Izaupesmel 5333': RED FUNNEL at:ka 15m October 2019 Robert Seely MP Northwood House Ward Avenue Cowes Isle of P031 BAZ Dear Bob Re: winter Preparatiuns Thank you for your letter dated 4m October regardIng our wmter preparatIons. Durlng the wmter months, there are, of course, Increased oocurrenoes of adverse weather, all of may have an Impact on our aoIlIty to operate safely and on occasIons, It may be necessary for us to cancel or amend servIces to ensure the safe travel of our customers. OccasIonally too, mechanIcal or operatIonal Issues may also result In dIsruptIon to our servIces, although naturally we strIve to mInImIse these. However, durIng the wInter perIod In 2018/19, we operated at relIahIlIty levels of over 99% for both our Red Jet and vehIde servIces. I would lIke to reassure you that Red Funnel, as always, places the hIghest prIorIty on ensurIng our servIces run safely and to tImetahle throughout the wmter season. We have a comprehensIve maIntenanoe reglme for all our assets, ooth ashore and afloat, Includes many scheduled InspectIons, component servIcIng and certIficatIon renewals, as well as the oompletIon of hull InspectIons, vessel upgrades. We oontInually revIew our maIntenanoe regImes to ensure maxlmum relIaoIlIty and punctualIty The entIre Red Funnel team, from the support office to the termInals to onrhoard, Is relentlessly commItted to doIng everythIng we can to move passengers between the Island and the maInland as ouIckly and as safely as possIole, 355 days a year, and to keepIng our customers Informed and Involved at all stages of theIr Iourney. wIth regards to your second poInt around your concerns regardIng delayed raIl servIces, we work closely WIth Blue Star, Southern Vectls, the Cowes Floatan and the raIlway operators to ensure our tImetahles are approprIately and In the event of delays to theIr servIces, we do adjust departure tImes If at all possIhle. However, operatIonal and legal oonstraInts such as crew hours of rest and the needs of other passengers already on board makes thIs made on many oocasIons. As you note, travel on the vehIcle femes Is always possIole, although I apprecIate that thIs Is not necessanly a preferred optIon, and we always do our utmost to ensure that passengers are not further InconvenIenoed. Yours slncerel wglIl Chlef Executlve Officer a Orecycle