hurt |hetr Vr'ctrm -:ernted at we purse that was nearby and then handed tt to Suspect 1 Suspect removed va's wattet the purse One a! the Suspects turned on the <Prmled by' 23'04 10' 4 Frmtedda'emma . Narratives cm at: Ponce DEPARTMENT mm NW2 AVENUE menu new>> 33123 haLse Howewe" :rcn: dao' spacers to be eastty cpched stune was not here a dear'bo' A SCt'ev'rd't/Er the ve'h'et' was (to! (he-Vs _sta-ec hat re ptec ta Maw the and cbserved tram through the Ca'a! Oh Gas Stem Parkt"g .'ol was tucatcd hear me "in: cost the grass and then tum (ewe moths ?7 The surreztance 22 tre gas stettor upe 4e Est responded to the scene dur mg the or gma a'vd pracesserj the Vtc: N's p; se quested mce agam :hc' We dorm/6v loe screwer {Ll ma Um:th #41723.>> \tr-h-r-ahe Venn-s be 9th to mermf/ Vt A'cawtera stated she 9H be me la \dfi'N/ St 330cm ete :t-at hey mutc On {1/04 2014 tdtattcc a Pen Regtste: tor the mo mu nhes tahen cur hg he robbery On 'werzo'a Itecelved t'e tests of the Pen Regtste: rh re'nreflce '0 the cart lot; 'Ur prune r'u'noer Amfltara's sew. phme', tho phone mm'be_ rebbe :15 dated severat times ener t-e 3 20'4 91Gam 0923mm 1uv3tarr 104551 11 492m 11 Sfiam,120Cw03m one hurme-The more mbe' ted the to tho A chem 0' :he etzdress LRMS (or, a: am case :1 20629 '782115Wcrsu ed a res t'mt my :'ne 0" phomgrepht: hne Ln was created her as the tfl'get {Lmutm 3-3809, Th: nerve on the catter ID tar :hts HUN 9' t, Hhe'v commas a seam on Facenca< usm; ntt'zht' m'LeHs :ctmm :7 A recam Chem 0 "er 8qu 0'711'23'2014" wstucmws and the up was sr'c'v wen A'cshtae a make a post'wc et Atcartarz and teed he a seqt sit at phD'O hrEJp edwtomtteh Vtcitfl't Arcamra understood then read the photo hheup admwoh to vm-m- he mdevstooe the trsiuchc"3 gwen Tn? heup was showr' however, ware-ma Hot make a poettwe to was sundae: '79 a mvositgehov arm ask - was A thug to com mm the sauce stew PM 539% to me _wes caeperame a 1d votuntamy ca'ne to We rubbery ofitce (29134) and m'emficwed --t;oufu "Vcd hat h: co." 'th trttotmed me that We ca 5 made t2. hh~ from tee Vt were Afaoat'owvm'eiyMEDOWS Det Te Cr tram he -orot/ Cad me 1's anam.0 Printedhy 25:34 prrmee datemma are/r9922 Narratives egext 4 cm or mm: Ponce DEPARTMENT Ann NW 2 AVENUE me, sans stated that on wosaomr he recewed sererei caHs {rum - who asked hn \c borrow money :hen came ever 10 _home and Conmued ash for money Accor In - -slated mal she had slu'en the Vuvm's phone f'om of a where eddmon, - smed that a: one now, he answered Ire p'nnr'e when rang ehd spoke lo a Hspehrc "me who stated his shone was men and raque a back _g\so stated that -rs and rs amays seams; to purchase drugs --was very :Dopera! and Sta: mat he was rh L.vor or us arms-mg -be:ause she rs nol save on |he sheets wa <Fltmed an 1, 1512 GASE NOTES Duet at Pvtniedby' 23' Entaredbafle' 12,3"2214 Sublet! Case Not: omt'amom memm chmt-and reeo hm rt photo Faun adtt'omton am tre torn tshowed mourn the ttneup' mnever he was theme [u make a pos We on: state that tne target tanked ttke Sespect :1 rm he Coutd rot he sure Entered Ey on: Entered Date tt 3mm sumeet. Entered Ey LutS Case Note On 1tr'26,20t4 at approxtmate'y 0910p: I rrer Atcar'la'a reed Ateen ra h-e photo t'tt'teup and she understood . ed t: then shawet' Atcanesara the 'tne however, 3 not make a tD A: enproxzrnatety 103mm, net mm h'r--a'ttf reed hm' the photo up acomtnnon when he understand and Stgned, I then showec lr'e 1h gt trneua, however he not make a posnne Case Nate Onttr 22014 I mare conzeetenn trn'armct Mr --th;u has a nwashg tron en 25m, he was wt mg to come mm pottze stamn mt seen 0 me Mr ur we ame- ano votumamy cane rn to he ropaery office At 'uxtr'tstet 143mm>> Teteu'a (2913 --eonrnn\eemath ISHMV- tnlorhte [flied Me: on ex gt hen _amt.tde(! me a name or en canesverto 11/03 7014 he renewed severat ca ts trorn who a teted me: she "ad stotm [he t/tcz m's heme and connhueo to ask on to m's phone tram n-srde or a vehrete In addtiton $an that a; one he awewered the en Fat'rr' poke re a Htsoamc mate who stated phone was szoton and requestea .t back _a a stated Irat-- IS a "Crackt'ead" and ts atwat steahng ta purchase drugs Mr_ves veri attd Stated mearreshrg bezeuse she ts not se'te on the streets. M: was trnsonrteo ham to home Emma Ey' A record CNer 0! reveated Ac' mugsho: and pays cat p'cr'. matmec "rte desc'to'tmt 01 Sussect 1. I then a trans Mtn--as the <> test knom ar't'ress ot -- A reccrc c'teck of addrees In LRMS on or ease #170629-178248'; reveated a restc'em by the name or - matched t'te desenphon ot the offender and hne up N215 .er as te target (Lineup 34809t anm an Mme aned by, 25mm CASE NOTES 'n Entered Daxe: sax Case Now On 1 argued a Pen Reg'ster for me two at" phufles taken dunm me robbery waczm Subjecz' Entered By SERRA LLAS anm on 32 CASE NOTES Pmmy, zsmu Event: Enxerednaze Spmecl: pewwc- Emma, sewn ease Nate #1411037321629 Pflmary Officer Officer Johnson Umt 4132, IBM 3468 Dazc- and Trme 11/03/20": a1 approxmazely 03mm anauon _(Ezs\ Swde Um) Zone th'm. V2 - V3 HF a nder(sL st. HJF (mumuak approx 30 VOA, medium dark complexmn, 5'10"- 5'11'\ medmm (a chunky mum "9 black (75th and dark pams' Dommlcen or Puerzo chan accent, dark {53100 or mark an swde oi neck and one '21; 52 HF (mulauo) apgrux 30 YOA, medmm to dark complexion, 5'9 - 5'10", medmm :a Chunky bufld. weanrg Mack t-shm am: dark pants, messy mack haw. Domm'can or Puerto can Accent, neck appeared permene'my cooked to one sm'e None Weapon en. mar CASE NOTES Page 4 0H [1 2mm daughter was tn a one oestde the pea vas steeptng tn another sea tn the same room, .ras awakened by Suspect 2. who tapped head and sta:ed "Money money" Suspect 2 then ptaced hntte to neck and began to pat down Suspect 2 then stated "tt yuu don't owe me the money, t'tt ycu'" tn Spantsn stated at! he had was he cotogne and Suspect 2 grabbed the cotogne from the beds-de The suspects then turned etr attention to the other demande rnohey Suspect 1 potnted a hrearm a: the chtto'ren and stated "If you don't tett me where you have your money' t'tt your ktds'" tAtsp tn sgantsh) The pteeded the Suspects to not hurt the ctutdren _potnted at we purse that was nearby and then handed tt to Suspect 1 Suspect removed V3's wetter (mm the purse. One ofthe Suspects rn he and the Suspects then cudered the'rfaces wuh a panty hose One of the Suspects r--ten grabbed mot? and Vtctim Alcantara's cett phones that were next to the bed The Suspects then fled the scene There were no tn Vtctims do not know how 075 Sospects entered then house However the troht door appears to be eastty opened smce tt does not have a deadoott A screwdrwer was toceted hear the front door tn the grass the verthed was not thetrs eted that he attempted to tottew the Suspects and observed them run North through the Carat on Gas Stetroh er mg ot and mentb'mp a rence unto the attey The at the gas statton ts tnoperaote cs: responded to the scene durtng the a'td processed the Vtcilm's curse requested once agatn ezter the discovery ot the (Loatza' Unt| 2119. #41723) Vtctur_ stated that they woutd be sote Io tde'titfy Suspect 2 Vidtm Atcahtara stated she be ebte to Suspect 1. The tnvesttgatt'on conttnues