'llnitrd ?at?tt? EEHJIE DC 20510 October 22, 2019 Ms. Jill A. Martin Executive Vice President and Chief Compliance Counsel The Trump Organization 725 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10022 Dear Ms. Martin: We write seeking information regarding the Trump Organization's licensing agreement for Trump Towers Istanbul-Sisli. The U.S.-Turkish relationship is historically important and it is particularly sensitive at the current time. Therefore, it is critical for Congress to understand whether the President?s decisions are being in?uenced by potential ?nancial con?icts of interest. For example, President Trump recently announced a decision to precipitously withdraw U.S. troops from Northern Syria and open the door to a Turkish military offensive against Kurdish forces who have been valuable partners of the US. in the ?ght against the Islamic State. In addition, the Trump Administration has been repeatedly pressed to extradite an individual of interest to Turkey and forgo criminal prosecution of Turkish individuals and banks involved in bribery and fraud as part of evading U.S. sanctiOns on Iran. Turkey has also purchased Russian air defense technology over the strong objections of the United States. Finally, because President Erdogan is scheduled to meet with President Trump in Washington, D.C. next month, it is important for Congress to be aware of the President?s ?nancial interests that could in?uence the formation of US. policy during those discussions. As you are aware, the Trump Organization continues to earn substantial revenue in the form of royalties from a licensing agreement for Trump Towers Istanbul-Sisli that allows the owners of the property, Ortadogu Otomotive Ticaret AS, to use the ?Trump? name and mark. This revenue is then passed through to President Trump in the form of royalties paid to two Trump entities, Trump Marks Istanbul II LLC and Trump Marks Istanbul II Corporation. According to public financial disclosure forms ?led by the President, he has personally earned between $1.2 million and $7 million in royalties from entities af?liated with Trump Towers Istanbul-Sisli since becoming President. Additionally, Ivanka Trump, who serves as an adviser to the President in the White House, has listed in public ?nancial disclosures that she is a license holder in Trump Marks Istanbul LLC. In a December 2015 interview in his capacity as a presidential candidate, President Trump stated in a radio interview during a discussion on U.S.-Turkey relations: have a little con?ict of interest because I have a major, major building in Istanbul. And it?s a tremendously successful job, it?s called Towers. ..two towers, instead of one.?l Furthermore, the opening ceremony of the property in 2012 was attended by the then-Prime Minister of Turkey,'Recep Tayyip Erdogan, suggesting an interest in the property from the highest levels of the Turkish government. In June of 2016, President Erdogan stated ?[t]hey put that brand on his building and it must be swiftly taken down?, following remarks by then?candidate Donald Trump that he found offensive, highlighting the potential for adverse actions against the Trump Organization.2 We agree with the President in his assertion that the Trump Organization?s dealings in Turkey present a ?nancial conflict of interest for him and are greatly concerned this conflict may be in?uencing U.S. foreign policy toward the Erdogan government. In order to better understand the Trump Organization?s licensing agreement for Trump Towers Istanbul?Sisli, please provide answers to the following questions no later than November 12, 2019: 1. For the years 20E 7, 2018 and 2019, please provide the total doIlar value of income earned by the Trump Organization related to its licensing agreement with Ortadogu Otomotiv Ticaret AS. or any other Turkish entities that own Trump Towers Istanbul-Sisii. 2. Under what terms can Ortadogn Otomotiv Ticaret AS. or any other Turkish entities that own Trump Towers Istanbul?Sisli terminate or revoke its licensing agreement with the Organization?I 3. Has the Trump Organization or Ortadogu Otomotiv Ticaret AS. or any other Turkish entities ever sought approval ?'om the Turkish government in order to enter into a licensing agreement for Trump Towers Istanbul-Sisli, and what authority does the Turkish government have to remove the Trump name from the building or materially impact the licensing agreement? 4. Has the Trump Organization or Ortadogu Otomotiv Ticaret AS. received any communications from U.S. or Turkish government officials regarding any matter ofU.S.? Turkish relations, including but not limited to the recent Trump Administration announcement of the U.S. withdrawal and Turkish offensive into Northern Syria? Philip Bump, Their-p ?3 Decision on Syria Questions About His Business And His Presidency, WASH. POST, Oct. 2t] 3 Ned Levin, Erdogon Wants {sin-non! Towers to Lose Trionp Nome, WALL ST. June 25, 2016, i 466355322. Thank you for your attention to this important matter. Sincerely, 0M ?ail Tom Udall United States Senator Elizab th Warren Unite States Senator Tammy ekworth United ates Senator Richard Blumenthal United States Senator 4/