Exhibit 1 Sierra Club's Comments 2019-UA-116 (Public) Review of Mississippi Power Company's Proposed CCR Project Mississippi Power Company's Application before the Mississippi Public Service Commission for a Certification of Public Comments on Convenience and Necessity for Environmental Compliance Activities in Docket 2019-UA-116 Prepared for Sierra Club September30, 2019 AUTHORS Devi Glick Shelley Kwok Jamie Hall Rachel Wilson **MSPSC Electronic Copy ** 2019-UA-116 Filed on 09/30/2019 ** Exhibit 1 Sierra Club's Comments 2019-UA-116 (Public) CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................1 2. MPC HAS PRESENTED NO EVIDENCE THAT IVÏEETING THE COMPUANCE DEADLINE OF OcTOBER 2020 AND CONTINUINGTO OPERATE PLANT DANIEL SERVES THE PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND ALTERNATIVES....................................................................2 NECESSITY RELATIVE TO 3. MPC HAS NOT CÒNDUCTED ADEQUATE ANALYSIS TO JUSTIFY CONTINUEDOPERATION ÈLANT DANIEL (INCLUDINGTHË PLANNED CCR 4. MPC HAS NOT DEMONSTRATED A NEED FOR PROJECT OF COSTS)....................................5 PLANT DANIEL OTHER THAN FOR TRANSMISSION PURPOSES.......................................................................................................9 5. MPC SHOULD PRESENT AN UPDATED AND CORRECTED NPV ANALYSIS OF PLANT DANIEL TO COMPLY WITH ALL CCR REQUIREMENTS ASSUMING DATE FOR PLANT RETIREMENT AND COAL ASH POND CLOSURE 6. A THE COSTS FOR 2023 (OR EARUER) .....................................10 CONCLUSIONs................................................................................................10 **MSPSC Electronic Copy ** 2019-UA-116 Filed on 09/30/2019 ** Exhibit 1 Sierra Club's Comments 2019-UA-116 (Public) INTRODUCTION 1. Mississippi Public 2019, Mississippi Power Company (MPC or the Company) submitted to the (CPCN) for Service Commission a petition to obtain a certification of Public Convenience and Necessity Residuals environmental compliance activities relating to waste disposal under the Coal Combustion Jackson County Mississippi (Plant (CCR) rule for the Plant Victor J. Daniel Electric Generating Facility in 2) construction Daniel). The CCR project has three components: 1) closure of the existing coal ash pond; bottom ash collecting of a low volume wastewater (LVW) treatment facility; and 3) conversion of the plant.1 facilities at the On July 9, MPC costs, project requesting that the Mississippi Public Service Commission approve MPC's share of the million.2 totaling $62.5 is compliance with the The Company claims that the CCR is project is required to meet two needs: 1) and 2) transmission rule as required by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); constraints. Specifically, MPC claims that: 1. Plant Daniel The Company must cease placing all CCR and non-CCR waste streams from and construct a new LVW in the current coal ash pond, convert to bottom ash handling, the facility by October 2020. In order to meet the October 2020 EPA CCR deadline, November Company asserts that it must begin construction of the CCR project by 2019;" 2. CCR and retirement of Plant The Company must make transmission improvements prior to the it Daniel to avoid transmission constraints on its system. The company states that 2020 October purported the cannot construct a transmission alternative prior to deadline.4 deadline, therefore Plant Daniel cannot be retired prior to the October 2020 at Plant Daniel have Additionally,the Company requests that the Commission find that the two units "significant remaining useful life." establish that the described in the following sections of this report, we find that MPC has failed to MPC has also failed to demonstrate that CCR project investment as proposed is necessary or justified. these issues. It has installation of the CCR project represents the most prudent approach to addressing As 1 2 Mississippi Power Company Petition in Docket 19-UA-116. July 9, 2019. Mississippi Power Company Petition in Docket 19-UA-116. July 9, 2019. Power Proposed Order Approving Petition, Docket 19-UA-116, behalf of Mississippi Power Company, Docket 2019-UA-116, page 3. Mississippi 4 5 Power Proposed Order Approving Petition, Docket 19-UA-116, behalf of Mississippi Power Company, Docket 2019-UA-116, page 10-11. Mississippi Mississippi Power Proposed Order Approving Petition, Docket 19-UA-116, page 3; Direct Testimony of Mark P. Loughman on page 3; Direct Testimony of Mark P. Loughman on page 3. I I **MSPSC Electronic Copy ** 2019-UA-116 Filed on 09/30/2019 ** Exhibit 1 Sierra Club's Comments 2019-UA-116 (Public) the general failed to evaluate alternative compliance approaches. This is inconsistent with ratepayers. requirements for supporting a CPCN application and is to the detriment of Mississippi also least three years. Our analysis shows that Plant Daniel has been operating uneconomically for at to ratepayers, and any additional capital Continued operation of the plant is establishment of spending at Plant Daniel is unjustified. Granting of a CPCN is directly related to an Plant Daniel is related to "need" by the applicant. The only support that MPC offers around the need for address the claimed the transmission constraints; however, there are alternative solutions to operate a power constraints. MPC's justifications do not provide adequate support for continuing to plant that has been found to be uneconomical. Considering these findings, recommend that the Commission: • Plant Daniel; Reject MPC's plan to turn the existing ash pond into an LVW facility at • Reject MPC's plan to convert the bottom ash collecting facility at Plant Daniel; • • 2. we Require that MPC supplement its filing with an analysis to justify both the ongoing operation of Plant Daniel and the stated retirement dates of 2042 and 2046 for Units and 1 and 2, respectively; and at Require that MPC present an updated net present value (NPV) analysis of the costs for date (or 2023 sooner) a Plant Daniel to comply with all CCR requirements, assuming plant retirement and coal ash pond closure. MPC HAS PRESENTED NO EVIDENCE THAT MEETING OcTOBER 2020 AND CONTINUINGTO OPERATE THE COMPLIANCE DEADLINE OF PLANT DANIEL SERVES THE PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY RELATIVE TO ALTERNATIVES project center around two main points: 1) arise upon the compliance with EPA CCR rules; and 2) avoiding transmission constraints that would application for a CPCN, retirement of Plant Daniel. Contrary to practices that would normally support an omitted essential information MPC has done no evaluation of possible alternatives and has, in fact, Plant Daniel) from its CPCN around alternative compliance options (including the potential retirement of continued operation of application and Proposed Order. In its Proposed Order, MPC also asserts that the the represents "the-only significant source of fuel diversity remaining in its fleet following MPC's claims that the Company needs to invest in the CCR Plant Daniel their other coal units to natural gas." Finally, the Company asserts that there employment and tax benefits contributed by the two units. conversion of 6 Mississippi all Power Proposed Order Approving Petition, Docket 19-UA-116, page 2. **MSPSC Electronic Copy ** 2019-UA-116 Filed on 09/30/2019 ** are Exhibit 1 Sierra Club's Comments 2019-UA-116 (Public) COMPUANCE WITH CCR REGULATIONS point in the future in order MPC will have to remove CCR waste from the current unlined pond at some evaluated only the single to comply with the requirements of the CCR rule.' However, MPC has compliance strategy that it proposed in its application and Order and that could also meet the requirements of the rule. has not evaluated any alternatives 2023, for example, EPA regulations allow CCR waste to 2020." Early plant retirement would make be placed in the relevant ash pond beyond October million.1o There conversion of the bottom ash collection system unnecessary," saving ratepayers $23.85 If Plant Daniel ceases operation by October 17, low volume wastewater to treat and the scope of the LVW system would thus be proposed.n MPC has riot conducted any engineering estimates for this different than currently million alternative scope, but ratepayers would certainly save some portion of the original $15.65 would also be less project cost.12 and that it would in fact avoid MPC has acknowledged that this alternative retirement scenario exists" still a cost associated with Dry Bottom some of the CCR capital costs (although it is unclear why there is estimates that the net savings associated with a scenario in which Units Conversion). The Company and 2 are retired on July 1, 2022 is $45.3 million. These Ash 1 Table 1. MPC estimates of net savings from early retirement Environmental Capital Expenditures ($millions) Alternate Current Description Scenario Plan savings are of Plant shown in Table 1. Daniella Cost (Savings) Dry Bottom Ash $47.7 $10.0 ($37.7) Conversion Permanent LVWT $24.0 $10.9 ($13.1) Temporary LVWT $19.9 $25.4 $5.5 ($45.3) Total TRANSMISSION CONSTRAINTS Loughman on behalf of Mississippi Power Company, Docket 2019-UA-116, page 7 Direct Testimony of Mark 8 MPC response to MPUS 1-9 Supp, MPSC Docket No. 2019-UA-116. MPC response to MPUS 1-13 Supp, MPSCDocket No. 2019-UA-116. 9 P. 10 Application, Exhibit MPL-3. 11 MPC response to MPUS 1-13, MPSC Docket No. 2019-UA-116, 12 Application, Exhibit MPL-3. 13 MPC response to MPUS 1-13 Supp, Attachment A, MS Docket No, 2019-UA-116. 14 MPC response to MPUS1-13 Supp, Attachment A, MS Docket No, 2019-UA-116. **MSPSC Electronic Copy ** 2019-UA-116 Filed on 09/30/2019 ** 4. Exhibit 1 Sierra Club's Comments 2019-UA-116 (Public) MPC claims that the Company will face transmission constraints if Plant Daniel retires in advance of the of this statement Company completing transmission upgrades.There is no basis to assess the accuracy produced only a single page document with the or evaluate alternatives because the Company has analysis.15 It has not provided the actual transmission study or any other results of its transmission analysis to support the claim. the Plant need not stay Even if retirement of Plant Daniel would result in transmission constraints, transmission and resource online for this purpose alone. There are other lower cost, lower impact uneconomical coal units at a solutions to alleviate transmission constraints than continuing to run aging, changing dispatch of generating units, changing loss to ratepayers. These include,.but are not limited to, transmission system, adding new generating resources, and load management the operation of the practices that include energy efficiency and demand response. construction schedule, under which event, MPC acknowledges that the Company has developed a 2022," allowing MPC to retire Plant it could complete the necessary transmission upgrade by July 1, October 2023 CCR retirement Daniel, complete the required coal ash pond closure activities by the forward-going operational costs. extension deadline, and save customers significant compliance and with this plan, but provides no further MPC asserts that there are scheduling and other risks associated Company's Proposed Order details." Once again, there is no mention in MPC's CPCN application or the retirement of Plant Daniel. that the Company has a transmission expansion plan that allows the In any FUEL DIVERSITYAND ECONOIVIICBENEFITS provides fuel diversity benefits, as the two MPC asserts that the continued operation of Plant Daniel coal. MPC also states that units at the Plant are the only ones in MPC's fleet that continue to run on Mississippi. There is no way to Plant Daniel provides job and economic benefits to Jackson County, analytical support or quantification either evaluate or confirm these assertions, as MPC has provided no of those supposed benefits. prices benefit touted by utilities to manage gas price risk in the years in which gas the fracking boom, gas prices have remained were both high and extremely volatile; however, since coal present a greater risk to MPC consistently low. Today, the rising costs associated with burning recent years, increasing by nearly a customers. While coal prices have fallen since 2012, they spiked in Fuel diversity was a instead seek to To truly manage risk associated with fuel cost volatility MPC should renewable resources----toits generating portfolio, add zero-variable cost technologies-in the form of rather than operating coal-fired units. third since 2017.18 replacement capacity were to be built at While Plant Daniel does provide both jobs and tax revenues, if Jackson County. The addition of the same site, some portion of these benefits would remain in 15 16 2019-UA-116. MPC response to MPUS 1-8 Supp, MPSC Docket No. 2019-UA-116. MPC response to MPUS 1-9 Supp, MPSC Docket No. 17 2019-UA-116. MPC response to MPUS 1-9 Supp, MPSC Docket No. 18 EIA 923 data on fuel receipts available at https://www.eia.gov/electricity/data/eia923/ **MSPSC Electronic Copy ** 2019-UA-116 Filed on 09/30/2019 ** Exhibit 1 Sierra Club's Comments 2019-UA-116 (Public) when making replacement capacity would also result in new constructions jobs in the region. Utilities, in decisions to retire generating units, often relocate employees to other generating stations, resulting MPC is with Plant Daniel) passes higher no net loss of jobs. Finally, operating a plant uneconomically (as detrimental to the economic costs on to ratepayers without delivering additional value. This is Order. development of the region. MPC has not examined any of these possibilities in its Proposed MPC HAS NOT CONDUCTED ADEQUATE ANALYSISTO JUSTIFY CONTINUEDOPERATION OF 3. PLANT DANIEL (INCLUDINGTHE PLANNED CCR MPC RETIREMENTANALYSIS FOR PROJECT COSTS) PLANT DANIEL analysis in the proposing to spend over $60 million on Plant Daniel without presenting any robust value to ratepayers of continuing to CPCN application or in the Proposed Order to justify the economic Plant Daniel in June operate the units. The Company claims that it did perform retirement analysis on MPC is 2018, March 2019, and August MPC did not produce the 2019.19 input files and results workbooks for these analyses until September 27, 2019. detailed review of the analysis given the time constraints. Our initial Plant Daniel and review finds that the analysis is flawed arid was designed to consider only retrofitting did not evaluate all reasonable alternative resource options. We were not able to conduct a capacity value to its retrofitting scenario for Plant Daniel. retirement analysis, MPC awards a Company's own reserve margin MPC currently does not have a capacity need-according to the In its study21 a significant source of factor.23 Given that Plant Danlei percent capacity MPC does not rely on Plant Daniel as baseload energy. Indeed, the plant operates at operates only 25 percent of the time, a 25 when a less expensive portfolio of renewable energy or market purchases could satisfy energy demand. that, going forward, Plant Daniel Daniel much higher capacity factor than recent history would indicate is likely." Plant Additionally,MPC's retirement will operate at a versus replacement analysis 19 MPC response to SC-MPC-1-13, MS Docket No, 2019-UA-116. 20 MPC responseto SC-MPC-1-19,CONFIDENTlALAttachment 21 MPC's Reserve Margin Plan filed in Docket No. 2018-AD-145 MPC response to SC-MPC-1-19, CONFIDENTIALAttachment 22 D, MS assumes Docket No, 2019-UA-116. on August 6, 2018. A, MS Docket No, 2019-UA-116. 23 MPC response to SC-MPC-1-21, Attachment A, MS Docket No, 2019-UA-116. 24 MPC response to SC-MPC 1-22, Attachment A, MS Docket No, 2019-UA-116. Synapse Energy Economics, Inc. Project Review of Mississippi Power Company's Proposed CCR **MSPSC Electronic Copy ** 2019-UA-116 Filed on 09/30/2019 ** 5 Exhibit 1 Sierra Club's Comments 2019-UA-116 (Public) without percent capacity factor every year since 2014, yet MPC projects, 64.55 percent capacity factor justification, that Plant Daniel will operate at between a 32.79 percent and assumption tends to inflate the future energy every year between now and 2035. This unwarranted the plant look more profitable than it revenues from continuing to operate Plant Daniel and makes would under more realistic assumptions. has operated at below a 30 its retirement analysis. Because the Company MPC also includes the cost of the transmission projects in of any retirement decision, it is not claims that the transmission projects are necessary regardless retirement.25 projects as costs associated with transmission those of costs the include to appropriate them only as part of the Company's Those costs will be incurred regardless of retirement, and including expensive. retirement scenario serves only to make any retirement appear more detailed analysis that prior to the 2018 analysis, the Company had performed no given that the EPA final CCR for at least five years.' This gap in retirement analysis is concerning closure as early as 2019. MPC waited regulations were published in April 2015 and could have prompted March 2018 before it began until the CCR rule was revised (to extend the closure deadline) in 2019 to seek approval to undergo the CCR conducting retirement analysis. MPC further waited until July published and one year after the revisions Projects, over four years after the initial regulations were A final point to note is were published. SYNAPSE RETIREMENTANALYSis FOR PLANT DANIEL information provided by MPC. Data were Synäpse performed its own analysis of Plant Daniel using was provided. Our analysis shows supplemented from public sources where no Company information past three years that Plant Daniel has been operating uneconomically for the Daniel provided economic value to ratepayers Our retrospective analysis finds that neither unit at Plant Daniel Unit 1 and 2's energy value and cost over the last three years (2016 -2018). Figure 1shows and 2018. We estimate Units 1 and 2 each lost streams, as well as the unit's net revenues between 2016 $245 million during the three-year period. more than $35 million per year, with a total loss of nearly production costs relative to other generators in the Plant Daniel's uneconomic status is due to its high Docket No, 2019-UA-116, 25 MPC response to SC-MPC 1-19, Attachment 26 2019-UA-116. MPC response to SC-MPC 1-13, MPSC Docket No. Historical energy values for Plant Daniel to total unit costs. We evaluated economic performance by comparing the hourly Program Data, Markets EPA. Air U.S. from Attachment A. Hourly generation is hourly system lambdas are from SC-MPC-129 are from costs O&M Unit-specific receipts. fuel 923 EIA based on available at: https://ampd.epa.gov/ampd/. Fuel costs are 2019: Electricity on EIA Assumptions to the Annual Energy Outlook S&P Global. On-going capital expenditures are based Market Module, p. 14 (capital expenditures), available at: https://www.eia.gov/outlooks/aeo/assumptions/pdf/electricity.pdf. 27 B, MS **MSPSC Electronic Copy ** 2019-UA-116 Filed on 09/30/2019 ** Exhibit 1 Sierra Club's Comments 2019-UA-116 (Public) lambdas2" provided by MPC,' we find that MPC could Southern company pool. Based on the hourly cost than it paid to operate Plant Daniel. have purchased energy from other pool members for a lower Figure 1. Daniel Unit $60 -- $40 ---- 1 historical energy value and costs, 2016-2018 Energy ¼vlue ----- Unit I Unit 2 o Net Revenues (sso) ($!00) 2017 2016 2018 under projected find that Plant Daniel (MPC's "MGO" scenario). Our analysis finds mid gas prices and zero costs for carbon dioxide allowances through 2040 that each of the Plant Daniel units values, we conclude that each unit (Figure 3).'°After considering the NPV of the total costs and energy Looking forward, between 28 now we and 2040 (Figure 4).31 megawatt of demand on the system and may be set Hourly lambdas represent "the marginal cost of the next or an energy purchase." power resource, resource owned by a pool member, a purchased by a generating 29 2019-UA-116. MPC response to SC-MPC 1-29, MPSC Docket No. 30 comparing avoided cost estimates to total unit costs. Avoided We projected the economic performance of Plant Daniel by carbon CONFIDENTIALAttachment 8 (Scenario MGO for mid-gas prices and no cost estimates were provided in SC-MPCl-3, in SC-MPC1-3, provided were O&M Variable and Fixed A. Attachment price). Capacity factors were provided in SC-MPC1-22, on EIA Assumptions to the Annual Energy Outlook CONFIDENTIALAttachment B. On-going capital expenditures are based expenditures), available at: 2019: Electricity Market Module, p. 14 (capital Fuel price projections for subbituminous coal from https://www.eia.gov/outlooks/aeo/assumptions/odflelectricitv.pdf. in SC-MPC 1-3 CONFIDENTIALAttachment A. provided were Mountain Powder River Basin and bituminous coal from Rocky MS Docket No, 31 MPC response to SC-MPC1-19, CONFIDENTIALAttachment D, This assumes a discount rate ofgbased 2019-UA-116. Synapse Energy Economics, Inc. Project Review of Mississippi Power Company's Proposed CCR **MSPSC Electronic Copy ** 2019-UA-116 Filed on 09/30/2019 ** 7 Exhibit 1 Sierra Club's Comments 2019-UA-116 (Public) Figure 2. Daniel Unit Figure 3. 1 projected revenues Cumulativenet revenues for and costs under MPC Daniel Units 1 and 2 scenario MGO, 2019-2040 under MPC **MSPSC Electronic Copy ** 2019-UA-116 Filed on 09/30/2019 ** scenario MGO, 2019-2040 Exhibit 1 Sierra Club's Comments 2019-UA-116 (Public) Figure 4. Net present 4. value of total costs and energy MPC HAS NOT DEMONSTRATED A valuefor NEED FOR Units 1 and 2 from PLANT DAN1EL 2019-2040 OTHER THAN FOR TRANSMISSIONPURPOSES Daniel. Instead, for any of the energy or capacity from Plant MPC's application never discusses the need discussed Plant Daniel to meet transmission constraints. As MPC's application discusses the need for through Company could meet the transmission constraints above, MPC has acknowledged that the project. accelerated construction timeline for an alternative an capacity factors, indicating that the energy is not Plant Daniel has been operating at low and decreasing any energy or capacity needs that arose competitive and is not necessary to meet load. If MPC had storage, renewable alternatives, including solar and battery based on the retirement of Plant Daniel, could meet those needs at a much lower cost. I I **MSPSC Electronic Copy ** 2019-UA-116 Filed on 09/30/2019 ** I Exhibit 1 Sierra Club's Comments 2019-UA-116 (Public) MPC SHOULD 5. PRESENT AN UPDATED AND CORRECTED NPV ANALYSIS OF THE REQ.UIREMENTS ASSUMING A PLANT DANIEL TO COMPLY WITH ALL CCR COSTS FOR 2023 (OR EARLIER) COAL ASH POND CLOSURE DATE FOR PLANT RETIREMENT AND application or in the or retirement analysis in its CPCN MPC did not present alternative scenario acknowledged that the Company However, in discovery responses," MPC Company's proposed order. scenario that included the following: did in fact evaluate an alternative Completion of-the coal extension deadline for • retirementpond closure project by the October 2023 EPA CCR compliance. ash • (or whatever date MPC determines Retirement of Plant Daniel no later than July 2022 deadline). coal ash pond by the October 2023 necessary to complete closure of the • retirement of Plant Daniel (likely Construction of transmission alternatives prior to the July 2022). • Construction of Daniel. an LVW facility, sized and scoped based on is the early retirement of Plant MPC to perform its analysis are incorrect above, the input assumptions used by evaluate update its retirement analysis to robustly and accurately and unsupported. MPC should requirements by: 1) modeling a lower and more alternative scenarios to comply with the EPA CCR the avoided costs associated with the realistic capacity factor for Units 1 and 2; 2) removing capacity cost. The cost of this alternative scenario transmission project; and 3) removing the avoided application proposal to install the three-part CCR should then be compared with the cost of MPC's 2046. through the planned retirement dates of 2042 and project and continue operating Plant Daniel As discussed in Section 3 transmission robust evidence that: 1) the region has a most determining which transmission solution was constraint; 2) alternatives were evaluated in to accelerated the transmission solution cannot be appropriate; and 3) the Company timeline to install 2022. allow the retirement of Plant Daniel prior to July Additionally,MPC should provide transparent 6. CONCLUSIONS 1 In 2012, the M.ississippi (FGD) at Plant 32 33 and Daniel" $300 million in a flue gas desulphurization Public Service Commission approved based on MPC's claims that to.comply with EPA's Mercury and Air Toxics rule Attachment A, MPSC Docket No. 2019-UA-116 MPC response to MPUS 1-13 Supp, 2012. Commission Docket No. 2010-UA-79. April 3, Order in Mississippi Public Service **MSPSC Electronic Copy ** 2019-UA-116 Filed on 09/30/2019 ** Exhibit 1 Sierra Club's Comments 2019-UA-116 (Public) Plant Daniel was plant was a necessary baseload operating at less than 40 unit.34 however, the By the time the FGD was installed in 2016, percent capacity factor, far below baseload levels.35 undepreciated costs If the two units were to retire, portion of Plant Daniel remains undepreciated. could request approval from the Mississippi Commission. MPC would not be allowed in rate base absent considered depreciation schedule, but arguably, the FGD is not cost recovery through an accelerated operation." The remaining FGD costs could end up "used and useful" after such a short time in have not approved. Thus, it appears that MPC may stranded if the accelerated depreciation schedule is order to avoid seeking upgrades and continue operating Plant Daniel in an incentive then to install CCR depreciation schedule to continue collecting the cost approval from the Commission for an accelerated A of a minimally used FGD. is losing money and shows two key components: 1) P\ant Daniel The evidence presented in this analysis $62.5 million in alternatives to MPC's CCR proposal. If the CPCN for the 2) there are lower cost Plant knowingly be making an imprudent investment. environmental investments is approved, MPC wil\ with every kilowatt-hour that it generates, and Daniel will continue losing money for ratepayers add project. The Commission should not allow MPC to ratepayers will be saddled with the bill for the Company's request for heavy burden and should reject the a\ready ratepayers' to costs unnecessary any approval to retrofit Plant Daniel again. 34 35 36 2010-UA-79. April 3, 2012. Public Service commission Docket No. http://ampd.epa.gov/ampd/ at EPA Air Markets Database, Mississippi Power self-reported data avai\able Scheduling Supplementation of the Petition and a Revised Club's Motion to Require SO2 emission in Additionally, as discussed in the Sierra spikes recent show https://ampd.epa.gov/ampdf self-reported data from Order, page 5, Mississippi Power's scrubbers. new operating the the Company is only periodically for Plant Daniel, indicating that Order in Mississippi rates **MSPSC Electronic Copy ** 2019-UA-116 Filed on 09/30/2019 **